MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes - C.214 The flesh and blood are weak, the machinery soarsJul 29, 2023

MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes

C.214 The flesh and blood are weak, the machinery soarsJul 29, 2023

Chapter 214 Flesh and flesh are weak, mechanical soaring

"Why did I suddenly become an ark administrator!?"

Chen Mo suddenly felt that the cold chip in his hand was a little hot.

Even if the chip in his hand is a symbol of the administrator, it doesn't mean that anyone who enters the ark and picks up this chip can become the administrator of the ark, right?

"Don't panic, this should be a soul chip, the pinnacle product of cybers civilization biotechnology and mechanical technology, I have seen something similar in another cybers ancient ruins."

Seeing Chen Mo regard the soul chip as a scourge, Chen Meng felt a little funny, and then explained:

"The main material for making it is the heart of the soul tree, so it has the power to store and back up the soul of life."

"Cybers can even transfer their consciousness to mechanical spirit beasts, so as to gain powerful power and a certain sense of immortality."

Cybers ancient civilization's research on the soul has reached its peak.

Not only can the existence of the soul be observed exactly, but it can also be backed up or even transferred.

Chen Mo glanced at the original location of the soul chip, judging from the remaining mechanical wreckage, it was a Titan giant ape completely made of machinery.

At this moment, its head was completely broken, and the mechanical core on its chest was also dug out. From the fragments of the mechanical core, it can be roughly inferred that it is a dominant mechanical spirit beast.

But according to Chen Meng, when this overlord-level mechanical titan giant ape was alive, it was very likely that the soul and consciousness of a Cybersian was inside his body.

"What about the original consciousness of the mechanical spirit beast?"

Chen Mo asked subconsciously.

"It will be replaced. The meaning of these mechanical life forms is to become replaceable bodies for Cybersians."

Chen Meng's tone was a little cold.

She does not agree with this approach of the Cybers.

The flesh and blood are weak, and the machinery soars.

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of this sentence in his mind.

"Sister Meng, I should be fine now, right?"

Looking at the chip in his hand that feels like cold bark, he panicked a bit.

It would be bad if a "grandpa" suddenly jumped out of it and wanted to take him away.

"Don't worry, the soul chip can only be activated by inserting mechanical life. Besides, what you picked up should be just a blank soul chip, and the soul stored in it has already completely dissipated."

Chen Meng said.

Without a suitable carrier, the soul cannot be stored in the chip for too long.

"Maybe it detected your life information, so it automatically turned on and completed the binding. This is a good thing, and it should be very helpful for the next exploration."

Without administrator privileges, they will not be able to explore most of the ancient ruins, and it can be said that it is difficult to move.

Hearing this, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the Tiger Shark Lord beside him:

"Is the status of the administrator in this ark high?"

The tiger shark lord gave a sour cry.

"Roar!" (Very tall!)

The class division in the Ark is clear and the hierarchy is strict. All creatures on the Ark have been divided into corresponding classes from the moment they were born.

The creatures in the ark are divided into ten levels from first-level citizens to tenth-level citizens.

Spiritual beasts with monarch-level strength like Lord Tiger Shark that come out of the laboratory are second-level citizens and belong to the bottom layer of the Ark.

Even the cybers researcher who created it is only an eighth-level citizen.

Citizens above the tenth level are administrators. Every administrator is a big figure of this ark, and they usually live in the core tower, which is very mysterious.

As a result, a chip picked up by this human at random gave him the authority of the administrator.

Is this reasonable?

"The big characters of this kind of ark don't usually appear on the 280th floor, right?"

Chen Mo felt an indescribable weirdness.

Floor 280 belongs to the bottom layer of the ark, and the managers appearing here are like billionaires suddenly appearing in the slums, and then suddenly died.

"Sister Meng, why don't you do the math for me again!"

Chen Mo was still a little worried.

Free ones are always the most expensive, and the free administrator rights make him feel very uneasy.

And what a coincidence.

According to Lord Tiger Shark, the door leading to the hall square from his room was locked, but after they entered, all functions were suddenly restored.

Then as soon as I went out, I picked up the administrator's chip.

It's as if someone deliberately arranged all this.

"I can't figure it out, there is a mysterious power in you that blocks Tongbao's prying eyes."

Chen Meng shook her head. In fact, she also wanted to help Chen Mo make a fortune, after all, this ark is really weird.

"Mysterious power. Is it the mysterious value attached to the entry of urban ghost talk?"

Hearing the words, Chen Mo thought silently in his heart.

Immediately, he took down all the entries of urban ghost talks, and said:

"Sister Meng, why don't you try again?"


Chen Meng threw the copper treasure into the air again, this time the copper treasure did not stagnate, but quickly fell into Chen Mengbaijing's palm.


means that administrator rights may bring some help or benefits to Chen Mo.

"It's a bit strange, is it really my luck? Or is it the addition of the luck value of the wishing white fox entry?"

In any case, after confirming that the chip was temporarily harmless, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, a light curtain popped up above the soul chip.

Impressively is the administrator panel.

Panel is very simple, only 12 buttons.

Each button represents administrator 010—that is, an important authority that Chen Mo currently possesses.

Chen Mo took a general look.

The first permission is that he can go to most areas of the Ark unimpeded - including all floors of the 8 "tentacles" building and the area below the 200th floor of the core tower. (201st floor of the core tower)

In addition, he can also mobilize small-scale combat troops and use some special facilities.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo saw the authority of consciousness backup.

After opening, you can store your soul consciousness in this small chip.

Chen Mo didn't dare to try it lightly, but he couldn't help but think of the previous golden entry challenge [Nirvana]

[Nirvana] requires the resurrection of the soul and the complete death of the body.

Originally, Chen Mo had no idea about this entry challenge.

But the soul backup option in front of me seems to provide a way of thinking.

As long as you back up your soul consciousness, and after the soul and body are destroyed, then look for a new body. I don’t know if it counts as a "resurrection" in a certain sense.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Mo suddenly found that the soul chip in his hand seemed quite useful.

In times of crisis, it may be used as a life-saving hole card.

Beside the awareness backup permission, there is a button for personal information.

After Chen Mo opened it, he found that the information was blank, like an initialized account.

"Administrator, do you want to upload your personal information?"

The gentle female voice sounded again.

Chen Mo didn't answer, and continued to study the information in the personal information column.

Soon, he discovered something interesting.

Personal account: 0 tinder points.

Administrator’s annual benefit: Legendary resource exchange coupon×1

(end of this chapter)

