MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes - C.216 Wandering Ark ProjectJul 29, 2023

MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes

C.216 Wandering Ark ProjectJul 29, 2023

Chapter 216 Wandering Ark Project

"The lobby is almost explored, why don't we go to other cabin doors?"

Chen Meng suggested.


Chen Mo nodded.

On the 280th floor of No. 2 Tentacle Building, there are three rooms of different sizes besides the room where Lord Tiger Shark lives.

Thanks to Chen Mo's administrator rights, they can freely enter and leave these three rooms.

Among the three rooms, two of them are similar to the tiger shark lord's room. They are filled with several dormant pods, but the creatures in the dormant pods are nowhere to be found.

It is very likely that it has been reduced to a skeleton on the ground of the square.

The largest room is a large research room of thousands of square meters. In addition to a pile of rusty and moldy research instruments, there are more than 30 dormant cabins in the research room.

Chen Mo took a quick look and found that most of the dormant cabins were empty, and only 3 dormant cabins still had creatures.

In the largest dormant cabin, a huge silver water dragon was sleeping, its wing membrane folded in front of its body. In addition, there is a huge carapace similar to a snail shell behind the water dragon.

Like Lord Tiger Shark, this snail water dragon is also a stitching spirit beast.

Sleeping in the other two hibernation cabins are half-mechanical, half-flesh spirit beasts. One of them is a giant mechanical bear covered in yellow paint. A hideous scar runs through its right eye. There are sharp claws similar to Wolverine protruding from the bear paw. Although it is in a deep sleep state, it gives people a kind of cruelty a feeling of.

In the remaining sleeping cabin, a semi-mechanical mermaid is sleeping.

She has a very delicate appearance, her face looks a bit juvenile, like a girl, there is a thin layer of silver-white armor on her chest, and the fish body is a purely mechanical structure.

"I didn't expect the Cybers civilization to use machinery to such an extent that it could even create semi-mechanical spirit beasts."

Chen Meng said with some emotion.

Technology has developed to such a degree that it is no different from the Creator, and the Cybers can even create a brand new race by themselves.

There is a green button on the side of the dormant cabin of the three spirit beasts, which can wake up the creatures inside after pressing it.

Of course, the two of them had no intention of waking them up, but continued to search for other information in the research room.

Soon, Chen Mo noticed that there were three crystal **** emitting purple light on a rusty experimental table.

And on the ground not far away, there is another one.


Xinghai's eyes are as blue as the sea, revealing the color of heartbeat.

It's irresistible when it comes to "shiny" things.

"Sister Meng, what is this?"

"Photography crystal, after it is turned on, it will synchronize your spirit, and then record what you encounter next from the first perspective. The picture, sound, and your feelings at that time can all be recorded."

Chen Meng explained:

"You can experience the photographer's experience from the first perspective after you put your hand on it. Do you want to try it?"


Chen Mo nodded.

He has a strong curiosity about the unknown history.

Of course, before that, Chen Meng needs to make another fortune for him.

The cold beauty threw out the Tongtian copper coin again, and this time the result of the divination was even.

means no danger and no chance.

"Then I'm starting."



Xiao Jiu and Tuan Tuan said they want to watch together.

"I don't know if this photo crystal can support multiple people to watch at the same time, try it!"

As he spoke, Chen Mo put his palm on the purple crystal ball, and then made a wish. The white fox put his paw next to Chen Mo, and Tuantuan stuck his whole body on it.

The next second, Chen Mo felt the space in front of him change, and he came to another time and space in an instant.

At the same time, he found himself transformed into a cybers researcher with a height of more than 2 meters.

Cybers are not much different from current humans in appearance, but they are generally much taller in stature.

"Woo?" (Master?)

"嘤?" (Where is this?)

Soon, the voices of Xiao Jiu and Tuantuan came from the bottom of Chen Mo's heart.

They are also in the body of the cybers researcher, but they cannot control the cybers researcher's body, after all, this is just a former image.

Chen Mo felt a little magical.

Isn’t this a first-person perspective holographic movie that supports multiple people to watch together!

"Shh, the movie's on"

It took a full hour and a half for Chen Mo to finish reading the content of the pictures saved in the 4 photo crystals.

His eyes were a little tired, but his expression was a little sad.

The two little ones are a little bit unfinished, and the "movie" from the first perspective is still very exciting.

The content recorded in the photo crystal may be summed up in one sentence-the love brain researcher and the evil **** of suffering.

But Chen Mo also got a lot of useful information.

Like why the Ark was built and why there are so many bones and mechanical debris in the hall square outside.

Ten thousand years ago, the high priest of Cybers civilization made a prophecy that the End Age will come again.

The so-called end age is the era of evil gods. The projections and even real bodies of various evil gods will come to the spirit world, transforming powerful creatures in the spirit world into their believers, and continuously providing them with faith until death.

Cybers civilization obviously has a deep understanding of evil gods.

The evil gods exist in the spiritual world, and they will come to the material world for a wave of harvest every once in a while.

It's like a shepherd slaughters his cattle and sheep after fattening them up.

Only a small number of weak spirit beasts or humans will be let go, but they will forget the existence of Chaos God under the power of Chaos God.

And then start again and again.

In order to preserve the fire of civilization in the coming end age, the Cybers established the Ark Project.

They summoned the projection of the evil **** of pain through the sacrifice ceremony, and then "captured" it and transformed it into the current "Ark".

Then, the ark sailed into the endless sea.

The Cybers are going to wait for the moment before the end of the era, and let all the life forms on the ark enter the dormant cabin to sleep, so that they will not have any emotions. In addition, the ark is made of flesh and blood monsters projected by evil gods. Will not be noticed by evil gods.

The evil gods located in the spiritual world have no vision. Before coming, they mainly anchor the existence of creatures through the rules they dominate.

Although descending to the spirit world and possessing a body, they will gain extraordinary vision, but in the depths of the endless sea, no evil **** will choose to descend.

The Cybers are prepared to preserve the elite power of civilization in this way.

The researcher who left the picture crystal was honored to be a member of Ark No. 1 because of his outstanding accomplishments in the field of suturing spirit beasts and semi-mechanical spirit beasts.

During the two years that the ark was running, he successively created dozens of stitched spirit beasts or semi-mechanical spirit beasts.

Then the **** ones came.

He fell in love with the mechanical mermaid he created.

(end of this chapter)

