Dawning Skye - C.553Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.553Feb 26, 2023

553 The Golden Merchant Of Death

Chen Tokuga was pacing inside of his foyer as he waited for the Alconian diplomats to arrive. Their entrance into the city had been bad enough.. Now, his problems had grown tenfold with the Alconian Princess flying around with Senator Lei’s daughter and granddaughter.

Since Mei and her daughter were favored by the dragon, the commoners had begun to say that Senator Lei was wise for choosing her to become the next head of their family..

“The nerve of that man! A woman! The acting Head of a prominent family?! What was Bai Lei thinking?!”

Pacing back and forth with greater speed, Senator Tokuga blustered to his gathered supporters; “We Must convince the Alconians that the future of Sai is best left to My care and judgment. That I was meant to be it’s rightful ruler.”

A senator stepped forward; “If they have any sense, then they will realize that you were born to be our ruler, my Lord.”

“No one is better suited, my Lord,” another called out from closer to the back.

“I am sure that once they see the difference in class between you and Senator Lei: the Alconians will know who the rightful ruler is,” an older senator commented.

“I doubt that Skye and Tidas will be swayed with fancy food and expensive dinnerware,” Richard Yaris stated as he stepped to the front of the gathered senators; “I know that it’s hard to remember, but they are royalty themselves..”

Staring at the merchant with growing impatience, Chen said in a testy tone; “So what do you suggest? I refuse to pander to-” f𝚛e𝗲𝔀e𝚋𝑛o𝘃𝒆𝗹.c𝗼𝒎


“Skye Moonstone is the daughter of one of the richest men on the continent, and Tidas MacArthur has more battle accommodations than his Great, Great-something Grandfather. If you wish to win them over: it’s best to use the carrot, not the stick, so to speak. You must seem like you truly wish to solve Sai’s problems, not just your own.”

The Senators all scoffed and belittled Yaris for his impudent behavior towards ‘their future emperor’, but Senator Tokuga found his honesty refreshing. Almost everyone around him were a dime-a-dozen, ‘yes’ men with no real opinion of their own. So it was a mostly welcomed change of pace.

“Richard, what do you know of those two?” Tokuga inquired, hushing the others.

Yaris sighed; “Not much more than what I’ve already told you. They’ve known each other practically their entire lives, and happily married just over three years ago. Princess Skye is a General in the RMC due to winning the Mage Trials two years ago, and you know most Prince Tidas’ titles already. You may not know-”

“A woman Won Alcon’s Mage Trials?!” the older Senator from before exclaimed.

“Yes, now don’t interrupt,” Richard snipped before continuing; “What you may not know is that Skye Moonstone is also a Warrick..”

Gasps and worried murmurs quickly began to fill the room until Senator Tokuga spoke; “Quiet down, all of you! Yaris! What do you mean that she’s a Warrick?! All of the Warricks died out a long time ago!”

“Almost all of them.. Skye’s mother was Sorcha Warrick, the unrequited love of King Magnus. That’s why he favors her so much, and why he lets her get away with indecent behavior,” Yaris motioned to a servant, and gotten a glass of wine as he’d spoke.

“How do you know this?” Tokuga asked.

Yaris shrugged; “It came to light after she and Prince Tidas returned from the Highlands. The Highlanders already acknowledge her as the rightful heir to Alcon’s throne. I’d even heard a rumor that the Highlander King tried to pass his crown to her.”

“Impossible! What man in his right mind would give up his rule?!”

“Even Barbarians like them wouldn’t-”

“Actually gentlemen,” Richard paused to sip his wine; “The Highlanders are more advanced that any of us. I believe the only ones to be superior to them, technology-wise, would be the Fire Nation. As least that’s according to the reports filed by the Prince and Princess themselves.”

The older Senator from before stepped forward; “And how would a simple merchant such as you, know this?”

“Well,” Yaris smirked; “I do have the next King’s ear, and he trusts me enough to be the mediator between our two kingdoms. He told me a bit about the situation, then I took it upon myself to...further my education on the matter.”

“What do you mean?” Tokuga asked with ever-shrinking patience.

Yaris’ grin stretched and he added; “Let’s just say that a little kindness, and a little tenderness goes a long way with the female servants inside the palace.. I held and read the original report handed in by Prince Tidas himself. So I know everything that the current king knows, plus some..”

“Prince Marco is wise to have chosen you for this task. Have the weapons been distributed yet?” Senator Tokuga asked with a dark smile.

Yaris took another sip of his wine before replying; “I delivered the crates to your designated safe houses last night, my Lord. As per your instructions. Although it was not easy to get rid of the Princess’ tail. That Bowers fellow is quite persistent.”

Tokuga grimaced; “Did he know what you were up to?!”

Richard lightly chuckled; “Oh, I’m sure that he has some idea, thanks to Skye. But there’s no way that they know for sure. I did not earn my title lightly, my Lord.. My reputation my proceed me, but that reputation is well deserved.”

Chen smiled at Richard; “I have no doubt that you will deliver, sir, but I do not doubt that you will serve yourself before me. I better not find out that you are playing both sides due to your need to preserve your relationship with Lucas Moonstone.”

“My dear Senator: Lucas Moonstone is the past.. In my future king’s kingdom, there is only room for One top merchant. And that position is promised to me..”

“Heed my words, Gentlemen!” Yaris yelled with his arms flourished; “Prince Marco is thrilled with the idea of establishing a solid relationship with the Rightful Ruler of Sai! And plans to fully support Emperor Tokuga after he has established his throne!”

“Excellent, Mr. Yaris! I look forward to your king’s assistance,” Tokuga replied with a smile.

The elderly from earlier, Senator Dandan, stepped forward with a scowl; “What about now? When we need the aid? I thought that was the purpose of him sending the diplomats? To side with us?! Instead, they’re only aiding Bai Lei!”

Richard shrugged; “My King did not send them, nor did he request Jin Laos as Sai’s diplomat.. Care to explain that oversight?” 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲l.com

Senator Dandan was about to snap at the Alconian merchant when Tokuga stopped him; “Calm yourself, Bohai. Richard has a point. We knew of Jin Laos’ connection to the Moonstone family, and we failed to stop him from becoming the secondary representative. We underestimated Bai Lei.”

“Did you?” Yaris started; “I don’t think that it’s Senator Lei that you’re underestimating, but Jin Laos. He seems to be the connection between the Lei family and the Princess. You are aware that he was her tutor and mentor when she was a child, correct?”

“We are aware,” Senator Dandan replied with a sour expression.

Yaris remained seemingly confident as he continued; “Then doesn’t it make more sense to sever the tie between them, versus going after Bai Lei’s family? Which would most definitely be traced back to you all By Jin Laos? I’m just saying that he seems to be the backbone to Senator Lei’s support as a figurehead.”

Senator Tokuga contemplated Yaris’ words as he listened to his supporters. Jin Laos, affectionately known as ‘Genie’ to the Alconians, had been a thorn in his side for well over a decade now. Every time he had tried to rally funds for mercenaries, or try to instigate an insurrection: Jin Laos always appeared to ruin his plans..

‘I don’t know how Laos always finds out, but this is a multi-kingdom plan that’s happening regardless.. By the time he learns how far my reach goes, it’ll be too late for him, and the Lei family.. These diplomats can do Nothing to change that now.. They’ve already lost their home..’

As a dark smile stretched across his face, Chen thought about the message he had received late last night..

‘Prince Marco has secured his throne.. All that’s left is to keep Prince Tidas and Princess Skye occupied until he can secure his kingdom.. Then, I shall see if his promise of an ‘invincible army’ to aid me is true..’

The roads and river leading into Sai from Alcon were completely locked down, and only those that hadn’t come from the capital or Dragonhorn were allowed to cross the boarder. Marco had taken every precaution to make sure that Skye and Tidas knew nothing about what was happening at home until it was too late...

“My Lord! The watch have spotted something in the sky, heading this way. We believe it is the Last Dragon,” a servant rattled out nervously after stopping before him, and bowing deeply.

Tokuga looked down at his servant with apathy as he replied; “I assumed that they would arrive that way. Show the two diplomats to my parlor-”

“Pardon me, My Lord, but it is not just the Alconian Prince and Princess.. Jin Laos and several guards are accompanying them in the air. They will be here within the next few minutes. What would you like us to do?”

Tokuga frowned at his servant as he yelled; “The next few minute?! Why was I not notified of their approach sooner?!”

The man shriveled at the sharp sound of his lord’s angry words; “I-I-I’m s-so sorry, My Lord! The guards are at fault, not me! I swear that I kept my eyes peeled! Like I was ordered to! Please don’t cut down my rations, sir! Please! My son’s health is poor! He needs the nourishm-”

“That is Not my problem! You were the one that wanted a family! You have, what? Three children? Four? So what if one dies? You have another boy, so why would it matter?” Tokuga replied with a stony stare that was void of any compassion.

The servant kept his eyes on the ground; “Please, My Lord! Have mercy! He is too sick to travel into town and see a doctor! He is my oldest, and my other three children are not old enough to work yet! He helps me to support our family!”

Chen scoffed; “Well, you should know better than to live beyond your means. If you need more money: get another job! I am not a charity! And you Will pay for your mistakes! Now, I must go greet them properly, since it isn’t just the two of them.. I did Not give them permission to bring others...This throws my plans off..”

As Tokuga walked away from the cowering servant with his supporters in tow, Richard Yaris paused to whisper; “I hear the Princess is quite the talented Shaman.. Maybe she’ll help you if you help her?”

Keeping his eyes on the ground, the servant replied as he got to his feet; “I have no money to pay, my lord.”

Yaris smirked, then quietly added before walking away; “Valuable things are not always presented as money...Sometimes, it can be information. Just food for your thoughts..”

