MTL - Card - C.572 Mido BlueMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.572 Mido BlueMar 06, 2023

"you're awake."

A faint and cold voice came from behind, without turning back, Chen Mu also knew that it was the devil girl Zara.

But he didn't look back, he stared blankly in front of him.

An endless sky-blue sea of ​​sparks appeared in front of him, and countless flowers emitting sky-blue fluorescence formed the sea of ​​blue light. With the light wind, they turned sky blue waves from time to time. From time to time, there are luminous sky-blue silk flocs that are blown into the sky by the wind, dotted with stars, like transpiring blue mist. The dream made of pure bright blue is so dazzling and so intoxicating in the dark!

"Where is this?"

Chen Mu's voice was a little erratic, and he stared blankly at everything in front of him.

"Baiyuan." The devil girl's answer was very succinct.

"Baiyuan Mansion?"

"It's Baiyuan!" The devil girl raised her voice slightly, emphasizing the difference between the two.

Chen Mu finally came to his senses, and he asked inexplicably, "What does it have to do with Baiyuan Mansion?"

The devil girl stared at Chen Mu and said calmly, "Baiyuan is the most vicious place in Baiyuan Mansion."

"Ferocious?" Chen Mu looked at the intoxicating blue ocean in front of him in disbelief. He couldn't associate the word vicious with it.

"This is Mido Blue, which is not poisonous, but they will frantically plunder the living space of other creatures. Where it grows longer than Mido Blue, only Mido Blue can grow. Moreover, it is not edible, and no creatures have yet been found to be able to grow. Eat it." The Devil's understatement describes the terrifying surname of this beautiful creature.

Chen Mu felt a chill in his heart. He didn't expect that under the beautiful appearance in front of him, there was such a cruel fact.

"We need to get out of this blue ocean, otherwise, we will have to die here." The devil girl glanced at Chen Mu and continued, "You don't have to expect to find anything edible in the Miduo Blue Ocean."

This time, Chen Mu was really frightened. The Miduo blue sea in front of him stretched as far as the eye could see, and he couldn't see the edge. When he was in this blue sea, he couldn't help but feel a little small.

The devil girl ignored Chen Mu and ran forward first.

Chen Mu hurriedly followed, and he immediately noticed something strange.

Almost as soon as his mind moved, the whole person slid forward silently. Unprecedented handy, does not need a trace of deliberate, just like his hands and feet. Chen Mu was overjoyed by this discovery, and he quickly checked his perception.

This inspection makes me even more happy. The perception in his body has been greatly improved in terms of fineness and intensity. He can now easily use moves that used to require a lot of effort. The most amazing thing is that in the zero state, his perception is like a big net, spreading every inch of space around him, and he can even feel the subtle changes in the airflow several kilometers away!

Even the zero state has broken through!

This discovery made him even more ecstatic. In the zero state, whether he chooses no card flow or conventional means, his power can be greatly increased. At his level, insight is more important than anything else. Did you push the limit in a storm?

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, he began to try to do some normal training little by little. He needed to adapt to this new state. Before the breakthrough, he was like a card machine that was very harmonious in all aspects. Now a certain part is suddenly strengthened, and this upsets its balance. What Chen Mu needed to do was to re-establish a brand new balance, a balance that was stronger than before.

While following behind the Devil Girl, Chen Mu trained on his own.

All he does are small exercises, such as controlling himself to suddenly do a lateral shift of ten centimeters, for example, using [Bipolar Card] to stimulate a black energy bead and a white energy bead, using the energy line between the two, Precisely cut a certain stamen of a certain Mido blue, such as using energy gloves to do some fine control and so on.

In addition to keeping a trace of mind and following the Devil Girl closely, his other attention was all on these small trainings.

After practicing for a long time, the feeling of being handy is getting stronger and stronger, and he can now handle some difficult tactical moves.

Chen Mu stopped training, he felt a little tired. This kind of tiredness is not the tiredness caused by the perception of excessive consumption, but the tiredness of the body. This is very rare in him, he used to feel that his body is more than perception. From the first time Weah saw him, it was evident that he hoped to be able to teach him, and in the following time, he would rarely encounter situations where his physical strength could not keep up. Instead, perception is often exhausted.

It was only then that he remembered that he had not eaten or drank for a long time. No wonder the body is so weak! Chen Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly. Just now, he had been immersed in the joy of breaking through, and he didn't notice that his body was on the verge of danger.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the devil girl, but she didn't eat or drink like himself. After a closer look, I found that the devil girl is far worse than usual. Although the running speed is not slow, she is obviously tired, giving people a feeling of emptiness and powerlessness.

Chen Mu suddenly accelerated, rushed behind the Devil Girl, and picked her up.

The devil girl's physical strength has reached the brink of collapse, and her reaction has become extremely slow. It was not until Chen Mu took her into his arms that she could react. She subconsciously wanted to struggle, but her hands and feet were weak.

"Where can I find the source of water?" Chen Mu ignored her struggles, his voice was burning with fire. Not drinking water is more deadly than not eating. The water collector is usually placed in the transport shuttle, and he does not have it. It's useless even if he wears it, the clothes on his upper body have long been broken. Thankfully, the card holder was strapped tightly around his waist.

The devil girl stopped struggling, and she had no strength. She also knew that being led by Chen Mu to fly was the best choice.

She gritted her teeth and pointed her finger in one direction: "There should be in that direction. I smell the water."

Chen Mu accelerated without hesitation and flew in the direction pointed by the devil girl. Although the statement "smelling water" made him feel ridiculous, the Devil Girl was full of mysteries, and it was normal to have one more. What's more, this is Baiyuan, and the devil girl has more say than herself.

The speed of the airflow card was fully opened, and Chen Mu hugged the devil girl, whistling close to the Miduo blue ocean and flew at a low altitude! The turbulent airflow rolled up the fluffy blue fluff, and below the two, V-shaped blue waves rippled to both sides. The devil girl closed her eyes, not saving her energy, but thinking about something.

After flying for about 20 minutes, the devil girl suddenly opened her eyes: "It's here!"

Chen Mu suddenly stopped, as if completely violating the surname theorem, and suddenly pinned in mid-air.

He saw a pool of shallow water, not deep, only about half a meter, crystal clear. Controlling the airflow, Chen Mu and the devil girl slowly landed beside this shallow water. As soon as she touched the ground, the devil girl broke free from Chen Mu's hand, almost crawled to the side of the puddle, and took a big gulp.

Chen Mu was no better than her, and buried his entire face in the water. The cool water moistened his thirsty throat, and a strong sense of pleasure filled his body. Chen Mu could feel his physical strength recovering little by little.

The two kept pouring water until they were almost full before stopping. The two of them slumped in front of the puddle, gasping for breath.

"How did we come here?" Chen Mu asked the devil girl.

"I don't know." The devil girl regained some anger, and her voice became much stronger.

This answer didn't disappoint Chen Mu too much, because he didn't expect her to give an answer. Being caught in a cold crystal storm and surviving is already a fluke. Glancing at the lush Miduo Lan around him, he asked, "Does one walk out of Baiyuan after walking out of the Miduo Blue Sea?"

The devil girl looked at Chen Mu with a hint of pity and a hint of ridicule in her eyes, but she was more desperate and blank: "No one can get out of Baiyuan."

"No one?" Chen Mu disagreed with this statement.

The devil girl ignored him and said to herself: "Baiyuan is the bottommost area of ​​Baiyuan Mansion, and it is also the most dangerous area. The entire Baiyuan Mansion is above our heads."

"Top of the head?" Chen Mu was speechless, and subconsciously looked up at the sky, but there was only bottomless darkness above, and he couldn't see anything.

"The entire Baiyuan Mansion is underground. No one has ever been to the surface. The closer you get to the surface, the colder it becomes. Only in places with geothermal heat underground can humans survive. All plants in Baiyuan Mansion rely on geothermal heat to draw energy. , not light. We know very little about Baiyuan, only the outermost area, which is equivalent to the outer edge of your jungle. From there, we hone our skills, find weapon materials, and medicines."

What the devil girl said, Chen Mu was stunned again. He couldn't help but marvel, the world is so big, it really is full of wonders.

"When I was very young, I practiced my skills in the periphery of Baiyuan. I am very familiar with it. I have never seen such a large blue ocean in the periphery." The devil girl said lightly.

"You mean, this is the depths of Baiyuan?" Chen Mu asked. He found that when the devil girl came here, she spoke a lot more than in the Federation, and people were not as cold as before. He once thought that the devil girl and Weah were brothers and sisters, and their indifferent tone was exactly the same.

"You'll know when you walk out of the blue ocean of The devil girl dropped these words and turned to leave.

Chen Mu hurriedly followed, without the devil girl, he felt that he would definitely get lost in this vast blue ocean. However, this time, instead of picking up Devil Girl, he followed behind her and continued to practice adaptation. It is useless to ask more questions now, this is a completely unfamiliar environment for him. It is better to focus on improving your own strength, which is much more real.

Unconsciously, he was immersed in the practice of ecstasy, except for the distraction of hanging behind the devil girl. He hadn't practiced so purely for a long time, and he had too many things to think about.

Leading the team, commanding the battle, making cards, card equipment... Now he can put everything behind him, and he seems to be back when he just got that mysterious card. Just training, just serious training, is enough.

The devil girl, who recovered some of her physical strength, was like a female leopard, running lightly and vigorously in the blue blue sea of ​​Miduo, leaving behind a flurry of fluttering blue flutters.

Behind her, followed closely by Chen Mu who seemed to be in a delusional disorder.

(To be continued)

