MTL - Go Legend - C.905 The last training before the dogfightMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.905 The last training before the dogfightMar 06, 2023

Chapter 905 The last training before the dog fight

Before 9 o'clock in the evening, Li Xiangping returned to his home, only to find that Yaya had returned:

"Huh, so fast? It seems that Zhao Da's painter is not very good. It is so hasty to open an exhibition."

"What's so sloppy? People's Dao Kai's art exhibitions are held for a week. Of course, the main time to appreciate the paintings is during the day. Tonight is the auction. People's works are in demand, and of course it ends early."

"Ha, really? That guy's works are so sought-after. By the way, he sold a few paintings today. Who bought the most expensive ones?"

Yaya snorted suddenly, stared at Li Xiangping with a half-smile, and simply said three words:

"Yang Tianbao."

Li Xiangping shrank his neck when he heard this, and didn't dare to talk about it again.

As the saying goes: If you want people to not know, you have to do it yourself. Although the trivial matter between him and Yang Tianbao has not been exposed by the outside world, after a few years, Yaya is actually well aware of it.

Li Xiangping also guessed that Yaya should know about her little thing.

But Yaya should be instructed by a superior.

And this "superior", Li Xiangping guessed that there is a high probability that it is his stepmother Lin Yiran.

Aunt Lin, who had rich experience in "fighting" in those days, should have pointed Yaya, saying that if you want to be successful and actually marry into the Li family, you don't have to fight with women outside, and if no one goes, you will be rejected Treat them as opponents.

The second is to keep a low profile as much as possible, and don't even show too much limelight in the entertainment circle. Instead, it is the kind of performance organized by the official organization with a task nature in the system. She suggested that Yaya should participate as much as possible.

Yaya should have listened to it, and has done so over the past few years.

So now, if you only talk about fame, let alone Miss Bai who has been going international for the past few years, Yaya is actually no match for Yang Tianbao. After all, the NPC baby has become the top class in China.

But the more this is the case, the more stable Yaya's status is, and now Li Yuanhu is no longer opposed to it, and basically thinks Yaya's status as a prospective daughter-in-law.

And with Li Xiangping's character, of course he is happy to see this, and in the face of Yaya's attitude, he has not continued to wave in the past few years, except for the previous two, he feels that he has withstood too much The temptation did not continue to expand his harem group.

The time has come to May 2013. In this month, the second world competition of this year is about to decide the champion, that is, the first "Bailing Cup". This time, the finalists are Chen Xiaoqiang of China and Li Shishi of South Korea.

In the past 3 years, except for Li Xiangping, who only played 12 games a year (10 games less, especially ten games and 2 Asian Cup games, because Li Xiangping has been defending his title, he has always had two regular-season quick games), the entire The best player in the international arena is still Xiao Li.

In the past three years, the number of world champions Lee Sedol has increased by three more, bringing the total to eight.

And at this time, everyone finally realized the power of "zombie flow".

Because Li Xiangping was still competing in the international arena for those years, he could always restrain Xiao Li to the death, and the "zombie flow" has a characteristic that it cannot stand scrutiny.

Therefore, in those chess reviews of the year, as long as they commented on the game between Li Xiangping and Li Shishi, they basically disapproved of Li Shishi's moves. Words like "easy defeat" or even "easy hanging" were crowded into various chess reviews. .

This gives the majority of chess fans an impression. Everyone generally thinks that Xiao Li's chess is not good enough, and there are obvious flaws in it.

However, when Li Xiangping withdrew from the regular competition, everyone realized that it didn't seem to be the case.

It turns out that Li Xiangping's "zombie flow" seems to be the only one who can really completely control it. It's really hard to change other people.

Li Shishi's first world championship was won in the "Fujitsu Cup" in 1999. At that time, Li Xiangping had not made his debut.

Then Li Xiangping made his debut. From his debut until he retired from the regular season, Xiao Li has only one crown in hand.

But in the five years since Li Xiangping withdrew, the number of his world champions quickly rose to eight.

Not only that, but everyone also discovered one of Xiao Li's skills, that is, the more he gets to major competitions, the more he can play, and he is especially good at "catching the big and letting go of the small".

Compare him with Gu Dali.

If you simply compare the records of the two against each other, you will find that the two are indistinguishable, with Gu Dali leading one or two sets in many cases.

However, so far, Gu Dali has only 5 crowns in hand, and one of Gu Dali's championships was obtained from Li Xiangping.

Let’s look at the more specific situation. In the past few years, Gu Dali and Li Shishi have played against each other more than 10 times. In some competitions with insufficient weight, such as the Chinese armor, or before the quarterfinals of the World Series, Gu Dali often won a little more.

However, in the semifinals or finals, it was Lee Sedol who clearly had the upper hand.

It is this slight difference that determines the different achievements of the two.

For example, in the semi-finals of the "Bailing Cup", Xiao Li defeated Gu Dali again and joined Chen Xiaoqiang in the final.

And this final is a hot spot in the current world chess world.

Because if Xiao Li wins another championship, his number of world championships will reach 9——

This will be equal to the number of world champions of South Korea's Dae Lee, becoming the second player in the world chess world tied with Dae Lee.

Well, although there is a Li Xiangping in the Chinese chess world, and even the number of champions of Korean and big Li can’t compare to him alone, but since Go is regarded as a career, no one in the Chinese chess world wants this to happen.

It is precisely because of this that everyone has high hopes for Chen Xiaoqiang this time.

Because from the historical records of the two players, Xiaoqiang is one of the few chess players who is not afraid of the "zombie flow".

In addition to these, there is another point to watch in this final, that is, Xiaoqiang is rare this time with a high profile, and he said ruthlessly before the game: I am not afraid of Li Shishi!

Chen Xiaoqiang talked eloquently to reporters:

"….Our generation of chess players has been messing with others since learning chess, so we are never afraid of others messing with us, so I am not afraid of Xiao Li's zombie flow..."

Well, Li Xiangping had heard of Chen Xiaoqiang's "famous saying" in his previous life, so in the face of this confrontation between him and Xiao Li, Li Xiangping also paid close attention to the people who eat melons. the whole process.

And Chen Xiaoqiang also deserves to have the attribute of "dictating all kinds of dissatisfaction".

In the first round, Chen Xiaoqiang won the game smoothly. In the second round, although he still got hit and did not escape the poisonous hands of Xiaoli Zombies, in the final decisive round, Chen Xiaoqiang showed a big heart that was not inferior to his opponent. Won it with a half-eye advantage.

This is the second championship of Chen Xiaoqiang's personal career.

And after watching this final, Li Xiangping personally felt that the number of champions of Li Shishi should also stay above the eight crowns.

This is not to say that Xiao Li is getting older, or that his chess is no longer good.

There are two main reasons for this. First, in another 2 years, not to mention the birth of the dog, and younger chess players such as Ke Shaoxia are also rising rapidly.

In real history, Ke Shaoxia's two famous lines "The Legendary Change is over!"

"If the game is 100%, I think Xiao Li has a 50% chance this time."

Ke Shaoxia's two wild remarks were spoken directly by Xiao Li.

In fact, the five-game chess match between Li Shishi and Ke Shaoxia was precisely the last time Xiao Li participated in the World Championship final.

And after that, he went to the first season of man-machine battle.

It is precisely because of this reason that it is no wonder that Ke Shaoxia was not convinced at that time. In the face of the generation of dogs at that time, he shouted "Afa dog can beat Xiao Li, but not me".

Well, the latter sentence is the real "Kyogen".

The second reason is that now Xiao Li is married, and his young lady seems to be a little unreliable, so she left Xiao Li alone and immigrated to the US emperor.

Of course, this may have been negotiated by the two of them themselves. Xiao Li also seems to have the idea of ​​immigrating, and even once thought of the expansion of professional Go for the US Empire.

As a digression, in fact, at this time, there are similar ideas in the Chinese Go community, but the main battlefield of the Chinese Go community is mainly in Europe, and in the next two years, it has helped Europe to cultivate a lot of professional debuts.

It is very regrettable that such a process should have been interrupted by the birth of the dog.

Li Xiangping imagined that if dogs were born ten years later, then maybe a professional Go system could be initially established in the European and American markets.

After the competition, the new world champion Chen Xiaoqiang naturally wanted to be interviewed by reporters. Of course, Li Xiangping was mentioned during the interview.

Therefore, Chen Xiaoqiang has participated in the "special ten games" in the past three years.

And an interesting phenomenon "Although Li Xiangping lost all the special ten games in the past three years, he also won 11 games in three years.

Among all the participating chess players, Chen Xiaoqiang is the only one who has won all three games. The others have either lost or drawn. In short, except for Chen Xiaoqiang, no one can get out of Li Xiangping.

"Xiaoqiang, congratulations on winning the world championship. In addition, we noticed that you have already killed Li Xiangping three times in the past three years, so do you think that if you and Li Xiangping play first, can you compete with him? Or do you think there is? A bit over his grasp."

And Xiaoqiang is worthy of being Li Xiangping's number one fan. After hearing the reporter's question, his face sank, and he said to the reporter with a small face and a serious face:

"Please don't say such things. How can I compare with Li Xiangping? How can I say it? After hearing you talk about this issue, I remember that Da Li of Korea talked about the comparison between himself and Mr. Wu Qingyuan, Da Li He once said that even in his sleep, he never dared to imagine that he could be compared with Mr. Wu Qingyuan, and in my mind, the master of the arts is actually the same, even in a dream, I never dared to imagine that he could be compared with Mr. Compared to Li Xiangping…”

"Ha ha ha ha."

After seeing this TV interview at home, Li Xiangping was overjoyed.

At this time, Li Xiangping's idea of ​​organizing an enhanced version of "Special Shifan Qi" became stronger:

Gathered this year's 7 world champions, supplemented by a few super players such as Li Shishi Gu Dali.

Give 2 to them all.

Then use this game as your last training before dogfighting.

(end of this chapter)

