MTL - Card - C.581 unsheathedMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.581 unsheathedMar 06, 2023

The reason for the silence is not complicated, because another person came out.

Physically, she is a woman. But no one has any contempt for being a woman, and everyone's pupils shrink like needles in an instant. They stared at the vine in the woman's hand.

There are many kinds of weapons that Rooke can major in, but the soft vine is one of the most difficult weapons. A softie with a vine in his hand is enough to cause everyone to perceive the danger. And if the soft guest is holding the Sky Star Vine, then basically, no one dares to approach within 20 meters around him. Sky Star Vine - the most famous and powerful rattan weapon.

The technique of the vines is different from that of all other weapons, and is only used by very few tribes.

A roux who uses a rattan weapon is the most dangerous roux, this is a proverb that has been passed down in Baiyuanfu for hundreds of years.

Compared to the gorgeous equipment on the man, she is no less inferior. Each of her fingers is wrapped with filaments of different colors, which are filaments drawn from the tail of the spotted bird. Her wrists were wrapped with dark golden soft golden vines. Wrapped around his waist is a black vine, which is black silk. There are also two unknown vines tied to her legs, but the texture and luster know that they are not ordinary things.

It's a pity that there is no rouker who specializes in vine weapons, otherwise, if he sees the various vines wrapped around this female rouker, he will definitely faint very directly. Any vine on her body is a treasure that countless people dream of, but on her body, it seems to be just an ordinary ornament.

For the first time in two years, seeing humans other than them made Chen Mu ecstatic.

Although he was attacked by the other party, Chen Mu still roughly understood what was going on. He glanced in surprise at the blow dart in the hand of the blow dart holder who had just attacked him.

Others may not know what the black light arrow that attacked him just now was, but he knew very well that it was an energy body. This is the first Baiyuan weapon that he has seen that can emit energy bodies. He and the devil girl stayed in Baiyuan for two full years. They had seen countless plants, and had never seen a plant that could emit energy bodies.

Seeing Chen Mu being attacked, murderous intent suddenly appeared in the eyes of the devil girl.

The past two years in Baiyuan have supported and relied on each other, and the relationship between the two has long been no ordinary partner. In addition to the two years of uninterrupted killing, fighting has become her instinct.

Suddenly, the man who attacked Chen Mu suddenly screamed!

In front of his chest, a piece of Tianxing Vine was exposed!

The devil girl launched a sneak attack in front of everyone, but no one noticed. The Heavenly Star Vine disappeared from the man's chest strangely and dexterously, like a living creature, wrapped around the Tongyou blowing arrow, and returned to the devil girl's hand. The devil girl handed the Tongyou dart to Chen Mu. After being together for so long, the two were full of tacit understanding. She could see that Chen Mu was interested in the Tongyou dart.

After taking the Tongyou blowing arrow, Chen Mu casually put it into the poorly made bag on his waist.

"Let's go." Without looking at these people, Chen Mu said to the devil girl. Clearly, there is a mess here. He could only suppress the joy in his heart, fortunately, he had already left Baiyuan anyway, and he could finally say goodbye to the primitive life.

"Yeah." The devil girl responded softly, shaking her right hand slightly.

"Ah!" Kathleen screamed, and a burst of force came from her ankle, and her body rose into the air. At some point, Tian Xing Veng had wrapped around her ankle, and she didn't notice it. The sudden change made her lose her spirits. The two mysterious and powerful softies in front of her were ruthless and ruthless, and she was finished!

Before these people could react, the three of them had already disappeared from the arena.

"No!" Gallop's eyes immediately turned red, he got up, and chased in the direction where the three disappeared.

Kathryn closed her eyes in horror, and the wind blowing in front of her made her unable to open her eyes.

"Why did you arrest her?"

"lead the way."

Hearing this, the stone hanging in Kathleen's heart finally fell to the ground. lead the way? She began to ponder the origins of these two people. These two people are a little too terrifying. In addition to the gorgeous weapons and equipment on their bodies, their strength is also a little too terrifying. Kathleen kept comparing the strong men she had seen with the two in her mind, but came to a depressing answer that no one was their opponent.

And she also noticed that the direction in which the two people appeared, and that direction went inward, was the depths of Baiyuan. Could it be that these two people came out from the depths of Baiyuan?


She almost subconsciously denied the guess. This is outrageous! No one can come out from the depths of Baiyuan, this is the common sense that almost every Baiyuan people know!

However, thinking about the precious equipment on them, apart from the mysterious depths of Baiyuan, she really couldn't think of where there would be so many rare materials. Thinking of the terrifying strength of the two of them, his seemingly ridiculous guess, the real possible last name seems to be a bit more.

Chen Mu and the devil girl stopped.

I didn't see any movement from the Devil Girl. The Sky Star Vine, like a snake, automatically untied from Kathleen's body and returned to Devil Girl's hand.

Kathleen opened her eyes in horror, her face forced to remain calm.

"What's your name?" The Devil Girl asked coldly.

"Kathleen." Kathleen answered cautiously. In her senses, this woman was far more dangerous and colder than this man. She also noticed that the woman's tone only softened when facing the man. The two should be husband and wife, she thought to herself.

"Which is the closest city to here?"

"It's Fort Menderson."

"You lead the way." The Devil Girl said indiscriminately.

Kathleen was glad that she knew how to go, otherwise, she was sure that this cold woman would turn her into a corpse without hesitation.

"Yes." Kathleen nodded quickly and cooperated very well.

Kathleen quickly discovered that the speed she had always been proud of was as slow as a turtle in front of these two. In order to hurry, most of the time, the cold woman carried her forward. She finally realized what a galloping arrow is! Several hours passed, and the speed of the two did not show any tendency to slow down.

Kathleen was speechless in her heart, what a terrifying physical strength!

But the outfits of these two people are really eye-catching. Along the way, they have met several stupid and greedy guys. Kathleen couldn't think of any other words to describe it other than stupidity and greed. And the strength of these two people, she once again witnessed with her own eyes.

Most of the time, the man and the woman would not even pause. The blood-eye dart hanging on the man's arm is too powerful! So far, no one has been able to resist it. It seems to appear out of thin air in front of the enemy's throat, and then gently cuts the enemy's throat.

People die for wealth, and birds die for food.

Soon, all kinds of rumors about these mysterious and powerful two rogues spread throughout the outer layers of Baiyuan. There are many versions of gossip, but a few points in each version are surprisingly consistent. The equipment on this man and woman is gorgeous, rare, and powerful, and another point is the strength of these two people.

However, many people see the first point and automatically choose to ignore the second point.

The golden ring wooden spear, the annihilated lotus blade and leaf shield, the blood clear dart, the static fragrance wood, the white midge bone spur, the star vine... any one of these is enough to set off a **** rain. With so many treasures put together, even if the wearer is a mythical dragon, it is enough to inspire countless people to slaughter dragons madly! What's more, so many priceless treasures are only in two human beings.

The rumors spread at an alarming rate, and countless people began to search for this man and woman!

The air in Baiyuan seemed to be scorching hot.

Chen Mu and the devil girl stopped, and in front of them, a large group of people stared greedily at the two of them, and the two of them could clearly hear the heavy breath.

This group of people had just heard the rumor, but unexpectedly they happened to meet Chen Mu and the devil girl who were in a hurry.

"Hand over your things! Forgive you!" One of them couldn't help shouting loudly. As soon as those words came out, it was like pouring a ladle of water into boiling oil, and the group exploded.

"You two men and women! You deserve to have such a baby? Obediently hand it over..."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense with them! Just chop them up and grab the things."

"What do you know, if those treasures get hurt, who can take the responsibility? My dear, how much is it! We can send it this time!"

"Fucking gold will fall from the sky! This woman has a good figure...hehe..."

Hundreds of people recklessly surrounded the three of them. Kathleen's face was ashen, she recognized them. The Nine-Tailed Bandit Band, this notorious band of bandits is filled with tyrannical and tyrannical people who are extremely vicious. They killed countless people, and everyone inside had blood on their hands. There have been many forces trying to clear them, but none of them have succeeded. Every member of this group is quite powerful! Especially their head, with a fierce reputation, everyone is jealous!

Up to now, they are living more moisturizing instead.

I think it was the news of the thornless black bamboo last time that moved these robbers ran to the outer layer of Baiyuan. I didn't expect that my luck was so bad that I would meet them!

The woman fell on their hands... Kathleen's face faded from the blood, and she couldn't help shaking!

Chen Mu looked at the hundreds of people in front of him and smiled: "I didn't expect that as soon as we came out, we would encounter such a big battle."

"Yeah." The devil girl replied softly.

Chen Mu then touched his back.

The moment the white midge bone pierced his hand, his temperament suddenly changed! The overwhelming murderous aura appeared without warning, filling every inch of space.

Chen Mu, who just stood casually, was like a different person. The ghostly faces covered with the ghostly flowers were twisted and deformed in murderous aura. He seemed to have stepped out of the sea of ​​blood, dripping with bright red blood all over his body.

In the past two years, the sword that has been tempered by countless arduous battles and killings has been unsheathed with the souls and whines of the beasts in the depths of hundreds of abyss!

(To be continued)

