Dawning Skye - C.556Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.556Feb 26, 2023

556 An Offer(Part Three)

The Tokuga Clan castle was enormous, and Skye felt like they’d been walking for hours when it had only been around twenty minutes. Her thoughts wandered occasionally whenever Tidas would notice the Senator becoming uncomfortable with his subtle questioning. Forcing him to switch to more mundane topics, like Chen’s family history.

According to Tokuga, several of the Winchesters had fled in secret to various kingdoms and lands after the fall of the Warricks. One of the elders had traveled to Sai when it was still the Tokuga Empire, and built the maze under the protection of the Tokuga Clan. As Chen explained their families’ connections, the Senator’s true intentions began to show..

“Peace and prosperity were had by all when our ancestors served the Warrick King. Now, the separate kingdoms constantly go to war with each other, and the people suffer. Our ancestors were comrades that protected the people...I see no reason for us not to re-invigorate that tradition. Especially since your wife is the Last of the Warrick line, according to my sources.”

Tidas quirked an eye at the Senator; “What does that have to do with anything?”

Tokuga locked eyes with the Alconian Prince; “You may be a Winchester descendant, but your brothers are not. When your father passes away some day, you will need to make a choice.. Even here, we have heard the rumors, Prince Tidas. I do not believe that your brother will allow your wife to remain at your side when the crown passes to him..”

“Your wife’s bloodline, especially now that it is known, holds far greater sway than you realize. We heard that the Highlander King even offered to bend his knee to her, and hand over his throne, but your wife declined. If there is a shred of truth to the rumors at all: do you not need all of the allies that you can get?”

As a contemplative expression overtook Tidas’ face, Skye sighed heavily. She knew that the man would try something, but attempting to use her as a tool to get her husband on his side pissed her off. Zipping ahead of them, Skye stopped in front of the two with furrowed brows, and crossed arms.

“What makes ya think I’d go along wit Prince Marco? Or do ya think I dinna get a say in it?”

Senator Tokuga stared at Skye a moment, seemingly shocked by her directness. Once the moment had passed, however, his face scrunched into a scowl..

“He would be your King. You couldn’t refuse if he ordered you-”


“The hell I wouldna refuse!” Skye nearly screamed as her hands went to her hips; “Ya may not ken this Senator, but I bested me husband in the Mage Trials, and won. I secured me rank as a General on me Own merit.. If ya think I’d be the type ta do as ordered without an opinion, then yer as idiotic as I pegged ya ta be.”

Chen’s face turned bright red from his rising anger as he replied; “Your rank means nothing in the face of a King’s whim, let alone a firm order. No matter what you do, you are still a woman, Princess. Men will always have final say in such matters.”

“Not when it comes ta me. I have final say over me own life. And me husband would nae agree ta say or do somethin’ that I wouldna like, nor I fer him. We be partners, Chen.. I bow ta no one that I dinna deem worthy.”

As Skye finished, Tokuga scoffed before asking; “Will you bend your knee to your brother-in-law? Your future king?”

“Depends on his policies,” Skye shot back without thinking.

Tidas wanted to sigh, but knew that the Senators were all watching him. Skye was already talking boarderline treason just by denying Marco’s automatic authority, and technical control over her future. If she’d simply been Tidas’ wife, it’d be different, but since Skye was a General in the RMC, he could assign her as a guard once he was King.

Right now, Marco barely had more authority than Tidas due to his Commander rank. But once he became King of Alcon, his authority would be the highest in their kingdom. Only then could he rightfully order Skye around, as well as Tidas.

If Marco felt petty enough, he could assign Skye to the Highlands, or even Ruscovic if he wanted to. Tidas’ rank required his presence in Alcon the majority of the time. Until Skye officially took over Shasta’s position: she was subject to Marco’s orders.

The grin on Tokuga’s face let Tidas know that he understood that fact; “Dear Princess, I doubt that the Crowned Prince would like to hear your opinions-”

“I dinna give a shit,” Skye replied.


Tidas attempted to stop her, but she kept going; “Ya can write to him, or even travel ta Alcon yer self and tell’em. I love me husband, and I will never leave him: no matter who orders me to-why does this even matter ta you?”

Tokuga’s grin stretched as he watched the princess losing her composure; “Because, dear Princess, your Future King has already requested my support, and promised me his.” 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

Tidas stopped mid-step to look at the Senator; “What do you mean? My Father hasn’t passed.”

Chen nodded; “No, but your brother does not think that his health will last past a few more years. He has already promised that Alcon will support my efforts to re-establish my family’s throne and honor, should I side with him.. My question to you two is: does that include your support, or must I compensate you separately?”

Fury flashed across Skye’s face, but Tidas motioned to her to keep calm as he replied; “My Father is King, and his opinion is all that matters right now. My brother should’ve never made such an offer, especially while the True King is attempting to create an alliance with the Republic of Sai.”

Tokuga shrugged; “Your brother will never support a kingless nation. It threatens the stability of the other kingdoms by giving the people unrealistic ideas. They Must be governed by a single, intelligent ruler to function properly. Otherwise nothing gets done.”

“And ya think the right person fer the job is you?” Skye asked with a derisive laugh.

The vein on the Senator’s neck began to bulge as his anger rose. He had never heard a woman speak with so much hostility before, and he felt greatly offended by her. With his indignation growing to unacceptable proportions, Senator Tokuga was about to snap at the princess when Yaris interrupted..

“You have to admit that Alcon runs rather smoothly under King Magnus’ rule. A Monarch’s rule can unite the entirety of an unruly land under one banner, versus individual clans vying for power. The ones that suffer are always the general public, but a monarch can make laws to protect them without worry.”

“If you think nobles would just stand by and have their rights stripped, then you only demonstrate that you know nothing of royal workings,” Tidas commented as he shot Richard a glare.

Yaris had been quietly listening to their exchanges the entire time with another Senator name Danilo Isko. The elderly Senator wasn’t a technical loyalist, like many of the others, but he supported the idea of an empire. Anything that could bring back peaceful prosperity was worth a try in his mind, and their current system moved too slowly to be effective.

Senator Isko tried to lessen the tension by explaining the importance of quick and decisive decision-making. He outlined his complaints, and described how it was nearly impossible when there were so many opinions to be heard and considered. And that a single intelligent, and capable leader would be far more effective.

Skye tried to be respectful as they walked and talked, but it was becoming increasingly difficult due to the old man’s condescending attitude. Since she was a woman, Skye’s opinion barely registered with him, and only Tidas’ thoughts seemed to catch his interest. As they reached the end of a descending staircase, Skye was already fighting to keep her anger contained..

The walls were no longer extravagant, and the ground stopped being anything more than tattered cobblestones. Dust and dirt covered the corners, offering added camouflage for the countless spiders and such scurrying about. The dimly glowing scones seemed to be so old that Skye was shocked that they were still connected.

Squinting to see ahead, a bit of her anger abated as Skye’s eyes landed on oversized weights through the doorway at the end of the hallway. It was clearly a large room from what she could tell, and would most likely give her ideas about helping Zazzy develop, or so she thought.

However, after entering the room: Skye very quickly realized how wrong she was..

Massive chains were connected to the walls and floors, and the weights were designed to be dragged across the ground. Sets of tracks ran along the sides with pointed dragon scales protruding out, towards where the dragon would be. They were mounted on swivels, allowing them to be swung out and inward, for ‘punishing’ the dragon if it moved too slow, or disobeyed.

A massive rack was attached to the wall across the room, and had everything from spiked cropping whips, to large sticks with spikes on them. A machine with clasps was placed off in the corner, and it had an intricate pulley system. When Tokuga saw Skye staring at it, he smiled and commented; “That is just something to help new dragons stretch their wings, and learn to maximize their wingspan.”

At a loss for words, all Skye could do was scan the room with wide eyes. Dark smear marks stained the floors around every piece of equipment, which all resembled torture devices to some extent. Only the area around the doors seemed void of the bloodstains.

As Senator Tokuga explained the benefits of each piece, Skye held her stomach. The dark energy left behind lingered like a sickness. Choking the air, and gave anyone who entered the training area a deep sense of dread.. ‘How many dragons died here go give it such a horrific aura?’

A sudden spirt of laughter from the Senators brought Skye back just in time to hear Tokuga comment to Tidas; “If you would like, these grounds are open to you, to train your beast in. I’ll even provide enough servants to work the equipment properly..”

Skye was about to tell him that it would be a cold day in hell before her scaly bairn ever set foot in this place, but Tokuga clapped his hands together, and asked; “Would you like to see our breeding and experiment workshops next? I think you’ll find that my ancestors were quite advanced when it came to getting the most out of our beasts..”

