MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.142 Stupid Master HeAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.142 Stupid Master HeAug 11, 2023

Chapter 142 The Stupid Master He

Miss Kou is asking her grandparents for her wealth?

Different from the change in people's evaluation of the Shaoqing Mansion when Miss Kou went out to open a bookstore later, He Qingxiao has always been very clear about the calculations of the Shaoqing Mansion.

With such speculation in mind, He Qingxiao walked into Jinsheng Bank.

When the treasurer of Jinsheng Bank saw Duan Shaoqing, he hurriedly asked the waiter to serve tea.

"Shopkeeper, I'm bringing my niece to talk about something."

The shopkeeper gave Xin You a surprised look, and asked the two to go to a separate reception room to talk.

Xin You took the burden from He Qingxiao's hand, and walked in after Duan Shaoqing.

He Qingxiao stayed outside drinking tea silently.

"I came to withdraw the money yesterday, but the shopkeeper said that it would not be available until tomorrow." Duan Shaoqing started the conversation.

The shopkeeper smiled all over his face: "Yes, according to the regulations of our bank, it is necessary to announce at least two days in advance for large amounts of more than 50,000."

A deposit of one hundred thousand taels of silver is a big customer in any bank, and the shopkeeper dare not neglect the God of Wealth in front of him.

Duan Shaoqing took a look at Xin You: "The little chapter in Guizhuang, I gave it to my niece, and I brought her here to do business today."

The shopkeeper looked at Xin You with shock.

So the big customer is here!

Xin You calmly took out a small chapter from her purse, and handed it over: "Shopkeeper, can this small chapter really take out one hundred thousand taels from Guizhuang?"

She is so calm, the shopkeeper is not so calm.

This is one hundred thousand taels, just put it in your purse casually?

Understanding the shopkeeper's expression, Duan Shaoqing's mouth twitched.

If you knew that there were 300,000 taels of silver bills and the deeds of more than a dozen shops in the package that this girl was carrying, you might faint.

The shopkeeper took the small chapter, checked it carefully, and said with a smile: "As long as it is a small chapter given by our bank, you can take as much as you write, and you will get a lot of money."

"I want to save some more, can I get a new chapter?"

The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at Duan Shaoqing.

Duan Shaoqing's face was calm, and he sneered in his heart: A dead girl really knows how to make troubles.

"The shopkeeper?"

"Yes, of course! I wonder how much more the girl wants to deposit?"

"Save another one hundred thousand taels."

Duan Shaoqing didn't react when he heard this, and the shopkeeper's eyes were straight.

Xin You's tone changed: "I brought the money, but it's a bank note from another bank. I wonder if it's okay to—"

"This is no problem, please wait a moment, girl."

While the shopkeeper was leaving, Xin You opened the bag and took out one hundred thousand taels of silver notes from the box.

Duan Shaoqing saw it, frowned and didn't say anything.

He has one thought now: let this girl make trouble, and she will get it back anyway.

Soon the shopkeeper came in, followed by an old court priest.

Lao Chaofeng carefully checked the small chapter and bank notes, and nodded to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper showed a relaxed smile: "The villain wants to tell the girl that there is a certain storage fee for depositing gold and silver in the bank, and there is also a handling fee for directly depositing silver notes in other banks with us..."

To be honest, they don’t accept banknotes from other banks, just to make it easier for big customers not to refuse, and they have to take these banknotes to the corresponding bank to exchange for real money, so they charge a handling fee.

Xin You nodded: "I know all of this, and I accept it."

Half an hour later, Xin You received a very exquisite small box, which was not as big as a palm, and inside was a newly made small chapter.

Xiaozhang looks the same as the previous one, except that the "Shi" on the bottom has changed to "Two Shi".

Xin You saw with his own eyes that Lao Chaofeng used this small chapter to imprint a booklet.

The shopkeeper saw that she was curious, and explained: "All the small stamps given out by our bank must be stamped, and customers must check the pattern when they bring the small stamps to withdraw money."

These chapters look the same, but the pattern on the bottom of each chapter is different, which is an important evidence to distinguish the authenticity.

Xin You nodded, didn't ask for a small box, and put Xiaozhang in her purse.

Shopkeeper: "..."

Old Chaofeng: "..."

Duan Shaoqing couldn't bear it anymore, and reminded: "Qingqing, it's easy to lose it like this."

Xin You patted her purse: "No."

Duan Shaoqing clenched his fists, feeling pain in his heart.

The shopkeeper followed suit and sent the two out.

He Qingxiao stood up.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Xin You walked over and smiled apologetically at He Qingxiao.

Leaving Jinsheng Bank, Xin You didn't get into the carriage: "I'm really sorry for delaying uncle for so long."

Duan Shaoqing glanced at the small baggage that Xin You was carrying, and asked her intentionally what she would do with the rest of the money, but when the words came to her lips, thinking of He Qingxiao, she decided to give up.

Seeing Duan Shaoqing get into the carriage and leave, Xin You asked the young man beside him: "Master He, besides Jinsheng Bank, do you know which bank is more reliable?"

Although He Qingxiao has no money to save in a bank, he still knows which bank is reliable: "Bao'an Bank has a government background, which is relatively safe."

"Then I have to trouble Mr. He to accompany me to Bao'an Bank."

"Miss Kou, you're being polite."

The two went to Bao'an Bank together, and Xin You and the shopkeeper entered the reception room, while He Qingxiao drank tea in the outer hall.

Half an hour later, there was another chapter in Xinyou's purse.

Take care of this, the meal time is over, and it is not safe to wander outside with two small chapters worth 400,000 taels, so Xin You simply invited He Qingxiao to the bookstore for dinner.

After the meal, Xin You asked He Qingxiao to sit down for a while, went outside and ordered Xiao Lian to fetch the 6,000 taels of silver notes prepared in advance, and then turned to go in.

"I've worked so hard for Mr. He for a long time today, I'm really sorry." Xin You handed over the small box containing the bank notes.

In Daxia, this kind of reward is usually not opened in front of people, so He Qingxiao put away the small box and returned to the Yamen.

After dealing with some matters, he just opened the box casually, and was stunned to see a thick stack of bank notes inside.

One hundred taels, two hundred taels, three hundred taels...

Considering that Mr. He is short on money, Xin You purposely didn't put the bank note in denomination of 1,000 taels.

Six thousand taels!

He Qingxiao was done counting, and he was also stupid.

After a while, he woke up like a dream, collected the banknotes and rushed to Qingsong Bookstore.

At this time, Xin You called shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou to the east courtyard.

Both Shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou felt a little uncomfortable.

East courtyard is also divided into places, they are now coming to the owner's residence...

The two guessed the purpose of Xin You calling them here, and they were quite restrained.

"Shopkeeper, you deal with silver and money every day, do you have experience in distinguishing the fineness of gold and silver?"

Shopkeeper Hu raised his beard when he heard it: "Of course. A villain can tell if something else has been mixed with it just by looking at it and weighing it."

"Then I don't worry. I received some silver ingots today, and I want to invite the shopkeeper to hold the eyes."

Shopkeeper Hu readily agreed.

"What about the villain?" Liu Zhou didn't know what he was doing.

"You help the shopkeeper."

Liu Zhou said "Oh", thinking that he doesn't seem to have much work.

Shopkeeper Hu also felt that no one needed to help, because it was the boss who said it, so he didn't say anything.

Xin You led the two of them to the room where the boxes were kept, and nodded at Xiaolian.

(end of this chapter)

