Dawning Skye - C.549Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.549Feb 26, 2023

549 Two Plus Two Equals..


Skye stared at Genie for a moment, then told Zazzy to head down to the courtyard. He wasn’t going to let them run away, but he wasn’t going to let Hana go overboard about the situation, either. As he flew down and landed with the group, Genie also motioned to the guards that everything was alright.

He had been informed by his brother that Skye had gotten his consent to take Mei and Rukia flying, as long as she had proper safety gear for them. Skye had met several leatherworkers during her Shaman sessions outside of the clinic, and easily found one to make alterations and additions to Zazzy’s saddle.

‘Athena’s probably gonna be pissed that I let another craftsman work on it, but desperate times and all..’ 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

The thought had haunted Skye throughout the three days it’d taken to modify the saddle. The crafter had taken the greatest care not to alter the original design as much as possible, and made sure that his work didn’t effect the functionality of the saddle in any way. Thanks to Zazzy’s size and the old man’s care, the dragon could easily carry three people now; maybe even four, if necessary.

After Bai Lei had approved of the alterations, Skye had asked him to ‘prolong’ the guards’ changeover. Mei’s father had agreed, and involved Genie in the plan without him even knowing it. Not until Hana had come rushing into his room while he was getting dressed.

She hadn’t seen anything obscene, but the fact that she’d barged into his room without notice made him feel even more irritated..

“Why is it so damn noisy this morning?! I love that dragon, but she has Got to learn volume control.. And how to tell time. Even roosters wait until sunrise to squawk..”

After he’d finished dressing, Hana told Genie about Skye taking Mei and Rukia away on Zazzy. She was trying her best to maintain herself, but Hana was obviously distraught. For some reason, she thought that Skye was taking her away to Alcon, but Genie had assured her.


Shortly before her master had flown up to cut them off, he told her that they’d most likely just gone for a ride. The way Genie had phrased it implied that he knew beforehand what they were doing. Since the guards had intentionally delayed their changeovers as well, Hana felt like everyone had known Something about the situation except for her.

Assuming that Mei had also been aware of Skye’s plan, Hana had suddenly become furious with both of them. Filled with a sense of righteous indignation; Hana turned her fury on the likely mastermind, and snapped at Skye after they’d gotten off of Zazzy..

While restraining herself from hitting the Alconian diplomat, Hana had gotten right up into Skye’s face as she yelled in Saianese; “Are you fucking crazy?! What the Hell were you Thinking?! Do you have Any idea what would’ve happened if either of them had fallen?! How-what-what-why would you Ever think it was a good idea to take a Three Year Old FLYING around on a Dragon?!”

Skye maintained her stoic expression as Hana continued to scream in her face, effectively chasing off the remaining guards that Genie hadn’t dismissed yet. He saw the storm brewing the second that they had landed, and knew that it would be best if the guards and servants didn’t witness anything.

Not understanding why Hana was so furious, Skye absentmindedly took Hana’s verbal abuse without really listening. It seemed to infuriate her more, but Skye couldn’t pull herself from her mind. Genie seemed barely bothered by their little excursion, so why was Hana freaking out so badly?

It wasn’t until Hana’s fury had peaked, and her pointed insults had devolved into pointless ones that the situation began to gain context.. 𝑓𝘳ℯ𝒆w𝘦𝘣𝙣𝘰ѵ𝘦𝚕.c𝗼𝓶

“Do not scream at my sister like that! Skye was just trying to get me out of my slump! She didn’t do anything wrong!” Mei yelled, surprising the few left within the expansive courtyard.

Genie, Skye, Mei, Hana, Kari, Klaus, Zazzy, and a shadow by the door were all that remained. Genie knew who it was, and kept his mouth shut as the incident became increasingly volatile.. ‘Maybe seeing this will help him to understand..’

Mei was one of the most soft-spoken, passive people that Skye had ever met. When they were children, she’d had a more assertive attitude, but never acted entitled or pushy, despite her social rank and enriched upbringing. The demeanor Mei had now reminded Skye of her old self..

Placing her balled-up fists on her hips, Mei snapped back at a temporarily stunned Hana; “Skye is a sweet, wonderful Friend-no, Sister, that I have had since childhood. She took Rukia and I for a ride on Zazzy! She did not try to kidnap me, or anything ridiculous like that!”

“How was I to know that?! And why would you allow Rukia to go?! You should’ve known better! That was too dangerous for her to-”

“I love you with all of my heart, Hana, but you do Not have Any authority over what I Choose to do with my daughter. I am sorry for worrying you, but Skye’s surprise was wonderful. And if I ever get the chance: I will fly with her any time that she offers...With Rukia.”

Seeing Hana’s face fall and eyes well, Mei went to stand directly in front of her, and spoke with a loving tone; “I wish to share everything with you, but I cannot tell you what I do not know myself. I do wish we could’ve waited a moment to explain, but it would not have stopped us from going.. Please do not be upset.”

Cupping Hana’s cheek, Mei added; “I do not ever want to be the cause of your tears again.. Please understand.. You are the last person I want angry with me..”

A light blush covered Hana’s face as she covered Mei’s hand on her cheek, and rubbed against it; “I am sorry as well. I was just so scared that Skye took you to protect you. I lost my rationality.. I am so sorry, my love-”

“Oh! OHHHH! OH! I get it! I get it now! Two plus two equals four! Why did ya not tell me before?!” Skye exclaimed from about a foot away from them.

Lost in each other, Hana and Mei had forgotten that they weren’t alone. Genie was used to it, being one of the very few people that they were safe to express themselves around. But Skye and the others were surprised by the sudden display of public affection.

Hana and Mei looked around, then averted their eyes as their faces turned bright red with embarrassment, and fear. Same-sex relationships weren’t allowed in Sai, and those found to be gay were persecuted by society as a whole. Even by those like them, to stay hidden and inconspicuous.

If it became known that the next official Head of the Lei family had a female lover, then their entire family would be disgraced, and crumble. Mei never thought that Skye would reveal her secret, but..

“I didn’t tell you because I thought that.. You might..”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at her; “What? Ya thought that I wouldna love ya anymore? What kinda bullshit be that?! Wait, do ya wanna sleep wit me?”

Everyone’s eyes and jaws shot open as Hana yelled indignantly; “Do you have ANY tact?!”

After a moment, Mei burst out in laughter, then answered; “No, Skye.. I’ve never wanted to sleep with you. That kind of affection is strictly for my love.”

Hana looked at Mei with slightly less wide eyes, but the blush to her cheeks signaled her true feelings as she said; “Meiii.. You are embarrassing me..”

“But tis cute,” Skye quipped.

“Aye, so cute, right?” Mei added with a brilliant smile.

“Momma! Me talk, too!” Rukia yelled as she tugged at her mother’s pant skirt, tired of everyone talking in Alconian.

Mei picked her up and squeezed her before Hana started to asked her how the ride was. Her eyes grew wide, and shimmered with excited happiness as she told her about it all. Skye smiled warmly as she watched her chosen sister..

‘Finally! So this is what makes ya happy! Well, I guess I ken what needs ta be done next.. This wee reveal might’ve already started the process for me..’

Looking over by the doorway to Mei’s quarters, Skye adjusted her eyes with her Tank trait, and fixed her eyes. As the figure shifted in the darkness, Skye got an idea in her mind..

“Say, Mei.. Sorry if tis nae me place ta ask, but if yer in love wit Hana, then why did ya marry Hang?”

Mei’s smile fell away as she passed Rukia off to Hana. The first thing she explained was how same-sex relationships were viewed, and what happened to the families of those who were acknowledged for having ‘a disgrace’. It was similar to what happened in Alcon, but there were actual laws stating that such relationships were illegal.

Sai had no laws forbidding it, but society prosecuted people in place of them. The next thing was their family’s insistence. If not for Mei’s Great Aunt and Hang’s continued offer: Mei would’ve joined the Priesthood. Her father was in the process of securing her place when the Zhao family told multiple branches of the Lei family about their pending offer.

“After my Great Aunt found out, there was no turning back. My Father may be the Head of our family, but my Aunt holds significant sway with my relatives. Enough of them pressured my Father on her behalf, and I lost all chances of leading a peaceful life.”

Skye tilted her head quizzically; “Wait, how could you and Hana have been together if you became a priestess?”

“Because the temple doesn’t care if their priestesses have relations amongst themselves, or with other women: so long as they remain virgins,” Hang replied as he stepped out from the darkness of the doorway.

Mei took a step closer to Hana as Hang locked his tired eyes on her, and said in a strained voice; “I think it’s time that we all had a discussion..”

“About what?” Genie asked as he eyed Hang suspiciously.

Hang kept his sights on his wife as he replied; “About this fucked-up situation we’re all stuck in, and how we can make sure that Rukia is raised right..”

