MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.158 sweet pastry girlAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.158 sweet pastry girlAug 11, 2023

In the restaurants and teahouses, people were discussing the newly released gossip.

"Have you heard, Miss Kou, the cousin of the Duan family in the Shaoqing Mansion, has more than a dozen shops!"

"More than a dozen? No way?"

"Can it be fake? Miss Kou went to inspect these shops yesterday, and many people saw them with their own eyes. The big silver building and Xingbao building in the east city, the tailor shop in the north, and the tea house in the west city..."

People were shocked to hear that a person with a particularly good memory mentioned the shops owned by Ms. Kou.

"Miss Kou has such a wealth, I'm afraid the girls from the prime minister's family are not as rich as her?"

If you marry Miss Kou, wouldn't it be three generations of worry-free!

As the news spread, this idea was born in the hearts of countless people.

When the old lady heard the news reported by the manager who went out to buy, she immediately became sullen and sent someone to Qingsong Bookstore to find Xin You.

On this day, the business of the bookstore suddenly improved.

Yesterday, Liu Zhou was so hurt by the bumping of the carriage, he took advantage of the gap and complained to shopkeeper Hu, "I thought I could have a good rest today, why are there so many people suddenly?"

Qingsong Bookstore is well-known in the capital, and the bookstore opposite is closed again. The business is usually good, but it can’t compare with the crowds during the days when the book was released.

Shopkeeper Hu is a discerning person, and raised his eyelids: "I'm afraid I heard that my boss has so many shops, so it's strange to come to see it."

Maybe she still wants to attract the attention of her boss, dreaming of marrying a golden mountain.

Shopkeeper Hu became angry when he thought about these people's thoughts.

No matter how you come to make an idea of ​​the boss, can't you let the boss do business well!

Shaoqing's mansion came to invite Xinyou's mother-in-law to squeeze in front of shopkeeper Hu under such circumstances.

"I'm from the Shaoqing Mansion, and I'm here to ask the cousin girl to go back at the order of the old lady."

Not long after, Xin You got the news, went out directly from the East Courtyard, and got into the carriage back to Shaoqing's Mansion.

As soon as she entered the door of Ruyi Hall, Xinyou greeted her generously: "Grandmother."

The old lady was dissatisfied, but she didn't show it on her face, she smiled and beckoned her to come and sit down.

"Qingqing, what are the rumors outside?"

Before this year, the granddaughter had hardly been out of the house, and people would not pay attention to a cousin girl in the Shaoqing Mansion. This year, this girl has made a lot of noise, but the identity of an orphan is also difficult to catch the eyes of most people.

But it’s different now, a little girl who owns more than a dozen shops, although her father died, she has been admitted to the prefect through the imperial examination, and her background has not hindered her. Marrying such a daughter-in-law into the family, although the wife's family can't provide help, wealth itself is a great help.

Even without the support of her natal family, it is still a good thing for some people.

The old lady can imagine that there will be an endless stream of people who will try to trick her granddaughter in the future. This is naturally bad for her who is determined to keep her granddaughter in the Shaoqing Mansion.

"Rumor? What rumor?"

The bewildered look on the girl's face made the old lady stagnate, and said angrily, "How do you know that you have more than a dozen shops to take care of?"

Xin You smiled: "Grandmother originally asked this. You know, I don't have many available people. I think the shopkeeper of the bookstore is loyal and reliable, so I will take him to learn about those shops so that he can share some of the burden for me." .I didn’t expect so many curious people to take this as something new.”

It's winter, and there are more people who are free, so the gossip spreads faster.

The old lady frowned: "Money touches people's hearts, and such rumors are not good for you."

Xin You pursed her lips, with a cute look: "Why is it not good? People are praising my grandmother and uncle for loving me. The Shaoqing Mansion is kind. I think it's not bad for Qingqing to get wealth and the Shaoqing Mansion to gain a reputation. Don't you think so?"

The old lady was speechless for a moment, she shook her lips and said, "Grandmother is worried that someone will think about you."

Xin You smiled slightly: "Then don't worry, the bookstore has hired many guards a few days ago, and Mr. He from Jinlinwei also took care of me. It's not so easy for others to get my ideas."

Jin Linwei, Jin Linwei again!

The old lady was annoyed, but she couldn't express it, but she had to admit one thing. As soon as the news came out, many people began to praise the kindness of Shaoqing's family, as her granddaughter said.

"Then you have to be more vigilant, even if you are safe, you still have to beware of some people with bad intentions deliberately approaching..."

After listening, Xinyou nodded submissively: "Thank you grandma for reminding me, Qingqing knows."

Today's old lady doesn't believe that her granddaughter is really well-behaved. After all, the scene of asking for money before is still vivid.

The old lady also showed a loving smile: "It's good that you can listen to it."

After Xin You left, the old lady asked the mother-in-law who delivered the letter about the situation of Qingsong Bookstore.

"Biao girl is really amazing, the bookstore is so crowded that the old slave's shoes are almost stepped off..." the old woman who didn't know that Biao girl had already broken up with the old man talked endlessly.

After hearing this, the old lady felt relieved and worried at the same time.

I am gratified that my granddaughter can manage the bookstore so well, and she must be able to manage the family business well. What worries me is that if I can't keep people at home, the loss will be great.

The old lady sent her confidants to the Imperial College to deliver a message to Duan Yunlang.

Duan Yunlang received the letter and ran to the gate of the Imperial College.

"Nurse Yun, what's going on at home?"

The confidant woman's name is Hongyun, and everyone in Shaoqing's mansion calls her Nurse Yun.

"Did the second son hear about the cousin girl?"

"Cousin Qing?" Duan Yunlang shook his head, "What's wrong with Cousin Qing?"

For the students studying in the Imperial College, the source of news is when they go home on vacation, and when they can go shopping at noon or evening on weekdays.

It was only the second day, and the news that Ms. Kou owned more than a dozen shops had not been fully spread in the Imperial College.

Nurse Yun explained the situation and conveyed the words of the old lady: "The old lady is worried that some people will deliberately approach the cousin girl for money, so let the second son look at it."

Duan Yunlang didn't think too much, and responded without hesitation: "Don't worry, grandma, I will pay attention, and I will definitely not let Qing Cousin be deceived."

In the evening, a few classmates asked Duan Yunlang to go out to buy pens and paper, and Duan Yunlang became vigilant.

"Buy pen and paper? Where can I buy pen and paper?"

"Of course it's Qingsong Bookstore."

"Why do you go to Qingsong Bookstore to buy paper and pens? Don't we have them in the Imperial College?"

Meng Fei reached out and touched Duan Yunlang's forehead: "Yunlang, don't you have a fever? We used to go out to buy paper and pens."

"But the pens and paper outside are not as good as those in our Guozijian!" Duan Yunlang looked at several students of similar age, making a final struggle.

These boys are pretty, what if my cousin gets confused!

Several classmates, including Meng Fei, said in unison: "But the ones outside are cheap."

Duan Yunlang looked at Meng Fei in despair.

Lao Meng, do you still remember that your grandfather served as a sacrificial wine for the Imperial College?

