MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes - C.213 Is this the ark administrator?Jul 29, 2023

MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes

C.213 Is this the ark administrator?Jul 29, 2023

Chapter 213 Is this the ark administrator?

Led by Lord Tiger Shark, the two came to the bottom of another tentacle.

Between the scarlet flesh and bones, a silver-gray hatch about 6 square meters was half-opened, and sea water poured in, filling the entire room with sea water.

"Roar!" (My room is located on the 280th floor of Building 2, and the 300th to 180th floors of Building 2 are all spirit beast dormancy cabins.)

Tiger Shark Lord explained.

This is what the cybers researcher who created it told it after he brought it into the ark.

In addition to the central core tower, the entire ark also has eight 300-story "buildings", which are the eight tentacles that Chen Mo saw outside.

After the two entered the silver-gray hatch, they instantly felt as if they had entered the body of some huge creature.

What came into view was a room that resembled a giant insect nest. The ground and walls were covered with substances similar to plant roots. In the center of the room is a huge dark green hibernation cabin that looks like a cocoon. Except for weird research equipment and tubes of unknown purpose, there is nothing around it, and it looks a bit empty.

In addition, unlike what you see outside, the room in the cabin is very large, covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

Space folding technology.

This word couldn't help but appear in Chen Mo's mind.

"Καθεπι!" (Welcome home!)

Just after Chen Mo entered the room, a soft female voice suddenly came out next to his ear.

At the same time, the orange lights in the room automatically turned on, giving people a very warm feeling, and a luminous operation panel appeared on the wall covered with plant roots. The unknown characters should be the language of the Cybers.


The tiger shark lord on the side was a little puzzled.

Because when it just woke up, the functions in the entire room were unavailable, and even the doors leading to other areas of the ark were locked, so it went to the outside world to look for food.

But now with the arrival of Chen Mo, the functions in the room seem to have returned to normal.

"λειοργαθ?" (Detect water in the house, is the drainage mode turned on?)

A soft female voice came from the room again, and Chen Mo looked at Lord Tiger Shark, meaning naturally, "Little brother, quickly translate."

The tiger shark lord let out a roar.

"Roar!" (ON!)

As soon as it finished speaking, the surrounding walls and floor seemed to have turned into sponges, instantly absorbing all the seawater in the room.

Immediately afterwards, it roughly translated to Chen Mo the content of the soft and beautiful voice just now, and then it walked to its own dormant cabin, and took out two transparent, sticky, jelly-like fruits from it.

"What's this?"

Chen Meng asked.

"Roar!" (Language fruit!)

Language fruit is also a technological product of Cybers civilization. Its main purpose is for people or beasts to quickly master the common language of Cybers, thereby reducing the time cost of learning.

These two fruits of knowledge were carried by the researcher who created Lord Tiger Shark when he let him go to sleep, but now they are just in use.

"Roar!" (After taking it, you can quickly master the language of Cybers civilization.)

Lord Tiger Shark said, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although this sticky language fruit has magical effects, the taste is really hard to compliment.

The food spirit made it taste like a nightmare, now it's your turn!

Chen Meng used the copper treasure to divination again, and after confirming that there was no danger, he was ready to eat it.

"Sister Meng, wait. I'll let Tuantuan handle it."

Seeing Lord Tiger Shark's mean smile, Chen Mo knew that the taste of this fruit must not be good, and he was going to let Tuantuan use [Master of Taste Blending] and cooking skills to adjust it to the taste of gourmet food.


With the sprinkle of glutinous rice flour, the language fruit exudes the smell of barbecued meat.

This stunned the tiger shark lord on the side.

Is that okay too?

The moment he swallowed the fruit of language, Chen Mo instantly understood the contents of the control panel on the wall.

Drainage, ventilation, music mode, open (close) door

Each button on the control panel corresponds to a different function.

"What's outside the door?"

After searching the room to no avail, Chen Mo asked Lord Tiger Shark.

"The square was our main activity area before going to sleep. At the same time, this square is also connected to many rooms of spirit beasts."

Lord Tiger Shark replied truthfully.

Chen Meng didn't hesitate. After directly pressing the green button that symbolized the opening and closing of the door, the biological door that resembled mouthparts slowly opened from the center.


Xiao Jiu's eyes are fixed on the world behind the door, always alert to the possible danger behind the door.

After entering the ark, it has an uncomfortable feeling, always feeling that a pair of eyes behind them are watching them.

The door opened.

Behind the door is a very empty area, similar to a square hall.

What Chen Mo didn't expect at all was that the floor of the hall was covered with numerous bones of spirit beasts, rusted and corroded mechanical components, and bloodstains that had dried up for an unknown amount of time.

Some fragile bones turn into dust with the wind when touched. Only the bones of spirit beasts above the monarch level can be preserved.

In addition, in the center of each spirit beast corpse, there is a spirit beast crystal nucleus with different attributes.

"This seems to have been an extremely tragic battle."

Chen Meng said.

The tiger shark lord was also stunned, and he didn't expect that the once bustling central square area would turn into such a scene. And judging from the appearance of some of the bones, the owners of these bones were once its "friends" or acquaintances.

During the years when it entered the dormant cabin, there seemed to be terrible turmoil inside the ark.

Chen Meng asked Tongbao to do a divination again, and after confirming that the result was still Xiaoji, he began to collect the spirit beast crystal cores on the ground.

She collected these spirit beast crystal cores not to sell them for money, but to absorb the "breath of time" on them.

One of her spirit-control talents is called "Dust of Time", which can transform the breath of time carried in ancient treasures into extremely pure attribute spiritual power, so that the strength of her spirit beast can be improved by leaps and bounds.

This is also the main reason why she is already a master spirit master at a young age and she has been running around ancient ruins for a long time.

"I'll borrow these crystal nuclei first, and I'll give them all to you then."

Chen Meng said.

She only needs the ancient breath above the crystal nucleus.

Chen Mo nodded, took his spirit beast and began to collect bones on the ground.

All that can survive are the bones of monarch-level or even overlord-level spirit beasts, which can be regarded as rare treasures.

Very valuable!

However, when he peeled away a few mechanical arms that were covered in red rust and exposed the iron color, he found that there seemed to be a faint green light flickering underneath.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and continued digging in, and then touched a hard, extremely cold small object—an electronic chip emitting faint fluorescence.

"Ark level 3 manager 010, welcome to come back!"

The moment he picked up the electronic chip, the soft female voice from before came to his ears again.

(end of this chapter)

