MTL - Card - C.575 blue crystalMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.575 blue crystalMar 06, 2023

During these thirty days, they killed hundreds of beasts. Among them, there were more than 20 Yingfeng, and the black secluded python ranked 15th and the bone rhinoceros ranked 14th all died under their hands. As for other unknown creatures, there are more.

Thirty days is not long, but for the two who have experienced the **** killing, it seems like a lifetime. Their strength is much stronger than before, especially Chen Mu, who has improved more rapidly in all aspects. In the Commonwealth, there were not many battles that required his personal involvement. In Baiyuan, every day is a high-intensity battle, with only the most brutal killing and life and death.

Thirty days of training, he was like a new person, reborn.

"My energy card is running out." Chen Mu frowned. Fighting constantly these days, the energy card consumption is huge. Fortunately, he is usually used to a lot of energy cards, otherwise, he would not be able to last at all. If the energy card is exhausted, his combat power will drop sharply. His attainment in the card-free flow is still good for ordinary card repairs, but it is too much to deal with these beasts.

The Devil Girl's hands were stagnant, and then returned to normal: "Then what should I do?"

Chen Mu, who had some headaches, took out all the things in his pocket. [Weak Shui] pens, various cards, money cards, etc., and a few small pieces of mud scattered among them. Money cards are worthless here. As for other cards, if there is no energy card, it is just a pile of waste paper.

His eyes fell on the little black pieces of mud, and he was overjoyed. How could he forget these little things?

He picked up a small piece of mud and carefully squeezed the outer layer of black mud. A strong wave of energy impacted Chen Mu's perception of the world.

Strong energy fluctuations are coming!

Chen Mu looked at these sapphire crystals with surprise and joy. His current knowledge is much better than before. Although he still doesn't know what these sapphire-like crystals are, he can roughly judge its surname. This is a crystal with a very high energy content, and the energy density it contains far exceeds that of other energy-rich ores that Chen Mu has seen. As is common, the moon stone used to make energy cards contains less than a fraction of its energy.

But despite this, he still faced the dilemma of insufficient materials. First of all, he needs blank cards. The key point is that tanning blank cards is also a technique that requires many processes, which is obviously something he cannot complete now. Secondly, he needs a lot of auxiliary materials to process this unknown energy crystal.

Fortunately, Chen Mu is not a rigid person and knows how to adapt to local conditions. He had never thrown away the energy cards that had been used up before, and now he only needed to clean and dispose of them. And there are many cards in his card bag that he doesn't need. These cards are all used by him, and they are all freshly disposed of.

As for the problem of other materials, he had to bite the bullet and solve it. For this reason, he had to re-search the area where he had been active for 30 days. He would check every kind of creature and every kind of ore here. Without any testing equipment, no other processing tools, and no valid cards, he could only resort to the most primitive means—his perception!

Using his own perception, he tried his best to scan any kind of material he had not seen before, hoping to judge their surname from their microstructure.

What Chen Mu didn't know was that no one had ever used perception in this way. And if Caesar knew that he did this with the Zero state, he would be stunned.

In order to be able to distinguish the microstructure of materials, he had to exert his perception to the extreme, especially in fineness. The range of their activities in the past thirty days was not large, but the materials that Chen Mu felt unfamiliar within this range was not a small number.

Plants, minerals, biological tissues... these are all within the scope of his investigation. If I were to change people, I would definitely not start from such a basic work, because this is really a huge project. However, Chen Mu did not hesitate to choose this seemingly most laborious way.

Who knows how long they will stay in this ghost place, these jobs seem tedious, but every time they do a little more, the surnames they may survive in Baiyuan will be bigger.

For thirty days, he could not remember how many battles he had gone through. There are many battles, and he is very likely to become a corpse, and he can survive, and a lot of it is luck. However, one cannot pin their hopes on luck. He felt deeply how difficult it was to survive in this place.

He believes it is necessary to prepare for a long battle. And these preparations are also the basis for their long-term battle.

To this end, they had to slow down the pace of progress. Chen Mu desperately used his perception to inspect these materials every day. I don't know if he has used it a lot, but his perception has improved quite rapidly, and he has become more and more proficient in this method of identifying materials that is not recorded in any textbooks.

After passing by the **** of death several times, his zero-type state has also undergone a qualitative change, and he can now be in the zero-type state at any time without any discomfort. Those white lines have also changed, so faint that they are almost invisible, hidden in the colorful field of vision, but he can easily and clearly feel these hard-to-see lines. Whenever there is danger, he can always detect it one step ahead, which allows him to avoid many dangers.

Under the pressure of death, the combination of [One Breath Perception Exercise] and deep tranquility exerted astonishing power, and his perception changed almost every day.

Life is boring, every day is fighting and checking materials. The devil girl seems to be accustomed to this kind of life, and Ping Yueli is taciturn. However, the tacit understanding between the two in the battle has become more and more familiar, and the power of their cooperation has also greatly increased.

Chen Mu was carefully collecting the poisonous powder from the fallen pink poisonous color moth. The pink poisonous color moth is quite large, with its wings more than 25 centimeters long, and its body is brightly colored, especially its wings, which are like two rainbows. It does not fly very fast, but generates a colored toxic area around its body. Any creature that breaks into this area will be poisoned immediately.

This is an extremely dangerous animal, but for Chen Mu, it is not too much trouble. Using the [Bipolar Card], he easily killed this pink poisonous moth. According to the devil girl, the colored poisonous powder on the pink poisonous color moth is a very useful material, and many tribes will buy it at a high price, mainly for making weapons.

This made Chen Mu very curious about it and deliberately collected the poisonous powder on it. All kinds of creatures in this area were almost swept away by the two of them, and even the bone-thorning rhinoceros, which was so powerful that the devil girl dared not even think about it, was forcibly ground to death by the two of them. And now the group of shadow bees, as soon as they saw the two of them, turned around and ran away, making Chen Mu greatly amazed at the wisdom of these little creatures.

"Ha, this poison powder really is a good thing!" Chen Mu couldn't help shouting in surprise.

The materials he collected were only lacking in one catalyst. He didn't expect this poisonous powder to be a natural catalyst.

The devil girl looked at Chen Mu, who was overjoyed, and her mind was a little erratic. The speed and magnitude of his progress is truly appalling! When he first arrived here, Chen Mu's strength was not as good as hers, but almost every time he went through a battle, his strength increased by one point. After more than ten battles, the gap between the two was evenly matched. However, his rising momentum shows no signs of exhaustion, and now he has become the main attacker of the two.

She had never seen such a strong character! Are you talented? Or does he have potential that is far superior to ordinary people?

Her strength is also increasing rapidly, but compared with him, it makes people a little discouraged, this is after she has Tianxingvine.

After beheading the 15th-ranked Black Nether Python and the 14th-ranked Bone Thorn Rhino in a row, she suddenly felt that maybe they could really get out of Baiyuan.

Chen Mu, who had collected the poison powder, had already greeted her to go back to the camp, and he couldn't wait.

The two people's camp is very simple, just a hollow sheltered from the wind, with the urine and hair of some powerful beasts sprinkled around, so as to prevent other beasts from breaking into the camp. The camp is warm because of the fire pit. However, in this simple fire pit, it was not wood, but a pale red stone. Chen Mu had never seen this pale red stone before, but knew that it was an incomplete power stone. I regretted it for a long time at the beginning. The energy contained in this light red stone is not much, and it cannot be used to make energy cards. But then he had an idea and simply tried to use it for heating.

Unexpectedly, it is an excellent combustion material, which is not only smokeless, stable in heat generation, but also extremely resistant to burning. The devil girl had round eyes at the time, but she only found out after asking her about it. This is a fairly common stone called Hongyuan Stone in Baiyuanfu, but no one would think of using it as a fuel.

The red kite stone in the fire pond radiated warm heat, flickering brightly and darkly, and Chen Mu's face also flickered and darkened, and his face was very focused.

In front of him, there are many strange things. There are all kinds of stones, plant tubers, unknown wild fruits, blood of animals... He started to process these materials. He had already drawn up a plan, so he moved very quickly without any The Devil's Girl watched curiously Chen Mu, she has never seen a card maker make a card. She has been in the Federation for a long time, and she has a certain understanding of many things in the Federation. And what the energy card means to them, she is quite clear.

Without Chen Mu, the main attacker, it would be impossible for her to get out of Baiyuan alone!

It made her a little nervous.

Chen Mu looked calm and focused, and his movements were neat and orderly. It's hard to imagine that he was making cards with unfamiliar materials, and if an uninformed person saw him for the first time, they would think he had done it many times before.

The materials were changing in his hands, and all kinds of phenomena that stunned the devil girl emerged one after another.

The whole process takes about four hours.

For four hours, Chen Mu's eyes did not shift at all, always staring at the simple and primitive container in front of him.

And the final product is the three cards just completed in front of him!

(To be continued)

