MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World - C.418 Akainu in AlabastaMar 06, 2023


Chapter 418 Akainu in Alabasta

The first half of the great route.

Uchiha Mai and his gang finally changed from small boats to big boats, and Akainu was taken away by a few navies, but their way back may not be peaceful.

Naval warships, because they have power and do not rely on the sea breeze, can cross the windless zone at will, and they can travel less trouble than other ships when sailing.

Several sea towers are installed on the bottom of the ship, which is not afraid of sea kings, and also reduces the trouble during navigation.

They changed to a small boat, and it would be more troublesome to go back to the naval headquarters. In the first half of the great route, you need to record the pointer to guide the direction.

They took the half-dead Akainu and used the recording pointer a little bit on the way. They still had to overcome a lot of difficulties to get back to Marin van Dou near the Chambord Islands.

Let the admiral experience the joy of sailing away from the warship, Uchiha Mai feels that he is a good person.

In case of encountering any enemy, the half-dead Akainu and a group of minions may be wiped out, it depends on their luck.

Spread out on a deck chair, the navy is in charge of sailing, and you don’t have to worry about getting lost in the sea again.

Although these newly arrived Akatsuki organization "temporary workers" are always secretly discussing how to resist, but Uchiha Mai doesn't care, even if they overturn the boat, he and Akai still have no problem with mute, Instead, the navy will be buried in the sea.

Judging from the fact that they did not dare to resist before, it is estimated that most of them are not that kind of heroic character.

The one who really had the guts had already died before.

Now their sailing destination is Gaya Island.

Mai Uchiha is still more interested in the sky island. She rides the upwelling current to the sky island in the waters near Gaya Island and tries if she can control the sky island like a golden lion.

Always sailing with a boat is too LOW.

Just as Uchiha Mai, who stole the warship, was heading for Gaya Island with his temporary workers, Admiral Akainu was being pursued by pirates.

Even if the ship was changed, Akainu insisted that his subordinates hang the naval flag on the ship.

He himself knew it was irrational to do so.

But he was beaten by Uchiha Mai, lost his general skin, and the warship was snatched away. After experiencing these things, Akainu's heart was hurt.

Asking for the navy flag was his last stubbornness.

Unfortunately, none of the pirates who can enter the great route are too weak or have problems with IQ. When they saw a ship with a naval flag, they immediately guessed that there might be a problem.

After investigation, the little pirate who could not survive for three seconds in front of Akainu attacked them.

Uchiha Mai released Akainu's adjutant T-bone, but the adjutant's strength was very average. In the original work, Judicial Island was defeated by Zoro at the time.

So Akainu and his party fled in embarrassment during the pirates' pursuit.

"Damn pirates, I'm going to kill them!" Akainu, who was lying in the cabin, felt the boat being attacked, and shouted furiously.

"General Sakaski, please don't get angry, it will affect your recovery."

Adjutant T-bone persuaded from the side.

"Damn, damn, where are we sailing now?"

"Sailing to Alabasta, we can ask Shichibukai Crocodile for help."

"Bastard, pirates are not trustworthy at all, hurry up and contact the headquarters again, and let the reinforcements come to respond as soon as possible." Akainu's growl, T-bone quickly ran away to contact the headquarters.

Since the injury, General Sakaski's temper has become more and more irritable, and even his adjutant, who is Akainu, is a little scared.

Akainu, who was lying on the boat, was also full of fear.

Even if he died, he didn't want to die in the hands of a pirate who offered a reward of no more than 50 million Baileys. Such an infamous death method was the greatest insult to him.

If given a choice, he would rather be killed by Whitebeard or Redhead.

Sakaski had never thought about death before.

But this experience made him clearly realize that he is just an ordinary person and will face death threats.

What was more terrifying than death was that he was actually afraid.

Akainu has never experienced such a feeling.


Another cannon sounded, Akainu felt the violent movement, but there was an exaggerated cracking sound.

This sound is very familiar to him. When he used to destroy those pirate ships, he felt that it was the most beautiful music.

But now this wonderful sound has become a ghost song from hell.



"Admiral Sakaski, it's not good, our ship is about to break."

T-bones hurriedly pushed open the hatch and ran in, picked up Akainu and ran.


Akainu felt his head hit the door frame, and cursed inwardly, what if he scolded too much and was thrown down by the T-bone.

Although that idiot probably won't, Akainu didn't dare to give his life to humanity.

Before the T-bones took him to escape, the ship couldn't help but disintegrate under the intense fire.

After the body came into contact with the sea water, a sense of weakness spread all over Akainu's body, and even lost control of the facial muscles, the seawater poured into his mouth, the salty taste, and finally... Akainu lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, he seemed to hear the sound of the T-bone.

"General Sakaski, General Sakaski."

The   T-bone shook his body, and Akainu, who was slowly waking up, felt the muscles in his body whimper along with the shaking of the T-bone. After returning to the headquarters, he would definitely ask for a new adjutant.

"Cough... don't shake, or I'll die."

"That's great, Admiral Sakaski, it's great news that you're okay."

"I, where are we?"

Akainu asked with difficulty.

"Tamales, the port of Alabasta."

"Quickly contact the reinforcements and let them pick us up."

Akainu, who had regained some physical strength, struggled to sit up and commanded.

"But...the phone bug was lost when we fell into the sea."

T-bone said with an embarrassed expression.

Sakaski looked at the face of his lieutenant, wishing he could be killed by a big fire.

Not to mention the combat power, even a phone bug can be lost.

"Okay, then get me something to eat." Sakaski took a deep breath and said to suppress his anger.

T-bone immediately took out a bowl like offering a treasure, held it in the palm of his hand and handed it to Akainu, saying, "They caught a few fish by the sea just now, and we boiled it into fish soup. When you wake up, you can replenish nutrition. I'm afraid it will get cold. Heat it up every once in a while."

After eating something, Akainu feels much better.

Although his adjutant is weak, he is still very loyal.

Especially T-bone did not choose to enter the city, which made him very satisfied.

Sakaski himself has a certain idea in his heart. In most countries in the world, the navy is not very popular, and he chooses to surrender only because of force. His face is still very famous.

In case of being recognized, I am afraid there will be trouble.

He doesn't trust either the Alabasta royal family or the Shichibukai Crocodile in this country.

Maybe the sand crocodile finds that he is injured and can't do anything, and will turn his face and kill them.

(end of this chapter)

