MTL - Card - C.596 windMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.596 windMar 06, 2023

Inhabited by Heiyuan people, this is the place with the most abundant products in Baiyuan Mansion. For hundreds of years before, it was the territory of the Xishan royal family. Since the Heiyuan people wiped out the Xishan royal family, they have occupied this place.

However, the management skills of the Heiyuan people are much worse than those of the Xishan royal family, and this place is much more decayed than before. But no Heiyuan people care, compared to where they used to live, this place is simply paradise! And since they slaughtered the Xishan royal family, Baiyuan Mansion, large and small, feared them like tigers and did not dare to offend them.

But this situation was finally broken.

All the leaders of the Heiyuan people gathered together and looked at the report in front of them with ugly expressions.

Hazak is dead!

Died in the city of Aguda!

"It's Zara, only she is still alive." Deschamps said solemnly. As the head of the five commanders, Deschamps has always been calm and sophisticated. He has a square face, broad eyebrows, thick lips, and his blond hair is like a fire in full bloom.

Weiss Li whistled frivolously: "Hazzak was too careless, and was killed by a woman. Tsk tsk, Zara's body is really hot and nostalgic." The black complexion made him appear A kind of strange handsome, like a magnet attracts the attention of people around. A thin and tall figure, wearing a long trench coat, resting his chin in one hand, and a smile always hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Su frowned and scolded: "Weiss, we are talking about business."

Su doesn't look like a Heiyuan person. He has fair skin and a baby face. People who don't know it will always think that he is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. But in the minds of many Heiyuan people, they have a deep fear of this fourth commander.

Weiss Li wasn't angry either, he said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it, come and come, let's continue."

Deshang ignored him and continued: "Mosang suffered heavy losses, he himself was seriously injured, and there is not a single shield blade left. Zara also has a master, it is said that it is Kaxiu from the Tianxiu Federation, Zara can kill There is a big reason for the death of Hazzak. From the information we have investigated, Zara and this guy first appeared in Baiyuan. They slaughtered the nine-tailed bandit group, and it is said that they have many superb weapons on them. "

Deschamps glanced at Wes Li, and Wes Li's eyes gleamed as he listened intently.

This guy, but a weapon control! Su and Deschamps looked at each other and understood.

"The ones that have been identified include the golden-ringed wooden spear, the white midge bone spur, the obliterated lotus blade shield, the blood clear horn dart, the Shizuka wooden crown, the celestial vine, the soft golden vine, the spotted-hole tail wire, and the black silk!"

Weiss Lee's eyes narrowed: "This, this... Where did they get so many good things?"

Deshang smiled secretly in his heart, but his face remained calm. He turned to Su and said, "What do you think?"

Su Shen said: "Zara alone can't make any waves, Mo Sang is our enemy. Now Mo Sang is seriously injured and suffered heavy losses, it is the weakest time, we might as well use the name of revenge for Hazak. , go down."

Weiss Li clapped his hands and smiled, "That's a good idea! Hazak didn't deserve to die!"

Deschamps was lost in thought, and Su's proposal made him very moved. He sighed in his heart, if only Hazak hadn't died, this guy has the most bad ideas. After thinking for a moment, he hesitated: "Would you like to ask the adult's opinion?"

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly fell silent.

After a long while, Su said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency has been suppressing the injuries on your body. If you are distracted by this, and something happens, who can afford it?"

The atmosphere was extremely depressing. Hedilat took them all the way to fight, and he had long become the spiritual leader of all Heiyuan people. Now he can't govern, and everyone is very uneasy.

"I knew earlier that we shouldn't have killed the Xishan royal family so cleanly, leaving a few survivors, so we can cross-examine. We have been searching for so long, and we haven't even seen the shadow of Biao Qing!" Weiss Li said indignantly.

Su said coldly, "As long as we catch Zara, we can naturally ask."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's spirits were lifted.

Weiss Li said: "The four of us, it's fine to go to three, and we still have to leave someone to guard the old nest, so as not to be copied by others."

Deschamps nodded and said calmly, "Then I'll stay behind."

Neither Su nor Weiss Li had any objections. Among them, Deschamps was the most poised and sophisticated.

Su suddenly asked the sky, "Yuandi, how about you?"

"Okay." An erratic voice sounded in the room, and then there was silence.

In the main mansion of Aguda City, the roaring ground fire flickered brightly and dimly, illuminating Mosang's face. The earth fire drawn from the depths of the earth's core is the most common energy source in Baiyuanfu, and it is also a necessary condition for the formation of a city.

"They have already set off." Mosan's confidant Suo Leng reported. Suo Leng has been with Mo Sang since he was fifteen years old, and he is the person he can trust most.

Mo Sang exhaled heavily, and Huo Di straightened his waist, the hesitation on his face was swept away. At this time, he didn't have the slightest appearance of being too full of fat, sausage, wine and meat, and even a master like Suo Leng dared not look at him with his fierce and fierce eyes.

"According to the plan, don't make any leaks." Mo Sang said solemnly: "It's success or failure, it's in this battle."

He turned to see the hesitation on Suo Leng's face, and smiled: "What? But lack of confidence?"

"This subordinate just thinks that the city lord is betting on these two people. Is it a little risky?"

Mo Sang was not angry, and smiled: "I'm not betting on them, we and the people of Heiyuan are unavoidable. Sooner or later, there will be a battle. I ask you, it was when Hedilat was injured. Is it good for us to fight, or is it good for him to fight when he's still alive?"

"However, the news of Khedirat's injury has not been confirmed..."

"Haha, I was skeptical at first. Zara said that Hedilat had suffered [Brand Vine], and Hazak did not deny it, it should be true. But I was still not sure at that time, but until just now, I didn't believe it. Dillart is really injured!"

Seeing the puzzled expression on his subordinate's face, Mosang explained patiently: "Hazak, as one of the five commanders, died in a foreign country, but this time, it was the other three commanders, and there was no news from Hedilat. It was confirmed that Khedirat was indeed injured, and the injury is definitely not minor."

Immediately, his expression turned cold: "I've been having a headache, and we don't have many experts. These two people are the best chance God has given me. Not to mention the defeat, if I can kill one or two leaders, yes. For us, we won!"

"Tigers don't have claws. It's not easy to want to be so majestic."

In the vast gray plain, several figures were galloping, and there was a dog beside them. Two people were running on the ground, while the other two were flying in mid-air. The most peculiar thing was the dog. It ran like a pile of fat rolling, but its speed was not inferior at all.

This is Weah and his group. Basically, they come out every few days.

The four people and one dog stopped to rest, Xiaobumo petted the fat dog with a doting face, and the fat dog was enjoying it with half-closed eyes like an uncle. After running for so long, the fat dog didn't pant at all, which surprised Su and Yang Shanfei.

Xiaobumo is much taller than before. As Weah's direct disciple, his strength is much stronger than before. His surname is stoic and able to endure hardships. He never compromises on the plans Weah made for him. And his surname Qing is getting closer and closer to Weah, he is taciturn, and he likes fat dogs in the same way.

The squinting fat dog suddenly raised his head, Xiaobu was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, the fat dog let out a low growl and flew out like an arrow.

Yang Shanfei muttered, "Is this fat dog hungry?"

The eyes in Su An's golden mask showed a bit of surprise: "There is a situation."

Wea and Xiaobumo had already chased after the fat dog, Su and Yang Shanfei looked at each other, and they both speeded up to catch up.

This direction is the window leading to the Mohadi domain. They have been to the Mohadi domain many times, and they are naturally too familiar with it. The abnormal performance of the fat dog made Su think of a possibility.

Could it be that someone sneaked into the gray layer through the path window?

Thinking of this level, both Su and Yang Shanfei felt a sudden shock.

If this window is no longer a secret, then it is undoubtedly a very bad thing for them. The vast gray layer is safe from danger, which also means that the opponent can attack from any direction.

Su felt a little regretful. Why didn't he suggest Bagnell to send someone to guard the window of Mohadi, otherwise he wouldn't be so passive now. In fact, except for the four of them, no one else knew about this window.

No one knows where Weah and the others go every time. Although Bagnell roughly guessed it in his heart, Weah didn't take the initiative to say it, and they didn't ask.

Weah is a special existence in the hearts of everyone.

Getting closer and closer to the window, everyone's vigilance became heavier and heavier.

The fat dog is extremely smart, and its movements suddenly become extremely light, like approaching the prey quietly before catching it.

At this time, Wei A and Bu Mo suddenly revealed murderous intentions.


Su and Yang Shanfei looked at each other, and they also found the enemy.

A team of fifteen people is approaching this side along a crack.

No action is required, the four people and one dog quietly ambushed.

Su sighed in his heart, the base was afraid that it would not be calm.

It can be said that there has been a lot of news in Baiyuanfu recently, and the most popular ones are those two super murderers! As early as when they slaughtered the nine-tailed bandits, the name of the super murderer spread like wildfire. And this time, the shield blade flow was completely destroyed, Hazak, the leader of the Heiyuan people, was killed, and the city lord Mosang was seriously injured.

This is the real super murderer!

Powerful - that outrageous super equipment ~ ~ Some people estimate that if they all discount, enough to change a few cities! But they are wearing so many top-quality goods, but no one dares to think otherwise.

Fearless - there is no one they dare not kill, the people of Heiyuan, who are feared like tigers, and the famous Hazak, also fall under their slaughtering knives.

Fierce and ruthless - the total annihilation of a band of bandits and a genre is a living example.

There are people talking about these two murderers everywhere, some excited, some worried, and some who are jealous of their superb equipment, all kinds of things.

And when the two figures appeared at the gate of Fire Cloud City, the soft customers guarding the gate looked like dirt and trembling as they approached step by step. Near syncope.

Panic spreads across the city like a plague within an hour!

(To be continued) Website URL: Please support this site a lot!

