MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes - C.223 The 8th evolutionary form of Nuomi Tuanling!Jul 29, 2023

MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes

C.223 The 8th evolutionary form of Nuomi Tuanling!Jul 29, 2023

Chapter 223 The eighth evolutionary form of Nuomi Tuanling!

"about there."

Chen Mo murmured, then slowly opened the steamer, and the dense white mist rose.

After the white mist dissipated slightly, I saw three square-shaped rice dumplings wrapped in requiem bamboo leaves in the steamer. On the emerald rice dumpling leaves, the golden lines flow like floating gold, looking very elegant and magnificent, and there is a golden light flashing across two of the rice dumplings!

Glowing cuisine, this is epic cuisine!

Following the qualifiers, Chen Mo and Tuantuan continued to perform steadily and once again made an epic delicacy!

Seeing this, the judges and audience were stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

Even the chef Jiang Yun felt incredible.

How did Chen Mo do it! ? You must know that his food spirit is only extraordinary! And there are no epic ingredients in the ingredients!

Jiang Yun thought for a while, if he only used these ingredients, he seemed to be able to do this at most!

But he is the crown imperial chef, a top figure in the chef world, and he has 6 overlord-level food spirits under his command!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo opened the steamer on the second and third floors!

There is also a golden light shining.

More than one epic rice dumpling!

With the help of [World-Class Pastry Master] and [God of Cooking], out of the 10 homesick dumplings Chen Mo made this time, 5 of them have reached the epic quality!

Chen Mo let Tuantuan feel it, and each selected a homesick rice dumpling with the highest quality in the sweet and salty taste, and handed it to the staff for scoring.

He plans to save the remaining 8 for the little ones and himself.

Of course, there is also one of them that needs to be reserved for the big sister who sold her bamboo leaves to herself.

Anyway, the more the food spirit of Jiang Yun, the God of Cookery, the better, and every judge can taste his homesick rice dumplings~

Chen Mo first showed the zongzi in his hand, which looked like a work of art, and then handed it to the staff, and began the first round of scoring with the food evaluation instrument.


At this moment, the Nuomi Tuanling surrounding Chen Mo suddenly let out a humming sound.

For homesick rice dumpling, it suddenly had a special feeling in its heart.

Same as the three-color dumpling made before, the homesick dumpling has a special appeal to it.

This is it — Evolution Cuisine!

"Tuantuan, you mean homesick rice dumpling is your evolutionary delicacy?"

"嘤!" (Mmmm!)

Hearing Tuantuan's answer, Chen Mo was a little surprised and a little surprised.

This seems to be another new evolutionary form that no one has discovered yet!

At the same time, the highest-quality homesick rice dumpling selected by Chen Mo has been put into the gourmet appraiser.

Soon, detailed information about Homesick Rice Dumplings popped up on the screen—

【Food Name: Homesick Rice Dumplings】

【Food used: Rare third-grade Ruoye bamboo leaves, rare first-grade blood corn glutinous rice, rare first-grade white corn glutinous rice, rare second-grade broth】

【Effect: Slightly increase the spiritual power of the spirit master; remove spiritual pollution, evil and filth; can arouse wanderers' longing for their hometown, and have a dream effect. After tasting, diners will enter the dream of their hometown. 】

【Level: Epic Tier 3】

【Score: 50】

It really is an epic food, and it is an epic food of level 3!

"Fuck! Epic level 3! If Chen Mo doesn't make a move, it will be a blockbuster!"

"I just said that food spirits are so powerful, how could Yuling Chef himself be inferior!"

"What is the real transformation of decay into magic, what is the real royal chef!"

"What is the last effect of the homesick rice dumpling? I don't understand it. I have never seen such a delicacy as the homesick rice dumpling before."

After a brief silence, the audience was completely excited!

"This is my work, called Homesick Rice Dumpling. Please taste it."

Chen Mo bowed slightly and said calmly.


After copying 8 copies of Homesick Rice Dumplings, Zhuang Mengzhi collapsed from exhaustion.

Rare-level delicacies can be completely reproduced, but epic-level delicacies, it is difficult to roughly reproduce them!

Damn Chen Mo, he made 10 copies, but only handed in 2 copies, let him copy it!

It's simply not human.

Zhuang Mengzhiling felt that he was going to be completely drained, and it also supplemented the spirit of food spirit with other delicacies halfway through, and then barely completed the reproduction, which can maintain about 70% of the original delicacies.

Ten nostalgic rice dumplings were brought to the judges' table by Chen Mo himself. Before serving, he asked each judge about their taste.

Like to eat sweet or salty.

As for the original version of the epic third-order homesick rice dumpling, Chen Mo specially left it for Chen Meng.

Although Sister Meng will most likely give him a high score, giving the most authentic homesick rice dumpling to other judges may give him a higher score.

But Chen Mo is not!

The main focus is self-confidence.

"smell good!"

"The old man has been the imperial chef for so many years, and this is the first time I have eaten such a strange rice dumpling."

Smelling the fragrance of homesick rice dumplings, the judges whetted their appetites.

Jiang Yun asked his spirit beast to use the power of eating spirits to cut off a small piece of rice dumpling, put it in his mouth and chew it carefully.

"My evaluation is very bad"

He just wanted to make a comment, but before finishing speaking, he tilted his head and lay down on the judge's seat.

The same was true for the other judges who tasted the homesick rice dumplings. They fell down one after another and fell into sleep.

Seeing this, both the guests at the scene and the audience in front of the screen were stunned.

Is this zongzi or wine, you will get drunk when you eat it.

The strength is too great! ?

The judges were naturally not "drunk", but were brought into the "hometown dream" by the homesick rice dumpling.

Although relying on their mental strength, as long as they resist a little, they can wake up quickly. But they have never eaten this kind of homesick rice dumpling before, and they are very curious about this special effect.

They want to see what magic power this zongzi has!

However, in less than half a minute, all the judges in the "sleeping" state had moist eyes, and a line of tears fell silently.

They all entered the "hometown dream" created by homesick rice dumpling.

Seeing the homeland in memory, seeing the people and scenery in the homeland.

The so-called "nostalgia" is of course not just a concern for that piece of land, but more of a nostalgia for the people who grew up on that piece of land, and a nostalgia for past experiences.

So even if the hometown is still there, there will be "nostalgia".

Times have changed, the people, the scenes, and the most sincere emotions will never come back.

The effect of the homesick rice dumpling is to let the eater enter the dream in memory and feel the taste of "hometown" again.

Chen Meng also ate a mouthful of rice dumplings gracefully, and then his spirit was shaken, and he suddenly felt drowsy.

She knew that this was a special effect of homesick rice dumplings, so she didn't refuse, adjusted her body posture, and slowly fell asleep.

Opening his eyes again, Chen Meng suddenly found that his body became much smaller for some reason, surrounded by a sea of ​​golden wheat.

At the same time, a kind and gentle voice came from her ear.

"Xiaomeng, will grandma take you to the temple fair today?"

(end of this chapter)

