MTL - Card - C.584 In the name of a murderer (1)Mar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.584 In the name of a murderer (1)Mar 06, 2023

Andre patrolled the streets with a group of people.

"Sir, do you think that rumor is true?" A subordinate leaned over and asked in a low voice. This topic immediately aroused the interest of the other team members, and everyone gathered around and chatted.

"It's so evil, I think it's 80% fake."

"No, there are so many people who have noses and eyes, I can't see them fake."

Andre felt irritated for a while, and couldn't help but scolded, "Shut up!" After speaking, he continued to walk forward with a gloomy face. Seeing that the boss was angry, the others kept silent, and quickly followed.

Andre is burly, close to 1.9 meters tall, standing there like a hill. The muscles on his body are as red as iron, and looking at his body shape, no one would have thought that he was born out of a shield blade. He has chestnut-colored hair, disheveled like weeds, and a pair of sharp eyes below that make him afraid to look directly.

He was the sheriff of Fort Mendezenberg, responsible for the daily patrols. Mendezenburg is not a big city, but it is the closest to the outer layer of Baiyuan, and all those who enter the outer layer of Baiyuan will pass through here. The scale here is not large, the dragons and snakes are complicated, and the law and order is bad, but since he became the sheriff, the law and order here has greatly improved. His iron-fisted means made all kinds of heroes fearful.

During this time, rumors about two murderers, a man and a woman, were spreading. In particular, the entire army of the Nine-Tailed Bandit Corps was destroyed, which made people in this area panic. However, Andre knew that this was not a rumor. One of his friends had witnessed the scene, and he went to verify it specifically because of this incident.

This worried him. He knows the strength of the Nine-Tailed Bandit very well. If the two of them can completely destroy it, then the strength of these two people is absolutely terrifying! And judging from the tragic death of the Nine-Tailed Bandit, this man and woman are obviously not kind people.

Mendezenburg was the closest city to the outer layer of Baiyuan, and it was also the most likely place for this man and woman to come.

Unconsciously, Andre and his party with countless thoughts had already walked out of the city gate.

A wood velvet flower that floated from nowhere slowly drifted past his eyes. At this moment, his pupils contracted suddenly.

In the distance, two figures approached at an astonishing speed.

"Retreat! Close the city gate!" Andre roared abruptly, and at the same time, he suddenly retreated to the outside of the city.

His subordinates were stunned for a moment, then their expressions changed drastically, and they almost hurriedly returned to the city.


The city slowly closed, and a shrill siren rang through Mendesenburg. In Fort Menderson, no matter what they were doing, they all froze in place when they heard the siren. Although the forces of Mendezenburg are mixed, they have never encountered foreign enemies. For nearly two decades, no siren has ever sounded.

The whole city was in chaos.

"Andre! You'd better give me an explanation!" Sir Emmer rushed to the city gate aggressively. He frowned and looked at the crowd who were facing a great enemy, his expression displeased.

He was the actual ruler of Mendezenburg.

Andre's act of sounding the alarm to close the city gate without his consent made him very annoyed. OMG! **** it! This guy actually mobilized the army in the city, does this guy really think that he is right here?

Over the years, Andre has become a serious threat to Sir Emmer's position as his influence at Mendezenburg has grown.

Behind Sir Emmer, a large group of local powerful people who heard the news suddenly heard the alarm, and they came to see what was going on.

In the face of Sir Emmer, who looked bad, Andre didn't explain, just pointed outside the city and said, "Lord, look."

Everyone followed Andre's fingers and looked out of the city.

"This is Fort Menderson?" Chen Mu looked up at the small city in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Compared with the big cities of the Federation with tens of millions of people, Mendezenburg is like a small jungle base. The low city wall is dilapidated, and some people are standing on the city wall, seeming to be discussing something.

"Yeah." Zara responded, "I've been here a few times before." When she said this, she couldn't help showing a bit of memory in her eyes.

"What are they doing?" Chen Mu noticed that those on the city wall seemed a little nervous about them.

On the city wall, Sir Emmer burst into laughter, his face full of mockery: "My dear Andre, just because of these two or three people, you closed the city gate? Sounded the city's alarm? Then mobilized the army in the city?"

Andre's face was expressionless, but he secretly made up his mind that he would definitely leave this ghost place after this incident was over. He can't stand this stupid guy!

"Sir, I think you need to look more closely," he reminded.

"Don't look! Andre! I'm here to tell you solemnly that you've been dismissed for your ridiculous behavior!" cried Sir Emmer, raising his voice. He will use practical actions to prove who is the real king of Mendesenburg!

However, to his surprise, Andrei showed a relieved expression.

"Happy!" Andrei smiled, gave a natural salute, turned around and left.

Ser Emmer's eyes darkened suddenly, and in front of everyone's eyes, Andre's behavior made him angry!

"Come on! Kill those three guys below! Anyone who is my enemy in Mendezenburg will have only one end!" Sir Emmer roared, Andrei has been well-connected in Mendezenburg these years. , he couldn't kill him with his own hands in front of so many people.

"Yes!" The personal softie beside Sir Emer didn't hesitate at all, he responded with a bang and swept down the city.

Andre's face changed suddenly!

Zara's eyes were cold and murderous.

"They don't welcome us."

"We are not welcome?" Chen Mu was a little strange: "Why? We don't seem to have dealt with them before."

"I don't know." Zara shook her head.

"How far is it from the nearest city?" Chen Mu asked.

"far away."

"Then break in." Chen Mu said indifferently.


Behind the two of them, Kathleen's face turned pale. She could roughly guess why the people in Mendesenburg were so nervous, but she didn't dare to tell the two of them the reason. When she heard Chen Mu say she broke in, her heart jumped.

On the city wall, Andre was furious. His face was flushed red, and he didn't care about any image. With a stride, he rushed to Sir Emmer, grabbed his collar, and roared: "You pig! You want to kill this place. Everyone? Open your pig eyes and see who the **** is that!"

Sir Emmer was so frightened in his heart that he did not expect that Andre would completely lose his mind.

"Andre, who are those three people?" The person who asked the question was a middle-aged man with a calm expression. He was the head of a local chamber of commerce, and he was respected by everyone.

Andre let go of Sir Emmer in his hands, took a step back, and said coldly: "How did the Nine-Tailed Bandit Group perish, you have heard of it."

"You mean..." The face of the middle-aged man who asked the question changed drastically.

The faces of everyone around him turned pale.

The eyes of everyone involuntarily, as if attracted by some kind of magnetic force, were cast towards the three people outside the city. The four rogues who had just jumped off the city wall were rushing towards these three people with murderous intent.

"Oh! No! Sir! Stop them!" someone in the crowd shouted in panic.

"It's too late." Andre's words seemed to mock Sir Emer, but there was a hint of panic.

Chen Mu watched the four people jump up from the city wall, and rushed towards their position.

The unkindness in the other's expression was clear in his eyes. If it was placed before, he would also ask in advance what the other party's intention was. But now he doesn't. In the past two years, he has developed a habit of attacking any enemy that may threaten him.

In the cruel world in the depths of Baiyuan, a difference of one second is life and death.

Chen Mu, who entered the fighting state, without any hesitation or hesitation, naturally stretched out his hand to the white midge bone spur behind him.

Zara stood silently beside him, Kathleen Nana behind them wanted to open her mouth to say something, but said nothing.

The elbows are bent outward, the body is leaned back, and the force is suddenly exerted!

The white midge bone spur on his hand disappeared into the air!

Puff puff puff!

In midair, four groups of coquettish and terrifying blood mists exploded out of thin air! The four rogues who rushed aggressively in the distance each had a blood hole the size of the mouth of a bowl! The powerful impact even made their bodies seem to be hit by a dead stone in the front, and they were smashed and flew backwards!


A few seconds later, a strange, numbing whistling sound swept across the city wall like a belated hurricane.

The walls are dead silent!

Although they had heard all kinds of rumors about this man and a woman before, when they witnessed it with their own eyes, the shock to them was many times greater. These four robbers, who are the personal bodyguards of Sir Emmer, are absolutely first-class in the whole of Mendezenburg. However, he was easily slaughtered without even catching the opponent's move.

In addition to the ease, what makes people feel the most is the indifference of this man and a woman. From beginning to end, they didn't say a word, and they didn't hesitate to do it, as if they were doing something very common. As for the death of the four guards, they didn't even blink an eye, and they didn't have the slightest hint of joy. It also seemed to be an ordinary thing.

It is this kind of ordinary indifference to death, like a sharp knife, that effortlessly breaks through the psychological protection of the bosses on the city wall.

No one at the scene would doubt the true surname of the rumor. Because for this man and woman, murder is just a very common thing.

How could such a person not be a super murderer!

On the city wall, everyone's face was pale, and their faces were full of fear and despair.

Chen Mu and the devil girl began to slowly approach and everyone on the city wall shook for a while.

Chen Mu and Zara started to speed up.

The panic and despair on the faces of everyone on the city wall became heavier, and many people's legs began to tremble.

Everything in front of them happened so quickly and so slowly, but they could see every detail clearly, and their fragile nerves were slowly being destroyed.

While running at a high speed, Chen Mu protected the Lotus Blade and Leaf Shield in front of his chest, holding the golden ring wooden spear upside down in his left hand, and the blood-eye dart on his arm slowly floated beside him.

Zara looked cold and followed Chen Mu's side, and her hands began to release the silk ropes of different colors on her body.

dong dong dong!

Every time the two stomped on the ground with force, it was as if they were slamming into the hearts of everyone.

Almost suffocated!

(To be continued)

