MTL - Card - C.562 war!Mar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.562 war!Mar 06, 2023

The battle started in this silence.

Both sides are ruthless characters, and as soon as they make a shot, they kill.

The three of them rushed towards Li Duhong in a zigzag shape, and the speed was suffocating. Li Duhong Yi was not afraid, he stared at these three people coldly, and the clansmen around him not only did not come to help, but hurried to both sides!

The blue light spreads on Li Duhong's hands, like flames and sea water, and the original appearance of metal is completely invisible. The blue eyes flickered faintly on the square mask. He took half a step back with his right leg, and his body was slightly bent, facing the oncoming three Wukaliu.

In his eyes, these three people are no different from the three beasts.

He raised his hands slightly and folded them in front of his chest. The square and rigid mask showed no expression, and his deep blue eyes stared coldly at the rapidly approaching enemy.

He could clearly see the ferocious and twisted expressions on the faces of these three people. In the blue vision, there were circles of ripples, and in the ripples, the movements of these people became extremely slow.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly shortening, but Li Duhong remained motionless, but the blue light on his arm gathered at his slightly opened fingertips at an alarming speed. The metal hook-shaped fingers exude a dazzling blue light, and all the blue light is gathered and compressed on these ten points.

Distance: Fifteen meters!

In the blue vision, the joy on the other's face was revealed.

At such a close distance, the air technique with no card flow can exert its greatest power. The three of them shouted in unison, and their arms slashed fiercely in the void!

Three transparent air slashes rushed inward from three different angles, and the unique screaming sound of the air skill was mind-blowing and terrifying!

Li Duhong finally moved!

The ten fingers, which were so bright that they could not be seen, stroked lightly in the void.

With his light stroke, ten blue energy lines spewed out from his fingertips, as if a jungle spider suddenly spit out its deadly poisonous spider silk! Ten blue energy lines quickly swept through the air, making a whimpering sound. Each energy line is about twenty meters long, and they are intertwined to form a wire mesh. The branches and leaves in the wire mesh, once touched by these blue energy lines, will be cut into countless pieces in the blink of an eye!

Without any suspense, three sharp air waves plunged into this energy mesh.

Ping Ping Ping!

There was a piercing sound of impact, and three transparent air bursts on the spot like glass! The out-of-control air seemed to set off a small storm in a small area, blowing the nearby energy filaments into a shudder.

The faces of the three of them changed slightly!

These seemingly frivolous blue energy threads have such amazing power!

At this time, the distance between the two sides has been reduced to ten meters, and the three no-card flow can see clearly. These seemingly small energy threads have been vibrating at a high speed at an astonishing frequency. It is the high-frequency vibration that makes them dangerous, and any object touched by it will be cut in an instant!

The three were horrified! This Federation is truly amazing! They have seen countless energy bodies these days, but this is the first time they have seen this kind of energy thread that can always vibrate at a high frequency. The three of them are all experienced fighters, knowing that once they are stained, they will only be cut off! And the other end is still in the hands of the other party, I'm afraid it's not the consequence of being cut off by a piece of flesh and blood. This energy thread can be firm or soft, which is undoubtedly a headache.

However, the three of them are all elites from various tribes, and they are not shocked.

Although the three air waves did not pose a threat to the enemy just now, they still noticed a detail. When the air wave blade was smashed, the turbulent air flow blew the energy thread aside! And if the turbulent air flow is large enough, it will be enough to expose the flaw in the other party's energy mesh.

Between the lights and flint, they can see into all the details that can be used. These people are indeed the real masters of no card flow!

The three of them cooperated tacitly and drank violently together!

The right hand of the three disappeared in the air!


With the incessant screaming, the air chopped out of his hand, frantically slamming into the web of blue energy thin lines in front of Li Duhong!

Ping ping ping ping... The dense explosion of fried beans made people's scalp tingle!

Air Slash is like a moth to a flame, screeching towards the energy net, and then blasting in front of the energy net!

The air of the energy network suddenly became violent, and the shattered air smashed into pieces, tearing the air in this area frantically! This is how a small storm takes shape. These tenacious strands of energy are soft things after all, undulating by the turbulent air.

The three of them lit up at the same time!


Under the strong airflow, the blue energy filaments were swung out of a clear gap at the right rib of Liduhong!


The three of them shook their arms slightly in unison! The three air slashes flew towards the gap with great precision!

Suddenly, the dull red square mask suddenly had a strange taste.

The blue filaments all over the sky suddenly pulled back at an astonishing speed, and like a snake, they quickly wrapped around the red arms, chest, back, and legs, and even the mask was intertwined with blue energy filaments. Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Duhong wrapped his own in brown!

This sudden change also stunned the other three for a moment, and then they saw a scene that they will never forget.

Li Duhong gently stretched out his left hand, and his five metal fingers grabbed Sandao's air slash. The five fingers shrouded in the metal glove gently squeezed, and the incomparably sharp air slammed into a muffled sound.

Pinched, crushed... The three people's eyes were suddenly round, and they looked at the redness of the blue energy line wrapped like a brown child like a ghost.

How could it be possible... No matter how powerful the flow of no cards is, it is impossible to crush the Air Slash like this!

They were so shocked that they didn't notice the distance between them and Li Duhong, which was less than five meters!

Li Duhong flicked the little finger of his right hand, and a blue energy line popped out silently like a poisonous snake, sweeping towards the three of them. At the same time, he made a fist with his right hand and slammed it towards the enemy in the middle.

The one in the middle, Wu Kaliu, just recovered from the shock, and when he saw the fist swiping towards him, he couldn't help but turn his surprise into joy!

Fighting fists with no card flow, isn't that courting death?

He shouted loudly and waved his fist without hesitation!

The two people who had just returned to God, seeing this scene, the color of surprise on their faces suddenly disappeared, and then they showed a playful expression. They are full of confidence in their fellow fists! Perhaps in Mohadi Domain, his fist is not the strongest, but in the Federation, except for that person, they do not believe that anyone else can beat this punch!

As for the gloves on the opponent's hand, there are indeed some tricks. However, metal is not a favored material in the Mohadi domain, and gloves made of metal can only be used by those junior fighters. At their level, their hands are harder than metal.

The two fists collided without any tricks!


Mixed with the sound of bones shattering, a pair of completely twisted right hands were revealed under the blood mist!

The one in the middle, Wu Kaliu, screamed. Under the powerful impact, his right hand was almost completely destroyed. The pain was transmitted through the nerves to his brain, and his physiology was immediately hit hard, and he passed out directly.

This result was completely unexpected by the other two!

They widened their eyes and froze for a moment. They couldn't imagine the scene in front of them. The flesh-and-blood arm swayed in front of them. In stark contrast, it was the metal fist that was tangled in blue!

A thin line of energy quietly swept towards the two of them, but the two in shock did not notice it.

Li Duhong Xiaowei flicks again!

Hiss! As if the cobra aiming at the prey suddenly spit out its snake letter, this thin energy line suddenly shot out!

The two were startled, but it was already too late! A very thin red line appeared on the necks of the two of them, and two seconds later, blood spurted out, and the two fell on their backs.

The blue line didn't stop at all, and accurately pierced the throat of the fainted without Kaliu. Lidu's red little finger flicked lightly, and the blue line easily cut off the head of this non-card flow.

Ban Ze's expression was as usual, and his heart was horrified.

Who are these people?

These people who suddenly appeared are extremely weird, especially the fighting style, which is completely different from the Kaxiu and the no-card flow he had seen before. They wear weird masks, and even more weird metal gloves on their hands. He had punched one of them just now, and the strength of the other side also shocked him. What made him even more awe-inspiring was that the person who had punched him was totally fine.

And their blue line, it's even more unpredictable.

Ban Ze's eyes are naturally not comparable to ordinary cardless streams, UU reading www. uukanshu. com He quickly understood some mysteries. Although he didn't know what the specific function of that mask was, it could make the enemy more sensitive. And the key to their metal gloves is those blue lines, especially the blue lines wrapped around the whole body, they can actually punch him! He doesn't believe that someone's physical strength can be stronger than no card flow!

What plays a key role in this is the blue thread that wraps around the whole body. It seems to be able to evenly distribute the received power to the whole body. without getting hurt.

If the opponent's flaws are concerned, it is speed. But these guys obviously know this, and they use the blue line to make up for the gaps created by the slowness. When those blue lines flew, even he felt it was difficult to start.

The other party is like a hedgehog, making it impossible to start.

However, Banzer's strength is obviously superior to other non-card players. Although he has not yet found the weakness of these people, he still remains calm.

However, it was his unusual calmness on the battlefield that was quickly noticed by Li Duhong who had just dealt with the three enemies.

(To be continued)

