MTL - Card - C.576 East GuardianMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.576 East GuardianMar 06, 2023

The energy card produced was beyond Chen Mu's expectations, so that it was difficult for him to determine how many stars the energy card was. However, he quickly cast aside the academic surname question, which really doesn't make much sense here.

With so much time, he might as well go to training.

The energy of this energy card is far beyond his imagination, presumably for a long time, he does not need to worry about the energy card. That said, he was able to resume normal training. Some time ago, due to insufficient energy cards, he gave up regular training because it required energy consumption. He can only practice some training without card flow, but Weah is not there, the training method of the devil girl is not suitable for his physical condition.

He can only be regarded as an ordinary air skill, and it's okay to use it to scare Kaxiu. If it is used on these fierce beasts, it can only tickle them. Chen Mu had tried it before, and the sharp air slash landed on the bone-piercing rhinoceros, without even leaving a white mark.

The devil girl directly said that his strength is not enough. If it is Weah, I believe it will not be too troublesome. This very hurtful remark did not discourage Chen Mu. In his heart, Weah has long been an invincible existence. Moreover, after relying on his own mind, the two of them abruptly grinded the rhinoceros to death, which made him excited for a long time.

Although they didn't have much tactical flexibility due to the small number of people, Chen Mu still discovered the value of tactics.

Even if you know some things, if you haven't really used them, you often can't remember them when you are in danger.

The devil girl is not a hypocritical person, she doesn't understand if she doesn't understand. She wisely handed over the command to Chen Mu, and more often played an auxiliary role.

Chen Mu, who completed the energy card, was in a good mood, and the most important problem was solved. In Baiyuan, you can only survive if you can fight. The property here is very barren, the survival of every creature is very difficult, and the fighting between each other is extremely cruel.

He moved in his heart and said to the devil girl, "Show me your Tianxing vine."

The devil girl looked at him for some unknown reason, but still handed Tianxingvine to Chen Mu. After these days of mutual support, a kind of inner partner's trust has quietly grown between the two.

After taking over the Tianxingvine, Chen Mu began to scan it with perception. These days, he is very proficient in this usage of perception. This scan has allowed him to make many new discoveries. There are many natural subtle meridians in this star vine, and the treatment of the devil girl last time made these fine meridians more prominent.

It really is a natural card machine!

Those fine meridians are natural textures, and it is filled with a peculiar energy, which should be its own energy, which is equivalent to the energy card of the card machine. The Devil's way of using it consumes very little energy, which allows it to be used for a long time.

For a natural card like Tianxingvine, Chen Mu had a hard time modifying it. He had no way to correct the fine network that grew inside the Tianxingvine. Maybe he will be able to do it after a while, but for now, he has to give up.

Give the Tianxing Vine to the devil girl again.

ten days later.

"We need to get out of here." Chen Mu said.

The devil girl hummed. These days, almost all the food that can be eaten here falls into their stomachs, and now there is only a tough guy like Shadow Bee that has no oil and water. And these creatures are now full of fear for the two of them, and are unusually alert.

The two acted cautiously, prepared a lot of water, and even packed all the materials that Chen Mu thought was useful. The progress of the two is very slow, and in this crisis-ridden place, any caution cannot be overstated.

Find new camps, try to survive, and scramble for food from other creatures. Life is monotonous and boring, without any color, and what you need to face every day is the most direct and most **** battle and killing. They can't see any effort on the vast and flat earth, eternal gray, with no end in sight.

Bagnell's pupils have no focal length, and looking at the vast horizon outside the window every day has become his biggest habit.

As the military chief in charge of Dongwei Base, he should have returned to Dongwei Base to be in charge of various affairs. But he refused to leave the Great Crack Base anyway, he chose to stay in the gray layer. His decision, Xi Pingren also have no choice. However, because he personally squatted on the big crack base, the construction project here developed rapidly. Now the Great Crack Base has become an indispensable part of the Dongwei Base. It is precisely because of its continuous supply of various rare materials that it has greatly promoted the development of the Dongwei Base over the years.

In addition, the Great Crack Base is also the heaviest training ground in the Dongwei Base, and the team members will be transferred here for later training.

After two years of development, the current Dongwei base has become an emerging force, and people usually call it Dongwei. Dongwei has been quite low-key these years, but no one dared to doubt their strength, especially the hunter group adapted from the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group, which is even more famous. Compared with the Tang Shou Camp, which was just established by Tang Hanpei and also used energy gloves as its main weapon, they have more weight.

In the past two years, the situation in the Federation has not only not improved, but has become more chaotic. The two overlords, Tang Hanpei and Su Heiming, are still in the ascendant, but the alliance of the other four of the Big Six and Faya is worthy of blocking the two. The battle between the legions became more and more fierce. The two legions of Moying and the first legion of Wei Yueqing were jointly strangled by the legions of the other legions. The battle was fierce and far exceeded people's expectations.

According to incomplete statistics, within two years, about 75 cities have been erased from the map, including six large cities, and the number of deaths is even more numerous.

The five prosperous and aspirational Chinese districts in the past have become the ground for war, and people in panic and despair have moved their families out of the Chinese districts and flocked to the general residential districts. Among them, there are also many card repair groups. How can the Kaxiu gushing out from the China area be willing to bow their heads to the country landowners who were looked down upon by them in the past?

Their arrival has also escalated the war in the common area.

Compared with other places, Dongwei Base is a paradise. Now, countless people come here every day. Although the area of ​​Dongwei base is more than twenty-five times larger than before, it is still difficult to meet the requirements of such a large number of people. Therefore, after the decision of Dongwei senior management, the wooden battalion was sent to clean the surrounding area, forming a larger vacuum belt.

Many people who could not obtain the right to live in the Dongwei base spontaneously settled in this vacuum zone. The Dongwei base does not interfere with their daily life, and is organized and managed by them, but administratively it belongs to the vassal of the Dongwei base. These spontaneously formed towns are called satellite cities.

Due to its good public security and reputation, Dongshang Acropolis has become the most prosperous large city in the entire Federation, and its area has expanded tenfold compared to before. It has the largest trade market in the entire Federation, and it is a paradise for card makers and card mechanics. Here, the card machine experts have a position that is not inferior to the card maker, which attracts many card machine experts to vote.

Dongwei base is fat and oily, how can there be no one coveted?

But the Dongwei base proved their power with their actions. The Muzi Battalion and the Hunter Regiment have experienced more than 20 battles in the past two years, without a single defeat, shocking Xiaoxiao.

Several black dots appeared in Bagnell's field of vision. The speed of these black dots was extremely fast, and they appeared in front of the base gate almost in the blink of an eye. You don't need to guess Bagnell to know that it is Weah. In the past two years, Weah has always left the base with Xiaobumo, Su, and Yangshanfei, and this disappearance often occurs for many days. When he comes back, he will always bring many things, such as planting cards. No one knew where they went, and Weah never said. The snow worm card repair group can successfully change clothes, all rely on Weah to bring the planting card again and again.

Although I don't know where Weah got the planting cards, everyone has long been accustomed to their frequent disappearances.

"Finally back." Yang Shanfei, who had just returned to his room, could no longer hold back and groaned contentedly.

Su shook the dust from his hair, and the dark golden mask was also covered with a layer of fine ash. He smiled bitterly: "I can finally take a shower. I've been suffering a lot these days."

"Take a shower?" Yang Shanfei muttered: "I just want to take a good night's sleep now. Weana's pervert is really not a human being! Now, even Xiaobumo has become a pervert! After running so far, it's still like nothing. ."

"That pervert Weah..." Even Su, who was very polite to anyone, couldn't help swearing.

"Haha!" Yang Shanfei was stunned for a moment, looking at Su like an alien, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha! I didn't expect you to curse one day."

Su's hands froze for a while, and then he laughed.

Laughing and laughing, the voices of the two became smaller and smaller, and after a while, they completely quieted down.

"Su, when do you think we can leave here?" Yang Shanfei suddenly raised his head and asked.

Su sighed softly: "Weah won't let us leave unless Chen Mu comes"

"Damn Weah!" Yang Shanfei couldn't help gnashing his teeth. Since Chen Mu disappeared in that storm, every time Weah was going to go out, he would ask the two of them to go together. Every time they met his indifferent gaze, the two of them also felt their scalps go numb. Once, Yang Shanfei was driven crazy and refused to go, and was almost killed by Weah. Since then, the two have always responded to Weah's demands.

In fact, they also knew that because of Chen Mu's absence, the existence of the two of them was a serious safety hazard for the entire Great Crack Base. Therefore, Weah would take them with him every time he was a layman, so as to avoid any emergencies between the two when he was away.

However, walking with Weah is not a pleasant act. Weah, like a machine, never gets tired, he can run long distances for days and nights, in fact, he does it all the time. Even flying behind him, the two felt miserable. In particular, Weah used to be concerned about Xiaobumo's lack of physical strength, but now Xiaobumo is also approaching the perverted template of Weah. His physical strength is incredible, and the situation of Su and Yangshanfei is even worse.

The two fell silent again.

(To be continued)

