MTL - Go Legend - C.888 Modern version of Kowloon OperaMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.888 Modern version of Kowloon OperaMar 06, 2023

Chapter 888 The modern version of Nine Dragons Playing Pearls

"Hey, old Xie, why are you so lonely today? Where are the old Zhang and the others from "Tiandi"?"

"Back to the capital, Xiangping, you forgot, it's not just you today..."

10 minutes before the start of the game, Li Xiangping walked to the arena and chatted with Lao Xie of "Sports".

Lao Xie told him that on the same day, the quarter-finals of the first Evergrande Cup were held in Beijing, so many reporters went to cover that competition.

"Oh no wonder, right..."

Li Xiangping seemed to remember something: "No wonder it's Cui Du today, I remember he was eliminated by Xiaoqiang in the round of 16, right? And Zhang Xu, who is he playing today?"

Lao Xie replied: "Zhang Xu is against Dali today, Kong Er is fighting against Xiao Li again, and Xiao Qiang meets Da Li, calm down brother Xie He against South Korea's Yuan Fist."

Old Xie paused and continued: "Xiangping, please make a prediction. Who do you think is the best champion in this first Evergrande Cup?"

"Haha how did I know..."

Li Xiangping made a haha ​​and refused to make a positive prediction. Think about it, if it is the Chunlan Cup Samsung Cup, Li Xiangping is still interested in pretending to be a magic stick, but this "Evergrande Cup" is a game that did not exist in the previous life. , which made him unable to pretend even if he wanted to.

Li Xiangping said to him: "By the way, Lao Xie, since there are games in the capital, why didn't you go back?"

"The newspaper office sent someone, and I'll keep an eye on you."

Lao Xie stared at Li Xiangping and smiled: "How about Xiangping, are you confident today?"


Li Xiangping continued to play haha, and then joked with Lao Xie:

"I say thank you, I feel like you asked the wrong person. I think you should ask old man Cui about this question just now."

"Tsk tsk tsk Li Xiangping is Li Xiangping,"

Lao Xie glanced at Li Xiangping, then shook his head and said: "That's right, you have not failed so far, I should really ask Cui Du if he has confidence."

When they were talking about this, they saw Cui Du walking over accompanied by a staff member. Lao Xie checked the time:

"Oh, it's almost time, Na Xiangping, I won't bother you, play well, and I don't want to say anything to offend others, so I wish you a famous game."

"Okay, okay, good luck."

At this time, the old president Wang Lunan, who served as the referee, had already come over, so naturally there was no way to talk more. At 3:00 a.m., Li Xiangping and Cui Du walked into the game room at the same time. A game officially begins.

Because there are other major games, the viewing room today is indeed much quieter than before, especially during the morning game, only a few reporters such as Dean Wang and Lao Xie were there to chat.

"Lao Wang, do you think Li Xiangping can win today?"

Wang Lao smiled and asked: "What do you say, Xiao Xie, I'll ask you, if most people didn't think that Li Xiangping would win, why would there be so few people today."

Lao Xie smiled: "That's right, tsk tsk unknowingly, especially Shifan this is only the third year, step by step, downgrading once a year, especially this year, the game is not over yet, most people I already think that there is no suspense, this Li Xiangping is too strong, really strong enough to have no friends."

Wang Lao nodded:

"This Li Xiangping is an anomaly. It is no exaggeration to say that an epoch-making figure, an epoch-making figure in the entire professional chess world! His status is comparable to that of Newton Einstein in the field of physics, no, he should be better than Newton Einstein. Even higher, didn't Mr. Yang Zhenning say that in the modern physics world, Einstein must be the first, but the gap between him and the second is not as big as imagined, but Li Xiangping is different, tsk tsk, get rid of the second place First off, isn't this anomalous? I don't know how he did it."

"You don't know Wang Lao?"

Dean Wang glanced at Lao Xie: "How do I know this? For Li Xiangping's talent, I personally think it can only be a gift from heaven, because I have never seen him like this, and it is not a matter of hard work. As far as his achievements are concerned, compare him with others. In terms of purity, do you think Li Xiangping can be compared with Wu Qingyuan? No, and in terms of hard work, when I was in the chess institute, I didn't even think he was better than Brother Niu. Qiu Jun works harder, but just like him, he has subverted so many traditional concepts, and even directly raised the overall level of professional Go by a lot.


Thinking that Li Xiangping is still riddled with scandals, Lao Xie smiled unkindly. Well, so a person like Li Xiangping is certainly not a "pure" person.

While everyone in the watching room was chatting, the game had officially started. As Li Xiangping had expected, Lao Shi didn't show any other tricks at all. He just wanted to have a head-to-head with his opponent, trying to crush it with the purest power. Press your opponent.

From the point of view of the Korean chess player Cui Du, Li Xiangping's move today is also just right for him.

At this stage, Cui Du is actually not good at playing "spin ball". In real history, he once lost a 9-game losing streak against Chen Xiaoqiang at this stage.

It was only after he learned how to play the arc spin that he slowly opened up to Xiaoqiang's classmates, and for a time brought a lot closer to each other's record.

So today, seeing Li Xiangping decide to compete with himself in terms of his own strengths, this is of course a wish for him, and there is no reason to avoid the war at all.

Since they all felt that it was "just right", the two sides quickly fought together, and the war quickly spread from one part to the whole.

Today's situation naturally makes Lao Xie, who only has a weak industry level 3, look over his head.

In fact, not only Lao Xie, but even Wang Lao had a headache, he felt that there were many clues on the chessboard.

One and a half hours after the start of the game in the afternoon, when the overall situation was approaching more than 80 hands, Dean Wang felt that he was completely dizzy, and he no longer knew where the focus on the chessboard was. That battle was the main battlefield of the overall situation.

"Hehe, Nine Dragons Playing Pearls, Mr. Wang, do you think the pattern of today's game of chess looks like the ancient playbook of Nine Dragons Playing Pearls that Shi Xiangxia told Cheng Lan as follows?"

Dean Wang carefully examined the chessboard, then nodded and smiled at Lao Xie;

"Yes, yes, really, Xiang Ping is really possessed by a chess sage today. If he can win it today, this chess score can be regarded as a modern version of the famous Nine Dragons Opera Ball Game."

When the two were chatting like this, of course they didn't know that Li Xiangping was really the old Shi possessed today, and every move and every move on the chessboard was really operated by Shi Xiangxia himself.

Since I borrowed the mouth color of "Kowloon Playing the Pearl", when the time came to 3:30 in the afternoon, the whole game passed 110 hands.

Of course, Lao Xie couldn't see it at this time, and Wang Lao's judgment was a bit vague, but Li Xiangping himself was already penetrating:

Lao Shi has begun to gain the upper hand!

And this is the pattern of global grappling. Once you take the initiative, you will become more and more active. Once you have the upper hand, the advantage on the chessboard will become more and more obvious.

So this game of chess has been played until now, as long as Lao Shi himself does not make mistakes, it is difficult to output again.

After another half an hour, when the game was close to 140 hands, even Wang Lao's judgment was clear:

He judged that Li Xiangping, who was playing white, had the advantage. Although the advantage was not big, it was enough to win.

"Hey, it's really a big fight to Ding 2. Since it is Ding 2, then next year..."


Hearing what Wang Lao said, Lao Xie was also excited:

"Mr. Wang, if it really hits the second, then next year's game might not be well organized, right? You said that people like South Korea's big and small Li, are they willing to come next year?"

Wang Lao smiled and shook his head:

"I guess I'm embarrassed. Think about it, Xiang Ping himself is only in his early 20s. Just because of his age, he will persuade many people. But next year's problem will be discussed next year. I believe that as long as the sponsors are interested, there are more Li Xiangping himself is interested, and I think this competition can still continue."

At around 4:20 pm BJ time, there was a big melee that affected the whole situation. Seeing that the situation was so bad and he was powerless to return to the sky, the old man Cui lost the mood to continue. He picked up two black stones and placed them in the center of the chessboard, signalling himself to disarm. surrender.

The total score was 7 to 3, and Li Xiangping really relegated the United side again.

(end of this chapter)

