MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World - C.421 great doverMar 06, 2023


The Navy's warships are very large, so even if two ships are used together as one, it will not be crowded.

Akainu voluntarily gave up a boat, so that Dalmesia, who had lost an arm, remained calm.

Dalmesia has always been a very cunning and discerning person. He has already guessed that Akainu's injury is related to this "Xiao Organization". Sample?

It's better to change the boat and put your arm there to freeze. After returning to the headquarters, see if you can connect it. If you can't, try using the robotic arm.

"General Sakaski..."

Tina was about to cry, and looked at Akainu, who was leaving quickly, with big eyes in one hand.

Akainu didn't stop, and decisively let him appear on this ship.

He also didn't want to abandon a navy general, but who asked them to take the initiative? Akainu was afraid that he would be left behind by Uchiha Mai if he walked too slowly.

"General Sakaski, how can you ignore Colonel Tina!!"

Some navies asked back, they did not expect that the most powerful general of the headquarters would watch Colonel Tina fall into the hands of others. They were recruited to respond to Akainu when they were on a mission, and Akainu didn't care about the people who came to rescue him when he turned back, which was somewhat chilling.

"Since you want to, then stay with her."

Uchiha Mai said with a smile.

The last batch of temporary workers organized by   Xiao has been buried in the sea, and now we really need another batch of temporary workers.

"Damn bounty hunters, hurry up and release Colonel Tina!"


Uchiha Mai's smile grew even stronger.

"Don't worry about Tina, let's go."

Tina with Hailoushi handcuffs shouted weakly, obviously Hailoushi had a great influence on her.

"How could we abandon our chief officer, Colonel Tina?"

"Go, go!"

Tina resisted the feeling of powerlessness and urged.

Colonel   Tina is a very rational and proud person.

She is not a fool. Akainu and Dalmesia have already shown very clearly. The fact that she made a move just now and was subdued also shows the strength of this group of people.

Tina has no doubt that if these navies do it, they will all be killed.

But what she didn't expect was that the navy set sail directly, and even the ship organized by Akatsuki was taken away by them.

Now her subordinates can't leave even if they want to.

The beautiful Colonel, who was hugged by Mute, bit his lip.

Tears of humiliation finally couldn't help falling.

She wants to remember Uchiha Mai's appearance firmly.

Whether it is Uchiha Mai or Akatsuki, Tina will not let it go!

Sooner or later, all these pirate hunters will be taken to prison.

will not let one go!

However, two days later, Colonel Tina gave up his plans.

Because he saw Uchiha Mai raised his hand and raised the entire sea by 10 meters, and the huge waves destroyed a group of pirates who fired at them.

She had never seen anyone who could control the sea so easily.

If you replace the pirates with the navy, I am afraid it will be the same result.

So although there is no Hailoushi handcuffs, this beautiful navy colonel is still obedient and does not make any small moves.

"Uchiha Mai, Tina doesn't understand what you want to do?"

What do I want to do? I want to have some fun for myself.

Before, I got carried away with hanging Akainu twice, and Uchiha Mai regretted it a little.

"As long as you are obedient, you can change from temporary workers to regulars and become members of the Akatsuki organization."

Uchiha Mai said proudly, as if the Akatsuki organization is really an amazing organization.

Colonel Tina said helplessly: "Tina won't join any Xiao organization, you can speak your mind and let us go after you achieve your goal."

"Of course, as long as we can get the empty island, the strength of our Xiao organization will be further enhanced, just like the golden lion."

Hearing the name of the legendary pirate, Tina froze in her heart.

She felt that her previous understanding of Akatsuki's organization might be too superficial.

The beautiful navy colonel folded her arms and asked calmly, "There are only three people in your organization, what do you want the island to do?"

"Who told you that there are only three people in the Xiao organization? We are for the great Dover..."

Uchiha Mai suddenly shut up, making Tina feel that something was wrong.



It is known that 80% of the general Sakaski was defeated by the Xiao organization, which is so miserable. The Xiao organization seems to be connected with Doflamingo, and they obey Doflamingo?

Tina doesn't think Doflamingo is stronger than Akainu.

Maybe that Shichibukai is hidden deep?

Hearing such incredible news, Tina's curiosity came up.

She suddenly did not want to leave, and wanted to continue to inquire about some information.

I'm afraid there is some amazing conspiracy here.

Tina comforted the navy and asked them to restrain a little.

After all, those who dared to do things before have been killed as an example.

Now they can only follow Uchiha Mai's request obediently to the destination.

Fortunately, Xiao organizes these people. As long as you are obedient, you will not abuse them, and you will not ask them to attack the navy. It is easier to accept than previously thought.

Uchiha Mai, who was paralyzed on the reclining chair, was a flash of inspiration.

Regarding the world of pirates, he has always been curious about the relationship between Doflamingo and Tianlong, the history of disappearance, and what the ultimate weapon of Tianlong is.

These things, it seems that the answer can be found through Doflamingo.

In this case, Uchiha Mai decided to make Doflamingo a good tool man.

Navy Headquarters,

Marin Vando.

Akainu has gone through untold hardships and finally returned to the Navy Headquarters.

While preparing to go back to the East China Sea to see Luffy some time ago, Garp, who was attracted by the clown Bucky and chased all the way, was also recalled to the Navy headquarters.

A general is seriously injured, but it will cause a chain reaction on the sea.

Garp's level of combat power is better to return to the headquarters.

Seeing the embarrassed Akainu, Cap, who was eating the senbei, laughed, pointed at Akainu's face and asked, "Have you been beaten, Sakaski, hahaha, our general is like this Embarrassed, I really want to know who did the good thing, hahaha.”

"Kapp, pay attention to your position!"

Sengoku tapped the table hard.

Akainu ignored that old **** Garp.

If he really did it, he wouldn't be able to beat Garp.

Aokiji, the guy he didn't deal with, used to be Garp's adjutant.

Both are very annoying.

The Warring States Marshal opened his mouth and asked, "Sakaski, tell me, what's going on."

Akainu was sent to Rogue Town for reinforcements.

The Straw Hat Boys injured Akainu?

"It's the Akatsuki organization."

After    Akainu sat down, he said: "We haven't reached Rogge Town yet, we are chasing a group of pirates, and then there is a conflict with Akatsuki. The leader of Akatsuki, Uchiha Mai, shot."

