MTL - Card - C.2 mystery cardMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.2 mystery cardMar 06, 2023

Chen Mu's heart moved, and his fingers flexibly took out a one-star energy card from it, and put it in front of him to examine it carefully.

Judging from the texture of the surface, this one-star energy card is not surprising. It uses the most widely used Bacchus structure, and it is also the most common structure. However, Chen Mu still noticed something strange about this card.

Weight - This card is slightly heavier than the average one-star energy. After making tens of thousands of one-star energy cards, Chen Mu knew the weight of one-star energy cards by heart. No matter what structure it adopts, as long as it is a one-star energy card, its card weight will not exceed a certain range.

Obviously, the weight of this card is not in this range.

Closing his eyes, his index finger and thumb gently rubbed the surface of the one-star energy card, Chen Mu carefully felt the slightly raised texture on its surface.

The texture is too shallow, vain and powerless, this feeling... this feeling... Chen Mu frowned and recalled this feeling of deja vu.

Thinking about it... Chen Mu's eyes suddenly lit up - just like the result of painting on some lighter material!

But it's not right, Chen Mu couldn't help but have more doubts in his heart. In terms of feel, the material of this one-star energy card is extremely hard and feels heavy. According to general rules, the texture depicted on it should have a stronger texture.

How can you feel this way? How strange!

After carefully checking the energy card in his hand, Chen Mu still couldn't find out what caused this strange phenomenon. There's nothing wrong with the texture, and in terms of the fluidity and grace of the strokes, it's absolutely masterclass. Even though he has made a one-star energy card for three years, he cannot draw such beautiful lines with his own skills.

This made Chen Mu even more puzzled. Master-level one-star energy card, this statement itself is a bit strange, which card maker would make a one-star energy card? If he had a five-star energy card in his hand, Chen Mu would feel more normal.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu put this somewhat strange card together with the one-star card with the new structure that he had just discovered.

Chen Mu, who finally finished his work, breathed a sigh of relief.

Having been so focused on his work, he now feels a little tired.

"I took these two cards." Chen Muchao Xiaohei raised the two one-star energy cards in his hand.

"No problem, no problem." Xiao Hei said with a smile, he had gained a lot today. Chen Mu helped him find five unused energy cards today, and his mouth was almost crooked.

In Xiao Hei's heart, Chen Mu is a bit weird. Looking at his clothes, he could tell he was a poor boy. Children from poor families like this will never let go of every point that can be saved. The energy cards in their hands that have not been used up are a lot of money in their eyes! However, Chen Mu was strangely not interested in these unused energy cards. Instead, he was very interested in those one-star energy cards, and they were all used up energy cards.

Of course, these can only be thought about in his heart, and he can't wait to do this. If Chen Mu was normal, then the energy cards in his hands would not fall into his hands, it was all money!

While intoxicated with his foresight in his heart, he sent Chen Mu away with a smile.

When I got home, it was ten o'clock in the evening. After eating something random, Chen Mu couldn't wait to take out the two energy cards he got today and study it.

The first one-star energy card made Chen Mu's eyes shine.

It was a structure he had never seen before, and the intricate texture consisted of light blue lines that covered the entire surface of the card. This one-star energy card is the size of a playing card, the material has a touch of flexibility, and the card surface is smooth, but if you carefully stroke it, you can feel the raised texture.

Ordinary people will feel dizzy when they see such a complex pattern, and don't know where to start.

Chen Mu's eyes lit up. For the past three years, he has faced similar patterns every day. Although the structure is different from the one in front of him, the complexity is comparable. Those twelve new structures also accumulated a lot of experience for him.

If you want to scrutinize the texture structure of a card, you must find its starting point, that is, its first stroke. Then it will be easier to understand if you continue to follow the lines and contexts.

Although the one-star energy card is complicated, it is the simplest of all cards. But even so, it wasn't until three hours later that Chen Mu really understood the function of each stroke. However, in order to make the same one-star energy card, he still needs a lot of practice. But he gave up this intention, a lot of practice means a lot of consumption, at least now, although he has a little savings, it is not enough for him to spend so much.

The most important thing is that he has calculated that the cost of the one-star energy card of this new structure is slightly higher than the one he is making now. It's not his style to spend a lot of money practicing a new structure that doesn't make any sense to him. But this energy card still has something worth learning from. A circular compression structure may be integrated into its own energy card structure.

Chen Mu thought about it, but his fingers slipped over another one-star energy card involuntarily. His eyes fell on the second energy card he had just obtained.

There is nothing surprising about the drawing method of this one-star energy card. It is the most widely used standard one-star energy card drawing method. However, what caught Chen Mu's attention was the strokes on the surface of this card.

The lines are beautiful and smooth, the strokes are extremely skilled, and every turning arc is round and full, a master-level handwriting.

This card looks quite old, and it looks quite old at first glance. It must be the early work of some master. But it wasn't these two points that first caught Ye Chong's attention, but its weight and thickness.

This old one-star energy card is one tenth heavier than a normal energy card. The weight of the one-star energy card itself is very small, even one-tenth is difficult to detect. But Chen Mu made too many one-star energy cards, so he felt it the first time he picked up this one-star energy card. The same is true for the thickness. The thickness of this one-star energy card is thicker than that of ordinary one-star energy cards.

This was the biggest reason why this card caught Chen Mu's attention. The one-star energy card is the earliest card and the most used card, and its standard has been drawn up since its inception. Until now, the so-called standard structure and standard materials are no different from when it was created.

How can there be such a difference for a one-star energy card made by a master?

Is it...

Chen Mu naturally thinks about the material. Could it be that this unknown master has found a new material for the one-star energy card? In order to make a living, Chen Mu has been working on how to reduce the cost of the one-star energy card, which aroused his strong interest.

Taking out the energy card in the energy meter, the room suddenly fell into darkness.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Mu gritted his teeth and inserted the strange one-star energy card in his hand into the energy meter at home.

Hey, no light! The room was still dark, without a trace of light.

Chen Mu was stunned, how could it not light up?

impossible! This was the first thought that popped into Chen Mu's mind. There is no trace of any use on this card, and Chen Mu can tell at a glance that the energy card is exhausted. He can guarantee that although this energy card is old, it is an energy card that has never been used.

Moreover, the structure on this card is perfect, without any mistakes, it is much better than the one-star energy card that Chen Mu himself made. There is absolutely no reason for such an energy card to be damaged.

But now the truth is that it really can't provide any energy at all.

Re-insert his energy card into the energy meter, and the room is bright again. The energy meter was not broken, and this external cause was immediately ruled out by him.

So where is the problem?

Under the light, Chen Mu carefully looked at this energy card.

Rubbing the card in his hand, a guess suddenly popped up in Chen Mu's mind. Could it be a waste card in itself?

A master would make a useless 1-star energy card? This possibility is unlikely, Chen Mu pondered.

Carefully ruled out one factor, the structure was drawn correctly, there was no trace of use, no sign of energy loss, but no energy was supplied.

material? Chen Mu's mind flashed, and suddenly thought of the slightly thicker feel, the more he thought about it, the more he thought it might be related to the material.

Chen Mu put the side of the card under the light, and when he took a closer look, he really found something strange. The card side, which is less than one millimeter thick, has two extremely light-colored dividing lines. It turns out that this card is actually made of three materials glued together. Since the colors of the three materials are very close, it is difficult to find it without looking closely.

Failed experiment? It seems that this is the greatest possibility. Many years ago, a master wanted to improve the one-star energy card, but it ended in failure, but this failed experiment was passed down somehow, and happened to be discovered by Chen Mu.

This seems to be the most likely guess.

Chen Mu was a little disappointed, if this is the case, then this waste card is worthless.

The fingers subconsciously rubbed the edge of the card lightly, and suddenly, the fingers felt different.

Chen Mu hurriedly put the card in front of him again, wondering if it was too old, the edges of the card had begun to peel off. Chen Mu, who had lost interest in this waste card, suddenly became a little curious. If it really matches his own speculation, then the master must have thought that the bonding of these three materials could improve the one-star energy card. Chen Mu has a clear understanding of his own level. His level is probably not as good as that of an ordinary beginner. He has never accepted any formal learning in card making.

But he also has his own self-confidence, that is, a one-star energy card! From the very beginning, he has only been studying the one-star energy card, and he is too familiar with the one-star energy card. Since the last time the one-star energy card was fine-tuned, there has been no breakthrough until now. Today, this card gave him another inspiration. Since there is no breakthrough in the structure, why not try the material?

Now that this thought was moved, Chen Mu became somewhat interested in the material of this experimental card. Although this experiment card is a waste product, it is undoubtedly the work of a master. Of course, the knowledge in all aspects is not comparable to him. It is precisely because of this desire for reference that Chen Mu intends to carefully study the three layers of materials that are glued together.

Carefully uncovering the outer layer of film that had begun to peel off, Chen Mu couldn't help but sighed in his heart that no matter how strong the material was, under the erosion of time, it would be difficult to maintain its former glory.

When Chen Mu completely lifted the film on the surface, he suddenly became completely stunned, staring at this card, as if struck by lightning, as if in a daze!

With a black card face like the night, UU reading www. Hundreds of thousands of silver threads on are as thin as hair, covering the entire card surface like cobwebs. Structures, incredibly complex nestings.

Although the silver lines are as thin as hair, it is difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye. It looks like the capillaries of the human body, giving the illusion that the silver liquid is flowing slowly.

what is this? card?

Chen Mu murmured to himself unconsciously, his brain completely fell into a semi-stagnant state.

It took ten minutes for him to recover from this chaotic state. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, making sure that he didn't see the blindfold.

His own speculation was completely off the mark. What a failed experiment, this is obviously a disguised card. With Chen Mu's limited knowledge, he naturally didn't know what card this was. In fact, the complexity of this card is far beyond Chen Mu's understanding. He has never seen such fine lines, and such superb craftsmanship, and he has never even thought about it.

In the acquisition station, he has not seen those high-level cards. Although they are all discarded, he has never seen such complex and detailed cards.

What the **** is this card? Chen Mu's curiosity was at an all-time high.

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