MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.332Mar 06, 2023


"In that case, I have no doubts."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said: "The content of the mission is probably to bring it back if you can bring it back to the Dark Sword Puppet, if you can't, analyze it and analyze its origin, the worst plan is to destroy them all. yes, right?"

"En." Lin Tianwu nodded and said, "When you arrive at Hezhou Gyeonggi, our comrades will continue to provide you with help and explain more detailed tasks. You can rest now and recharge your batteries before Set off."

"You've just been released from prison, and after such a long journey, you must be very tired too."

"No need."

Zhao Yesui glanced at the mission description and felt that it was better to prepare in advance. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll start working right away."

"But, you need to provide me with a sword puppet."

Zhao Yesui is still very interested in the sword puppet system in this world, because so far, he really lacks "armor" in the true sense.

Zhao Yesui's upgrade speed is too fast. The equipment he obtained in the past can't keep up with him now, and it is basically fed to the Tianmo Palace. Due to financial problems, he has never had the opportunity to purchase the equipment he likes.

The average casual player has neither the contribution warehouse of the big guild, nor the opportunity to know the life players who are enough to forge excellent equipment. The acquisition of equipment basically depends on the extraction link after completing the scene. Replacement by other players.

Zhao Yesui belongs to the heterogeneous among the heterogeneous.

He has the ability to build a gear that suits him, but he lacks time.

In the same way, in addition to this scene, Zhao Yesui has only performed six missions. Even if he blows up every time, the equipment that burst out is not enough to arm him to the teeth.

In addition, if nothing else, Zhao Yesui felt that he might become a king in a few more scenes, so the equipment he obtained should have strong growth potential.

Judging from his understanding of the sword puppet so far, the sword puppet may just meet his requirements for "growability" and "sufficient practicality".

The most important factor is that Zhao Yesui has not forgotten his special ability to extract identities.

After this scene is over, he will acquire the identity of Zhao Tu and all of Zhao Tu's skills.

That is to say, Zhao Tu's world-famous Gorefiend casting method and his tempered sword puppet casting skills are almost already in Zhao Yesao's pocket.

In this case, it is normal to know the abilities that you are about to acquire in advance.

Lin Tianwu seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He glanced at Lin Yi next to him, and Lin Yi silently got up and left the room. After a while, he took back the two sword boxes and placed them in front of Zhao Yeshou.

"Since we have entrusted you to perform tasks for Daxia, we will naturally not let you duel with Sword Puppet with your bare hands."

Lin Tianwu pushed the two sword boxes in front of Zhao Yecang, and said seriously: "However, you should also know that the sword puppet at the level of the Zhenguo Divine Sword will not let it leave the country alone, but we do our best. I did my best to apply for a sword puppet of the famous sword level for you."

"In addition, we have prepared a mass-produced sword puppet for you, which is convenient for you to replace when necessary to perform more diverse tactics."

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows, which did not surprise him. After all, it would be too outrageous to ask someone to carry out a mission and ask them to bring their own weapons.

In front of it are two different sword cases, the one on the left is made of alloy and reflects the glow of metal in the light of the light, and the one on the right is an antique wooden sword case, only in appearance. , the sword box on the left is undoubtedly much higher-end than the sword box on the right.

However, according to the sword puppet rules of this world, the one on the left should be the mass-produced sword puppet without soul, and the one on the right should be the real sword puppet of the famous sword level.

Zhao Yesui first opened the sword box on the left.

With just a slight press on the top of the sword box, there was a sound of the machine being unlocked, and then the hilt of the sword popped out quietly.

Judging from Zhao Yesao's common sense, this is a sword with a length of three feet and five inches.

Lin Tianwu explained in a timely manner: "For the sake of hiding your identity, what we have prepared for you is a mass-produced sword puppet produced by Hezhou Santian Gongzao. Due to its low price and no factory serial number, Qi Yi Zhan is widely circulated all over the world, and it is one of the sword puppet models that violent terrorists like to use."

Jian Ming, that is, the sentence that Lin Yi recited when he lifted the restrictions for Zhao Yesui before. Each sword puppet will have a corresponding sword inscription. Reciting the sword inscription can unblock the sword puppet, which is manifested in World.

Zhao Yesui tried to wave it twice, and felt it was not bad, so he put the "one-stage, one-cut" back into the sword box.

He turned to look at the sword box on the right, opened it, and placed a black knight's sword in it.

The reason why the knight sword is called the knight sword is because it is a sword specially used by knights in horse warfare.

The knight's sword that appeared in front of Zhao Yesui at the moment was eighty centimeters long. The blade was an acute isosceles triangle. At that time, the temperature in the room seemed to have dropped a bit.

"'The Curse of Glamorgan'."

Lin Tianwu explained: "About two hundred years ago, it was a sword puppet forged by the famous old Roman craftsman Qiao Linsen, but at the beginning its name was 'Dark Flash', but because what happened around it after that was too dramatic So gradually people called it 'Glamorgan's Curse' and overshadowed the previous name."

"Its first owner was the Duke of Glamorgan of old Rome, and he was rewarded by him to his knight, but the knight later rebelled, drowned the Duke of Glamorgan in a latrine, and inherited Glamorgan The title and territory of the duke."

"But the strange thing is that the new Duke of Glamorgan also died in the rebellion initiated by his subordinates, and that subordinate also inherited the title and territory of the Duke of Glamorgan, and of course, this 'curse of Glamorgan'. "

"Since then, a total of ten 'Dukes of Glamorgan' died because of the rebellion of his subordinates. Finally, the 16th Duke of Glamorgan threw the 'Dark Flash', which is the 'Glamorgan's Curse', into the In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it was finally tossed and turned several times, and it was in our hands."

"What's even more bizarre is that this is also the only Duke of Glamorgan to die well."


After hearing the "glorious history" of this sword puppet, Zhao Yesui couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Lin Tianwu.

"Do you want me to stab you in the back?"

Lin Tianwu's mouth twitched: "Cough, please forgive me, although the famous sword is not as strictly guarded as the Zhen Guo Shenjian, it is really not easy to find a famous sword that is not in the Daxia Famous Swords Book. And you have to be able to recognize your sword puppet... We also searched for a long time in the hidden sword cave before we found this dusty garbage for many years... I mean, the treasure at the bottom of the box. "

"Curses and so on are all illusory things... right?"

Lin Tianwu probably didn't believe his own words.

Zhao Yesui actually doesn't matter, just as Lin Tianwu said, to find a sword puppet that is not under the surveillance of various countries, it must also be in line with Zhao Tu, the number one villain in the world, there are really not many handles.

As for the curse...

What, do you want to curse me?

That really capped my friend.JPG

So, Zhao Ye took a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to hold "Glamorgan's Curse".

...................................................... ...................................................... .

P.S. I'm back in my hometown now, I'm in the hospital now, I'm not very good at coding, I can only take the time to write a little bit, and insist to keep doing it ==

The world view and general setting are all finished, and the plot can be entered.

Chapter three hundred and ninety-four launched a gorgeous rebellion against my lord

When Zhao Yesui held "Glamorgan's Curse", he felt a coldness spreading from his fingers to his whole body.

It is repelling Zhao Yeshou.

Zhao Yechuang frowned slightly, increased his strength calmly, and asked Lin Tianwu, "What kind of sword master does this sword puppet like?"

"According to our analysis, it should be the kind of insidious, cunning, ruthless, cold-blooded creature that will do whatever it takes to achieve its goal, and even kill close relatives..."

After Lin Tianwu finished speaking, he hurriedly remedied: "Of course, you are not such a person, but it should be more able to identify with you..."

After speaking, Lin Tianwu silently added a sentence in his heart.

Because you're a lot scarier than the person it identifies with...

"Insidious, cunning, ruthless, unscrupulous, even close relatives can be killed..."

The corner of Zhao Yesui's mouth twitched, no wonder he couldn't get the approval of "Glamorgan's Curse".

It is estimated that Daxia chose the sword puppet according to Zhao Tu's character. If it was Zhao Tu, it would probably be recognized by "Glamorgan's Curse". After all, he is indeed a downright cold-blooded creature.

However, Zhao Yesui was not.

If there are only the first few items, maybe you can still pass the level, but "even the closest relatives can be killed" will pass Zhao Ye.

So, how am I supposed to pretend that I have the approval of this sword puppet...

Zhao Yesui fell into contemplation.

Knowing that Zhao Tu is an unforgivable villain, and knowing that this sword puppet will recognize the villain, then Zhao Tu should be able to use this sword puppet.

So, if I can't use it, will it make Daxia Longque suspect my identity?

Just as Zhao Yesang was thinking, "Glamorgan's Curse" seemed to have become impatient because he had been holding it for too long. The cold black air came out from the hilt of the sword and wanted to transmit it to Zhao Yesang's limbs. Hundreds of bones, give him a warning.

But just before it touched something deeper, Zhao Yesui felt a soft hand on his right hand holding "Glamorgan's Curse".

Although he couldn't see anything, Zhao Yesui intuitively realized that this was Su Yanxi's hand.

[Player Ye Lin is receiving a physique judgment...]

[Player Ye Lin triggers "Blessing of the Sword God"]

[Judging great success]

The next moment, Zhao Yesui felt that Su Yanxi took his hand and flicked the sword of "Gran Morgan's Curse" lightly.

No sound came out, but "Glamorgan's Curse" became silent in an instant, shrinking the black gas to the deepest point. It was handed over to Zhao Yeshou.

Destiny Game's prompt sound follows:

[Player Ye Lin has been approved to equip "Gran Morgan's Curse"]

It's really **** "approval"...

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows, probably because Su Yanxi gave this sword puppet a warning, and then it immediately gave his life to him.

This is undoubtedly a very wise move.

Because if it persists, there is no guarantee that Su Yanxi will not take extreme measures.

Although this elder sister has always been gentle and obedient to Zhao Yeshou, she will become domineering when facing outsiders, especially those who intend to go against her younger brother's will.

So, Zhao Yesui raised "Glamorgan's Curse" and looked at it quietly.

In the eyes of Lin Tianwu and the others, it was Zhao Yeshou who held the "curse of Glamorgan" and lifted it up after five or six seconds.

It also takes a process to get the approval of the sword puppet. It would be better to say that Zhao Yesui's speed is much faster than that of a normal swordsman. He didn't bathe incense or meditate, so he just took it easy. Grip is recognized.

Sure enough, it's because he's worse than "Glamorgan's Curse" imagined...

Lin Tianwu and Lin Yi saw it in their eyes, and they had a deeper understanding of Zhao Tu's evil party.

Zhao Yesui didn't care what the two guys on the opposite side were thinking, because he found that the special ability of this sword puppet was revealed to him only after he completely mastered "Glamorgan's Curse".

[Gorgeous rebellion to my lord: The dark flash will produce psychological hints for the sword master, causing him to rebel against his immediate superiors. After a long time, the psychological hints will be deeply ingrained and difficult to get rid of. If you really master this sword, you can Use this ability to give psychological cues to the enemy]

Psychological cues?

Is this the truth about "Glamorgan's Curse"?

Zhao Ye snorted, he didn't expect it to be so simple.

Seeing that Zhao Yesui's review of "Glamorgan's Curse" came to an end, Lin Tianwu continued: "Its sword inscription is LOYALTYISTHEROADTOHONOR. (Loyalty is the road to honor), please remember it."

"Loyalty is the road to honor... Really ironic sword inscription."

Zhao Yesui shook his head. He didn't try to liberate the sword puppet here. Instead, he put "Glamorgan's Curse" back into the sword box, then put away both sword boxes and looked towards Lin Tianwu: "It's almost there, if there is nothing else, I'm going."

He has delayed too much time because of the hostility of the world will, if nothing else, his teammates should have gathered in the imperial city by now.

Although this is a teamwork task, and there is no obvious conflict of interest between them, this does not mean that the teammates will generously share the hidden tasks of the side quests they have discovered with him, just like Zhao Yesui will not share his share the same personal hidden tasks with them.

Getting to the imperial city early means that there is a chance to gain greater benefits in this mission. Of course, Zhao Yesui will not be here to grind foreign workers again.

Lin Tianwu obviously didn't expect Zhao Yeshou's action power to be so high, and then hurriedly said: "Please wait a moment, about your identity certificate and disguise matters..."

"Fake identity?"

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows: "If you can help me do it, it will save trouble."

"As for Yi Rong, you don't have to. Just give me the relevant identity certificate. I can do it myself."


Lin Tianwu couldn't help hesitating, because Zhao Tu's files had never recorded the part that he was good at disguising.

Zhao Tu's way of doing things is just like the swords he made, going straight and straight, never knowing what hiding is, not to mention Yi Rong, anyway, after the sword is finished, he will find another place. No force has succeeded in capturing him.

However, when he met Zhao Yesao's calm eyes, Lin Tianwu pondered for a moment, and finally said decisively: "Okay, we have already helped you make relevant preparations, but since you have your own arrangements, then press your thoughts."

He took out a portfolio from under the table and handed it to Zhao Yesui: "It is the new identity we have prepared for you, although you may find it troublesome, but this time it is a sneak mission, I hope you can Read it through, at least don't miss your new name..."

He was really careful. Did he treat Zhao Tu like a giant baby?

Zhao Yesang recalled what Zhao Tu had done, and felt that no matter how careful he was to communicate with him, it seemed like an exaggeration.

This is a ruthless man who has personally sacrificed millions of people with his blood. According to the rumors from the outside world, he is a devil who eats people's hearts and brains. Of course, Daxia Longque will not listen to such rumors. A guy with a lot of food, no matter how cautious he is.

Zhao Yeshou took the portfolio, opened it and glanced at it, then put it away, got up and planned to leave.

Lin Tianwu tentatively asked: "Do you need us to arrange transportation for you? It's also quite a distance from here to Gyeonggi..."

"If you can, give me a ticket." Zhao Yexuan thought about it and said, "Just use my new identity. You should know the specific arrangements better than me."

This time, he was going to perform the infiltration mission. Although he felt that he would definitely develop into a peerless in the end, at the beginning, Zhao Yesui felt that he had to pretend for the time being.

