Dawning Skye - C.551Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.551Feb 26, 2023

551 Dessert(Part One)


It had been a week since Skye started taking Mei and Rukia for morning rides, and their situation had improved greatly. Hang had finally accepted Hana and Mei’s relationship, and had been taking Rukia before dinner time to give them some time to themselves. His bond with his daughter had improved significantly, and Mei had returned to her happier self.

Skye smiled brightly as she waved the four off after their morning flight. Hang and Hana listened with wide grins as Rukia excitedly explained what they had seen that morning. Mei and Hana sat side by side as they listened to the child’s disorganized tale. It was a sweet parting scene as Skye and Zazzy took to the skies, and headed for the clinic.

After Skye had quickly finished her Shaman duties, she was pleasantly surprised to see her husband waiting for her when she went to leave. Beaming at him as she walked over, Skye asked after giving him a kiss; “Whatcha doin’ here, love? Did ya miss me?”

Tidas smiled as he locked her in his arms and replied; “Actually, that’s exactly why I’ve come here. Do you have plans for lunch?”

“Just ta eat a lot. Why? Would ya like ta dine wit me?” Skye asked as she leaned into him, not caring about the looks they were receiving due to their public display of affection.

“I would,” Tidas leaned in and whispered into her ear as he added; “Then we can return to our room for dessert..”

A sultry expression covered Skye’s face; “Oh really? Well, how can I say no when ya offer me my favorite treat?”

Tidas smiled a smile that made Skye’s heart pound in her chest. As he took her hand and began leading her to an unknown place, she wondered if Tidas would always incite a flurry within her.. ‘I dinna think me heart’ll last..’


It took around twenty minutes to walk to where Tidas wanted to eat. It was a tiny building that did not look like it was a business at all, not until they went inside..

The top floor was mainly for a bar, and to check in diners. As soon as the hostess wrote down their names and accepted their payment; she led them down a stairway located at the back of the room. Skye found it strange that Tidas had paid before they’d even picked out their food, but she understood as soon as they reached the second floor.

Three of the four walls were lined with booths, then two rows of tables and chairs spaced evenly apart encircled the room in a similar pattern. The dark, hardwood floors matched the tables and the chairs, minus the deep read cushions attached to them. The cushions matched the windowless walls, which had massive paintings in their places.

The restaurant wasn’t overly fancy, but was ornate enough to make Skye happy that she’d worn a nice shirt with her pants that day. But the part that had gotten Skye’s attention the most were the long tables in the middle of the room..

“This place is called Zenshi’s Buffet House. Some of Genie’s guards told me about it when I asked for suggestions,” Tidas said as he smiled at his nearly-drooling wife; “I was specifically asking about places that serve large portions, since I knew we’d be eating after your Shaman-”

“Woo-hoo! This is amazin’, love! Let’s eat!” Skye happily exclaimed before walking over to the beginning table with plates.

Tidas smiled at the slightly-shocked hostess, and tipped her after asking which table they would be seated at. Doubly shocked by the gold coin given to her, the hostess quickly showed him their private booth, then wrote down their drinks before rushing off to get them. Since he had paid for their unlimited service, they could eat or drink however much they wanted.

Since they were mages, the price was incredibly high, but worth it to see Skye running around how she was..

Tidas grinned as he watched his overly-excited wife pop from one table to the next. They had arrived with minimal people there, so she had free reign over the buffet tables at that moment. Seafood that she’d never seen, beef and chicken dishes that she’d never heard of before: Skye wanted to try everything.

Carrying two plates piled high with food for herself, Skye met Tidas at their table before he went to get his plate..

“You were so excited that you forgot to wait for the hostess to seat us first. And take our drink orders. I ordered you a cold tea. I hope that’s okay,” Tidas said in a playful, chiding manner.

As Skye’s cheeks lightly flushed, she muttered; “Sorry.. Ima hungry..”

Tidas laughed softly; “I ken. That’s why I didn’t say anything and waited for you. This is my treat for you, so don’t worry.”

Skye beamed before kissing her husband’s cheek, then replied; “And I plan ta thank you properly.. By providin’ an equally thoughtful dessert.”

Tidas’ grin widened; “I look forward to you showing me your...culinary skills, dear wife.”

Skye chuckled as Tidas walked off to get his own food. When the hostess returned with their drinks, Skye apologized for her behavior. She looked almost mortified to have the Guardian of the Last Dragon apologizing to her, but Skye had insisted.

After the young woman went back to tending to the other customers, Skye closed the partition to their booth, and dug into her food like she was starving. She was extremely happy that Tidas had gotten them a private booth. The way that she ate when this hungry was not considered ladylike at all, and if any of the senators saw her, they would likely mock her; at the least.

When Tidas opened the partition, Skye had a massive mouthful of food. She reminded Tidas of a chipmunk getting ready for winter, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Skye frowned at him, but shrugged it off and continued to devour her meal.

Once she’d finished her first round and gotten another, Skye looked at her husband with a creased brow; “Was it really necessary ta laugh before?”

“I’m sorry, love, but you looked so,” Tidas couldn’t finish his sentence due to containing his laughter.

“Save yer self and add the word cute,” Skye stated in a surly tone.

Getting himself under control, Tidas replied;”Of course you’re cute.. I’m sorry if my laughter was offensive, it wasn’t meant to be.”

Skye huffed; “Well when ya put it like that..Nice save, husband.”

“Thank you,” Tidas replied with a cheeky grin.

The two bantered back and forth through their entire meal. Playfully picking at each other, then overly apologizing with promises of ‘making it up to each other’ later. All of their angst building up for when they returned to their quarters..

The food was basic fare, but some of the most delicious food they’d had since coming to Sai. There were many fish dishes that Skye just couldn’t bring herself to try, but she’d gotten a little bit from most of the others, as well as some from the chicken and beef dishes. The dishes weren’t made to be visibly appealing, but their tastes were beyond what the two had anticipated as Skye went back for plate number five.

Sai was known for having rich foods, and the vegetable dishes were beyond what Skye had expected. Many in Sai didn’t eat meat, so their vegetable and fruit dishes were vast. They even had something called tofu, which Skye had heard of, but had never tried before. 𝙛𝔯𝒆e𝔀e𝗯𝓷𝗼𝘃e𝚕.𝒄𝗼𝗺

Even though the dish they’d tried had had a mellow flavor to it, Tidas didn’t like it. Skye thought that it was a unique flavor, and would pair well with other things, but Tidas never wanted to eat it again. As they happily discussed their food, ate, drank, and flirted; the hours of the day ticked by..


The castle seemed empty as Skye and Tidas arrived back at Genie’s. Only the two guards at the gates, and the two guards at the doors were seen on their way back to their quarters. Klaus, Kari, Ralph, and Ronnie were having a special training lesson with Genie, and Peggy was off helping out the castle staff reorganize their kitchen, and trade recipes.

As he shut the door to their room, Tidas turned and looked at his wife with a quizzical expression; “So what exactly is it that you plan to do with me?”

Smiling like a cat stalking it’s favorite prey, Skye replied as she went up to him; “Nothin’ ya won’t mind..”

Tidas grinned as his wife wrapped her arms around his neck, then leaned in for a sweet kiss. Her lips were unbelievably soft, and tasted like her sweet tea as she pressed her tempting body against him. As their need for each other began to grow, Skye removed her arms, and began to undo her husband’s belt.

Tidas tried to follow suit by unbuttoning her shirt buttons, but Skye grabbed and lowered his hand..

“You handled the meal, now let me serve you desert,” came her reply as she pulled the belt from his pants.

Tugging his shirt out of his pants line, Skye unbuttoned it, then slowly slid her hands up her husband’s broad chest. When she came to the patch of fuzz on it, she ran her fingers through it, then went up towards his neck. The feel of her touch sent ripples through him, turning his grown need into full-blown lust.

Sensing his shift in mood, Skye stopped one hand from going up, and began to trail it downwards as she cupped his cheek. His body tensed all over, and a bulge began to grow right as she placed her hand on the lining of his pants. While looking into each other’s eyes, Skye asked; “Do I have yer permission?”

“To do what, exactly?” Tidas questioned through gritted teeth.

“Mmm.. Make ya feel good,” came her reply as she cupped his bulge. 𝘧r𝗲𝑒𝔀𝘦𝙗𝓃oν𝑒l.𝐜𝗼m

With a sharp intake of air, Tidas muttered; “It’s already unbearable for me not to be inside of you..”

Skye smiled at him as her hand undid his pants; “I guess I’ll just have ta give you a wee bit of relief, then..”

Before Tidas could form a coherent word, Skye had pulled his pants down. His manhood sprung up the moment it had been released, only to be captured by his wife’s nimble hand. Unable to hold it back, Tidas let out an animalistic groan as she massaged the lining under his head.

“Do ya like this? Or is This better?” Skye asked as she started to run her hand down his full length.

Tidas’ whole body shuddered as his wife removed her other hand from his cheek, and began to massage his sack in time with her strokes. Within minutes, Tidas’ knees were ready to give out on him. Feeling him trembling beneath her touch, Skye knew that now was the time..

Walking him over to their bed, Skye immediately undressed, then got down on her knees. Taking his manhood into her hand, Skye looked up at her husband’s amused face, and spoke before taking it into her mouth; “Yer desert is served, husband..”

