MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World - C.10 Dance Flow·Ancient Martial ArtsMar 06, 2023

MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World

C.10 Dance Flow·Ancient Martial ArtsMar 06, 2023

Chapter 10 Dance Stream Ancient Martial Arts

After the father and son were moved, they remembered that there were outsiders by their side.

Matte Dai clenched his left fist to cover his mouth and coughed twice, and said, "I will instruct you to practice taijutsu, of course there is no problem, everyone is Konoha ninja.

It’s just that I don’t know, what exactly do you want to learn? "

"Kicking and kicking skills, I want to create my own style of taijutsu, but what I have learned before has more or less kicking skills and is not perfect."

Uchiha Mai told the truth.

In Shippuden, Matekai, Xiao Lizi... have no children, and used several kicks such as Konoha Whirlwind and Konoha Whirlwind.

That roundhouse kick is tidal, hard and dazzling, highly ornamental and not weak.

In general actual combat, roundhouse kick can easily make one lose center of gravity and balance, which is a skill with low practicality.

But this is Naruto World. Those few tricks, Konoha's various styles, can be regarded as the accompanying body techniques of the first few sects of Dunjia, and there must be something extraordinary.

According to the setting of ordinary dog ​​blood novels, Bamen Dunjia is the secret art of the Matt family. Compared with the various winds of Konoha, it is equivalent to the box in which the night pearl is placed, which is relatively unimportant.

How can anyone come up to learn the secret techniques passed down by others? Learn a variety of Konoha styles.

"It's too long to die~"

Matt put on one hand to rest his cheek, nodded and said, "I do have some insights on leg technique, and of course it's okay to teach you.

However, your purpose is to create your own style of taijutsu, and learning leg techniques should only be to perfect the system.

Then teach you something, you need to think about it. If possible, could you show me the physical techniques you have created so far? "

Uchiha Mai, a little kid, said that he wanted to create his own style of taijutsu, and Matt Dai did not doubt his ability.

Isn't this the routine operation of Uchiha genius?

The copy ninja Kakashi claims to have learned thousands of ninjutsu, and Sarutobi Hizen is known as the doctor of the ninja world, and can also use thousands of ninjutsu.

But in Shippuden, there are just a few tricks when the two come and go, why?

Because of this "thousands of ninjutsu", there are tricks. Take Hao Fireball as an example, this C-level fire escape first came from Uchiha, and then gradually spread in Konoha and even the ninja world.

It has great power and few knots. With the amount of chakra used, the power can be adjusted freely. The only disadvantage is that it can't hit people.

But in the ninja world, there are still fireballs, big fireballs, double fireballs, fireballs and so-and-so limited editions, etc. The learning difficulty is almost the same, and all aspects are highly similar.

Among all these similar spells, the one whose power is stronger than that of the Hao Fireball is not as powerful as the one with its seal, and the one that is less than its seal is not as powerful as it is, which makes the Hao Fireball stand out.

Thousands of ninjutsu are here.

The same is true for physique. If you really want to create, it is not difficult, but the power and universality cannot be guaranteed.

Want to see Uchiha Mai's physical skills?

Mitekay's eyes lit up, he immediately raised his arms, and couldn't wait to say, "Let me come.

The power of    Taijutsu can only be truly revealed in battle. Let me have a fight with Mai, Dad, you can observe the characteristics of Taijutsu on the side. "

Maitedai ​​nodded slightly, yes. Taishu is not a fancy routine performance, at least there must be an imaginary enemy in order to see the clue of a Taishu.

Since getting to know Kakashi, Kai has been training hard every day and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and now he is not weak in physical skills alone.

"No problem." Uchiha Mai smiled.

Kai, he is a perfect opponent. And, this time, maybe you can get a few points.

The last time he beat his son in front of Sarutobi Hizan, and today he beat Kai in front of Matt Dai, this moment is just like that moment, the biggest variable is that there are not so many onlookers.

should be able to harvest some fashion value... right?

The yard of Matt Dai's house is quite cramped, and he can't use his fists. Fortunately, the yard is not far from the river, except for the edge of the leaves.

Mateday led the two little kids all the way to the open area by the river, and after witnessing the seal of confrontation between the two, he stepped aside to observe carefully.

"Dance, I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

You are the second opponent I want to challenge, see my youth and passion! "

Akai felt his whole body was boiling with blood, and he rushed forward with a loud roar, kicking Uchiha Mai's face with a volley and high whip.

Leg wind whizzed past, Uchiha Mai quickly lowered his head and threw an uppercut, pointing directly at the base of Akai's thigh, fast, accurate, and ruthless.

You exposed your crotch, don't blame me for being too vicious.

As soon as Akai's leg came out of the whip, he found out that Uchiha Mai's punch was not quite right, and his face turned pale with fright.

Even if he doesn't understand that little thing, Akai, as a taijutsu practitioner, should also know that there is the key of the key. What's more, Akai understands that little thing.

Akai once tracked Kakashi, entangled the latter to fight against him, and stalked Kakashi even when he went to the toilet.

Then I found that my little Akai was not as powerful as Kakashi's little Kakashi, and was very inferior and depressed for a time.

is not big in the first place. If this is a punch and a chicken egg hit, wouldn’t it be more miserable?

Akai lost his balance no matter what, forge ahead with all his strength and changed his moves, covering his crotch with both hands, trying to protect little Akai.

Uchiha Mai smiles, here we come!

Compared with boxing,    kicks have a greater range of motion, and are more likely to lose the center of gravity, and it is more difficult to change moves, especially volley side kicks and roundhouse kicks.

If the opponent's eyesight is not good, the speed is not fast enough, and the weakness that you expose when you make a move is not caught, naturally there is no problem.

Unfortunately, as Uchiha, Mai has always dreamed of opening a kaleidoscope, and has always taken good care of her eyesight. A few days ago, I learned the lightning five whips again, and the speed and flexibility of the upper limbs have improved a lot.

Really fast eyes and hands!

The speed of the shot itself is fast, and the opposite is the leg method used. Relatively speaking, it is easier to dance and change.

Seeing Akai retracting his leg braces, it was difficult to change his movements again. Wu quickly retracted his fists, raised his arms and jumped forward gently.

He clasped his fists with both hands, and the power of his left arm was applied to his right arm. When he fell, he used the elbow of his right arm to smash Akai's head.

Dance flow ancient martial arts · foreign style · iron thallium!

Don't ask why the name of the move is so long, it is more cool, less obscure, and easy to harvest fashion value.

Boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, and traditional martial arts, Uchiha Mai integrates these skills and plays the effect of the ancient martial arts of Yagami in "The King of Fighters".

Please call me Konoha Yagami-an!

Akai couldn't dodge in time, and his head was hit by an iron thallium buzzing, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The corners of Matt Dai's mouth twitched slightly, and he said that he wanted to test the characteristics of dance's physical skills, so he had to fight back and forth, right?

However, with this one move alone, Matekai can conclude that Mai Uchiha, this doll, definitely has his own understanding of physique.

(end of this chapter)

