MTL - Card - C.544 confusingMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.544 confusingMar 06, 2023

"Tang Hanpei and Kuji Temple went to war?" Xie Yanbai looked at the report at hand, a little surprised.

Cao Zhengqiu nodded: "There must be a battle between Tang Hanpei and Kuji Temple. Tang Hanpei robbed Kuji Temple last time, and killed Siam. The hatred between the two sides is deep, so I don't think it's surprising to start a war." But he Immediately frowning: "However, Tang Hanpei's actions are a thousand miles away. I always have a feeling that he chose to fight at this time, did he have any other intentions?"

Xie Yanbai was startled: "Other intentions? You said there was something wrong with his timing?"

"Well, in a few days, it will be the alliance of Tiandongli District. The woman Jiayingxia is skilled and well-versed in strategy. She has 10% of the alliance this time. Next, it will definitely sweep the Tiandongli District, waiting for her to complete the internal After the rectification, this huge organization will become the most powerful weapon in her hands. At that time, Frost Moon Hanzhou will become the six most powerful people!" Cao Zhengqiu analyzed clearly: "In other words, wait until then. , no one can stop Jia Yingxia, everyone can see this. But look at the other five now, we Zhongda Shufu are unable to stop, there is civil strife in Star Academy, Kuji Temple is like this Things will never come to an end. That leaves Mo Ying and Tang Hanpei. It stands to reason that Mo Ying is the last to see the formation of the Tiandong Alliance. However, Mo Ying's Su Heiming has just assumed power, so it is estimated that he will not be able to spare time. To deal with this matter. Then only Tang Hanpei is left, but not only did he ignore Jia Yingxia, but at this time, he went to war with Kuji Temple, isn't it strange?"

"Is he not worried about Tiandong Alliance at all?" Xie Yanbai asked inexplicably.

"During this period of time, I have been collecting all kinds of information about Tang Hanpei to analyze this person's surname." Cao Zhengqiu said solemnly: "I think, with his surname, he must have no fear in doing this."

"Have no fear..." Xie Yanbai muttered.

In Qianhu City.

Bo Yue stood in front of Jia Yingxia and reported, her eyes like ice crystals flashed a trace of fatigue.

"There were several more accidents yesterday. There was friction between the two teams of Kaxiu, which led to a scuffle. All relevant personnel have been arrested and detained."

Jia Yingxia said with satisfaction: "It's a good job. But we can set up an arbitration office, where the two parties in dispute can fight a duel there, and if a fight occurs anywhere outside the arbitration office, it must be dealt with seriously, and don't give people who are interested the opportunity to fish in the water. ."


"Tang Hanpei and Kuji Temple went to war. This is a great opportunity. In any case, we must successfully complete this alliance." Jia Yingxia stood up, and the sunlight from the window stretched her shadow very long.

Bai Yue couldn't help showing a surprised expression. Tang Hanpei and Kuji Temple went to war, which was undoubtedly an explosive news.

Jia Yingxia's expression didn't show the slightest joy, she said slowly, "I'm a little uneasy."

Bai Yue's eyes suddenly widened. It was the first time she heard the teacher say that she was uneasy. In her mind, a teacher is omnipotent and invincible, and there is no problem to get a teacher! However, the teacher actually said that she felt uneasy... "Tang Hanpei is a real hero. How could he sit by and watch us complete the alliance? He is so fearless, so there must be a way to deal with us. But, what would it be?"

Jia Yingxia paced, bowing her head and thinking.

She raised her head abruptly: "What's going on in Moying recently?"

"Moying?" Bai Yue was stunned, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "After Su Heiming took power, the purge of Moying has continued, and our intelligence system in Moying has been severely damaged. Nothing is important recently. Information is coming."

Jia Yingxia murmured: "Su Hanhao died, and I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse for us."

Suddenly, she seemed to notice that her emotions were not right, she smiled and said, "This time, for us, the situation is better than expected. Tang Hanpei and Kuji Temple have opened up work, Tang Hanpei will no longer have Song Chengyan under him, and Kuji will no longer have Song Chengyan. In addition to Siam, there is another powerful person in the temple. Hehe, there has been trouble in the Star Academy recently."

"Mess?" Bai Yue raised her head in confusion.

"Haha. Remember that Luo Xiju?" Jia Yingxia asked happily.

Bai Yue nodded: "Well, that tactical genius has praised Director Bai."

Jia Yingxia said with a smile: "Yes, that's him. A few days ago, he and another Star Academy Kaxiu suddenly disappeared. Along with them, there were also Luo Xiju's family. Busy looking for this little genius."

"Someone kidnapped?" Bai Yue asked with wide eyes.

"Impossible. He definitely ran away by himself." Jia Yingxia shook her head.

"But why did he run away?" Bai Yue was very puzzled.

Jia Yingxia said with disapproval: "The Star Court was established by Haina Vancente, that guy was a tyrant back then. The Star Court seems peaceful and low-key, but the internal training system is very cruel, which is even worse than the desert camp. . This has something to do with Heiner Vancente's habit back then. In his philosophy, only the best guys are qualified to survive. Only the best things can survive. Hmph, things from the genre era are almost He was completely destroyed. The old-fashioned old-fashioned Star Academy was already out of place."

"Understood." Bai Yue nodded.

Jia Yingxia suddenly remembered something: "Don't just focus on the inside of the city, but also pay attention outside the city. Especially the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group, they are now leading the team, but a very powerful person. It's a pity, He is not interested in our Shuangyue Hanzhou. If there is him, our Shuangyuehanzhou will be able to unite the federation."

In words, Jia Yingxia is very sorry.

Snow worm card repair group resident.

Everyone sat together, drinking tea, and the atmosphere was very warm. In the corner, Xiaobumo and the fat dog were having a good time. Xiaobu, who was usually quite taciturn, laughed happily from time to time, while Weah sat on the side and watched one person and one dog play.

"Boss, tsk tsk, this battle was fought beautifully." Bagnell smacked his mouth and couldn't help feeling that the boss seemed to learn everything very quickly. Who would have thought that this ugly boy could go from a homeless child to where he is today?

Jiang Liang showed admiration. Even if it was him, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to achieve the level of the boss.

"Then what do we do next?" Xi Ping asked with a smile. This is the biggest doubt of everyone. Chen Mu is away, and where to go, it always gives them a headache.

Chen Mu's face is calm, which makes people ignore his age inadvertently, but after this tempering, he is now more calm and calm.

"The wooden camp was arranged by me to be about 1,500 kilometers away from here in the depths of the jungle. Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui are there, as well as those supplies." Chen Mu talked eloquently, and everyone seemed to listen. Bagnell and Xi Ping looked at each other, and they all looked relieved.

"Our goal this time is to find the devil girl and solve the problem of Biaoqing on me. Tonight, Weah and I will bring Qiu Shanyu into Qianhu City and wait for the opportunity to find the devil girl. Everyone is temporarily stationed in the camp and wait for us. Unexpectedly, you can accept us. As soon as this matter is completed, we will leave here. Qianhu City is not a place to stay for a long time."

Chen Mu said calmly, he immediately took out a few communication cards and distributed them to everyone.

"This is my re-created [Thousand Miles]. For such a close distance, no communication matrix is ​​needed. Tell the team members that we can leave at any time."

Bagnell took over and said solemnly, "You have to be careful."

The expressions of the others also became cautious.

Looking around, Chen Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, it probably won't take a few days. If we really can't find it, we'll find another way."

Ru Qiu suddenly said: "Boss, Principal Jiao Si must be here too. If you encounter any problems, you can go to him. If you encounter him, tell him that I miss him and the Principal very much."

Hearing these innocent words, everyone smiled.

Su Liuche judo: "I have several special effects potions that I just made, you can bring a few with you." The concern between the words naturally revealed.

Suddenly, the instrument in Bagnell's hand rang.

"Report, found Kaxiu who was stalking five places." The sullen face of the one-word brow appeared on the light curtain. The word eyebrows, who are proficient in assassination, are extremely good at dealing with these enemies who are also in the dark.

Everyone's eyes turned to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said without hesitation, "Knock them out."

Several strange shrieks sounded at the same time, and the unknown kaxiu who were stalking in the vicinity of the snow silkworm kaxiu group fell to the ground with a flash of blood on their foreheads. It was only then that people remembered that in the legend, the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group was a place where Kaxiu snipers ran rampant.

Taking advantage of the darkness and chaos, Chen Mu carried Qiu Shanyu and disappeared into the night with Weah.

Looking at the disappearing backs of the three, Bagnell suddenly said, "The boss has matured a lot."

"Yeah, he can finally be regarded as a qualified leader." Xi Ping replied.

Bagnell raised his eyebrows: "You are satisfied if you pass?"

Xi Ping pouted in disdain: "What are your ideas, don't involve me."

"Hey, I still want to teach the boss what I know..."

Xi Ping rolled his eyes unceremoniously: "Are you trying to cheat a tuition fee from the boss?"

Bagnell was furious: "You Am I that kind of person? Hmph, others want me to teach, but I still don't teach."

Xi Ping said slowly: "You don't have to jump into a rage if you're right. Also, don't look at your level. The boss is a genius! Just like you, tsk tsk, it's a bit reluctant to teach a little ginger!"

"You, you..." Bagnell pointed at Xi Ping, trembling with anger.

Xi Ping was unmoved: "Xiao Shengjiang is a good boy. As for you, your level is limited. I don't want you to train Xiao Shengjiang to be like that, oh, even that Luo Xiju is so powerful, at least, also Go to Song Chengyan's level."

He glanced at Bagnell and added: "Don't say anything about the past, hehe!"

Bagnell's face turned purple with anger, his eyes widened, and he turned away without saying a word.

A tyrannical voice resounded throughout the camp.

"Little ginger, **** it, get over here!"

(To be continued)

