MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.149 trackAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.149 trackAug 11, 2023

"Thank you, Mr. He, for helping me so much."

Xin You is not a shy character, no matter how many ripples in her heart, she looks calm on the face.

"It should be—" He Qingxiao paused, "I even charged Miss Kou that much money."

So what was he thinking about just now, Aunt Gui was right, she did a small favor for Miss Kou and received a few thousand taels of silver, and expected Miss Kou to favor him even more?

Hearing his honest words, Xin You smiled sweetly: "Master He doesn't have to keep this in mind all the time. Please ask Mr. He to help me with some small money, or I earned it."

Little money...

He Qingxiao also smiled: "It's good if I can help Miss Kou."

His gaze flicked over the girl's empty earlobe, but he didn't ask any questions in the end.

Xin You sent He Qingxiao to the door of the bookstore: "Master He, go slowly."

Liu Zhou peeked at the two of them while wiping the table.

What's the matter, before entering the reception room, he still felt that Mr. He and the Dong's family would be married soon, but now seeing the generous appearance of the Dong's family, it was no different from treating ordinary book-buying customers.

Is this plausible?

The little guy couldn't help but increase his strength in wiping the table.

It was still early, and Xin You took Xiaolian out of the house, starting with the nearest ones, and went to the shops on the list.

Xu Shaoqing's mansion felt that these shops would be taken back sooner or later, so they didn't dig any holes, which saved Xinyou a lot of trouble.

"Girl, this makeup shop is also ours!" Xiao Lian became more and more excited as she walked around.

Seeing that it was almost noon, the two of them simply ate in that empty restaurant.

After a meal, Xin You understood the reason why there were no customers in the restaurant.

It's too bad to eat!

Xiao Lian walked a long way, still looking like she had suffered a huge blow: "The servant girl doesn't want to eat dinner anymore...Girl, which one should I visit next?"

"Go back to the bookstore, don't rush to finish shopping in a day."

I still have business to do in the afternoon, so I need to recharge my batteries.

On the way back, Xiao Lian still had lingering fears when thinking about lunch: "Girl, is this restaurant like this? Do you want to change the cook?"

"Let's keep the status quo first, and we'll talk about it later."

There are more than a dozen shops, big and small, some are making money, and some are losing money. Thanks to the detailed list on the list given by He Qingxiao, Xin You did the math and found that they are still profitable overall.

In this case, there is no rush to make money for the time being.

Backing back to the East Courtyard, Xin You called to Nanny Fang: "Nurse, in your spare time, find some available people so that you can take care of these shops in the future."

These shops, Xinyou's plan is to slowly hand them over to Nanny Fang and Xiaolian.

Of the two of them, one is the person who raised Kou Qingqing, and the other is the person who grew up with Kou Qingqing. Kou Qingqing definitely hopes that they will live well.

Also had this plan, Xin You didn't want to interfere too much, but gave the two of them a chance to exercise.

Nurse Fang didn't know Xin You's plan, so she quickly agreed.

As the business of the bookstore is getting better and better, more and more people are being recruited. The girl still has so many shops to manage in the future, so of course she needs to find more people who can be used.

Xin You explained the time Xiaolian called her to wake up, and soon fell asleep. After waking up full of energy, he quietly went to the residence alone.

The folk house has only one small courtyard, three main rooms, plus east and west wing rooms.

For the sake of secrecy, Xinyou didn't arrange for anyone to take care of it, and there was a layer of dust everywhere. The cleanest thing is the east room where the clothes mirror is placed.

Xin You sat down in front of the vanity mirror, and touched Kong Kong's earlobes involuntarily.

Forgot to put the earrings on.

Xin You didn't take this little negligence to heart, and it just so happens that you don't need to take it off now.

Half an hour later, the handsome young man appeared in the mirror, unable to see his original appearance at all.

Xin You smiled at the boy in the mirror, and the boy also laughed.

It was still dark at this time, and the stone lions in front of Guchangbo Mansion opened their teeth and danced their claws, watching the passers-by.

Xin You waited in a remote corner, and finally saw people coming out of the side door of Guchangbo Mansion one after another.

Chang Liang was one of those people. They all looked relaxed, talking and laughing as they walked back.

The residential area is behind Guchangbo Mansion, and there are servants of Guchangbo Mansion and some relatives living there.

Xin You quietly followed behind, watching those people enter the house one after another, the number of people gradually decreased.

At this time, if someone turns around, it is easy to find the boy who is following behind.

It seems that luck is not very good, only Chang Liang is left in front.

With no other gossips in his company, Chang Liang casually glanced back and stopped.

It got dark early in this season, and when the boy approached, Chang Liang frowned and asked, "Why do you look at me, little brother?"

Most of the people who live in this area know each other, which made him vigilant.

The boy showed an embarrassed smile: "I got lost, and I came here somehow."

Chang Liang was somewhat skeptical about this reason, looked the boy up and down, and asked, "Where are you going?"

The teenager applied for a place.

When Chang Liang heard this, his doubts dissipated a lot, and he said in a flat tone: "You made a mistake, you went back out of this area, and you should go to the next entrance and then turn in..."

"Thank you, brother, for your guidance." The young man hesitated for a moment, as if Chang Liang's guidance had given him courage, he asked tentatively, "I've been walking for a long time, and I'm very thirsty, can I ask for some water?"

Chang Liang frowned, and said lightly, "Come here."

He didn't think this thin young man was a threat, but instead thought it was ridiculously stupid.

It was getting dark, and walking alone in a strange place, he dared to come to the door to ask for water.

With a creak, the courtyard door opened, and Chang Liang strode in.

Xin You stood outside the door and did not follow in. She quickly glanced inside.

It is a small yard with no lights, and by the moonlight, you can see that the yard is fairly tidy.

Soon Chang Liang came over with a ladle, and said calmly, "There is no hot water."

"Just drink it." Xinyou took the water ladle, gulped it down, and thanked her repeatedly.

Chang Liang didn't say anything, took back the water ladle and closed the door.

Xin You turned around and walked back along the same path.

The closed courtyard door behind him quietly opened a crack, and a pair of eyes silently stared at the boy's back.

The young man's hesitant steps and restless look around finally made Chang Liang completely let go of his suspicions.

Xin You walked out of the house, and pressed the stomach that had been filled with a lot of cold water.

It's really cold.

The bright moon in early winter is lonely and bright, and the frost is sprinkled all over the ground.

Xin You went around a few times and walked slowly towards Qingsong Bookstore.

There is no light left in the courtyard, Chang Liang should live alone. Judging from the well-maintained small courtyard, either Chang Liang is extraordinarily meticulous and loves to clean, or someone comes to clean it on a regular basis.

Xin You recalled the muddy nails she saw when she took the ladle from Chang Liang, and deduced that it was the latter.

This is more in line with Chang Liang's situation. If he can work as a guard in Guchangbo Mansion, his income should be good. As a bachelor, it is normal to hire someone to do laundry and sweep.

Xin You stopped and looked back in the direction of Guchangbo Mansion.

Since I live alone, it will be convenient.

Thanks to Dandan Tianshengmeng for becoming the leader of "Ci Jin Zhi", and thanks to the book friends who rewarded, voted, subscribed and supported. Happy June.

