MTL - Go Legend - C.920 What will the current generation of dogs evolve into?Mar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.920 What will the current generation of dogs evolve into?Mar 06, 2023

Chapter 920 What will the current generation of dogs evolve into?

In the second half of 2015, a generation of "Afa Dog" developed by a Google team finally turned out as scheduled, and as in the real history, the first generation of chess player Fan Erdan in Europe, the newly born generation of dogs, was 5 to 5. A score of 0 swept the European Championship.

Because the information communication channel of Yanqing has been established for a long time, Li Xiangping knew the news a little earlier than most people.

And this happened in the past life, he is naturally not surprised.

But wait until the news spreads slowly, well, not to mention how much sensation, but at least at the end of this year, "A Fat Dog" has become one of the hot topics in the whole society.

Yes, it is not limited to the Go world, this is a topic out of the circle.

It is also very normal to be able to get out of the circle.

After all these years, "Go is the most complicated board game in the world".

The above statement is still accepted and recognized by the vast majority of the world.

Not only is it recognized by ordinary people, but other chess counterparts also seem to recognize it.

For example, "If aliens really exist in this world, and aliens play the same board game as us, I believe this game must be Go..."

Li Xiangping didn't know until very late that the person who said the above "famous words" seemed to be a world chess champion in real history.

It is precisely because Go is recognized as the "most complicated", in this way, Go is a bit like the "last fortress" of human beings.

Eighteen years ago, when Kasparov lost to IBM's "Deep Blue", the fortress of chess was conquered. The fortresses of Chinese chess and other board games have also been conquered by modern technology.

During this period, it seems that only Go was outstanding, and it has not been conquered by modern technology for a long time.

Go seems to be helping mankind to stick to the last traditional position.

It is precisely because of this reason that the news of the birth of a generation of dogs can become a hot topic in the whole society this winter.

The first to bear the brunt of course is the Go world.

A few years ago, the most powerful Go computer program was handed 9 pieces by humans, which means that it was still the entry level of humans.

Not long ago, the Japanese made a "primitive dog". It is said that in the case of placing 4, it is said that Masaki Takemiya who won Japan is still Yoshio Ishida.

Then according to this standard, it can be considered that this "primitive dog" in Japan has reached the level of amateur human beings.

This is already a big improvement, and it deserves a lot of attention.

Who would have thought that before everyone had time to digest the news, the news of Afagou defeating Fan 2nd Duan had already spread, which of course shook the entire professional chess world.

You must know that although Fan Er Duan is far away from the professional front line, he has won the European championship after all, and his level was swept 5-0 by Afagou. Even if he is unwilling, he must admit that this Afagou has at least reached the level of human beings. professional level.

So everyone started rushing to watch the 5 chess scores, wanting to see how Fan 2nd dan lost.

After studying the 5 chess records, most of the professional chess players' reactions were actually similar to when Li Xiangping and Lao Shi Gang saw the chess records.

The generation of dogs at this time will never "stop", they will only think that it is bland and there are still many inexplicable mistakes.

However, the scientific and technological world knows the power of deep learning and foresees the evolutionary speed of a generation of dogs. Therefore, when news came from Google that it had invited Lee Sedol of South Korea for the next five-game chess man-machine battle, the scientific and technological world unanimously believed that Afadog The odds are greater, and the last fortress of Go is about to be conquered by technology.

Then the chess blinds and fake chess fans followed suit.

Professional chess players listen to the outside world with a complex mindset.

Only Go, they naturally know more than others, but professional players also know that the trend of technological development is equally unstoppable, no matter how complicated Go is, it will be conquered one day. It was conquered like chess was conquered by Deep Blue.

But anyway, everyone always hopes that this day will come later.

It's like building a fort, or thinking of something as a fort, even though everyone knows that fort is really useless.

Even the ultimate mission of a "fortress" is to be conquered.

But since I chose to use it as a fortress, I always hope that the day when it is conquered will appear later.

So some professional chess players began to speak out in the media, or technically analyzed the five chess records, pointed out the shortcomings of the generation of dogs, and then cautiously made predictions that Lee Sedol would win the man-machine confrontation.

Yes, most professional chess players are cautious in their predictions. Not only at this time, but also in real history, they are equally cautious and cautious. After all, in this circle, people like Ke Shaoxia are considered top-notch players, and there are very few professional chess players with such a personality.

But it's useless, chess blinds and pseudo-chess fans will not read those technical analysis articles, so during this period, it is actually more like these two groups are revelling.

But Go is still very niche, that is to say, in this world, the chess blind actually accounts for the vast majority, so their voices are the mainstream.

2016's New Year's Day is coming soon. As the date of the first season "Human-Machine War" is finalized, Li Shishi is about to challenge a generation of dogs. The debate over who wins and who wins is enduring, and the popularity of related topics has remained high.

As the undisputed overlord of the current professional chess world, Li Xiangping, who is even considered the "strongest in history", was of course invited by the outside world to speak out and predict the next outcome.

To be honest, Li Xiangping really didn't want to make this prediction.

Because he is also a professional chess player, in the face of machines, he still stands on Xiao Li’s side emotionally, hoping that humans can win.

Especially after reading the 5 chess records, he thought that if it wasn't for Fan's 2nd dan, if he had been replaced by Xiao Li at that time, Xiao Li would have a very high probability of winning chess. But Li Xiangping is very clear, according to the evolution speed of dogs, if Xiao Li will fight another generation of dogs after the Spring Festival, if he still predicts that Xiao Li will win, he will definitely be slapped in the face.

Of course Li Xiangping didn't want to be slapped in the face, so he chose to post a Weibo as his own voice.

"Come on, Xiao Li, good luck Xiao Li" This is the central content of Li Xiangping's long Weibo.

"Come on Xiao Li" is actually Li Xiangping expounding his position. Well, as a human professional chess player, of course he will stand on Xiao Li's side this time, hoping that he can defeat the machine.

As for "Xiao Li's good luck", it actually means that he is not optimistic about Xiao Li.

It is precisely because you are not optimistic that you wish you good luck.

The Spring Festival in 2016 passed quickly, and the communication between Xiao Li and a generation of dogs came soon. At this time, Li Xiangping was eager to solve another mystery——

He knows that the current generation of dogs will still learn human chess, but now that he has traveled through so many years, he has already brought so many dog ​​moves.

There is no doubt that the current generation of dogs must have “learned” a lot of their own chess repertoire, so compared with the previous generation of dogs, what will the current generation of dogs evolve into?

(end of this chapter)

