MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.177 puzzledAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.177 puzzledAug 11, 2023

The guard, who had been busy all the time, was sweating on his forehead. He picked up the last chicken and put it in a bowl and handed it to the people in line. He smiled apologetically at the people behind: "There is no more meat."

Out of meat?

These words immediately aroused howls.

"I've been worrying that it's my turn and I won't have it, and it's true." The person holding the bowl stomped his feet depressed.

There was still a quarrel in the back: "I said come out quickly, you kid has to dawdle, it's okay now, I missed it!"

"Wow--" the twisted child cried out.

Another guard in charge of making porridge said loudly: "There is porridge!"

And porridge?

Although rice porridge is far less attractive than braised pork, it is porridge made from white rice, much better than the brown rice they usually eat. Not to mention that even the brown rice porridge is extremely thin, which is thick and fragrant like this porridge.

"Can I have some broth?"

The guards would naturally not refuse.

At the end, the meat bucket was clean, and the porridge bucket was also clean, but there were still more than a dozen people who hadn’t filled it.

"Neighbors, don't worry, we will come tomorrow morning." Liu Zhou shouted loudly.

"Come tomorrow?" When people heard this, they rushed forward.

Among these people, not only those who didn’t get the porridge, but most of the people who got the porridge before didn’t leave at all.

They had heard from the people who came at the beginning that the porridge would last for a few days, so of course they had to stay and listen to the situation. What's more, it's a new thing for a girl from a rich family to come to give porridge to thank the neighbor for helping to find the cat, even if she stays just to watch the fun, it's not a loss.

"Brother, are you really coming tomorrow?"

"Come on, our girl said that we will give porridge for four days."

"When will you come?"

"It's still very early in the morning." Liu Zhou smiled and said what Xinyou had explained, "Neighbors, come early tomorrow. Our rice porridge and roast pork are limited, first come, first served."

As soon as the words came out, people looked at each other, and they all made up their minds to come and watch early tomorrow, so as not to be like the unlucky guy who ran away today.

The people living in their area are too poor to eat meat during Chinese New Year. If you miss it, you will regret it to death.

The next day, when Xin You and his party came over, there were already many people waiting.

"Come, come, really come!"

It was very cold, and it was really uncomfortable to climb out of bed so early. Those who were waiting in the cold wind were unavoidably anxious, worried that people like Xin You would not come.

How much does it cost to give porridge and meat to so many people.

The food prepared today was more than yesterday, but it was distributed earlier than yesterday, and there were more people who did not get it.

On the way back, Xiao Lian sighed: "Young lady can predict that there are really many more people today."

"There will be more tomorrow."

Rice porridge is nothing more than rice porridge. These soft and delicious stewed meat are not eaten every day by people with a decent life. What's more, this area is poor people, and they don't see meat a few times a year.

These people have relatives, and they want their relatives and friends to have a good meal. If you spread the word to ten, ten to hundreds, there will be more people coming.

"Then there will be more people queuing up early tomorrow." Xiao Lian sighed casually.

Xin You bent her lips: "I'm not afraid that they will come to line up early, but I'm afraid they won't come."

It was early in the morning when the disaster happened, the sooner you leave the house, the safer you will be.

Waiting until the third day of the porridge, that is, the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, there were more people queuing up.

After the porridge and meat were divided, Liu Zhou said loudly: "Tomorrow is the last day to give porridge here, neighbors come early!"

The neighbors laughed and said, "I'm sure to come early and line up."

This day is also the day when the Imperial College is on holiday, Gu Yu was reluctant to hire a car, and walked home from the Imperial College early in the morning, and saw her mother waiting at the door from a distance.

"Mom, why are you standing outside in such a cold day?"

Gu Yuniang smiled softly: "I guess you came out when you were almost home, come in and have breakfast."

"Mother, I ate at the Imperial College."

Not all the supervisors can go home during the holidays. During the ten-day holidays, the Guozijian is also in charge of meals, and Gu Yu only goes home when he is full.

After entering the room, Gu Yu was taken aback when he saw a piece of braised pork on the table.

"I'm going to heat it up."

Gu Yuniang quickly heated up the meat, and served with hot porridge.

"Mother?" Gu Yu was full of doubts.

Could it be that he was waiting for him to come back to Laba? But in previous years, the Laba Festival did not eat meat.

Gu Yuniang handed chopsticks to her son, while talking endlessly: "A girl came here a few days ago..."

After listening to her mother, Gu Yu frowned: "That girl's surname is Kou?"

"Yes, they call her Miss Kou."

"Mother, can you tell me what Miss Kou looks like?"

After listening to the description, Gu Yu frowned even tighter.

It is undoubtedly the girl Kou from Qingsong Bookstore.

Why did she go to his house to give porridge and meat?

If it was a coincidence, Gu Yu would not believe it.

Gu Yu’s knowledge is limited by his family’s inferiority to those noble sons, but he is intelligent. He feels that Miss Kou’s move has something to do with him.

Could it be because he didn't believe her words that day?

But what does this have to do with her running to give porridge?

"Tomorrow morning will be the last time. You just come back, Yu'er. We can get two copies."

Gu Yu subconsciously said: "I have to rush back to the Imperial College early in the morning."

"It's too late, Miss Kou comes to give porridge very early every day. Yu'er, you have to try this braised pork, it should be cold later."

"Mother, you can eat, I have no shortage of meat in the Imperial College."

"You are just growing up, and studying is hard."

Mother and son made some concessions, and finally shared the food.

The next day before dawn, Gu Yu was woken up by her mother.

"Yu'er, get up quickly, if it's too late, we won't be able to share."

Gu Yu didn't react for a while: "What?"

"Go get the braised pork from Miss Kou!"

Gu Yu suddenly became sober, packed up neatly and went out with her mother.

He is not for the braised pork, but he is puzzled by Miss Kou's approach.

After walking out of the house, Gu Yu was surprised to find many neighbors running out with bowls in their hands.

"Hurry up, hurry up, a lot of people from other places came yesterday, maybe even more today."

"It's really shameless, Miss Kou came to give the porridge because she was moved by our help, why should people from other places come?"

"What's the use of saying this, people can't tell the difference so clearly..."

Gu Yu ran over with the flow of people, got into the queue and looked ahead.

"Mother, how can anyone give me porridge?"

Without waiting for Gu Yuniang to answer, the young woman holding the child smiled and said, "Miss Kou won't be here for a while."

Gu Yu was taken aback: "Sister-in-law Zhang, you came out with the baby in such a cold day?"

"No way, porridge and roast pork are given to people who see them, regardless of gender, age or age, and those who don't come will be gone."

"Come, come!" The crowd was commotion, but the queue was not chaotic at all.

Gu Yu looked around, and the one walking in the front was indeed Miss Kou.

"Good morning, Miss Kou!" The neighbors greeted one after another.

"Morning, everyone." Xin You responded with a smile.

Gu Yu showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

Ms. Kou is for fame?

