MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes - C.236 A kilometer-level behemoth!Jul 29, 2023

MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes

C.236 A kilometer-level behemoth!Jul 29, 2023

Chapter 236 Thousand-meter-level behemoth!

At the same time, Chiya himself summoned a giant squid-like spirit beast with a body as black as ink and eight tentacles more than ten meters long.

Quasi-monarch-level ink sea squid.

I saw the ink sea squid approaching the spirit of the island quickly, and a white light lit up on the two giant tentacles. After collapsing, it cut through the waves like a blade, and slashed towards the spirit of the island.

Water Blade Slash!

Seeing the tentacles approaching at high speed, Xiao Jiu quietly activated the crazy burning mode.

Crazy flames jumped and flickered in its golden eyes, and then the crimson corona flames ignited all over its body. Seeing the ink sea squid's tentacles swaying straight down, Xiao Jiu waved her claws lightly.

The next second, crimson flames exploded in mid-air, accompanied by staggered purple lightning, rising up the moment the giant tentacles fell!

Perfect Level Thunder Flame Claw!


Among the dazzling purple lightning, crimson flames exploded, and the two tentacles of the Mohai squid were cut off directly, and then the coronal flames began to spread rapidly along the fractured tentacles!

The extremely high temperature even briefly burned the seawater in an area. The seawater in a large sea area seemed to be boiling, and the hot water vapor continued to spread to the surroundings.

The sea is on fire.

The heat wave was rolling, turning every pirate's face red.

They could all feel the astonishing temperature contained in the red flame.

Seeing this, the face wearing the one-eyed dragon mask became extremely ugly.

With such extreme temperature and power, this elegant and noble-looking white fox in front of me... definitely possesses the combat power of a monarch!

Although there is only one word difference between quasi-monarch and monarch, there is a huge difference in combat power.

What's more important is that - a spirit beast with a growth level of commanding level can explode into a monarch-level combat power, which can only be achieved by the core trainers of those big forces!

The young man in front of him is definitely the arrogance of a certain powerful force! Should not be a native of the Penglai Islands!

This kind of Tianjiao has a lot of cards in his hands, let alone the pirate group that can crush him with the strength of the spirit beast alone!

Confirmed the look in the eyes, it is someone who cannot be offended!

"Listen to my orders, all attack the Spirit Master!"

Chi Ya had a strong intention to retreat, but he ruthlessly issued instructions to the rest of his crew.

Of course, there are very few "crew" who are still conscious at this moment.

At the same time as the command was issued, a large black mist gushed out from the body of the Mohai squid, instantly covering the nearby sea area with a radius of one kilometer.

Immediately afterwards, the ink sea squid carried Chiya and quickly swam to the distant sea.

Chiya also activated his own spirit-controlling talent "merman", which can increase the movement speed of himself and his spirit beasts in the water in a short period of time.

This talent of "oiling the soles of his feet", coupled with his ruthlessness in making the crew stand in the rear at every turn, is an important reason why he can survive many large-scale bandit suppression operations.

"I just said that this boy who suddenly appeared is very wrong! These idiots, let's pay for your stupidity!"

Chi Ya thought to himself.

Chen Mo and his spirit beasts were covered with a layer of blue flames, and the bright flames easily purified the toxins in the black mist.

"Xinghai, go!"

Seeing that Chiya wanted to escape, he immediately issued an attack command to the spirit of the island.

So Xinghai lifted the transformation technique, and at the same time swallowed more than ten Big Mac burgers in one go.

Before, Chen Mo didn't dare to restore Xinghai to its original shape, because he was worried that he would scare the pirates away.

I saw that the size of the island spirit began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

30 meters. 50 meters. 100 meters!

The waves rolled up by the spirit of the isolated island formed a tsunami, and the sea dragon beasts and pirates who had already been severely injured were shot into the sea water.

At the same time, the terrifying dragon power emanating from the star sea directly made all the sea dragon beasts feel the fear from the depths of their souls. Under the suppression of their blood, they felt unable to move an inch, unable to move!

Although the current Xinghai has not yet evolved into a vast sea dragon whale, after all, the blood essence of the mythical spirit beast ancient brontosaur has been refined with the secret method of the real dragon, and the dragon power it exudes is as vast as the sea!


As the size of the island spirit continued to increase, the more than 30-meter-long pirate ship Chiya was directly knocked over.

The few pirates who stayed on the deck also fell into the sea one after another.

And the growth of Lonely Spirit doesn't end there!

Restored to its original size and coupled with the increase of the [Big Mac] entry, the current body size of the island spirit can reach an astonishing 1,000 meters!

Just relying on the flesh, Xinghai can crush 99% of the spirit beasts below the monarch level.

The Thirty-meter-long Pirate Ship Chiya is not even a toy in its eyes!

"Canglang Cannon!"

Seeing that Chiya was about to run away, Chen Mo silently issued an attack command to Xinghai in his heart, and then a water dragon cannon with a diameter of nearly 100 meters was fired from the mouth of the island spirit.

The Canglang Cannon, like a roaring water dragon, rushed straight towards the Mohai squid close to the sea, without being affected by the black mist at all.

Because the moment the Spirit of the Lonely Island fired the Canglang Cannon, Chen Mo took the entry of "Sharpshooter" off Tuantuan's body and put it on Xinghai.


The Canglang Cannon rolled up a huge tsunami. If you look down from the sky, it seems to divide the sea.


Facing the surging Canglang Cannon at high speed, seeing that there was no way to dodge it, Chiya had no choice but to continue running while summoning another spirit beast of his own to lead the ninth-level General Crab.

After General Crab was summoned, he immediately used the two defensive moves of impregnable soup and water shield.


The moment the water shield was formed, the Canglang Cannon bombarded General Crab.

Under the powerful impact, General Crab collided with the ink sea squid, and the two were blasted from the sea into the air together, rolling several times on the sea surface before stopping.

Before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Chiya discovered that a white fox with red flames all over his body was unscientifically suspended in mid-air above the sea not far away.

The moment Xinghai used Canghai Cannon, Xiaojiu used Miracle Blink continuously and quickly chased after him.

Miracle Blink is a mysterious move that is hardly used in close-to-face melee combat, but it can play a huge role in pursuit!


Wishing the white fox to descend from the sky, and the Thunder Flame Claw dances again!

So, the dazzling thunder and red flames lit up in the night again!

The ink sea squid stretched out its tentacles to block the claw, but it was in vain.


The Thunder Flame Claw cut off the two tentacles, and landed on Chiya's body.

"How can it be!"

Chiya's eyes showed strong unwillingness, and then there was no sound.

The quasi-monarch Mohai squid can't resist the power of Xiaojiu's blazing claws, let alone a mere human body.

After the scarlet flame flashed past, Chiya's body was completely reduced to ashes, leaving only a space ring inlaid with emeralds.

(end of this chapter)

