MTL - Card - C.601 GiftMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.601 GiftMar 06, 2023

"You want to stay here?"

"Yeah." Zara hummed, she didn't dare to look up, hesitated for a while, and then said softly: "The Xishan royal family is huge. Although it has suffered heavy losses, there must be some people who survived. I am the last royal family in the clan. ,I…"

She raised her head, not avoiding Chen Mu's direct gaze.

"There is no strong person in the clan. Here, people will only be bullied."

she explained.

"I am a royal family."

Chen Mu seemed to see the pale face from the injury raised stubbornly under the grimace, with a bit of pride and a bit of determination in his expression.

Not knowing what to say, Chen Mu felt as if he had knocked over the bottle of five flavors, and all the flavors were mixed. He didn't know what to say and could only look at her silently. In the past two years, the two have relied on each other and fought a **** path in the depths of Baiyuan, which is full of dangers and dangers. They rest together, fight together, and never separate.

Although he had never seen her face, he could trust her without reservation. In the battle with Khedirat, she struggled to get a chance to fight back with her serious injuries.

Chen Mu's spirit was a little dazed, and his thoughts flew far, far away.

Encountering her in the jungle changed her destiny. It was also because of her that he suffered a lot of unbearable pain, and he even regarded her as an enemy. However, fate is so wonderful that she has now become one of the people she trusts the most.

Her choice was not wrong, Chen Mu told herself in her heart. Just like myself, I will always return to the Federation in the end, no matter how difficult it is.

But why do you feel sad?

Chen Mu heard that his voice was calm, no different from usual.

"Well, I have one last gift for you."

All the high-level military officers under Mosan's army were gathered, and they looked at the man with the grimace in awe. Mosan's death changed the situation of the entire battlefield. No one went to chase the fleeing Heiyuan people, they stood there dumbfounded, their minds blank.

This recently rapidly expanding army has long been mixed and impure, and Mosan was no problem when he was there. But who would have thought that at such a critical time, Mo Sang died! Anyone with a little insight knows what the next result of this army will be.

However, before they could react, all the high-level officials were recruited by this man.

No one dared to disobey his orders.

Before, this mysterious man was nothing more than a mighty powerhouse! However, seeing him kill Khedirat with his own eyes, and the earth-shattering explosion, Chen Mu's status in their hearts was immediately different.

This man is the strongest in Baiyuanfu!

The timing of Chen Mu's choice was also just right. These officers who had just encountered a blow didn't even have time to form a group. Compared with Zara, he is much more mature in this regard, and he has experience in running a faction.

With the momentum of thunder, this leaderless army was caught by him. He personally sat in charge, disrupted the establishment of these armies, and reorganized them. Originally, he wanted to kill a few thorns, but he didn't expect that no one dared to take the lead due to his terrifying strength.

In a very short period of time, the entire army was transformed. Zara's strength may be insufficient to grasp such a huge force, but her noble status as a direct descendant of the Xishan royal family can still be respected and supported by the vast majority. Besides, Mo Sang's direct line has long been divided by Chen Mu.

The people of Heiyuan were defeated, Hedilat and the five chiefs were killed, Mo San died, and the news of the re-emergence of the Xishan royal family quickly spread throughout Baiyuan Mansion.

No one dared to act rashly. The Xishan royal family dominated Baiyuan Mansion back then. Although they were defeated by the Heiyuan people, the thin camel was bigger than a horse. And according to what they learned, Khedirat was not beaten to death, but at the hands of one person. No one would make a move when such a strong man sits in the town and the situation is still unclear.

It also gave Zara a chance.

Zara's eyes were a little tired, but it was hard to hide the look in them. To Chen Mu's surprise, she always wore a grimace on her face, but when the remnants of the Xishan royal family gathered from all sides, they cried and worshipped her when they saw her, without doubting her identity.

Chen Mu saw with his own eyes how Zara's feet did not touch the ground these days.

"I'm leaving." Chen Mu said softly. A few days ago, he was a little worried about whether Zara could control such a huge power, but now he was finally relieved. Compared with his grass roots, Zara is a real royal family, and has been educated in this regard since childhood. And now that she has more and more people from her own clan, she doesn't need to worry about those who are unavailable.

Zara's body trembled slightly, and the grimace covered her face, making it impossible for people to see her expression, but those clear eyes couldn't help showing deep sadness.

"That place is very dangerous, and I only know the approximate location." Zara bit her lip.

"It's enough to have an approximate location. It will take some time to find it." Chen Mu said casually, as if noticing that the atmosphere was a little heavy, he smiled: "You are good at business, I'm waiting for the next time I come to Baiyuan Mansion and call Where's your queen?"

Zara didn't speak, just stared at Chen Mu, the stubbornness in his eyes disappeared, only a touch of tenderness and sadness like water.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Chen Mu didn't know what to say.

The two stared at each other silently.

After a long time, Zara suddenly asked: "When you return to the Federation, are you really going to challenge Tang Hanpei?"

Inexplicably, Chen Mu felt a sense of pride in his heart, stretched his back, and said with a smile, "If you want to fight, you will always have to fight."

The battle with Khedirat was only a short moment, and it was over in a few rounds, and Khedirat was still fighting with injuries, which was a lot of regrets, but the impact of this battle on Chen Mu could be described as far-reaching. Especially in terms of mood, it is very beneficial. When he just came out from the depths of Baiyuan, Chen Mu was like a sword unsheathed, and the cold air was threatening. It was like a bloodthirsty beast with murderous aura, but after the battle with Hedilat, the murderous aura that pervaded his body gradually disappeared, and the whole person became more peaceful and harmonious.

Now he has some talent to understand why Caesar would admit that he is not as good as Tang Hanpei.

He also finally had the confidence to fight Tang Hanpei.

Looking at the man in front of him, Zara's eyes were complicated. For more than two years, she used to think that she knew him very well, but now, she suddenly felt that she was so far away from him. Once, she also made up her mind that if Chen Mu avenged her, she would follow him for the rest of her life.

But... her heart was twisting like a knife, and she realized that she had underestimated the pain that she had expected.

She raised her head, grimacing, her face as pale as paper. Her pale face suddenly had two swirls of pink, and her eyes showed a bit of shame, and she boldly leaned into Chen Mu's ear.

"Come to my room tonight."

There is not much difference between night and day in Baiyuanfu, but the temperature will drop suddenly. It is very dangerous in the wild at night, if you are not careful, it will freeze into a popsicle.


His gray and exaggerated face, with a few blood drop-shaped red spots on his cheeks, in the night, he looks like a monster and ugly clown, he is motionless, like a sculpture, staring at the vague house in the distance.

After an unknown amount of time, his body began to move, but he still couldn't see any expression on that face.

He turned around without any hesitation, even though there was loneliness in his eyes.

Runs forward without looking back.

Behind him, behind the window of the house, the plain Zara covered her mouth, her vision was instantly blurred by tears, and she could no longer see the familiar back.

Why didn't he come... She seemed to understand, but why did she feel like her heart was being stabbed?

Chen Mu was running wildly, without using the airflow card, just running wildly with his legs. Running faster and faster, there seemed to be a fire burning in his chest, so stagnant that he wanted to scream desperately. But he didn't make any sound, pursed his mouth tightly, the only way to vent was to run harder and harder.

The wind whistled in my ears, and the scenery on both sides quickly retreated backwards.

Bagnell sat at the table, watching the report as it arrived. The expansion of Dongwei in the Federation encountered some small troubles. The three-month time was getting closer and closer, and there was not much time left for them. Although many people urged him to return to the Federation to preside over the overall situation, he always insisted on guarding the Great Rift Base. Strategically speaking, this decision should not be the first choice, but he still insisted.

He could feel the opponent approaching.

Every day, he will send a large number of reconnaissance Kaxiu to determine the opponent's location. What has been learned is that the opponent's troops far exceed the garrisoned troops of the Great Crack Base. However, they could not give up the window anyway. Giving up the window means giving up the initiative to the other side. The only thing he can do now is to hold on until Dongwei finishes cleaning the general residential area and send someone to support him.

As one of the few super-commanders in the Federation, how could Bagnell simply sit still?

Although the vast gray layer greatly enhances their defensive power, it also gives them more room to move. On the one hand, Bagnell strengthened the defense of the base, and on the other hand, sent a large number of harassing teams to harass the Mohadi domain coalition forces.

This can make the opponent unable to judge the correct location of the base for a short time, so as to gain more time.

It would be perfect if the opponent was being led around in circles by their small force.

However, the commander of the other side is not an ordinary person. Seeing the tricks, sending a large number of spies and casting a huge net, hoping to find the main force of the enemy.

The vast gray layer is like a huge grinding disc. The small groups of troops on both sides began an extremely tragic strangulation.

So far, Bagnell's side has the upper hand.

This is thanks to easy communication and precise positioning. Once the small team finds the enemy, it will quietly gather other teams around it and set up an ambush somewhere nearby, and then this team of Kaxiu will lure the opponent into the ambush circle to carry out an ambush.

But the opponent's troops are too strong, and the casualties of this point are not taken into account at all, but they send more teams.

After the loss, the other party was obviously much more cautious and no longer easily fooled. Afterwards, I simply played steadily, and established a base at every distance.

Although the opponent's speed slowed down, it gave Bagnell a headache.

(To be continued)

