MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.168 "Journey to the West" releasedAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.168 "Journey to the West" releasedAug 11, 2023

Xin You returned to the east courtyard with He Qingxiao's thank you gift, and Xiao Lian went up to meet her and went to pick her up.

"Wait a minute." Xin You put the wooden box on the table and opened it, and took out the little monkey.

"Ah, it's the Chinese zodiac." Xiao Lian exclaimed as she looked at the lifelike jade carving.

Xin You placed the little monkey on the dressing table, and asked with a smile, "Isn't it interesting?"

Xiao Lian nodded sharply: "Did the girl buy it?"

"No, Mr. He sent it."

Xiao Lian took a special look at the little monkey, and praised: "The most interesting of the twelve zodiac signs is this little monkey. Mr. He is very good at giving gifts. He must have chosen this set because he knew the girl's zodiac sign."

Xinyou, like Kou Qingqing, is a monkey. She took out the little monkey specially because of this.

"Put away the others first."

After explaining to Xiaolian, Xin You looked at the vanity mirror.

The person in the mirror looks picturesque, calm as water.

Thinking of He Qingxiao's question, she put her hand on the little monkey and rubbed it lightly, and a guess came to her mind: Master He... Doubt her true identity?

To the world, she is Kou Qingqing, and no one will associate her with Wanyang who is thousands of miles away.

Master He knows that she is not Kou Qingqing, so her similar appearance to Princess Zhaoyang is the biggest flaw.

His face showed nothing...

Xin You raised her hand and caressed her cheek, feeling a little grateful in her heart.

Fortunately, the person who knows her secret is Master He.

The next day was the first day of the twelfth lunar month, which was supposed to be the day when Xin You returned to Shaoqing's Mansion, but on this day Mr. Songling's new story book "Journey to the West" was officially released. Not only did she not go back, Duan Yunlang even volunteered to come to the bookstore to help.

The old lady who received the letter was happy to see it.

Duan Yunling looked at her words and saw that her grandmother was in a good mood, so she tentatively asked: "Grandma, can I help my cousin?"

"Go, but don't run around, come back with your second brother when you're done."

"Thanks, Grandma!"

Duan Yunling changed her clothes after returning to her room, and went out happily, but was blocked by Duan Yunhua halfway.

"Third sister is going to Qingsong Bookstore?"

Duan Yunling did not answer Duan Yunhua's question: "Is there something wrong with the second sister?"

Duan Yunhua sneered: "You and Kou Qingqing are on good terms."

"The cousins ​​are close, is there anything strange?"

Disgust came from Duan Yunhua's eyes: "I'm curious, if you defend Kou Qingqing so much, what benefits can she do you? Are those dozens of shops rewarding you with one, or bringing you good luck?"

Thinking of Kou Qingqing's wealth, Duan Yunhua felt uncomfortable.

Next year, she will marry to Guchangbo's mansion, and the family is buying her dowry one after another. At this time, Kou Qingqing's taking away so many shops that can generate money must have an impact on her.

There is also Guchang Bo Shizi, who went to drink with Kou Qingqing alone, completely ignoring his engagement with her, what a pair of sluts!

Duan Yunling looked coldly at Duan Yunhua's expression change, and smiled meaningfully: "Cousin Qing has already benefited me a lot, but the second sister can't see it. Please make room for the second sister, I should go out."

"You stop!"

Duan Yunling looked at her: "Second sister, is there anything else?"

"I will go with you."

Duan Yunling showed surprise: "Second sister is going too?"

"Why, can you go, can't I go?"

"That's not true. It's just that the bookstore is definitely crowded with people today. After all, the second sister is the wife of the future son. If people bump into the crowd and hear about it, I don't know if it will hurt the second sister. Influence…"

Duan Yunhua's face changed slightly.

Duan Yunling smiled, and Shi Shi ran away.

Duan Yunhua wanted to raise his heels, but his legs seemed to have taken root. Finally, he stomped his feet angrily, turned and went back to the room.

Qingsong Bookstore, as soon as the announcement of the new book release was posted, it was immediately surrounded by people.

"Mr. Songling has published a new storybook!"

"Really? What's the title of the book?"

"The title of the book is Journey to the West."

"The title of this book is a bit plain, why does it look like a travelogue?"

Normally, the book should not be called "Butterfly Fairy", "Apricot Fairy", or "Fox Fairy". "Journey to the West" sounds boring.

"This is Mr. Song Ling's new book, I still want to buy it and have a look."

The majority of people have this idea, which is the benefit of Mr. Book Writer's fame.

A group of people rushed into the bookstore, wanting to buy "Journey to the West".

"A copy of two hundred papers, please take it, distinguished guest." Liu Zhou handed "Journey to the West" to the guests who came to check out, shouting loudly.

"What? Only two hundred coins? Why is it so cheap?" The people behind asked puzzled.

The price of the book on the market is between 200 and 500. The specific pricing is related to the number of words, paper quality, and the writer. The most common price is 300 to 400.

Mr. Song Ling's new book is only sold for two hundred articles, which is unexpected.

"Journey to the West is a very long story. This is only the first volume, and the number of words is less than that of ordinary Chinese books." Liu Zhou explained loudly, without delaying his movements at all.

The person who took the book nodded: "It's really a bit thin."

Although the number of pages is small, the price of two hundred articles is attractive enough to make some people who are still hesitant because of the title decide to buy it.

Anyway, it’s only two hundred coins, if it’s not good-looking, I won’t buy the next one.

Seeing more and more people pouring in, Liu Zhou shouted loudly: "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, the distinguished guests line up, and you can buy them all."

Duan Yunlang also helped maintain order.

"Meng Fei, Da Yuan, why are you here too?" Seeing the students in the team, Duan Yunlang's eyes lit up.

The supervising student named Da Yuan sighed: "It's hard to catch up with the holidays. Of course I want to see Mr. Songling's new book as soon as possible. I didn't expect so many people."

Meng Fei smiled and asked, "Yun Lang, have you read it?"

Duan Yunlang hurriedly waved his hand: "Of course I haven't read it, I just found out that the new book will be released today."

The cousin promised him to give him a copy when the bookstore closed.

Just as he was proud of having a free book to read, Duan Yunlang spotted Duan Yunling who was hesitating in the crowd.

"Why are you here, third sister?" He hurriedly squeezed over.

"I heard that Cousin Qing is releasing a new book today. Let me see if I can help."

I just didn't expect that there were too many people.

"Then you come in first." Duan Yunlang pulled Duan Yunling in, and called Xin You at the top of his voice, "Cousin Qing, Third Sister is here to help."

Duan Yunling's face turned red.

Xin You walked over with a smile: "Cousin Ling came just in time, and I just need someone to help with bookkeeping."

When Duan Yunling had a pen in his hand and an account book, the cramps caused by too many people suddenly disappeared.

It turns out that it’s okay to do things generously in front of others.

Mr. Songling's new book release news spread more and more widely, people who came to buy the storybooks were always there, and those who bought the storybooks couldn't wait to read them.

Meng Fei glanced at the title of the book in disgust, and opened the book.

He wants to see what kind of story is written in this book that looks like a travelogue.

Thanks to Brown Sugar and Ginger for being the helmsman of "Ci Jin Zhi", and thanks to the book friends who rewarded, voted, and supported the genuine edition. Good July.

