MTL - Card - C.610 PreludeMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.610 PreludeMar 06, 2023

Xi Ping led the way, and Chen Mu looked around curiously. During the time he left, Dongwei had changed a lot, and many places were built later.

The huge alloy door opened, and the passage had a clear downward slope.

"Underground?" Chen Mu asked curiously.

Xi Ping smiled and said with a bit of emotion: "Well, this underground warehouse is used to store some rare materials. Except for me, only Alfonso knows. Didn't the boss often say that materials are lacking? We are still in Dongwei now. Some energies, these energies I have collected through various things over the past few years. I thought it would be sealed forever... Now it can finally come in handy, I'm really happy!"

Chen Mu didn't know what to say, but his heart was warm.

After walking for about ten minutes, Chen Mu was a little surprised by the depth of this underground warehouse.

"It's here." Xi Ping entered the password in the password input device in front of the warehouse gate.

The door slid open silently, and Chen Mu followed Xi Ping in.

Countless iron racks were lined up, and all kinds of containers were placed on the iron racks, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Chen Mu stood there dumbfounded.

At the entrance of Dongwei Academy, Alfonso was waiting anxiously with a large group of people.

Beside him, his students whispered in secret.

"Who is here today? Such a big battle?"

"I don't know, the principal actually led the team in person, which has never been used."

"No, you see, Lord Ru Qiu is also here, and so is Master Ren."

"Guess, could it be..."

At this time, the classmates on the side quickly reminded them: "Stop talking, come here!"

All the students quickly shut their mouths and looked up curiously.

"Sir!" Alfonso rushed out of the crowd impatiently. Behind him was Ru Qiu, with tears in her eyes, she whimpered, "Sir!"

The students below are in an uproar!


In Dongwei, there is only one person who can make Alfonso call Mr. In Dongwei, there is only one person who can make Ru Qiu call Mr.

They looked at Chen Mu with curiosity and admiration. Not tall, not handsome, looking peaceful like an ordinary person. Many people can't help but feel disappointed. Is this ordinary man the legend of the entire Dongwei?

"You're finally back! You're finally back!" Alfonso, who was over middle-aged, burst into tears like a child.

Ru Qiu even burst into tears.

Chen Mu's nose was also sore, but he held it back and said with a smile, "Okay, okay. Don't you cry when you see me? Isn't that chasing me!"

Alfonso was a little embarrassed, wiped two tears, and gradually returned to normal.

He suddenly patted his head, pulled Chen Mu and ran to an old man in his sixties, and introduced, "This is Master Ren, the card maker of [Eternal Night]!"

"Master doesn't dare to be a master." Nance Ren smiled humbly: "I'll follow them to call Mr. Mr.. Over the past few years, I have been studying the [Calculation Box] left by Mr., and I really admire it!"

Chen Mu was startled, but he didn't expect this old man to be a master card maker. [Eternal Night] is in his hands. For its maker, he has long admired it, but he didn't expect Ren to be in Dongwei. He hurriedly said: "You have won the prize. Compared with your level, I am still far behind."

Ren smiled heartily: "The master is the teacher, not the age." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and quoted: "Let's go inside and sit down and have a cup of tea, I happen to have a lot of questions to ask the gentleman. I couldn't find anyone to ask before, but now But let me catch it, if you don't understand, I won't let you go!"

"Haha!" Everyone laughed and walked towards the school.

Alfonso leaned into Chen Mu's ear and whispered, "We dug him from Faya."

Chen Mu quietly extended his thumb, and Alfonso smiled again, looking proud. Ru Qiu, who was following behind the two, couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

Alfonso turned around, his face vanished with pride, and his expression was solemn: "Sir, our current card-making level is ranked among the top in the entire Federation. We have absorbed many excellent card-makers, most of them in Frost Moon Hanzhou. We recruited all the card creators. Most of Faya's card creators defected to us. In terms of card creation, we are not inferior to any other company except Zhongda Bookstore. In terms of card equipment, no one can compared to us."

"Mr.'s [calculation box] has never stopped running in the past few years. We have obtained a lot of detailed energy structures. In this regard, we are far ahead of others."

"Sir, no matter what, we will help you win this battle!" Alfonso said decisively!

All mid-level and high-level card makers and card equipment experts of Dongwei gathered in Dongwei Academy in one day. This order was signed and issued by the highest joint meeting of Dongwei.

In the history of Dongwei, the largest and most advanced research project was officially launched!

In Zhongda Book House, Xie Yanbai and Cao Zhengqiu were drinking small wine and eating peanuts. Both of them came from poor backgrounds, and these snacks are their favorite.

"Dongwei's ambition is not small." Cao Zhengqiu said while sipping a small wine: "It seems that they intend to use the power of the whole world to create a card for Chen Mu."

"It's normal." Xie Yanbai concentrated on eliminating the peanuts on the plate, without raising his head: "Without Chen Mu, Dongwei will quickly die out. Look at Tang Hanpei, he didn't fight Dongwei at all, but let it go. Development. He is accurate, Chen Mu is away, the greater the development of Dongwei, the closer it is to disintegration."

"Yeah, how come there are monsters like Tang Hanpei in this world?" Cao Zhengqiu shook his head with emotion.

"Monster? Ha! It makes sense, but if it's a monster, I think Chen Mu is even better!" Xie Yanbai stopped his chopsticks and showed a memory expression: "When I first met Chen Mu, he was very weak. The team is weak. Hehe, later, he scared the entire Federation into a fool. Tang Hanpei is normal, he is a guy who has only been born in hundreds of years. The headmaster of the Federal Comprehensive University, tsk tsk, Genzheng Miaohong, he is a monster No one is surprised to get up. But look at Chen Mu, where did this come from? Common area, orphans, haven't gone to school yet, relying on one-star energy card to survive. No resources, no connections, except The Rosenborg inheritance card in his hand had nothing, but he forced out a Dongwei out of it. Jia Qiuxia was holding back in his hand, and even a ruthless guy like Su Heiming couldn't handle it. Stay with him. Demon or not?"

"Demon! It's really a monster!" Cao Zhengqiu smacked his lips: "Hey, if you want me to say, whoever wins will be named the number one monster in the world."

"Haha!" Xie Yanbai laughed, and after a while, he asked, "Who do you like in this battle?"

"It's hard to say." Cao Zhengqiu put down the glass with a confused expression: "I have never understood why Chen Mu would challenge Tang Hanpei. A few years ago, although Chen Mu's strength was not weak, it was obviously not at the level of Tang Hanpei. Over the years, his strength has soared? But it doesn't make sense. Tang Hanpei's reputation as the number one in the world has been sitting for so long, and no one dares to touch it easily. Besides, Dongwei is developing well now, and he has elite soldiers and strong generals. what."

"I'm also very surprised about this." Xie Yanbai's face showed a serious look: "With Chen Mu's surname, he shouldn't be so impulsive."

The two fell silent for a while.

In Xingyuan, Luo Xiju was shirtless, with an iron pot in front of him, the fresh soup was tumbling, and he sucked the fish head without any image. Beside him, Nick was slumbering in his bear pajamas.

Qingqing, dressed in plain clothes, sat quietly across from the Rossi residence.

"There's something wrong with Dongwei." Luo Xiju said casually while making a harsh sucking sound.

"Is something wrong?" Qingqing just showed a puzzled look.

Luo Xiju threw away the fish head he had sucked, found a piece of rag, wiped his greasy hands, and said in his mouth, "Dongwei is so strong, where is it? Lee, a powerful commander like Bagnell, has a good economic development. The benefit of the card is the foundation laid by Chen Mu in the past. In the short term, no one can shake it. As for the economy, from our intelligence , Dongwei's economy has not had any problems, and the development situation is better than ours. Then only Bagnell is left. It is estimated that there is a problem with Bagnell." Rossiju seemed to think of something terrible and stared. With his eyes so small that he could barely see them, he said in a fussing tone, "Could it be that Chen Mu owes Bagnell his salary?"

Qingqing sat still as usual, but her eyelids twitched. She resisted the urge to rush to beat the **** fat man, and asked, "If that's the case, wouldn't Tang Hanpei see it?"

Luo Xiju smiled and said lazily: "Of course Tang Hanpei can see it. But don't forget, in addition to the wolf Bagnell, Dongwei also has Jiang Liang, this guy has great potential, I am optimistic about him. Chen Mu himself has his own way of commanding. If the two sides collide, even if Tang Hanpei personally commands, there is no possibility of the Federal Comprehensive College retreating completely. Dongwei, this hard bone, chew on it without breaking a few teeth, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Qingqing showed a thoughtful look.

"Tang Hanpei is naturally willing to fight one-on-one. Tsk tsk, who is he? No. 1 in the world, will he have no confidence in himself? If he wants to kill Chen Mu, Dongwei will be in chaos. Hard bones will turn into loose bones. Kacha Kacha, it's as easy as eating biscuits. Besides, don't forget how Tang Hanpei came to be the principal? If he avoids the war, hehe!"

Rossini's words were as lazy as ever, but to the point.

Qingqing looked into the distance, her thoughts flying.

In the garden, an old man and a young man in his thirties.

Even on a casual lounge chair, young people sit upright and meticulous. The straight military uniform is full of heroic spirit, but his brows are furrowed and his expression is gloomy.

The old man squatted on the ground, holding a small shovel, loosening the soil for the flower seedlings. Looking up at the sullen Jiang Liang, Bagnell smiled.

He stood up and sat beside Jiang Liang.

"What? The big crack base is too hard? Can't stay?"

Jiang Liang shook his head: "I don't agree with the boss's plan. It's too dangerous. Moreover, the boss's winning rate against Shang Tang Hanpei is not high."

"Hehe, what else?" Bagnell raised his eyebrows: "Do you think you are useless? If you are more powerful, the boss won't have to take the risk?"

Jiang Liang was silent, apparently being told the central thing.

"Growing up takes time." Bagnell sighed softly: "You have to be patient. Also, you have to trust the boss."


Bagnell interrupted Jiang Liang: "You probably don't know how the boss came here in the past few years. The boss said that he was fighting almost every day, and he didn't dare to sleep to death. I saw the wound on the boss's body, I can roughly imagine how the boss survived." Jiang Liang was stunned, obviously he didn't know these things.

"If it's a match, I'll bet on Tang Hanpei to win. But if it's a matter of life and death, I'll bet on the boss." Bagnell said lightly: "Tang Hanpei is the best man in the world, but he is too strong. Strong Few people can match him! Behind him is the Federal Comprehensive University, and he does not need to go to the front line to fight. He has experienced too few battles."

"In the era when the no-card flow was prosperous, it was said that there were many Taoist schools, who taught skills and had countless disciples." Bagnell changed the subject and said something irrelevant: "The masters of these Taoist schools are all powerful. Incomparable, especially those Taoist academies with a long history, some of their masters have been practicing since childhood, and they have been doing the same thing for decades. They never step out of the hospital. When the war came, these powerful masters did not survive."

"Competition and life and death are two different things." Bagnell said lightly: "This time, there is only life and death, no victory or defeat."

Jiang Liang was completely stunned.

Looking at his proud disciple Bagnell educated earnestly: "The boss's choice is right. He used all his advantages, on the contrary, this is not what Tang Hanpei is good at. I'm going to disappear, isn't this the most basic and core direction of our use of troops? Moreover, if the boss wins, no one will be able to shake the hegemony."

After speaking, he turned around and said, "If you know that you are not strong enough, then work hard. Don't be afraid of losing, Commander, you will always fight. Well, just do whatever you need to do. Don't bother me in the future."

Jiang Liang's eyes returned to clarity, and he bowed to Bagnell earnestly before turning around and leaving.

It wasn't until Jiang Liang walked away that Bagnell stopped his movements and let out a long sigh. His expression became more and more old.

"Old, I'm really old." Looking at the empty garden full of flowers and plants, his hand gently rubbed the magic card hanging around his neck, and whispered softly: "Celia, you said that, you Grow old with me and grow a big garden together..."

The turbid tears fell silently.

(To be continued)

