MTL - Card - C.4 Zuo TingyiMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.4 Zuo TingyiMar 06, 2023

Jia Ming's level is actually very bad, and he is not a disciple of Professor Jia Ziling at all. However, he still has a little relationship with Professor Jia Ziling of Dongwei University. He is Professor Jia Ziling's nephew. Relying on this relationship, he started this training class under the name of Jia Ziling. Jia Ziling knew what his nephew did, but things like this were not uncommon and had little impact on him. Sometimes he would help him.

Jia Ming's level is not high, but he can speak and knows the trick to fooling people. Of course, it’s not enough to illuminate the book. After all, there is only so much content in the bibliography. He knew very well what these trainees were, so he soon came up with a good idea.

As long as it is simple and basic, he will talk about it in great detail, very detailed, and even the simplest theorem he will talk about for a long time, derivation and derivation. And those that are difficult, he will pass.

At first glance, it seems that the teacher's lectures are quite detailed and rich. But when an expert hears it, he will definitely sneer, completely fooling people.

But Chen Mu was very fascinated when he heard it. His foundation is too poor, and sometimes he does not understand something. Due to the lack of guidance, Chen Mu's progress has been extremely slow in the past three years. In the eyes of card creators, these basics are taken for granted, and they think there is no need to explain in such detail. Jia Ming talked about the basic content, but he was right on Chen Mu's appetite, and many things that he had been puzzled before suddenly became clear.

Since then, Jia Ming's class, Chen Mu's class has not been pulled down. Theory and practice complement each other and promote each other. For three years, Chen Mu has been trying to improve the one-star energy card by relying on his own blind thinking, but this has also brought a wealth of experience. In contrast to each other, his progress was fast.

He still had a vague feeling about the one-star energy card, but now he has an increasingly clear grasp of the structure of the one-star energy card.

"Okay, the course during this period will end with one more class. Well, let me tell you good news, because we jointly hold it with Dongwei University, we can also take part in the refresher exam held every year by Dongwei University. Everyone. Go back and make a card for each person, and give it to me next time. If any of you are selected, it is very likely that you will be selected to enter the Dongwei Academy for further study." Jia Ming said with a serious face.

Although he has a relatively small stomach, but because of his skill in his mouth, he is also quite funny, and his relationship with the students is quite good.

The next day everyone handed in the cards they had made. Chen Mu handed in a one-star energy card.

The so-called advanced education examination of Dongwei University refers to those training courses jointly held with Dongwei University. The intention is to give those talented students who attend the training class an opportunity for formal learning. However, over the years, it has gradually become a mere formality, and neither the organizer nor the school is concerned about this matter. It is embarrassing that, so far, only two students have been selected for the training examination for more than 30 years.

Jia Ming didn't take things seriously. He knew his students very well, and he was afraid that no one could make a complete card. So he didn't register the names of these cards, but put them into a paper bag all at once. Alas, what a hard life, but he has to take three classes.

After finishing all the courses, Jia Ming went to his uncle's office at Dongwei University, threw three paper bags on the table, and went to have fun and relax.

Jia Ziling frowned when he saw the three paper bags when he returned to the office. Jia Ziling is over half a hundred years old, and there are already many wrinkles on his square face. Although I understand that these things are really just talking about it, but since I said it, the form still has to go, but how can it be possible for Professor Tangtang to do this kind of thing?

Jia Ziling pressed the activation button of the caliper on his wrist. His caliper was much more delicate and smaller than Chen Mu's. It was only the size of a palm. The sterling silver was decorated with many intricate patterns. The three buckles were made by Moha. Crafted from serrated crocodile leather from Divi. There are four card slots on the meter, and it is worth a lot of money at first sight.

A translucent light curtain popped up in front of him, and a long list of names appeared on it. This is the communication card in his meter has been activated. The invention of the communication card is only 30 years ago, and it is now widely used. Communication cards have different levels depending on the distance. The highest-level communication card can achieve correct communication in the entire Tianyou Federation, but the price is not affordable for ordinary people. Nowadays, ordinary residents generally use a one-star-to-star city communication card. Jia Ziling's is more advanced, and three-star can realize communication in the entire district.

Jia Ziling's finger wearing a sapphire ring lightly tapped a name on the light curtain.

After about five seconds, an image of a handsome young man appeared on the light curtain. The shiny half-length smooth hair looked a little neutral, and there was a bit of chill between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Teacher, do you have something to do with me?" Zuo Tingyi said respectfully, with a cold tone.

Jia Ziling, who knew his student well, said, "You come to my office."

About ten minutes later, Zuo Tingyi came to the office.

"You take care of these things." Jia Ziling pointed to the three paper bags on the table.

Zuo Tingyi responded and began to organize the cards in the three paper bags. Seeing that Zuo Tingyi was not at all impatient, Jia Ziling nodded in satisfaction. Zuo Tingyi is his favorite student. Not only is he talented and has excellent grades, but he also respects his teachers very much. He is meticulous in doing things. Almost all the teachers who teach him love him very much. However, he is a well-mannered and well-behaved person, and he will send expensive gifts every year and festival. He is almost the most perfect student in the eyes of all teachers.

Zuo Tingyi sorted out the cards one by one. Most of these cards were horrible and full of mistakes. Although the expression on Zuo Tingyi's face did not change, there was a bit of helplessness in his heart. It's really frustrating that this kind of **** happens to me.

Waste card!

Waste card!

This one is too outrageous! With such a simple card, there are no less than fifteen mistakes!

Still a waste card!

A black line appeared on Zuo Tingyi's forehead.

Finally found a decent card!

Zuo Tingyi breathed a sigh of relief. If a one-star energy card is placed on a regular basis, he will definitely not even glance at it. But in this case, this mere one-star energy card actually made him feel a little excited.

After finishing the three paper bags, there was only one card, a one-star energy card, in front of Zuo Tingyi.

Just as Zuo Tingyi was about to report to Jia Ziling, he suddenly thought that he should be more careful and not make a joke. Those horrific waste cards made Zuo Tingyi, who has always been calm, have lingering fears. Don't find any small mistakes on this card when you don't find it, it will be a big shame.

He hurriedly placed the only remaining one-star energy card in front of him.


He snorted softly, his face slightly changed.

**************************************************** ******

Fang Xiang has a small explosion, and everyone votes a small explosion!

