Dawning Skye - C.555Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.555Feb 26, 2023

555 An Offer(Part Two)

Tidas had been chatting with Senator Tokuga about the castle and his family since they’d started walking towards the dining hall. Apparently, the main section of the building had been built around the same time as the capital, and was one of the oldest buildings in Sai. There were a few others that dated back just as far, but according to the Senator; most had been gutted and rebuilt past their original designs.

It didn’t surprise Tidas that Chen Tokuga had general knowledge of the capital, but him knowing such extensive details like the ages of the buildings took him aback a moment. It was rare that a political figure knew their ‘home area’ to such an extent. As he continued to listen to Senator Tokuga, Tidas got a better understanding of his capabilities..

After he directed Ralph, Klaus, and the other two where to sit, Tidas started to inquire about the Tokuga’s history with dragons. He’d hoped that Skye had been paying attention, but she seemed slightly distracted. Knowing he needed her opinions later, Tidas verbally ushered Tokuga towards displaying his family’s pride..

After they were seated, Tidas waited for the Senator to pause in his explanation before saying; “That’s very fascinating, Senator Tokuga. But where did your family house your dragons? I saw no outlying structures as we approached.”

Tokuga grinned; “My family kept our dragons protected, Prince Tidas.. Many hated the power we wielded through them, as I’m sure you’ve experienced yourself. Our dragons were housed underneath the castle, where our training grounds are.”

Tidas nodded with a small smile; “That is quite ingenious, Senator. I applaud your ancestors for taking proper precautions to protect their family.”

“Yes, well,” Tokuga grinned cockily at the Prince’s compliment; “The dragons were a vital asset to my family’s rule. It’s only sensible to safeguard such things. It is truly a shame that they didn’t enforce breeding policies until it was too late.. Without them, my family lost our rightful control over the kingdom, and here we are..”

The look of disdain on Chen Tokuga’s face made Genie’s blood boil.. ‘Thank the universe for seeing fit to end their Barbarism..’

As the thought crossed Genie’s mind, Tidas frowned at Tokuga; “My condolences, Senator. I cannot imagine how distraught I would be to have my royal status revoked.. It’s a dishonor too great to allow.”


Tokuga eyed the Alconian Prince with suspicion as he commented; “It was before my time, but my Grandfather told me stories up until he passed. I know everything there is to know about this place, and the former palace. Would you like a tour after dinner? We cannot go to the palace, but I can still show you around my home.”

Tidas genuinely grinned; “The invitation is greatly welcomed, Senator. You have a beautiful home, though I have a particular wish to see a specific place..”

Tokuga smiled right back as he replied; “After dinner, I’d be happy to show it to you. My family’s old training grounds for our dragons has been perfectly preserved and maintained throughout the generations. There’s a few things I’d like to show you there as well..”

Tidas nodded as he noticed Skye finally paying attention to their conversation; “I look forward to it.”

With the appetizers done, the main courses were trotted out for the guests to choose from. The first round of platters had duck, goose, and chicken all ornately cut, and glazed in different flavors. The orange glazed chicken and the spicy, yet tangy goose were praised the most by everyone that tasted them.

The next to be served were mixed dishes. Some were fish, some had lobster or crab meat mixed in, and a few even had octopus. The vegetables ranged from single to mixed, and cooked to uncooked as well. On top of it all, rice and several kinds of noodles were offered alongside each dish.

Skye and Tidas didn’t bat an eye at the spread offered, but Genie had been surprised by Tokuga’s generosity. He usually did everything he could to save money, but he’d gone all-out for tonight; including hiring extra servants for the evening.. ‘It must be incredibly important to Tokuga to get Tidas and Skye on his side.. Too bad for him that they can’t be bought..’

Genie kept his face straight as he watched Tidas being friendly with the Senators. More had joined in on their conversation, seeing Tidas as easier one to get along with. Skye sat quietly eating as she listened to the various discussions around her, but the one she was most interested in was the one her husband was having.

Tokuga was explaining that his family originally bred dragons, and even had a nursery room where eggs were monitored while incubating. When Tidas asked why their dragons had died off with all of the others, a dark expression clouded his features before answering the Prince..

“We don’t know why: the dragons just stopped producing eggs one day. My ancestors did various experiments to try and figure out why, but nothing came about it. They even tried to artificially create one, but nothing came from that, either..”

“After we lost our dragons, the populace rose up against us during a time of drought. The legends say that it was caused by a curse brought on by our family, but it’s all nonsense. They had no right to strip my family of our birthright-”

“Do not omit facts just to get the Alconian Prince to empathize with you, Chen,” Genie cut in with a stern voice; “The drought, and subsequent famines were all caused by Your family building a private reservoir on the only water source that flows through Sai.”

Genie turned to Tidas; “When they built the reservoir, it cut the water supply to the majority of the kingdom by one-third. The farmlands that couldn’t afford the outrageous prices charged by the royal family shriveled and died. Food shortages spread just like the rampant wildfires did, and people murdered each other in the streets for basic needs..”

“It was made even worse when the last Emperor passed a no hunting law, and hung violators: regardless of age. THAT is what made the people turn against the Tokuga Empire.”

By the end of Genie’s explanation, Chen Tokuga was barely concealing his anger. He wanted to have the arrogant man beaten, then thrown into the dungeons, but Chen knew that he had to wait.. ‘Once I have everything in place, the first thing I’m going to order is the elimination of that man..’

As the dark thought crossed his mind, Tokuga took assurance from it, then said; “I did not think that discussing such gory details was appropriate for during a meal, Lord Laos.”

“Do not call me that. I am Mr. Laos. I am not a Lord, and will never accept the title, nor the responsibilities that accompany it,” Genie replied irritability.

Tokuga looked ready to scream when Skye’s voice could be heard carrying over the rest of the room. She’d finished eating, and was talking with two Senators that Tokuga had invited. They’d only been on his side for a year or so, and he still didn’t completely trust them.

Senator Qin and Senator Kai were young, and newly appointed heads to their families. Their fathers had originally opposed him in the past, but their sons seemed to have more sense.. ‘I suppose the sudden demise of their fathers made them realize that the path of least resistance is the best choice. Now, if I could only get Bai Lei or his daughter alone..’

As the dark thought crossed his mind, everyone around Senator Tokuga mildly enjoyed themselves. Skye was trying her best to leave a good impression on the two young Senators, but their overpaising was being to annoy her. When she’d finally had enough, Skye turned to the two and asked; “What exactly is it about me that you two find so admirable? So far you’ve merely listed my duties.”

The two looked surprised before Senator Qin answered; “But you do far more than your titles deem you to do-”

“Like helping out at that clinic,” Senator Kai added.

“I have a Shaman trait, so tis me duty ta help,” Skye replied in Alconian, curious if they knew it or not.

The two Senators grinned as they replied in turns, in Alconian; “But you never ask to be compensated.”

“And it’s said that those who insist are directed to donate to charities instead.”

With a nod of acknowledgment for them, Skye replied; “I have all that I need, and more. A person hoarding wealth is nae different from what Tokuga’s family did by building that reservoir all those decades ago. There’s only so much ta go around, so why keep it all if ya dinna need it? That’s my thinkin’, anyway.”

The two Senators were only a year or two younger than Skye, but she had wisdom far beyond her age. They smiled as Senator Qin said; “It is now obvious why the Last Dragon chose you as it’s guardian.”

Skye beamed as she thanked them, which brought a tiny tint of pink to their cheeks. Even in her armor, the Alconian Princess was utterly beautiful, and her smile sent a wave of enchantment rushing over them. As they grinned like children that had just been given sweets, Genie smirked before digging in to his food..


After the meal had been finished and dessert requests given, Senator Tokuga prepared to take the Prince and Princess on a tour of his family’s castle. Only one other Senator and Richard Yaris were allowed to accompany Chen. While Ralph and Klaus were elected to go with Skye and Tidas.

Genie had practically thrown a temper tantrum about the Senator forbidding him from going, but Skye had calmed him down quickly by convincing him to go and guard Zazzy. She and Tidas had both sensed her several times since they’d arrived, which meant that she was flying closer to the castle than she was supposed to.

Knowing that the two could get far more information from Tokuga without him around, Genie reluctantly left to go find Zazzy. After he’d walked away, Skye had turned around to see an odd expression disappearing from her husband’s face. If she had to name an emotion to it.. ‘Was that anger I just saw?’

Tidas had hoped that Skye hadn’t seen his unfounded jealousy seeping out, but pushed the entirety of the situation aside.. ‘I can’t worry over idiotic things right now: I need to focus on seeming to be on the Senator’s side..’

As the thought crossed Tidas’ mind, Chen Tokuga’s voice called out to the Alconian guests; “If you four are ready, I shall lead the way..” 𝐟𝙧ee𝔀e𝐛𝓃𝐨𝚟𝑒𝗹.c𝗼𝚖

Tokuga glanced back at Skye as they started to walk, then added; “We’ll start with the best part: what my family called the ‘Dragons’ Lair’. The egg nursery, the training grounds, and my family’s record room are all there, so I can show you everything we have at once.”

“And what is it ya want in return fer this gift of knowledge?” Skye asked with obvious suspicion in her tone.

Tokuga stopped and turned towards her with an unnerving grin, and answered; “Just for you to go into negotiations with an open mind. I believe that there is Much that we can do for each other..”

