MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World - C.425 Su Mao is ready to pit his sonMar 06, 2023

MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World

C.425 Su Mao is ready to pit his sonMar 06, 2023

The first person to come to the emperor's office was Hatake Sakumo.

Seeing Uchiha Mai, Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised, but he covered it up well, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty."

"Sakumo-senpai, don't be too polite."

Uchiha said with a wave of his hand.

After all, he is an elder who watched him grow up. It’s okay to bully Kakashi, but even Kakashi’s father is a bit unhuman.

"Sakumo-senpai, do you know what I'm looking for you for?"

"Is it related to Kakashi's mission?"

Hatake Sakumo asked with a dignified expression, while at the same time a little worried about Kaka's safety.


"Is Kakashi okay?"

"Kakashi?" Uchiha Mai said amusingly: "Kakashi is very good, after he went there, he met another girl, and recently became an officer. His task is very smooth, but there are not enough staff there. , I want to invite Sakumo-senpai over there."


Hatake Sakumo agreed very readily, and he was also curious about what the other world was like.

"Then senior, go back and prepare. When everyone is ready, I will take you there with me."

Hatake Sakumo turned to leave, and quickly went home to pack up.

He is such a silent ninja.

After going through that incident, his personality has changed a lot.

In this case, let's make Sakumo's life a little fun, Uchiha Mai suddenly has a good idea.

Always being a serious person, how uncomfortable.

Waiting for Anbu to return to his life, Uchiha Mai quickly selected the list.

I didn’t expect so many people to go out on a mission.

"Call Namikaze Minato, Orochimaru, Konan, and Jiao."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The last time Orochimaru was very opinionated about not taking the new world. After all, the new world is full of temptations for scientists like Orochimaru. The new power system, the unseen creatures, and the possible way of longevity, this time is just right Give Orochimaru a chance.

And Orochimaru is extremely cunning and has a high IQ. It will be easy to go undercover wherever you go. The most important thing is that this person doesn't have to worry about what new fetters he has in the pirate world.

Like Akai, sometimes he can't accept the too dark side.

Orochimaru would have no such concerns at all.

Maybe Orochimaru will give him a surprise.

Master Gate is barely a qualified ninja.

Uchiha Mai also knows that he is asking too much.

After all, everyone's three views are different, and the ninjas cultivated during the three-generation ruling period are somewhat naive.

Master   men has no tail beast, just flashing cannons, and his strength is also lacking.

A few hours of fighting in the pirate world is not considered a big battle, and it can only be improved after he passes.

corners will work well.

But there is a little problem.

This guy is obsessed with money. In the world of pirates, it is like a mouse falling into a rice bowl. In the world of ninja, he will find cats to farm for money to complete tasks. I am afraid he will become a really terrible pirate hunter.

In this case, those pirates can only ask for their own blessings.

In contrast, Xiaonan is more worry-free.

Xiaonan was the first to arrive.

She was wearing a pink nurse outfit.

Uchiha Mai asked curiously, "What are you doing recently?"

"Working in the hospital, Your Majesty."

"Hey, we used to be comrades-in-arms, just call me Mai." Uchiha Mai said with a smile.


Shouting the familiar name, Xiaonan seemed to really return to the time when he fought side by side. At that time, Nagato was still there, and they killed the demigod of the ninja world - Sanjiao Yu Hanzo together.

Unfortunately, her best friends have left this world one by one.

Xiao Nan is also doing some meaningful work, trying to make himself look less pathetic.

Seeing this, Uchiha Mai kept putting his hand on Xiaonan's shoulder and said softly: "Just call it dance, the past is over, people always want to live for tomorrow or even them, I hope you can live happily, see For you, Nagato and their sacrifices are meaningless."

"Well, dance."

Xiao Nan, who was in tears, said softly.

"Just in time for a mission with me, pack your bags and come back to meet."

"it is good."

After   Konan exited, Namikaze Minato came in.

"Teacher Watergate."


Looking at Mai Uchiha, who has grown up and is taller than himself, Master Men is really full of emotion.

At first, I thought Uchiha Mai was a genius, but Master Men never thought that his disciples could achieve today's achievements.

"Is Sister Kushina okay?"

Uchiha Mai asked.

"She is very good, she is basically taking care of Naruto. Sometimes she will ask about your news, but I don't know." Speaking of his wife, Master Men began to talk endlessly: "Kushina sometimes Will bring Naruto to visit, she and Uchiha Mikoto are good friends, you should know, our children are about the same age, yes, Uchiha Itachi's younger brother, called Sasuke, is also a smart child."

Uchiha dance has a black line on his forehead.

Master Men, is this the incarnation of a house-husband?

Was it a mistake to    to ask him for a mission?

"Watergate-sensei, do you want to go on a mission?"

"I'm a ninja!"

Hearing Uchiha Mai's question, Minato immediately said in a serious tone.

Even though the ninja world is unified now, Namikaze Minato has never forgotten his identity.

What he has learned all his life is for this moment, or every moment he takes on a mission, a ninja who cannot perform a mission is worthless.

"Okay, go back and say goodbye to Sister Kushina and Naruto, then pack up and come back to gather."

At this moment, the corners pushed the door open.

"Mr. Dance, do you have a mission?"

corners asked simply.

"Yes, are you interested, in that world, there are a lot of bounties, and there are billions of bounties."

Uchiha Mai asked with a smile.

"When to set off?"

The   horns stuck out their tongues and asked while licking their lips.

"A collection of et al."

Hearing this, the corners sat down directly.

Hearing Uchiha Mai's description of another world, he felt his blood was burning, as if the times were calling.

Soon, Hatake Sakumo came back first, followed by Xiaonan.

The door master came back two hours later.

Uchiha Mai probably told a few people what kind of world he was about to go to.

He said to Hatake Su Shigeru: "Senior Su Shigeru, this time you appear in a different place from us. You will come to the East China Sea and go out to sea to become a pirate."

"I understand."

A lot of information has been recorded.

Banner Musu Shigeru knew that the navy and pirates in that world were opposites.

And his son Kakashi is undercover in the navy.

He became a pirate.

It’s fun to think about.

Hankisu Shigeru also wanted to see how far Kakashi has grown.

