MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.2Mar 06, 2023


This may just be self-deception, but at least this invisible criterion has indeed prevented Zhao Yesao from taking a step towards inhumanity.

It was after Lu Shixi's death was designed that the nearly full black mist was almost exhausted, which made Zhao Yesui feel a little surprised while he was relieved.

According to past experience, no matter how cumbersome the steps are, it will only consume about one-fifth of the black mist at most, although this can indeed save Zhao Yesao from the intrusion of whispering voices for a long time. But the abnormality still made him a little strange.

And just one minute and fourteen seconds later, a cold and monotonous voice sounded in Zhao Yesao's ears.

[Player Shioshi has been confirmed dead]

[Confirm the killer is a non-player]

[Confirm that the killer is not a fugitive]

[Detected an unknown element in the killer...]

[Confirmation of entitlement to player]

[Please create a character card]


[Retrieved the created character card]

[please confirm]

Just when Zhao Yesui was still looking for the sudden voice, a translucent card appeared in front of him.

Although it was only a glimpse, Zhao Yesui still saw an oil painting-like portrait of himself on it, and the words STR (strength), CON (physique), DEX (agility), APP (appearance), SAN (sanity), etc. There seem to be some other descriptions, but before Zhao Yesui could see it clearly, the character card disappeared.

[Retrieving the bounty carried by player Shioshi...]

[Search failed]

[Data Abnormal]

[The target is adjusted from the original 27 to 1]

[Insufficient permissions, unable to receive]

[The trial scene is about to open]

[Ask new players to name their character card, if there is no personal will, it will be randomly generated after ten seconds]

Although Zhao Yesui didn't understand what was going on, he could still understand the random naming that sounded bad.

After ruling out the foolish manipulations of reversing the name and using his real name, Zhao Yesui watched the ten-second limit getting closer, and said, "Ye Lin."

[named successfully]

[The trial scene is about to open]

[please choose]

As the last sentence fell, in front of Zhao Yesao, three illusory cards appeared. They were gray-white, and the light gray cards had white textures on the back. When Zhao Yesang reached out his hand and wanted to touch them , the icy voice sounded again just now:

[Scenario 1 has been selected, are you sure? ]

Zhao Yesui tried to touch the three cards one by one, but the prompts of [Scenario 2 selected, confirm or not] and [Scenario 3 selected, confirm or not] popped up. Other than that, there was no difference.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yesui asked tentatively, "Who are you? Why do you want me to choose?"

[Insufficient permissions, no way to explain]

[Please make a choice as soon as possible, if there is no response within ten seconds, it will be randomly selected]

Zhao Yechuang frowned slightly and asked, "Then, is there any difference between these three cards?"

[The selection link is the difficulty selection, which is divided into simple, ordinary, and difficult]

[However, the difficulty is fixed as difficult due to the improper way for player Ye Lin to obtain player qualifications]

...Then what do you want me to choose?

Zhao Ye opened his mouth, expressing his incomprehension of this choice.

Suddenly, he noticed the loophole in the sentence just now.

No response for ten seconds...

Does that mean that as long as you repeat the "select-undo" action, you can always be stuck in this link?

Zhao Yeshi raised his eyebrows. Anyway, he didn't know what the current situation was, so there was no loss in trying, right?


[Scenario 1 has been selected, are you sure? ]

[Scenario 2 has been selected, are you sure? ]

[Scenario 3 has been selected, are you sure? ]

[Scenario 1 has been selected, are you sure? ]


It does seem to work.

Zhao Yeshao simply sat down, hung up the mobile game, and took a bottle of happy water, and repeated the mechanical operation like this, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Zhao Yejiao was about to start clearing the daily routine of the third game, he felt that he had clicked on the empty space. When he looked at the card, he found that the original three cards were slowly disappearing, replaced by It's a dark card.

[The time limit has come, and the automatic extraction of trial scenes is about to begin]

The cold voice sounded again. This time, there was no time for Zhao Yejia to think. The card slowly turned over, revealing the picture after that.

A vivid picture is drawn on the front of the card. It was a quaint dojo. The dusty plaque was indistinct, and a broken sword was inserted in the center of the dojo.

[Trial scene confirmed]

[Player Ye Lin is about to enter the trial scene]

[Wish Jun Wu Yun prosperous]

The world in front of Zhao Yejia gradually lost its color, leaving only pure lines, and then the lines were deconstructed and returned to nothingness.

He started to fall.

Chapter 3 Exoskeletons?

In the haze, Zhao Yesui heard a female voice without emotional fluctuations.

"During the reign of Taiwu, the first emperor collapsed and the crown prince came to the throne. At this time, the clans and clans rose together. The Confucianism used literature to disrupt the law, the chivalrous people used martial arts to violate the ban, and the new emperor also complied with rituals. This is why there is chaos."

"The fate of the dynasty is turbulent, and the emperor is still too busy to take care of himself. In a remote town, the power of the prefect is often not comparable to that of the local famous family."

"Your name is Su Mingyuan, the fourteenth and possibly the last owner of the Chengping Martial Arts Hall. As the last orthodox heir of the Chengping Martial Arts Hall and the only member of the current Martial Arts Hall, you Can we save the ancestral martial arts hall from the prying eyes..."

The female voice stopped abruptly and was replaced by the cold and monotonous voice that Zhao Yesang had heard before:

[This scene is a trial scene]

[This scene is a punishment scene, players will not be able to get system assistance]

[This scene is a semi-open play mode]

[Main quest: Keep Chengping Martial Arts Hall and survive for seven days]

[Scenario rewards will be given after completing the scenario]

[Failure of the mission will deprive the player of the Yelin player qualification]

[Scene is about to start]

[3, 2, 1]

[The scene officially begins]

After the countdown ended, Zhao Yesui was gradually able to perceive his body, but it was different. What was this feeling of weakness that seemed to have been cultivating for three days and three nights...

Zhao Yesui didn't open his eyes immediately, the body that regained consciousness told him that he was sitting on something that could put his feet on it, and there was only the intermittent sound of cicadas in his ears, so he moved his hands and feet imperceptibly. , After confirming that he was not restrained, he opened his eyes and quickly glanced at the current environment.

This looks like a bedroom with all kinds of furnishings, and Zhao Yesao is sitting at the desk with a thick book on the table and a strange device next to it.

The most important thing is that he is not restrained, and there is no one around to monitor his appearance.

Just as Zhao Ye was thinking, his lungs suddenly became hot, followed by a violent cough that seemed to cough out his internal organs.

After Zhao Yesui calmed down a little, the first thing that appeared in his heart was deep surprise.

Judging from the lesions, it seems to be a cough caused by lung disease? Could it be pneumonia, tuberculosis, or lung cancer?

No matter which one it is, it will not be infected in a short time. It seems that the last medical examination was only two months ago?

in addition......

Zhao Yeshou lowered his head, frowned slightly and looked at his legs.

Just when he was coughing, the involuntary movement of his body made him bend down subconsciously, and such a simple movement almost made him grab the ground with his head.

Because the feet do not play the role of support points at all.

Only then did Zhao Yesui realize that he was sitting in a wheelchair at the moment, but when he tried to stand up, he couldn't do it at all. His legs were just like the way he used to be in bed for half a year. Powerless, even with his hands.

With a little guess in his heart, Zhao Yeshou looked at the Taoist robe on his body thoughtfully, turned the wheelchair with difficulty, and came to the only silver mirror in the bedroom.

What was reflected in the mirror was an unfamiliar face. The delicate face looked only sixteen or seventeen years old. The exposed skin had a morbid pallor, but the whole person still looked like a handsome and beautiful young man, which would probably arouse the strange aunt. The type of protection they desire.

Zhao Yejia used many methods to verify the difference between the current body and himself, and after measuring the ability to do this, he calmly accepted this fact.

"Oh, I've crossed over." Zhao Ye snorted: "If there is no accident, it should be the trial scene mentioned by the voice just now."

"So, I am now entering a strange world, playing a character named 'Su Mingyuan' with weak limbs and lung disease, and the task given is to preserve the family's martial arts hall and survive for seven days?"

This kind of thing is not unfamiliar to anyone born after the millennium, and since he can control life and death, it is very normal to have supernatural factors, right?

"So, according to what the female voice just said, I seem to be in a background similar to an ancient dynasty, and then I have to perform a task... Well, there is only a big ball of light left."

"Siri? Classmate Xiaoai? Lord God? Deep Blue? System?"

[Player Ye Lin, this is a punishment scene, you will not be able to get system assistance]

[But out of the spirit of gamerism, you have the right to ask three questions, beyond the scope of authority will not be answered]

This time, Zhao Yejia didn't have any idea of ​​revival, and after thinking about it seriously, he asked: "After completing or not completing this task as Su Mingyuan, I will be able to return to my original body and my original world. ?"

[here are three questions]

[The player is in semi-open play mode at the moment, and performs the task as Su Mingyuan, the fourteenth master of Chengping Martial Arts Museum. The state of the original body cannot be explained for the time being. After completing the task, he will receive a reward, become an official player, and return to the main world. If the mission fails, the player will be deprived of qualifications and return to the main world]

[After answering, please player Ye Lin work hard to complete the task]

After that, no matter how Zhao Yesang tried to call out the system, the icy voice never appeared again.

"Okay, at least I know that it's not a black intermediary that doesn't cover round-trip tickets. It looks like a judge."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged, turned the wheelchair back to the desk, looked at the densely packed books on the bookshelf, and wanted to learn more about the background of this world by flipping through the books, but found that it was very difficult for him to raise his hand. Let alone take down the book.

"This is unreasonable. Judging from the traces of life, 'I' should live alone. If this is the case, I don't even have the basic ability to take care of myself. How did I live until now?"

It was also at this moment that Zhao Yesui saw the complicated mechanical device set aside.

The pure mechanical beauty caught his attention the first moment he opened his eyes, but because he wanted to confirm the current situation, Zhao Yesang never looked at it, and only now did he realize it when he looked at it carefully. It appears to be an exoskeleton.

A little awkwardly put a hand in, and after buttoning it layer by layer, Zhao Yesui tried to press a button on it, and the small bottle inserted next to the device sank inward, followed by a gushing out. of steam.

Zhao Yesui tried to raise his hand. It was very difficult to raise his hand at first, but now it gave him the illusion that he could move the entire bookshelf in front of him.

...Perhaps, maybe it's not an illusion?

After putting on the exoskeleton device on the other hand, Zhao Yeshou stretched out his hand, took out a book and started to read.

p.s. New book for recommendation~

Chapter 4 Times have changed, but not completely

After reading the books on the bookshelf through speed reading, Zhao Yejia had a general understanding of the world he was currently in.

He is now in a country called the Dayu Dynasty. The current time is the ninth year of Taiwu. Nine years have passed since the new emperor ascended the throne. Like the introduction at the beginning, there are enemy countries that are eyeing tigers, and there are enemies inside. Aristocratic clans are divided into one side, it can be said that the situation is like water and fire.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Zhao Yesui, who was just here to complete the mission, so he just glanced at it and put the family and country aside, and turned to read books that were more helpful to the mission.

Of course, there is extraordinary combat power in this world, but it has not reached the point where one person can form an army and the sword can open the gate of heaven.

