MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.150 disappointmentAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.150 disappointmentAug 11, 2023

Chapter 150 Disappointment

From the lesson learned from the assassination of He Qingxiao, Xin You became more cautious in finding out the truth. After confirming Chang Liang's residence, she did not act rashly, but waited patiently.

Because of catching up with his daughter to discuss marriage, and because of He Qingxiao's involvement, even though Duan Shaoqing wished to kill his niece immediately, he had no choice but to endure it.

Within a few days, news spread that Shaoqing's mansion and Guchangbo's mansion were married.

The number one rich man in the capital got engaged, this news naturally aroused a lot of discussion, and the Shaoqing Mansion was frequently mentioned again for a while.

What kind of virtue is the son of Guchangbo? Everyone knows that the family who takes their daughter's happiness seriously looks down on the actions of the Shaoqing family, and those who want to climb the dragon and the phoenix are very sour and have no good words.

Duan Yunchen only found out when he was ridiculed by a prison student who had never dealt with him, so he immediately took a leave of absence and returned to the Shaoqing Mansion.

Duan Shaoqing was very dissatisfied with his son's leave: "You will be participating in Chunwei next year. It is the business to concentrate on studying. You don't have to worry about family affairs."

In the eyes of his family, Duan Yunchen has always been sensible and easy-going, but at this time he couldn't help arguing with Duan Shaoqing: "Father, the son of Uncle Guchang is ignorant, he can't even recognize words, and his conduct is even worse. How can he be the second sister?" A good match!"

Duan Shaoqing didn't expect his son to be like this, and frowned fiercely: "Chen'er, getting married is a good thing for two surnames, and the family has its own considerations—"

Duan Yunchen coldly interrupted Duan Shaoqing: "Father, do you know what other people say about our Shaoqing Mansion?"

Duan Shaoqing had heard a lot of those words a long time ago, and didn't take them to heart at all: "It's just some sour words, and they will leave after talking about it for a few days. Do you think those people look down on the son of Uncle Guchang? It's just that you can't climb Going to the high school, my heart is sour."

Duan Yunchen looked at Duan Shaoqing in disbelief.

So, those gossips are not wrong, but the father actually has the intention of climbing high?

The Shaoqing Mansion is the way of a civil official, and it can also be called a scholarly family. Duan Yunchen has devoted himself to studying since childhood, and has never been disturbed by common things. In fact, he is a bit arrogant.

And this pride seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer since the mother was suspended, until it was completely shattered at this moment.

Duan Shaoqing looked at his son's shock, and sighed deeply: "Chen'er, it is not so easy for a family to become more and more prosperous. Among other things, you can concentrate on reading, and the pens, inks, papers and inkstones are all top-grade , do you think you fell from the sky? Our Shaoqing Mansion's foundation is still shallow, we need you to obtain fame, and we also need the help of in-laws..."

In Duan Shaoqing's opinion, his son should grow up too. Before, he thought about waiting for him to be named on the gold list. Now that the words have come to this point, it would be good for him to understand earlier.

Duan Yunchen listened, his face turned pale: "What about the second sister? This is why the second sister should sacrifice her own happiness for this?"

"Sacrifice?" Duan Shaoqing only found it funny, "Your second sister doesn't think so."

Now it seems that it is not a good thing not to worry about anything, Chen'er is too naive.

Duan Shaoqing was born in a poor family, and he has tasted the taste of being short of money, and because of this, he never wants to live that kind of hard-pressed life again.

The salaries of officials in the current dynasty are not high. If some people who are higher than him but have no family background want to be honest officials, once the family has a sudden large expenditure, they may have to borrow money to deal with it.

Duan Yunchen didn't believe this, and after leaving Duan Shaoqing's place, he went to Duan Yunhua's.

Duan Yunhua is admiring a pair of jadeite bracelets, which are betrothal objects sent by Guchangbo Mansion along with the engagement letter.

Even though the life in Shaoqing Mansion is good, and Duan Yunhua has used good clothes and jewelry since she was a child, this pair of Shuitou's excellent bracelets makes her more and more happy.

Having made a marriage, she is already a member of Guchangbo Mansion.

"Why is big brother back at this time?" Duan Yunhua was shocked when he saw Duan Yunchen.

"Second sister's engagement is such a big deal, why didn't I hear you mention it last time I went home?"

In Duan Yunchen's generation, there are six brothers and sisters between the two families, and only Duan Yunhua and his mother are compatriots, so Duan Yunchen didn't twist around when speaking.

It didn't take a day or two from discussing marriage to formally issuing the letter of appointment, but on the 20th when I went home from vacation, I didn't hear my sister mention it, which made Duan Yunchen a little depressed.

Duan Yunhua lowered his head slightly, blushing on his cheeks: "The elders are the ones who make the most of the marriage. I don't know if it will go well, so I didn't mention it to my elder brother..."

Duan Yunchen frowned: "What does Second Sister think about this marriage? If you don't want to, elder brother find a way—"

Duan Yunhua suddenly raised his head and blurted out: "No!"

Touching Duan Yunchen's astonished eyes, Duan Yunhua pursed his lips: "It's all settled, I don't want to bear the reputation of retiring, brother, don't worry about me."

Duan Yunchen's gaze was attracted by the bracelet in Duan Yunhua's hand.


Duan Yunchen came back to his senses, and nodded slightly: "I see, the second sister, you should rest well."

Walking out of Duan Yunhua's residence, Duan Yunchen sucked in cold air, and then let it out slowly.

It’s November, and it’s getting colder.

Duan Yunchen's heart is colder than the sky outside.

Given the style and value of the pair of jade bracelets, it is obviously not something that the second sister usually wears, so they should be engagement tokens.

Still in the mood to enjoy the betrothed objects, no matter how confused he was, he understood the second sister's attitude towards this marriage.

Duan Yunchen suddenly felt disheartened, and left the Shaoqing Mansion without any food. When he came back, he hired a carriage anxiously, and walked slowly when he returned.

It was almost dinner time, the sky was getting dark, and lights were lit on the street. Many people are in a hurry, unwilling to stay in the cold for a long time.

Duan Yunchen is not a person with good physical strength. Before he reached the Imperial College, his cheeks were cold and his legs and feet were heavy.

Seeing the light from Qingsong Bookstore, he paused, and walked in by accident.

The bookstore is still a while away from closing, and a few customers are buying books or pens and inks, and they just glance at the people who walk in and don't pay attention.

When Liu Zhou saw Duan Yunchen, he quietly rolled his eyes.

Isn't this the eldest son of Shaoqing's mansion? He still remembers how this man came to find his boss with a cold face.

The little guy was hesitating whether to go up to him or pretend not to see him, when he saw the person who just came in, he turned around and left.


Liu Zhou rolled his eyes greatly, and when Xin You came over the next day, he told about Duan Yunchen's visit.

Xin You thought of some recent discussions about the Shaoqing Mansion, and guessed that Duan Yunchen might be in a bad mood, which was not her concern.

Xin You wandered around the bookstore before returning to the East Yard, locked in the room alone, and checked the things that will be used today again.

After finding out where Chang Liang lived, she used this time to grasp a lot of information about Chang Liang. If everything goes well tonight, it may be possible to determine whether the southbound people from Guchangbo Mansion who did not record their destinations are related to the mother's death.

Chang Liang is on the day shift today. After the shift, he would have eaten a large but mediocre meal in Guchangbo Mansion before going home, but two people dragged him to drink.

Chang Liang had ample money, so he agreed without hesitation.

(end of this chapter)

