Dawning Skye - C.550Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.550Feb 26, 2023

550 A Family Either Way

Hang had gotten up, and had been on his way to Mei’s quarters before Zazzy had awakened the city. He wanted to catch her right when she and Rukia had woken up, and talk with her about a number of things; but mostly them. As soon as he’d seen the chaos near his wife’s quarters, however, Hang knew that Skye was most likely already there.

The thought annoyed him, but Hang was willing to be patient.. Until he learned why everyone was in such a panic. He could hear Hana yelling something about them ‘running off to Alcon’, which didn’t register at first. Not until he realized that there was no sign of his wife and daughter.

Mei’s night clothes were on the floor near her laundry bin, a sign that she was awake and dressed. Hang prayed that they were just outside in the courtyard, but when he peaked, all he saw was a distraught Hana barking orders at guards and ninjas. When she started to walk back towards the entrance, instead of asking her what was going on: Hang hid like a child.

When she’d returned shortly with Genie and another, larger group of guards, Hang thought that Hana was going to try and arrest Skye. He smiled slightly as the idea of seeing that stubborn woman dragged off, and out of his life. But the grin was short-lived..

As soon as Hang had seen his daughter on the back of Zazzy, his blood had begun to boil within his veins. It was beyond dangerous to have a three year old riding around on a dragon, and no one had bothered to ask him about it, either. Only when he’d heard Mei say that Skye had surprised her, did his anger abate enough for him to think clearly..

‘WHY has that woman not been declared clinically insane yet?! I should have her arrested for kidnapping! ...If she wasn’t a diplomat for Alcon, she’d be in cuffs right Now! Arg, I need to calm down.. Skye is crazy, but she’s also highly intelligent. When I take that into account for the situation..’

‘The chances of people personally identifying Mei are slim.. But seeing a woman and her child accompanying Skye atop of her dragon will definitely get people asking who it was.. With the rumors about Zazzy favoring Mei and Rukia already thoroughly spread throughout the city, most will likely assume it was them, even before hearing confirmation..’

‘When Genie’s guards confirm that it was them riding with Skye, few will continue to doubt Senator Lei for choosing his daughter as the next head of their family. Not even Mei’s aunt will be able to complain.. I have to wonder if she planned all of this with that in mind..’

After taking a calming breath and collecting himself, Hang walked out to join the conversation..


Hearing Skye’s na?ve question, Hang answered; “Because the temple doesn’t care if their priestesses have relations amongst themselves, or with other women: so long as they remain virgins..”

Mei took a step closer to Hana as Hang locked his tired eyes on her, and said in a strained voice; “I think it’s time that we all had a discussion..”

“About what?” Genie asked as he eyed Hang suspiciously.

Hang kept his sights on his wife as he stood before them, and replied; “About this fucked-up situation we’re all stuck in, and how we can make sure that Rukia is raised right..”

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” Hana asked with hostility in her tone.

Hang flashed her a flat expression; “I want to make sure she understands that whether we care for each other or not: she is loved by us all. And nothing that happens between Mei and I is her fault in any way.”

Hana nodded, a bit flustered. Mei placed a sympathetic hand on her shoulder, and lightly chided Hang; “You understand well that what you said could mean something horribly different.”

Hang nodded; “I am aware. I wanted to see how you two will react to such comments. People will know whether you want them to or not. I’m sure the people we want to have the least knowledge of us already know, and can use it against you two if you can’t manage your emotions. Especially with the quick rise Mei is experiencing. She will definitely become a more pertinent target to Tokuga now.”

“Why is that?” Mei asked with a slight elevation in her voice.

“Because out of all of the people of Sai: Zazzy favors you and Rukia,” Genie interjected; “Tokuga will take personal offense that he wasn’t chosen, due to his family’s lineage, and the fact that you are Bai Lei’s daughter doubles the threat that you pose.”

Mei’s eyes grew as her Uncle spoke; “But it’s only because I am sisters with Skye! Otherwise Zazzy would not even know us!”

Genie shrugged as he shook his head; “The reason does not matter, dear Niece. Zazzy favors you, therefore your family..”

“Oops.. I didna think of the target bit. Just that Mei would have enough standin’ ta be considered equal ta Hangy,” Skye muttered as she stared at the ground, lost in her thoughts.

“Hangy?!” Hang asked briskly, but was ignored.

As Hana and Mei stared at Skye in shock, an annoyed Hang spoke as he crossed his arms; “I figured that you had multiple reasons to take Mei and my daughter out for a ride.”

Mei’s expression was frozen as Hana snapped at her a bit; “You Knew Mei would become a target?!”

Skye put her arms up in a defensive manner; “Na! I swear I didna think of how Tokuga would react! And why does it matter, anyway? Tis not like he can get ta her, especially wit me, Tidas, and Zazzy here. Plus there’s you, and Genie’s ninjas-”

“There are quite a few Shinobi that support the idea of the empire being reinstated. If Zazzy had shown even an inkling of positive interest in Tokuga, then they would’ve definitively decided which side to support right then,” Genie stated, cutting Skye off.

As she flashed him a surly expression, another voice called out from the doorway to Mei’s quarters; “If they support the idea of an empire, then why haven’t they sided with the Senator already?”

“Tidas! Good mornin’, Love! Whatcha doin’ here? I thought you were sleepin’ in?” Skye yelled with a bright smile.

As he came to stand next to his wife, Tidas replied; “How can I sleep when Zazzy roared loud enough for it to reach Alcon? I should’ve known that you were up to some kind of shenanigans, waking up so early. You know, when I told Peggy that you were up and gone already, I thought she might faint from shock.”

“...Oh, yer hilarious,” Skye replied with an unamused expression.

“Okay you two: back on point, here,” Genie said before launch into an explanation of his original question; “The simple answer is that their loyalties are divided, but not specifically between the new and old governments. It’s about their individual family’s lineages, and upholding the honor of their ancestors’ pledges..”

“Most of the nobility and upper classes were pledged to the Tokuga for centuries. When the rebellion happened, most had still fought for the Tokuga. If he gains enough power, they may respond to his call to arms.. At least that’s what he Thinks would happen.”

Skye smirked; “But their loyalty had been Earned by someone else, yeah?”

Genie grinned mischievously; “Let’s just say that only those I trust pass my training.”

Tidas watched the two for a moment before asking; “What about non-Shinobi? How many loyalists are there?”

Genie paused a moment; “I’d say around thirty percent of the capital’s population are loyalists, but another thirty or so could be swayed to his side with the right inspiration. Which is why it’s so important that Tokuga never get ahold of Zazzy.”

“And that’s why I’m a threat to him now? Because those thirty percent can be swayed to my Father’s side by Zazzy liking me?” Mei asked, her face slightly paled by the realization.

Turning to look at Zazzy, Genie said; “She’s far more important than a simple mascot, but yes. Because of your connection to the Last Dragon, you Are a target now..”

“But you don’t have to be if you don’t want to. I can convince your father to hand the title to me, in name only. I will still follow all of your orders pertaining to your family, but if we do it this way: you and Rukia can stay safe,” Hang said with a touch of worry to his voice.

Mei sighed as she looked down at the ground for a minute, then looked back up at him; “What if I want the title? Will you still support me?”

Hang’s eyes went wide with surprise for a moment, then he glanced over at Skye; “Did you talk her into this?”

“I talked myself into it,” Mei cut in before Skye could make a snarky reply; “I am scared, but I also do not wish to be locked away behind walls anymore. I do not want Rukia to think I am a coward, or that I am selfish-I don’t want to be.. I can’t tell others about my true feelings, but I can help make our world a place where Rukia will never have to hide..”

A look of irritation covered Hang’s face, but Mei continued speaking before he could get a word in; “I don’t mean to say that she will love..unconventionally, like I do, but she’s such a smart girl, Hang. And whether she loves a man or woman: I want her to have her own life-make her own choices. As it stands now: she will become a bargaining chip for our families when she’s old enough to be betrothed..”

Mustering up a look of determination that Hang had never seen before, Mei added; “I will Not let that happen to our daughter.. I Will fight, if I have to. I may not be very strong, but I was taught how to defend myself by the world’s greatest assassin. If someone tries to come after our daughter-”

“They’ll have a small army ta deal wit, first! Led by a bear-momma!” Skye chimed in, bringing a smile to most of their faces.

“And what do we do about us?” Hang asked, although he already knew the answer..

Mei stared at him like she hadn’t seen him in years. His eyes had dark circles under them, and he’d lost weight since the night of the banquet. Her heart felt heavy, but Mei imagined the pain that Hang must’ve been feeling..

“I’m sorry, Hang, but my heart will always belong to Hana. I love you for giving me the most precious thing in my life, but I can never be In love with you..” 𝒇𝘳𝐞𝚎𝓌𝑒𝑏𝒏𝑜𝙫ℯl.c𝚘𝒎

A few moments of quiet passed between the group before Hang replied; “I will always love you, Mei.. Not just as the Mother of my child, but as...my friend. I know that this will sound strange, but may we continue to be married? At least this way, I can still protect you and Rukia. We may be a false family, but we-”

“What do ya mean by that? Yer not a false family if there’s love ta be shared. Family doesna end wit blood, Hang, nor a piece of paper. Tis the bond that matters. All the rest are trifles.. If ya wanna be a family, then be one. What else matters?” 𝘧𝑟𝘦𝒆w𝚎𝙗nov𝘦𝗹.𝐜o𝓶

Hang, Mei, and Hana all exchanged looks, then lightly smiled. It would be awkward, and there would be many problems to work out along the way. As long as they worked it all out together: their family would be fine.

Like it had sensed that the crisis had passed, Skye’s stomach grumbled loudly. As a light flush colored her cheeks, Skye stated; “I think tis time fer some food!”

As they all chatted and began to head inside, Mei and Hana held hands while Hang walked over to get Rukia. Seeing them being affectionate for the first time, Tidas asked; “Why are those two holding hands? What did I miss?”

