MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World - C.12 Uchiha's strongest eye!Mar 06, 2023

MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World

C.12 Uchiha's strongest eye!Mar 06, 2023

Chapter 12 Uchiha's Strongest Eye!

Mitekay attacked like a wave, all kinds of cool boxing, all kinds of awesome legs, and the fight was a hearty one.

Uchiha Mai used his own copycat version of the ancient martial art of Yashinyu, which is also a trick. Although he has been suppressed, Akai's physical strength is even greater, and it is barely 55%.

Uchiha was mentally prepared for Akai, who opened the door now that he couldn't win.

In the    Memoirs, Kakashi, who Akai met after a ninja exam, has since been furious and trained frantically with Kakashi as the goal of catching up, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

And in this world, about a year ago, Akai did make friends with Kakashi.

For the time being, let's not mention the fact that Kakashi stretches his hips as he gets older. Kakashi was an amazing talent when he was a child. He entered school at the age of four and graduated the following year, and became a chunin at the age of five.

Since the match against Kakashi, Akai's strength has improved at a rate comparable to the red-haired Shanks in "One Piece".

When we were Roger's crew together, he and Bucky the clown pecked at each other, and after parting ways, they had four emperors within a few years, and it was outrageous.

makes Akai and Kakashi look like characters in some copycat mobile games, with a special bond.


Akai made another high whip leg, kicking on top of Uchiha Mai's raised left arm in advance, kicking Mai until her arm went numb.

"Mai, as a genius of Uchiha, do you only have this level?

Be a little more crazy, be a little more bloody, use your full strength, and fight with me in a dignified manner. "

Akai attacked again, and he did not forget to spit out a trash talk at the same time, and he really mastered the technical essentials of NBA players.

If you don't talk trash, what's the point of this fight?

Uchiha Mai: "…"

Uchiha's genius, not doing his best?

I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

Uchiha's genius, Mai does not dare to claim himself. Uchiha, who can be called a genius, can't be much worse than Shisui, Itachi, and Ancestor Madara in the same age group, right?

Of course, if you compare Erzhuzi when you were a child, then you will have confidence in the dance. Who is not a genius?

As for not doing your best...this is even more in vain.

If the ability is enough, who doesn't want to KO the opponent with one move and win heartily? This is not the advantage of technical tactics and combat wisdom, but it is wiped out by strength and speed.

What can we do, we can only continue to drag on, and you will automatically win when you are exhausted.

Do you fight, you can win, no matter how you win.

Akai saw Uchiha Mai unmoved, and always adhered to the defensive and counterattack strategy, and suddenly felt boring. While attacking more crazy, he continued to talk trash.

Uchiha Mai knew that she could win, but being so provocative all the time, she was really upset, and she wanted to go crazy and play hard with Akai.

Dance's rationality still suppressed this urge.

Whenever you do anything, you must know your true purpose. The purpose of this battle dance is to win.

couldn't help but think hard, it is possible to win more handsomely, but it is more likely to be defeated by Akai's flaws.

Insane returns are far from comparable to risks, and this kind of thing can’t be done.

Can be provoked all the time, and will eventually get upset.

Uchiha Mai struggled to support her, and the depression in her heart was getting heavier and heavier.

A pair of dark eyes constantly observed Akai's movements, trying to capture the motives of Akai's every move.

Suddenly, Uchiha Mai felt a soreness in his eyes.

It was pitch black as ink, with beautiful, shining eyes like obsidian, and the color slowly changed, turning to red like blood.

A black dot emerged from outside the pupil, and finally turned into a pitch-black jade, slowly revolving around the pupil.

Eyes with single hook jade, open!

In an instant, Uchiha Mai felt that the whole world was different. Akai's hurricane punches and kicks seemed like slow motion, and the details of every movement were in full view.

Those previous flaws due to lack of observation were also discovered one by one, as if he could crack Akai's moves as long as he made a reasonable move.

Why do most Uchiha ninjas have good physical skills? Naturally, it is because of the observation ability of the wheel eye.

Most of the writing wheel eyes can't improve the speed and flexibility of the eye opener, but they can eerily seem to slow down the flow of time, improve their observation power, and catch the enemy's flaws.

The reaction speed of an ordinary person's brain is about 0.2-0.3 seconds, and the reaction speed of the ninja who has opened the wheel-eye will be greatly improved.

Therefore, Uchiha Ninja looks like a primary school monk and a child robbery, but in fact, they are not walking a tightrope. Their seemingly risky actions are decided after "deliberation".

So easy to open Uchiha's most fashionable and hardest single hook jade? There was an unreal feeling in the dance heart.

As we all know, the difficulty of opening a single hook jade is far greater than that of a kaleidoscope.

Fuyue and Zhishui are in a dilemma between the village and the family. They can't find a way to save the family. After feeling despair and powerlessness, they open the kaleidoscope.

Itachi witnessed the death of his best friend Shisui, realized the will of fire, determined to wash Uchiha's blood for the village, and opened the kaleidoscope.

Obito was deceived by his ancestor Banyu, and witnessed the kaleidoscope opened by his best friend Kakashi killing his sweetheart Rin Nohara.

And the first genius in Uchiha's history, the reincarnation of Indra Chakra, Erzhu, witnessed his brother's self-destruction, and angrily opened a single gouyu.

The real hammer, the single hook jade is the most fashionable and hardest eye of Uchiha, surpassing the kaleidoscope and second only to the eternal eye!

It was so easy to get the eyes that Erzhuzi opened only after the door was destroyed, Uchiha Mai is a little swollen, is it because I am too strong or Erzhuzi is too naive?

I will think about this talent issue later, and the top priority is to defeat Akai first.

Uchiha Mai rolled his eyes left and right, observed and analyzed Akai's movements, and smiled: "I originally wanted to drag you out until your stamina was exhausted, so that you could lose more decently.

But you expect me so strongly that I can defeat you head-on, then I will use all my strength to convince you. "

Stop pretending, I have a showdown, I am a billionaire.jpg

"Exactly what I want!"

Akai shouted, and jumped into the air again with a high whip and kicked at Wu. The man wanted to win vigorously and lose frankly!

Uchiha Mai's eyes turned the single gouyu quickly, observing and analyzing the movement of Akai's move, capturing the fleeting flaw.

That flaw existed from the beginning to the end. The previous dance could not be accurately captured, and could not make a counterattack that matched the timing.

Now, everything is easy.

Uchiha Mai extracted chakra, bent down slightly to lower his center of gravity, lowered his left shoulder, and slammed forward in a posture similar to that of Tieshan.

Dance Flow Ancient Martial Arts·Foreign Style·Fenglin·Asura!

(end of this chapter)

