MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.147 progressAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.147 progressAug 11, 2023

The son did not object, which made Mrs. Gu Changbo heave a sigh of relief, and quickly sent a letter to the Shaoqing Mansion.

Dai Ze didn't care about his family's engagement, and went straight to Qingsong Bookstore.

It was already afternoon, Xin You took out a manuscript and called Shopkeeper Hu and Manager Zhao over.

"What's your order?" The two asked in unison.

Xin You asked the two to sit down, and then said: "Mr. Songling's new book has already written the first volume. I have read the manuscript and think it is very exciting. The shopkeeper and Zhao Guanshi also have a look. If there is no problem, we can arrange to engrave it .”

"Mr. Song Ling's new book is ready?" The two spoke in unison again, their eyes shining.

As Xin You handed over the manuscript, both hands quickly reached out, and one hand grabbed one side of the manuscript.

"Brother Zhao, don't be in a hurry, it's enough for you to see when you turn around and wait for the engraving."

"Shopkeeper, your eyes are red, you should take a good rest."

The two stared at each other, neither letting go.

In the end, it was Xin You who spoke: "Let's see the shopkeeper first."

Shopkeeper Hu proudly pulled out the manuscript from Manager Zhao.

Manager Zhao gave Xin You a sad look.

The boss is eccentric!

Sure enough, the one who often shows his face in front of his boss takes advantage.

Xin You comforted Guanshi Zhao with a smile: "The shopkeeper has done a lot of things in the past two days, and it is indeed very hard."

Manager Zhao became more and more curious when he heard what Xin You said.

What the **** is Lao Hu busy these two days? He asked but didn’t say anything, and said he was afraid when he saw Yinzi——

Guanshi Zhao was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a snap, which made him shiver in fright.

"It's so beautiful!" Shopkeeper Hu held the manuscript tightly, his eyes frenzied, "Mr. Songling is really a genius who has never been seen in a century. This new book has a grand layout and whimsical ideas, which is even better than "Painted Skin"..."

"Really? Let me take a look." Manager Zhao reached for the manuscript.

Shopkeeper Hu hurriedly held the manuscript tightly in his arms: "I haven't finished reading it yet!"

A moment later, there was another snap.

"Fabulous! Fabulous!"

After a while, Shopkeeper Hu couldn't help but pat the table again, and Manager Zhao rolled up his sleeves silently.

Is it tolerable or unbearable, he fought this old thing!

When two people were fighting over the book, Shi Shi came to report: "Master, that Mr. Dai is here again."

Different from the worry that the stone was hanging on her face, Xin You was overjoyed when she heard that Dai Ze had come, and hurried to the front.

Dai Ze was waiting in the middle of the study hall, looking at the door leading to the back from time to time, and when he saw Xin You coming in, he couldn't wait to go up to him: "Miss Kou!"

The suppressed and excited eyes made Xin You a little more nervous, but she didn't show it at all: "Mr. Dai, please go to the reception room to talk."

There were only a few steps to the reception room, but Xin You walked very slowly.

What news will Daize bring her?

Judging by his appearance, at least he won't get nothing.

Xin You took a deep breath and walked into the reception room.

"Mr. Dai, please sit down."

"Miss Kou, don't be so polite." Dai Ze couldn't help smiling when he faced Xin You.

No way, the bird droppings on the face of the Japanese bird caused a major trauma to his carefree heart, and an expert like Ms. Kou must establish a good relationship.

Liu Zhou, who came in to pour tea, glanced at Dai Ze vigilantly, and thought to himself that this kid laughed like a flower, he must be playing tricks on his boss, right?

"Go and get busy." Xin You said to Liu Zhou.

Liu Zhou took a deep look at Dai Ze and backed out.

"Did Mr. Dai find it?"

Dai Ze's eyes lit up: "Miss Kou is really clever!"

Xin You: "..." There is no need to be so flattering.

Subconsciously glanced at the door, Dai Ze lowered his voice: "I only found out after checking quietly that there are quite a few people who have gone to the south."

As he spoke, he took out a note and spread it out in front of Xinyou.

"Miss Kou, look, I have written it all down. This Dai Qiang went to Xinnan, where our family has a large piece of fertile land..."

"What does this mean?" Xin You pointed to one of the circles.

Dai Ze looked at it: "Oh, this person's name is Chang Liang, I can't write the word 'Liang'."

Xin You silently turned her face away.

Dai Ze didn't feel embarrassed at all, and sighed: "Miss Kou is really amazing, she can see that he has problems at a glance."


"Chang Liang went out in April, and there were many people who went out with him, but only he came back in May, and the others haven't returned to Beijing yet..."

"I think everyone else remembers where they went. Why is Chang Liang's place empty?" Xin You asked casually.

Dai Ze hurriedly explained: "It's not because I don't know how to write. The booklet I checked secretly only recorded that he went out to the south, but didn't mention the specific destination. It's also strange. What kind of industry in the south has kept people for so long? I haven't returned yet..."

"Isn't the person who went out with Chang Liang listed here?"

"Didn't Ms. Kou say that I came into contact with the Qi from the South, and I didn't remember those who haven't come back yet." Speaking of this, Dai Ze showed an embarrassed smile, "I'm too tired to write."

Xin You quickly twitched the corner of his mouth, and asked Chang Liang what kind of job he was in Guchangbo's mansion.

"He's a guard, not very eye-catching." Dai Ze said casually, "His uncle was originally a soldier under my father's command. He is very skilled. He went out with Chang Liang in April and hasn't returned yet."

Xin You's heart skipped a beat, and she really wanted to ask about Uncle Chang Liang in detail, but she held back just to be cautious.

Although Daize isn't very smart, he isn't really stupid either, so he can't act too hastily.

"Miss Kou, what should I do next? Do you want to put that kid Chang Liang—" He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Xin You was silent, and suddenly thought of He Qingxiao's reminder that day.

He said that a dude like Dai Ze seems innocent, but he doesn't know how to measure it. Once he does evil, it will cause great damage.

This is indeed a person who does not take other people's lives seriously.

"That's not necessary." Xin You's speech slowed down, and he had already figured out a countermeasure in a short time, "Is there a locust tree not far from your mansion?"

Dai Ze was stunned for a moment, and then slapped his thigh: "Miss Kou, you are amazing, you can also calculate this!"

"I passed by your mansion."

"Oh, so it is." Daize scratched his head.

"On the fifteenth day of this month, if you ask Chang Liang to hold a rooster around the locust tree three times in the early morning, the evil spirit will be broken."

"that's all?"

Xin You nodded: "That's it. But—"

Dai Zele was delighted: "I knew it was still there, Miss Kou, tell me."

"It's best not to let him know Mr. Dai's true intentions."

"That's easy. Anything else?"

"there is none left."

Three days will be fifteen, if Dai Ze can make Chang Liang do what she says, she will be able to match Chang Liang's name with his appearance.

After that, try to find a way to determine whether Chang Liang's trip to the south has anything to do with his mother's accident.

"Then after Chang Liang does this, do I need to come to you again?"

"No, just do as I tell you."

Dai Ze nodded to show that he understood, and before leaving, he suddenly remembered: "Miss Kou, do you know that I am engaged to your cousin."

