MTL - Go Legend - C.910 Very unique alternative dog trickMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.910 Very unique alternative dog trickMar 06, 2023

Chapter 910 A very unique alternative dog trick

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the second game of the special tenth game, Li Xiangping played against Chen Xiaoqiang.

Li Xiangping really didn't lie before the game. He really felt that the 10 players in the world team, that is, Chen Xiaoqiang, were the most difficult to deal with.

The most difficult thing to deal with is his positive attitude.

To say that human beings are the kind of high-level animals that have emotions. Since they have emotions, in fact, human beings are more or less affected by emotions when they do things.

Emotional fluctuations are the most taboo in professional competitions. Whether it is joy, anger, sadness, or joy, they are actually negative in professional competitions.

From past experience, it is precisely Xiaoqiang who has done the best in this area, so Li Xiangping will list him as the number one enemy.

On the day of the game, before entering the game room, Li Xiangping said to himself:

"Hey, Brother Ding'an, this game is indeed a bit difficult to play. It may not be easy to win. Tell me, how do you think this game should be played?"

"Hehe, if you just want to win or lose, there are many strategies you can take, but once you adopt a strategy of winning or losing, you've already fallen into the inferior position and won't be beneficial to dog fighting. I think this game should be in the end. Xiaoyou Xiangping should know what to do, so why should you ask me?"

Li Xiangping laughed bitterly after hearing this, indeed, what Lao Shi said was on point.

If you just want to win chess, there are indeed many ways to think of it, such as adopting some specific game strategies according to the characteristics of the opponent's love of the field and good at orphanage.

However, these game strategies are only effective for human players, are they effective for dogs?

There is no doubt that there is no effect, this is the "falling into the inferior" in Lao Shi's mouth.

Because the ultimate purpose of Li Xiangping's participation in this competition is of course not just to win a Chen Xiaoqiang, but to find a way to defeat the dog.

If you give up this kind of exploration just to win, the game will lose its meaning.

Li Xiangping thought for a while and felt that what Lao Shi said made sense, then in this game of chess, he still chose to use hard power to compete with his opponents dignifiedly.

It doesn't matter if you lose, anyway, there are still nearly 2 years before the dog is born. I continue to train for 2 years according to the original method, and I believe that I can continue to improve my strength.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the game officially started. And the biggest highlight of this game of chess appeared unexpectedly early.

Before 10:30 in the morning, there were less than 20 moves on the chessboard. When Li Xiangping made the 18th move in the overall situation, let alone the opponent was surprised by the bystanders, even Lao Shi couldn't hold back his words:

"Ah! Get down here... Xiaoyou Xiangping, you really are..."

After    fell that move, Li Xiangping said with a smile:

"Hehe, I don't know why, I just wanted to do this all of a sudden, Brother Ding'an, do you think it's a foul if I resorted to this move today?"

What Li Xiangping landed on the chessboard just now was considered a "dog move".

It's just that this dog move is a bit special. It's not from the 400 test games of dog fights, but from the memory of Li Xiangping's previous life.

Li Xiangping passed through in 2018, and at that time, there were already many foreign dogs and local dogs in the world, and the national Go team had begun to use domestic Go AI for auxiliary training.

Not long before Li Xiangping crossed over, he watched a video on the Internet. The video was published by a young chess player of the National Junior Training Team. He disclosed some anecdotes and insider stories of the national team's use of "excellent art" for auxiliary training.

Li Xiangping can't remember most of the other content, but the "dog trick" that the member of the national youth team made made Li Xiangping remember it even after more than 10 years.

That was an ordinary opening, and there were also less than 20 moves on the board.

"...Does everyone know the next move recommended by the dog? I guess no one can think of it, no, no one should be able to get it. Since the dog recommended this, and thinks it is only the first move, to be honest, but seeing My friends and I were stunned by the move recommended by the dog. At that time, I thought the computer of the chess academy was infected with a virus, because the move recommended by the dog has no logic at all. The middle belly is floating with one hand. Taking the ground is not like taking the ground. Why would a dog recommend this and think it's the only one..."

Later, the member of the national youth team actually put up a lot of reference pictures and change charts, telling everyone the interpretation of the hand chess by the members of the national youth team at that time.

is only limited to Li Xiangping's level at that time, but he has long forgotten about that part.

But despite this, the dog move that seemed to be "the hand with a red ear in the prelude stage" impressed Li Xiangping deeply, and it still remains in his mind to this day.

After Li Xiangping passed through, as his level gradually improved, he actually tried to analyze and interpret the move.

But now, Li Xiangping has already given up.

Because he thought that the member of the national youth team was right, that dog beckoning chess player had no logic at all.

Maybe it does contain extremely deep arithmetic and extremely esoteric chess.

But this kind of calculation and chess theory should be beyond the scope of human ability. Li Xiangping felt that even if he specialized in research for 30 years and 50 years, and studied for a lifetime, he might not be able to interpret that move.

In the face of such a dog trick, it can only be possible to peep at it after the dog is born in the future, and it can be interpreted by a machine.

What Li Xiangping used just now is just such a "dog move".

This is something he can't understand, so what's the flow behind this game of chess? In which direction it will develop, in fact, even he himself can't tell.

Well, since he can't understand it himself, then I believe that the opponent must have it and can't understand it. Therefore, in such a game, Li Xiangping suddenly resorted to this trick, which is a bit suspected of using psychological warfare.

And such an alternative dog move has achieved certain results in this game—

Although Li Xiangping didn't understand it himself, he and Lao Shi have dismantled this move over the years, so he still understands some subsequent changes.

But the opponent knows nothing.

It is such a small gap. When the game reaches the middle game, Li Xiangping feels that his situation is okay. He thinks that if the game continues at this pace, there is hope to win this game.

It’s just a pity, Chen Xiaoqiang is Chen Xiaoqiang after all, and this game of chess is handicap 2 after all.

More importantly, after all, Li Xiangping couldn't understand that alternative dog move, so that move was not enough for him to win.

When the time came to nearly 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the two fought for nearly 7 hours. In the extremely subtle situation, Xiaoqiang's official did not make any mistakes.

The final result is that both sides are in the air, and this game becomes a draw.

Although it was a draw, Li Xiangping was quite satisfied. After all, no matter what, he ended Chen Xiaoqiang's winning streak against him. Of course, Li Xiangping was still a little embarrassed about such a draw, because when he used such an alternative dog move, he was actually suspected of using an off-board move.

Only got a draw after performing an out-of-the-box move, which made Li Xiangping feel a little ashamed.

It's just that he is ashamed, but outsiders don't think much about it. After the game, various media reported on the alternative dog move, and they all felt that Li Xiangping's chess skills may have been close to perfection. In the words of martial arts novels: "Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people."

Old Xie, Zhang Da, reporter and others came to ask Li Xiangping himself, whether that move was his new kung fu.

For these people's inquiries, Li Xiangping just returned a mysterious smile, neither admitting nor denying it, acting like a standard world expert.

On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, the third game continued.

And the opponent in this game is the champion of this year's "Ying's Cup" of Xinke, one of the "two meals and one meter" in Shanghai, and the boss Fan Tingyufan, who is known as "Youth Stone Buddha" this year.

Well, Li Xiangping personally thinks that it is more appropriate to call Xiaofan "Juvenile Sakata" instead of calling him "Juvenile Stone Buddha".

Because from a certain point of view, the chess style of Xiaofan and the Japanese predecessor Sakata Eio is the real similarity.

is good at "fishing first and then washing", which is a must for treating orphans.

In addition, their school's "fishing first and washing later" is different from others, that is, there are many small tricks, and the ability to counterattack is particularly strong. It is also for this reason that Mr. Sakata has the reputation of "razor".

"...How fast did Sakata fall? Maybe when he cut off your head, you would walk several steps forward without realizing it..."

Li Xiangping also forgot whether it was said by Fujisawa Hideyuki or Takagawa. However, it must be admitted that Japanese Go can maintain a high level of force for a long time in the last century, and it should be said that there are also their reasons.

Xiaofan's chess style is not as clear as Sakata's, but he is more stable. Especially after entering the new century, the skills of officials in the professional chess world have been improved as a whole, so it is also more difficult to deal with.

It's a pity that these are not enough to see in front of Li Xiangping.

Since his debut, he seems to be best at dealing with players of the "fish first and then wash" type. As long as he faces this type of chess style, his winning rate has always been surprisingly high.

This game of chess is no exception.

Although Xiaofan can be considered a good player, he has basically brought out his own characteristics, but this type of chess player often has a disadvantage, that is, the overall situation is often not strong, and sometimes he will turn the corner when playing chess. This is the reason why Sakata is inferior to Mr. Wu Qingyuan.

Even Mr. Lin Haifeng can be his hard worker.

The same is true for this game of chess today.

Although Xiaofan turned the river and the sea on the chessboard, he was like Sun Wukong who met the Tathagata Buddha, and he never escaped the shrouded category of Li Xiangping.

Unconsciously three games passed, and Li Xiangping got a 2-1 start.

This is also the best start he has made since he made the "set two".

(end of this chapter)

