MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes - C.210 Ultimate Dark CuisineJul 29, 2023

MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes

C.210 Ultimate Dark CuisineJul 29, 2023

Chapter 210 Ultimate Dark Cuisine

"Damn stinky old man, he still shakes people! I will write down this grudge!"

After realizing that the situation was not good, the tiger shark lord's tiger claws danced quickly and prepared to run away.

However, the Raging Wave Elf, who turned into a turbulent wave, was faster than it, overtaking it in the blink of an eye, and then a huge wave sent it directly back to the beach.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

The first time I saw Sister Meng, the raging wave elf, its growth level was only the first level of the monarch, and it had just stepped into the realm of the monarch.

However, in just over two months, the aura it exudes has become much stronger, and has reached the third level of the monarch.

It is important to know that the promotion of each level of monarch-level spirit beasts requires long-term accumulation. Most monarch-level spirit beasts need to spend several years or even ten years to upgrade to a level.

Chen Meng's spirit beast upgrade is as simple as eating and drinking.

In terms of the speed of spirit beast cultivation, it is as good as his bad guy.

"Sister Meng's talent for controlling spirits should be to increase the speed of spirit beast cultivation."

Chen Mo guessed silently in his heart.

The tiger shark lord found that he couldn't escape, so he locked his target on Chen Mo and others.

It wants to take several "hostages" and then run away.


Accompanied by a howl, the waves around Lord Tiger Shark surged up, quickly attacking Chen Mo and the others.

Seeing the tiger shark lord rushing forward, Chen Meng summoned the bright unicorn.

The light in front of the bright unicorn was condensed, and it directly sent a divine judgment to the tiger shark lord.

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in the blazing beam of light, Lord Tiger Shark hurriedly avoided it.

At the same time, Chen Mo asked Nuomi Tuanling and its "clone" to use the Nuomi machine gun on Lord Tiger Shark at the same time.

Of course, it’s the dark cooking version.

Food can make people feel warm and happy, or completely crazy.

Puff puff!

The tiger shark lord, who is avoiding the divine judgment, has no time to take care of these "black balls".

And then it's tragic.

As the black glutinous rice **** were shot into its mouth, extreme bitterness and extreme spiciness filled the entire mouth, accompanied by a soaring stench.

The tiger shark lord retched for a while, and almost passed out.

has been seriously polluted mentally.

【Master of Taste Blending】+【Dark Cuisine】=【Ultimate Dark Cuisine】


Seeing this, Tuantuan was very excited.

Dark Cuisine made another contribution!

The tiger shark lord who received the super debuff was naturally easily taken down by the raging wave elves, bound by the water shackles and "escorted" in front of everyone.

"This guy looks so weird, it feels a bit like... a stitch monster."

Looking at the giant beast in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help but said.

"The tiger shark lord was not originally a creation of nature, but a biological weapon produced by the ancient civilization of Cybers using biotechnology, so there will be a weird sense of splicing."

Chen Meng explained a sentence, but he couldn't help frowning after seeing the physical characteristics of Lord Tiger Shark.

"This... seems to be the first tiger shark lord."

Although Lord Tiger Shark is a man-made spirit beast, after thousands of years of reproduction, its descendants have undergone great changes in form.

Some of the tiger sharks that like to live on land have become more robust and powerful, while the tiger sharks that have lived in the ocean for a long time have gradually degraded their hair, becoming very short and thin, and their bodies tend to be more streamlined.

The tiger shark lord in front of him keeps the most primitive tiger shark features.

"Chen Mo, ask me about its basic information."

"no problem."

"Briefly introduce yourself. What's your name? Where are you from? Do you have any accomplices?"

Chen Mo asked using the animal language talent.

As a result, Lord Tiger Shark ignored him at all, with a rebellious face.

"Leniency is allowed for confession, strictness for resistance. I forgot to tell you, I am also a chef, and I am very good at cooking sharks, such as braised shark nuggets, steamed sharks, grilled shark nuggets, and caviar."

Chen Mo calmly talked about the various ways to eat sharks.

Lord Tiger Shark still stared at Chen Mo fiercely, rubbing his jagged teeth.

Better die than surrender.jpg

Chen Mo was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the tiger shark lord was actually a tough guy.

"Tuantuan, Nuomi Machine Gun."

Chen Mo saw that the threat was useless, and prepared to serve him directly with "criminal law".


The glutinous rice ball spirit responded excitedly, and then a series of pitch-black glutinous rice bullets shot towards the mouth of the tiger shark lord.

Seeing the black glutinous rice dumpling, Lord Tiger Shark looked terrified and subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but under the suppression of the raging wave elf, it couldn't move at all.

After being stuffed into the mouth with a glutinous rice bullet, the strong stench emanating from Lord Tiger Shark's mouth even made Chen Mo and Tuantuan retreat two parts unconsciously.

"Now the gnocchi haven't exploded. I'll count to three if you don't say anything else."

Chen Mo pretended to be expressionless and said.

"My name is 208, from Ark."

Before Chen Mo started counting down, Lord Tiger Shark took the initiative to explain.

The eyes full of resentment are its last stubbornness.


Hearing this word, Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of the ark in the mythology of various countries in his previous life.

Noah's Ark, Manu's Ark, and similar large ships in Chinese mythology. According to legend, the large ships were built to preserve the fire of life in the great flood.

The number 208 is more like a number than a name.

"Roar!" (A great ship built by our Creator.)


"Roar!" (yes!)

"Then you came here through a space channel?"

Chen Mo continued to ask.


Lord Tiger Shark nodded.

After some "friendly exchanges", Lord Tiger Shark explained everything he could.

It was born in a certain laboratory of Cybers civilization.

208 is not only its name, but also its serial number.

It is the first tiger shark lord created by the Cybers in the laboratory with the genes of the colorful flame tiger and the mosasaur shark. It is amphibious and possesses great power.

After    was born, it and other "stitched creatures" cooperated with their "creator", that is, the cybers researcher, to conduct various researches.

Until one day, the researcher who created them let them all enter the "sleep chamber" of the Ark for forced hibernation, saying that it was to resist a certain catastrophe.

As for the pirate hat and pirate eyepatch on its head, it was specially made for it because the researcher who created it loved pirate culture.

The pirate hat is made of special alloy and leather. After thousands of years, there is no trace of decay on it.

The tiger shark lord has stayed in the dormant cabin for an unknown number of years. And not long ago, when it woke up, it found that its hibernation chamber had suddenly opened for some reason.

In addition, the "hatch door" from its "room" to the outside world was also opened...

Humble and ask for a monthly pass!

(end of this chapter)

