MTL - Card - C.7 Card mutationMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.7 Card mutationMar 06, 2023

As a card maker, a card maker also plays the role of a maintainer. Ordinary cards are rarely repaired, because repairing a card can easily reduce the performance of the card, and the cost is very high. But if it is a rare card, it is very likely that there is no market for it, and it is impossible to buy it if you want to buy it. If it is damaged, it can only be repaired.

Chen Mu's perception was very low, and the card maker didn't teach him how to train perception. Although the professional teaching materials are described, Chen Mu has also started training step by step, but so far, the results have been limited. Thinking about Chen Mu is relieved. Of course, what is circulating on the market will only be general goods. For a card maker, the exclusive method to improve perception is the most core secret. In today's society with such fierce competition, who else? Would it be so selfless to make it public?

There are many ways to improve perception, and there are many well-known ones. Each of the five major Chinese districts of the Tianyou Federation has a well-known school of Card Creators.

In fact, in the five major regions, the card maker and the card repair are not separate, often in the same genre, there are both the card maker and the card repair. The Kujing Temple in the Fanasi District uses the heart as a medium, and uses penance to exercise the medium of the heart, so as to achieve the purpose of improving perception.

There are five famous universities in the five major Chinese districts: Moying in Beilian District, Zhongda Shufu in Shanggan District, Xingyuan in Zuohe District, Kuji Temple in Fanasi District, and Shuangyuehanzhou in Tiandongli District. Together with the Federal Comprehensive University in Kyoto, it is the six most famous universities in the Tianyou Federation.

The Tianyou Confederacy has a total of five Chinese districts, twenty-two general districts, and the Dongshang Acropolis where Chen Mu is located is a city in the eastbound district, one of the common residential districts. Between the twenty-two general districts, you can move freely. But if you want to settle in the five major Chinese districts, it is not so easy. You need to have a certain skill level or above. The conditions in the five major Chinese districts are much better than those in the general districts. Many people's lifelong dream is to settle in the five major Chinese districts.

Short-term temporary residences such as tourism and tourism are not included.

Dongwei University is not known where it falls in the national university rankings, but it is also quite famous locally. Unfortunately, even in this school, Chen Mu didn't have the opportunity to enter and study there. What he practiced is the most superficial method, and his talent in this area is really limited, so although he practiced for two years, he still made little progress.

Chen Mu was not discouraged, but insisted on practicing every day. This method of his practice requires very common media, and anything in daily life can be used. Chen Mu used what he was most familiar with, a one-star energy card that he made by himself. This energy card that he used to practice perception has now undergone significant changes. It has become denser and more crystal clear. The card seemed to have a very mysterious connection with him, and he couldn't tell what the connection was.

Thanks to his long-term unremitting efforts, although his perception is still low, it is barely enough to make one-star and two-star magic cards.

He has memorized the structure of the one-star magic card countless times, and he is already familiar with it. He started trying to make his first one-star magic card.

broken! This tick is wrong! The first card is scrapped.

The second card also failed.

The third one failed!

The sweat on Chen Mu's forehead began to come out a little bit, and he finally realized the difference between the production of a magic card and a one-star energy card.

In terms of materials, a card mainly includes two parts: card material and card ink. The card material is the carrier of the card ink, and the card ink is used to outline the texture. The composition of the card ink is very complicated. How to prepare the card ink is the basic content that every card maker must learn.

Making a magic card is no longer just a simple drawing with a pen, but requires the use of perceptual control to fit the card ink and the card material together. As a result, the difficulty of production is greatly increased.

Chen Mu has already felt that it is difficult to maintain, his perception is already low, and it is just enough to make one-star and two-star magic cards. This continuous production has made his spirit extremely tired.

This feeling is more tiring than making twenty one-star energy cards!

Before he knew it, Chen Mu fell asleep on the table. This time, he slept very deeply. He was too tired.

The sky is full of stars outside the window. The weather is getting cooler, and these stars in the sky make people feel a bit colder. The stars radiated a cold light, projected from the open window, and shone on the table top where Chen Mu was sleeping.

The mysterious card lay quietly in the corner of the table, just bathed in this little starlight.

The watch in the room was extremely well set, except for Chen Mu's slight snoring.

Suddenly, the slender and tangled silver coins on the surface of the card began to light up a little bit, while the black card body became more and more profound and pure.

Gradually, the silver lines in some parts began to dim, even to the point of being almost imperceptible, and the spider silk-like silver line structure on the card surface began to undergo new changes.

The intersection point where multiple silver coins intersect is not affected, on the contrary, it still brightens up a little bit. UU reading www.

These changes continued for ten minutes.

The card face of this card has undergone earth-shaking changes. All the intricate silver lines on the black card surface disappeared, leaving only countless silver bright spots, just like the stars hanging in the night sky.

It was five hours after Chen Mu woke up, and he was awakened by the chill pouring in from the window at night. Rubbing his sullen eyes, he shook his head vigorously, and with a bit of confusion, Chen Mu stood up hard, trying to drive away the heavy drowsiness in his body.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Mu quickly woke up with a bit of chill in the air. Out of the corner of his eye, he swept across the table, and suddenly, his body froze, as if he had suddenly turned into a clay sculpture, standing there motionless.

After a full five minutes, he came back to his senses. The first time he came back to his senses was to pinch his arm. Although he didn't dream often, it should be a dream, he thought. But the sharp pain in his arm told himself that the scene in front of him was not a dream.

The mysterious card is now beyond recognition. The countless silver lines on the black card are all gone, and only a few scattered silver dots of different sizes remain. If he could still see that it was a high-level card before, then he couldn't judge it now.

The changes in this card were completely beyond Chen Mu's understanding, and he stared blankly at the card in his palm.


Second update today.

