MTL - Card - C.550 changeMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.550 changeMar 06, 2023

"I abstain."

Si Qing raised his right hand very simply and resolutely, completely ignoring the boos from the surrounding stands. The referee looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Are you sure you want to give up?"

"Yes!" Si Qing didn't hesitate.

The conversation between the two was transmitted to every corner of the stand through the device, and the boos from the audience became heavier, but Si Qing's expression did not change at all.

The referee had no choice but to declare Chen Mu the winner.

From beginning to end, Chen Mu didn't say a word or make an action. As soon as the referee announced, he immediately stepped down.

This scene saw everyone inexplicably and disappointedly. When Si Qing stepped off the stage, he was surrounded by a flood of reporters.

"Mr. Si Qing, why did you abstain?"

"Mr. Si Qing, were you secretly intimidated by someone?"

"Mr. Si Qing, are you under pressure from someone?"

...these reporters were as excited as they were fighting chickens. As soon as the third game opened, some contestants abstained for no reason. These reporters with a keen sense of smell were all fantasies. If you can dig out the inside story, wouldn't it be famous in one fell swoop?

Si Qing was stunned, and showed an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He shrugged and said, "Gentlemen, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. There's no inside story. I just accidentally saw Mr. Chen Mu's battle, and after careful consideration, I made this rational choice. I don't think there is any pressure on me, I just clearly recognize the gap between me and Mr. Chen Mu."

The reporters below were all disappointed, but some reporters were not reconciled: "Mr. Si Qing, as far as I know, your opponent Chen Mu, we have never heard the name. Is your statement an exaggeration on purpose... "

Si Qing disapproved and said: "That's just your opinion. In fact, I believe that my colleagues who have seen that battle will definitely make the same choice as me. I love fame, but I love my life more. As for You haven't heard the name, I'm pretty sure you'll remember it soon. I'm sorry, everyone, I still want to watch the next game, please let me go?"

Si Qing's interview was broadcast on various viewing platforms for the first time, causing heated discussions among people.

"Who is this person?" Jia Yingxia also saw this scene in the box and asked Bai Yue next to her.

Bai Yue bowed and said: "The origin is not clear, his entry card was taken from Gong Liang yesterday evening. But when I arrived, both Gong Liang and the Xiong family were killed. According to him, the Xiong family was killed. Kaxiu was dismayed that his competition card was stolen, so he rallied to attack him, but they were all killed. The investigation after the incident was indeed the case."

"Oh, this little guy is interesting." Jia Yingxia was a little surprised.

Cang Lan suddenly said, "This little guy is very dangerous."

Jia Yingxia was a little surprised: "Mr. Cang's statement is very unique." Instead of saying whether the strength is high or not, and whether the combat effectiveness is strong, it is dangerous.

"In the jungle of our Beiwangzhou, there lives a very strange beast. They live alone, are cruel and fierce, and are indifferent. This is a beast that every Kaxiu is unwilling to face, and no one wants to hunt them. They are The ferocity is not only to the enemy, but also to himself. I saw with my own eyes that a crampon tiger bit its right leg, but it did not hesitate to bite its right leg and the ice. The head of the claw tiger was bitten to pieces."

Cang Lan spoke slowly, as if he was talking about something unrelated.

There was nothing too scary, and Cang Lan's tone was normal, but Bai Yue suddenly felt a chill rise from behind her.

Qingqing's expression was as usual, but her heart was tumbling.

Chen Mu! He is Chen Mu! It's what you've been looking for! However, she was right in front of her, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Not bad, Miss Qingqing really did a great job." A voice sounded from behind her.

She remained silent.

"Don't worry, this time is over, not only will Miss Qingqing be safe, but your companions will also be safe." The man behind him chuckled lightly. Being able to let the high-flying arrogant man in Pingyue be kneaded arbitrarily, he felt unparalleled comfort in his heart. His eyes swept over Qingqing greedily and fiery hotly. Qingqing's appearance was only average, but the awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament made it easier for people to feel impulsive.

He secretly felt a pity in his heart, he was a smart man, he knew what he could and couldn't do. If he really did something to Qingqing, the above will never forgive him.

In the Principal's Office of the Star Academy, the principal and the dean's faces were ashen.

They spent a lot of time looking for Chen Mu. But when Chen Mu really appeared, they found that they could only stare blankly, helpless.

It's like people who are looking for treasures, they try hard to find the treasure, but they can't take it away.

Luo Xiju was also dumbfounded when he saw Chen Mu appear on the light screen. He exclaimed, "Why is he running here?"

Nick also looked puzzled: "Isn't this the guy named Chen Mu that you showed me last time? Hey" He suddenly exclaimed: "He... he is still the head of Bai!"

"It's a pity." Fatty felt extremely regretful, his expression was like an antique lover seeing a fine antique about to be smashed into pieces.

Mobley was horrified. He felt that he was going crazy today. In the first three games, he saw three acquaintances. Qingqing's participation in the Elite Tournament was completely beyond his expectations, and he also found that Qingqing was like a different one, and his shots were unusually ruthless. And Chen Mu's appearance also surprised him. Perhaps others will be very unfamiliar with Chen Mu, but Mobley knows very well that this young man, who looks only in his early twenties, is the real head of the famous Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group!

In comparison, Si Qing was the one he was most familiar with among the three. The two had fought together before, and he had always admired Si Qing's strength. After that, because he served as the head of the Snowflake Card Repair Team, the training time was greatly reduced, and the gap between him and Si Qing became wider and wider. He knows Si Qing's surname very well. This guy is typically hidden, and his strength far exceeds his reputation.

Mobley originally wanted to see Chen Mu's strength, and he also wanted to see how Si Qing had progressed over the years. However, what he never expected was that Si Qing chose to abstain without hesitation. Immediately after uploading an interview about Si Qing, Mobley, who was familiar with Si Qing, immediately realized that Si Qing was not joking.

This makes Mobley awe-inspiring!

If even Si Qing thought he was not Chen Mu's opponent, how terrifying would this young man's strength be?

Mobley was thinking wildly, and all this happened in a short period of time, making his brain a mess.

Chen Mu walked off the stage, he was a little helpless. Originally, I hoped to have a fight and lead out the secret devil girl, but what I didn't expect was that the other party actually abstained.

I don't know, did the devil girl see it?

Chen Mu thought to himself as he walked, the second round would not start until tomorrow.

In the long aisle, some players can be seen warming up before entering the field. Seeing Chen Mu, these Kaxiu couldn't help but stop their movements. Many Kaxiu glanced at Chen Mu, then shrank back in shock, while some Kaxiu's eyes were full of provocation.

Chen Mu turned a blind eye, and his thoughts were not on the card repairs in front of him.

Suddenly, Chen Mu stopped.

In the air, there was a faint murderous aura, and many distant memories surged up from the bottom of his heart in an instant.

His eyes suddenly became solemn, and under the solemnity, there was a strong self-suppressed excitement.

In the shadows in the corners of the ceiling ahead, the blurry shadows are hard to detect.

Without hesitation, he pulled his throat and shouted, "Weah!"

At the same time, he suddenly exerted force under his feet, the airflow card suddenly fully opened, and the whole person was like an arrow from the string, suddenly retreating behind him!

This sudden change made all the Kaxiu stunned for a moment, and they looked at Chen Mu who was retreating quickly for unknown reasons.

A ghostly shadow followed Chen Mu along the ceiling like a wisp of smoke.

At the same time, the wall of the box where Chen Mu was resting exploded, and a black shadow shot straight out!

Chen Mu only felt that his eyes lit up, he flew out of the aisle! The sound waves from the surrounding stands were overwhelming, filling his eardrums.

With unprecedented concentration, he flew towards the field without any hesitation. The phantom behind him is chasing after him. This phantom is like a cloud of smoke. Even if the sun shines, it is difficult for the naked eye to distinguish.

When Chen Mu flew to the center of the arena, he suddenly stopped and turned to face the phantom.

The group of phantoms also stopped, and her figure finally showed in front of Chen Mu. The slender waist and the ugly face like a devil exudes an extremely dangerous aura.

Devil girl!

Chen Mu would never forget that ugly face. He was very excited, but desperately told himself in his head to calm down!

Weah stopped indifferently, he and Chen Mu were one after the other, surrounding the devil girl in the middle! This is the plan made by Chen Mu. The devil girl is best at hiding her figure. Only with such an unobstructed terrain can she deal with her better.

Three people suddenly appeared in the arena, and one of them was Chen Mu, who had just left the field. This sudden change made the surrounding stands become silent.

The ugly woman who once seriously injured herself!

Qingqing was shocked and looked at the three people in the arena in disbelief. Many things came to her mind, without any hesitation, she suddenly slammed into the protective glass window!

"You're crazy..." The man behind him screamed anxiously and Qingqing, if she didn't hear it, stroked her hands lightly on her chest, a few rays of light flashed, and the sturdy protective glass window shattered immediately !

With the crisp sound of glass shattering, she floated into the arena like a cloud of pale blue smoke.

In the No. 1 box, Jia Yingxia's face was extremely poor, she snorted coldly, and raised her left hand slightly. The temperature of the room plummeted, bang, and the protective glass window and the wall turned into a tiny snow crystal at the same time. She flew towards the arena with a sullen look, and Bai Yue did not dare to neglect, and followed closely behind.

Canglan stared at Qingqing in the arena, and when his eyes swept over Weah and the devil girl, he showed a bit of a strange look. He didn't speak, his body was like electricity, and he flew towards the arena.

Chen Mu stared at the devil girl, the devil girl looked at Chen Mu indifferently, Weia was expressionless, and none of the three looked at the four of them. Qingqing, Jiayingxia, Baiyue, and Canglan were like air.

No matter how stupid people are, they will understand at this time that something big is about to happen!

(To be continued)

