MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.334Mar 06, 2023


Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered what the flight attendant said just now.

"Anonymous report letter?"

He gradually had a guess in his mind.

"Is it blinding...?"

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P.S. Push a friend's book.

Chapter 396 Those who hold wages for everyone must not freeze to death in the wind and snow

After a while, Zhao Yesui found the flight attendant just now, and said directly: "I have found the terrorist."


The flight attendant was obviously also taken aback. He didn't expect that Zhao Yesui would actually find out the terrorist who didn't know whether it was real or not.

The sword puppet registered as "Chen Yingxia" is not "Glamorgan's Curse", it is just a standard sword puppet "one cut at a time".

The real sword puppet is not something that little people can touch, including the two marshals in the car, they are only carrying the standard sword puppet.

In more realistic terms, if you have a real sword puppet in your hands, why should you be a marshal on this small train?

The flight attendant probably didn't hold out much hope. After all, the swordsman looked too young, she just informed Zhao Yesui with the mentality of just in case, but she didn't expect to win the jackpot.

After the initial surprise subsided, it was a sincere fear.

She couldn't help complaining: "Mr. Chen, didn't I tell you not to act rashly, what if you are like this, if he notices something and deploys the sword puppet on the train..."

"You swordsmen are fine, but what should we ordinary people do..."

Are you going to tell him this?

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows. If a violent swordsman was here, let alone quitting, it might not be impossible to slash the flight attendant on the spot.

The flight attendant's concerns were not unreasonable, probably because they regarded Zhao Yesui as a kind of stunned righteous mind.

However, this "reason" is actually another kind of moral kidnapping.

Blame the wicked person's possible anger into anger on the law enforcement officer, and accuse him of why he wants to provoke the wicked person, otherwise everyone will be able to live in peace?

Just like when a country is invaded, it jumps out and asks the people to reflect on whether they have done something wrong. The brain circuit is different from ordinary people.

However, Zhao Yesui didn't want to be angry with an ordinary person, just said lightly: "I used special means to investigate, he should not be able to find out."

"In addition, this flight attendant, although I don't care much about this kind of thing, I hope you will remember one sentence."

"Those who hold salaries for everyone must not freeze to death in the wind and snow."

"If I guess correctly, even if you pretend you don't know anything, he will launch a terrorist attack when he is about to reach the terminal."

After that, Zhao Yesui didn't say anything to the stunned flight attendant, but just walked past her and went to look for the two marshals.

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Ten minutes later, a marshal and another flight attendant started a daily inspection and distributed meals.

The two walked all the way until they reached the No. 7 carriage.

The marshal winked at the flight attendant, then pulled out a Bafang Han sword from the scabbard around his waist, and recited softly, "The Great Wall is built by a loyal soul of iron blood."

The next moment, the illusory armor appeared on him, and it solidified in an instant. The flight attendant saw this and opened the door without hesitation.

The action here suddenly woke the sleepy young man sitting in the last row. When he noticed the copper-grey sword puppet standing at the end of the carriage, his expression twisted, and he immediately opened the piano case under his feet and held it. The sword, read at a very fast speed: "The wind and the rain—"

But the speed of the sword puppet is faster than the speed of chanting.

Although it is not comparable in performance to the real sword puppet, it is only a distance of a carriage, and even a standard sword puppet can easily cross.

After noticing that the enemy had made a move that was suspected to be summoning the sword puppet, the marshals no longer hesitated, took a step forward, and his body became violent. Down.

Afterwards, the marshals kicked out with their feet and kicked the piano box far away, and the dagger placed in it rolled out of the piano box and tumbled several times on the ground.

Another marshal who was already wearing armor walked in from the other end of the carriage at this time, picked up the rib cage, examined it, and nodded to his colleague.

"It's really a sword puppet..."

The marshals who had already brought the youth under control suddenly felt a little scared. If they didn't know the detailed target in advance, it would be impossible to interrupt the call of the other party so quickly.

At that time, even if there are colleagues to support, starting a sword puppet duel on the train will still bring incalculable losses.

Glancing fiercely at the young man under his feet, the marshals handcuffed him in a standard kneeling position, and then escorted him out of the carriage.

It was only then that the flight attendant entered the No. 7 carriage and explained to the passengers what had just happened to ease the panic of the passengers.

It was only at this time that the passengers realized what a thrilling thing had just happened, and they couldn't help applauding, praising the crew for their timely handling.

A harmonious scene of police and civilian cooperation to solve major crimes.

Zhao Yesui just sat in the original position, closed his eyes slightly, did not join in the process of "hunting the murderer", and did not jump out to accept the praise.

Even if he is actually the biggest contributor to this incident.

Long after the youth was taken away, he chuckled and said in a low voice, "I found you..."

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"Thank you to all passengers for choosing to take the Shinkansen. This train is Penglai, and it has arrived at the terminal Huangcheng Station. Passengers are requested to get off the train in an orderly manner, take their carry-on luggage, and undergo relevant inspections..."

The announcement of the arrival of the train echoed in the car, and most of the passengers did not know that they had passed by death, and got off the train talking and laughing.

The flight attendant who had just been reprimanded by Zhao Yesang stood nervously in front of the connection of the carriages, waiting to apologize to "Chen Yingxia".

The two marshals had already escorted the young man and handed him over to the police in the Imperial City for further processing.

Before that, they wanted to thank Zhao Yesao, but Zhao Yesang seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

After mechanically bowing many times, the flight attendant finally saw Zhao Yeshou's figure. Just as he was about to say something to him, he found that he had no intention of stopping at all, but only showed his swordsman certificate to the prosecutors. He left here in a hurry.


The flight attendant looked at his back from a distance and couldn't help but startled.

Logically speaking, assisting in the arrest of a terrorist carrying an illegal sword puppet is quite a feat for a fledgling swordsman, but looking at him like this, does he not want to be involved in this matter?

Then why should he help?

Just for a ridiculous sense of justice?

"As expected of a young man, I don't understand the importance of fame and fortune at all..."

In the end, the flight attendant could only mumble like this and continue to bow to the passengers in the car.

Of course, Zhao Yesui doesn't care what other people think of him. He is a player. He came to this scene to perform a mission and maximize his own interests.

What other people think?

Can that be exchanged for game currency?

The reason why he left in a hurry was that on the one hand he didn't want to waste time with the police, on the other hand, he had discovered the real "terrorist" on the Penglai.

When he first discovered the young man, Zhao Yesui felt strange.

He had the aura of "I'm not right, come and check me" written all over his body, but anyone with a bright mind would not hide it at all.

In today's anti-terrorism environment of survival of the fittest, such terrorists should have been eliminated long ago.

Unless... he's just a cover to cover up the real enemy.

Zhao Yesui did not forget the anonymous report letter from the beginning.

He asked the marshals that the letter had a strange origin. It was discovered by a flight attendant in the cabin long after the train started.

If it is only a person who has inadvertently learned about terrorists and is afraid of retaliation after the incident, it seems reasonable to write an anonymous report letter.

But for normal people, it is not easy to calm down and think when they know that they are in a car with terrorists, let alone consider what will happen next, and then when no one finds out Put the report letter in the cabin.

Therefore, Zhao Yesui boldly guessed that there might be a real "terrorist" behind the unfortunate person, who used the unfortunate person as a cover to hide in the crowd.

According to common sense, if it is known that there is a terrorist in a specific car, then everyone will focus on this car and the possible terrorist.

Similarly, after the train arrives at the station, officials will also focus their attention on the terrorist.

Just that might not be enough, so Zhao Yesui felt that this unfortunate **** might burst into flames when he was about to arrive at the station to attract attention and let the real terrorist get away.

As for why he did this, and whether he has any control over others, this is not something Zhao Yesui can know.

The so-called one-leaf blindness means that a leaf blocks the sight and cannot see the whole picture of things.

When people focus on the hapless person in the seventh car, they will naturally ignore the passengers in the other cars.

Of course, this was only Zhao Yesui's own opinion, so he just explained the location of the suspicious person carrying the sword puppet to the two marshals holding the sword puppet, and he returned to his seat and released more The surveillance puppet brought the entire Penglai into his monitoring range, not even the cab.

So he saw it.

When the marshals pushed the door and entered, the young man's expression appeared abnormal. In the No. 3 carriage, a person's finger slapped the CHU unnaturally, and his expression froze slightly.

Maybe it was just an accident, but when Zhao Yesui manipulated the puppet to climb onto the luggage rack and quietly checked her luggage, she found the sword puppet placed in it.

After feeling that the security inspectors on the Shinkansen were indeed a sack of wine, Zhao Yesui temporarily locked the target on the manipulator behind the scenes.

She may have other accomplices, but according to Zhao Yesao's current tracking situation, even if there are, they have no intention of meeting.

Zhao Yesui, a newcomer, took a taxi to a hotel according to Daxia Longque's arrangement. In the car, he quietly monitored the terrorist who got off the Shinkansen through the puppet he released.

She was wearing a striped green T-shirt and jeans, a pair of heavy black bordered eyes, and a very rustic canvas bag on her back. She seemed out of tune with the atmosphere of the surrounding imperial city, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, quite curious. Looking at the surrounding environment.

Although Hezhou has been reduced to the forefront of the Cold War, the imperial city was originally the most prosperous area in the entire Hezhou, even during the war.

Therefore, most of the elites passing by are well-dressed, either in suits or shoes, or following the fashion trend, which makes this girl who is at most in her twenties more rustic.

Hezhou is a place that pays attention to reading air, so this girl who obviously can't read air is naturally looked at by everyone with indifference or dissatisfaction.

But Zhao Yesui knew very well that there was a sword puppet in that worn-out canvas bag.

Even if it is just a glimpse, and dare not look closely, Zhao Yeshou can perceive the spirituality flowing in it.

It was probably a real sword puppet.

This means that the girl has the power to smash the surrounding "elites" into scum at any time.

What exactly are these terrorists coming to the imperial city for at this time...

Just when Zhao Yesui was thinking, the girl who was unaware of the surrounding atmosphere got the answer after stopping a few passersby one after another, and walked towards her destination.

I don't know if it was because of her pockets, or for some other reason, she didn't take any means of transportation, she just traveled by the No. 11 bus.

Zhao Yesui had already completed the check-in formalities, and when she was lying on the big soft bed, she finally arrived at her destination.

It was a residential house that could be seen everywhere. The girl stood in front of the door and knocked on the door. Then a kind old woman opened the door, hugged her with a smile on her face, and then welcomed her in.

If there is no summary of the previous situation, this looks like a scene of a country girl defecting to a relative in the city, but after knowing that this girl is carrying a sword puppet, Zhao Yesui has no idea of ​​taking this matter lightly. .

He manipulated the puppet and entered the room silently, just to see the girl enter the room under the leadership of the old woman.

The puppet hurriedly followed with small steps, watching the girl leave through the back door of the house and get into a black high-end sedan, and then the sedan drove away so smoothly, and soon disappeared from the end of the field of vision.


The tracking operation broke down.

Zhao Yesui has yet to point out a technology tree that can rely on a tiny steam engine the size of a little finger to burst out enough power to catch up with a car traveling at a speed of sixty yards.

Moreover, in order to prevent the stunned snake, he did not directly put the puppet on the girl. If she was a well-trained swordsman, even a feather-like weight would attract her attention.

But, there is at least one clue.

"Do not hesitate to create terrorist activities to cover her tracks..."

"Using the residence to cover up the whereabouts..."

Zhao Yesui smelled the breath of the side quest.

It was at this time that the game of destiny gave a hint:

[Player Ye Lin has triggered the mainline hidden mission: Gathering of Wind and Clouds]

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P.S. I tried to use the voice code in the ward, and everyone saluted, I can't stand it ==

Chapter three hundred and ninety seventh teammates

