MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.179 Miss Kou really knows how to read picturesAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.179 Miss Kou really knows how to read picturesAug 11, 2023

There was a crowd of people kneeling in front of her, leaving Xin You nowhere to hide.

"Neighbors, get up quickly, eat some porridge to fill your stomach, and don't go home for the time being."

After Xinyou finished speaking, Liu Zhou shouted again at the top of his voice.

People got up one after another. Some people just threw the basket because of fright, and more people subconsciously protected things, and the porridge was still there.

But at this time, how can everyone be in the mood to eat porridge, look around blankly, and start talking.

"It was an earthquake just now, right?"

"It should be, I felt the ground move."

"But why only the houses in our area have collapsed. Look over there, they are all fine." Someone pointed to the distance.

There seemed to be no change there, but more and more people came out of their homes to check on the movement.

"I see!" A young man pointed at the collapsed house and shouted, "It's snow, it was crushed by snow!"

"It turned out to be snow!"

After a moment of silence, many people in the crowd cried bitterly.

"God, we are already too poor to live, and we have to take away the house we live in..."

"Woooooh, the poorer we are, the harder it is for us..."

Several carriages dragging wooden barrels came slowly, leaving deep impressions on the snow.

The smell of roasted meat drifted away as the lid of the wooden barrel was lifted. People smelled the smell of meat and their crying eased.

"Neighbors, people are better than anything else, eat meat first!" Liu Zhou said loudly.

Perhaps the long-term poverty made these people used to seeing sad things, and tempered their tenacity. After a short period of emotional loss, they quickly accepted the fact and skillfully lined up to wait for the meat.

"Thank you, Miss Kou."

"Thank you, Miss Kou!"

Everyone who received the roasted pork thanked Xinyou sincerely.

Gu Yu stood in the crowd, looked at the girl who was all the attention, and resisted the urge to ask her.

He was studying in the Imperial College, and she opened a bookstore near the Imperial College, and there were many opportunities to ask questions afterwards.

By the way, Guozijian!

Gu Yu's complexion changed, and she said to Gu Yuniang: "Mother, I want to go back to the Imperial College to report a leave."

Guozijian has regulations that points will be deducted for unexcused absenteeism, and students will be expelled after reaching a certain number of times.

"go quickly."

Gu Yu was worried, and told her mother again: "Mother, I will come back immediately after taking leave. Don't rush home to search things, wait until I come back."

"Mother knows, you go quickly."

Gu Yu ran away, from the ruined home to the rows of shops, the more he ran to the bustling place, the more he looked the same as usual.

If anything, more and more people took to the streets, talking about the ground shaking just now.

In Guozijian, teachers and students are also discussing this matter.

"Gu Yu, you came back late today." A supervisor was very surprised to see Gu Yu rushing over.

In the eyes of the supervisors, Gu Yu is a good student who is never late.

"Where is Jiancheng Wen?"

Someone who saw Wen Jiancheng showed Gu Yu where to go.

Gu Yu ran over and found that besides Wen Jiancheng, there were also Meng Jijiu and others.

Meng Jijiu is telling Wen Jiancheng and others: "You comfort the students, I will go and find out."

Although the earthquake just now was slight enough to make people think it was an illusion, Meng Jijiu looked dignified.

Although he has not experienced it, the books he has read let him know that when they only feel a slight shaking, there must be a landslide somewhere, a **** on earth.

Gu Yu bowed to Meng Jijiu and the others, and walked up to Wen Jiancheng: "Sir, student Gu Yu, I would like to ask for leave."

"Why did you ask for leave?" Wen Jiancheng asked gently.

Guozijian is relatively strict on personal leave, and most of the students who ask for personal leave are because of bad things.

Gu Yu bowed his head and said: "The ground shook this morning, and the houses in the student's area were all crushed by snow."

Meng Jijiu turned around abruptly after hearing this, and strode up to Gu Yu.

"Where do you live?"

"The student lives in the Beiloufang area."

"Are you coming from home? Then... how about the casualties?" Meng Jijiu asked this, feeling as if a stone weighed on his heart.

Gu Yu hesitated and said: "There may be no casualties."

"How is it possible!" Several gentlemen present couldn't help shaking their heads.

Meng Jijiu looked strange: "No casualties?"

"Students are not sure." Gu Yuwei hesitated, but still told what Xin You did, "When the house collapsed, the neighbors were waiting for the roast meat, and no one went back...but there may be some who did not go out, student I don't know."

Meng Jijiu's face looked much better.

If what the student said is true, even if some people did not go out, they are very few. Compared with the large number of casualties, this is an excellent result.

"That Miss Kou is Miss Kou from Qingsong Bookstore?"


Meng Jijiu approved Gu Yu's leave for Wen Jiancheng, and went to Beiloufang with Gu Yu in a carriage.

When he saw the ruins, Meng Jijiu was startled.

The house collapsed like this. If people were at home at that time, how many people would die is unimaginable.

"Where's Miss Kou?" Meng Jijiu recognized Liu Zhou, a boy from Qingsong Bookstore, and asked.

"My boss is going back first, tell us to stay and see if we need help."

Meng Jijiu nodded, silently looking at the collapsed house.

After waiting for a period of time without the ground shaking, the neighbors had already returned to their homes and began to rummage through the ruins for usable things, almost all with bare hands.

Meng Jijiu didn't stay for too long and went into the palace.

At this time, there were still many ministers entering the palace, and they got together while waiting for the emperor to summon them, discussing today's changes.

Emperor Xingyuan also had a very serious expression when he saw his courtiers, and immediately arranged for various yamen to understand the situation in Beijing.

At this time, the students of the Imperial College were still unaware of the seriousness of the little shaking in the early morning. As the news of Gu Yu asking for leave spread, their attention was focused on this.

"Have you heard that the houses in the area of ​​Gu Yu's house collapsed. Fortunately, Miss Kou gave porridge there, so many people escaped the catastrophe."

"Why did Miss Kou go to Gu Yu's house to give porridge?"

"Who knows..."

"Brother Duan, aren't you Miss Kou's cousin? Do you know why Miss Kou is serving porridge there?"

Duan Yunlang, who was surrounded by a crowd, looked at a loss: "What kind of porridge? I don't know."

In a number room, Zhang Xu slapped his thigh fiercely: "I know!"

The younger brothers hurriedly asked, "Why?"

Zhang Xu's voice trembled with excitement: "Have you forgotten what Miss Kou said?"

"She said that Gu Yu would have a **** disaster—"

"That's right! Think about it, if Gu Yu hadn't been giving porridge because of Miss Kou, she would have been at home at that time, and the house would have been crushed once it collapsed!"

"Hiss, isn't that dead!"

"So, Miss Kou went there to give porridge to save Gu Yu?"

"It's not important!" Zhang Xu didn't care about Gu Yu's life or death, "The important thing is that Miss Kou really knows how to read faces!"

