MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.181 who is the gruelAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.181 who is the gruelAug 11, 2023

He Qingxiao worked with other yamen to resettle the victims. It was already dusk, and the snow covered with scattered lights reflected the cold brilliance.

He didn't go back directly to Hou's Mansion, but walked up the long street where Qingsong Bookstore is located.

The lights of Qingsong Bookstore are still on.

He Qingxiao stood there for a moment, then turned around silently.

"Master He." A familiar female voice came from behind.

He Qingxiao turned around and watched Xin You approaching: "It's so late, Miss Kou hasn't rested yet?"

"Let's sort out the accounts, and I have some arrangements for tomorrow." Xin You looked at the man in a mess, "Did Mr. He just finish his work?"

Noticing where Xinyou's gaze passed, He Qingxiao looked down.

Zhu’s clothes are bright and colorful, but they are stained with a lot of dirt, which was rubbed on by him when he helped those neighbors carry things.

At first he didn't care, but at this moment, under the gaze of the girl Rushui, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Did those neighbors go to the nursing home?" Xin You didn't notice Mr. He's embarrassment, and asked with a smile.

Captain Yang and the others came back after distributing the cotton-padded clothes. The imperial court took over the rest and did not participate in it.

Mentioning this, He Qingxiao returned to normal: "They're all gone. Afterwards, the imperial court should have a countermeasure for rebuilding the house. Miss Kou can rest assured."

"That's good."

For the victims of the disaster, the imperial court has a set of rescue measures, especially at the foot of the emperor.

Xin You didn't intend to overstep the bounds.

He Qingxiao thought for a while, and reminded: "There was only slight movement in the capital during this earthquake, and the Beiloufang area was probably the hardest hit. The neighbors here escaped unharmed because of Miss Kou's porridge. It will soon reach the ears of today.”

"Thank you, Mr. He, for your reminder. It's late, Mr. He, go back and rest earlier."

Regarding saving those people, Xin You didn't think about whether it would reach the emperor's ears. Afterwards, I am not afraid to hear it in the ears of the emperor.

She is mentally prepared that she will meet that person sooner or later.

"Miss Kou also rests earlier." He Qingxiao wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, he explained, "I just passed by and saw that the lights in the bookstore were still on."

Xin You smiled: "I know Mr. He is passing by."

He Qingxiao cupped his hands and strode away.

It didn’t snow that night, and the next day, officers and soldiers walked by from time to time on the streets of the capital, which aroused a lot of discussion among the unsuspecting common people.

For most people, the slight shaking yesterday just added some talking points to the lazy winter day.

By the afternoon, the disaster situation in various parts of the capital was almost felt, and the ministers gathered in the palace.

"How is the situation in Beijing?" Emperor Xing Yuan asked.

The main force investigating the disaster situation is the Wucheng Bingma Division, which is under the Ministry of War, and other ministries are responsible for assistance.

Emperor Xingyuan spoke, and the Minister of the Ministry of War stood up: "Reporting to Your Majesty, according to statistics, there were a total of 32 casualties in the five cities, of which 14 were killed and 18 were injured, all caused by the collapse of houses or falling heavy objects... "

The number of casualties made Emperor Xingyuan heave a sigh of relief.

This is much less than he expected.

"Wait a minute." When he heard the report of the number of collapsed houses from the Ministry of War, Emperor Xingyuan felt that something was wrong, "There are so many collapsed houses in Beicheng, why are there only more than 30 casualties, and these people are scattered in five cities?"

Military Minister secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, he also felt strange when he got the information, so he asked his subordinates specially, otherwise he would be stopped by the emperor.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the collapsed houses are concentrated in the Beiloufang area. It is said that there were kind-hearted people giving porridge there, so when the accident happened, people were all outside."

Xingyuan Emperor suddenly became interested: "Who is the one who gave the porridge?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of War got stuck.

There are many wealthy households in the capital, and it is nothing new for the rich households to give porridge to poor people every winter when life is hard for the poor. After hearing about it, he stopped asking.

Seeing that the Minister of the Ministry of War could not answer, Emperor Xingyuan cast his eyes with hidden dissatisfaction.

This horse is talented, doesn't he have a little curiosity?

At this moment, Meng Jijiu stood up: "Your Majesty, I know the identity of this porridge man."

"Oh, who is it?" Emperor Xing Yuan asked immediately.

"It's Miss Kou, the owner of Qingsong Bookstore."

Emperor Xingyuan was greatly surprised.

Is that girl Kou again?

"I remember that Miss Kou has not yet left the court, she is still a little girl, how could she think of going to Beiloufang to give porridge?"

Could it be Duan Shaoqing's support?

Emperor Xingyuan didn't have a deep impression of Duan Wensong, who was the young minister of the Taipu Temple, because Miss Kou has made a name for him.

Xing Yuandi's question is actually a bit embarrassing.

The information was passed on layer by layer. When it came to the Minister of the Ministry of War, it was very rare to know the identity of the person who gave the porridge. Who would ask the reason for the porridge.

The Minister of the Ministry of War did not answer just now, his face was dull, and he secretly waited to see Meng Jijiu's joke.

Meng Jijiu cleared his throat: "I heard that Miss Kou wanted to thank the neighbors in Beiloufang for helping her find a cat..."

Military Minister was stunned.

Why did the old guy Meng Jijiu even ask about this?

Emperor Xing Yuan was also shocked after hearing this: "In order to thank her for helping her find a cat, do you give porridge and meat for four days?"

Are all little girls so rich now?

Thinking about the treasury that was often stretched because of various expenditures, Emperor Xing Yuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Meng Jijiu's affection for Xinyou increased sharply because of the matter of giving porridge to save people. After hearing Emperor Xingyuan's doubts, he casually said something nice: "Miss Kou is very business-minded. Horse bone, this is how I discovered Mr. Song Ling, the master of the story book, and since then, the business of the sparsely populated bookstore has been booming, and the money has been rolling in.  …”

Military Minister squinted at his eloquent colleagues.

This old guy knows too much!

Emperor Xing Yuan listened and nodded: "It does have brains."

This Miss Kou is smart, capable and able to drink. If she is a man, she must be a rare talent.

Emperor Xing Yuan flashed a regretful thought, and was startled suddenly.

A daughter can also achieve something, such as his queen.

Then he shook his head.

How many women like Xinxin are there in this world?

Several ministers looked at the emperor and nodded and shook their heads, and exchanged glances with each other.

Emperor, what happened?

Emperor Xingyuan quickly regained his senses and asked about the resettlement situation of the victims in Beiloufang. As soon as he got a satisfactory answer, there was a smile on his face, and an urgent report came in.

The violent earthquake occurred in the Dingbei area yesterday, and Bei'an County was the most serious. The whole city was in ruins, and it is difficult to count the casualties. In addition, many places in Dingbei were affected and traffic was blocked.

After reading the urgent report, Emperor Xing Yuan turned pale and rubbed his forehead.

"Your Majesty—"

Emperor Xingyuan raised his hand, suppressed the tumbling emotions and forced himself to calm down: "Wu Yanting, the commander of the Beijing camp, entered the palace!"

Dingbei was severely affected by the disaster and the roads were impassable. Relief for the disaster is not just a matter of sending disaster relief ministers, but also requires a large number of soldiers to go there.

As for the imperial envoy in charge of disaster relief, Emperor Xingyuan appointed two people, one was Pei Zuo, the Minister of the Household Department, and the other was the second prince, King Qing.

