MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.338Mar 06, 2023


He shrugged and said, "I'm part of the Imperial City Guard."

"At the same time, it is also the Darkest Swordsman who owns one of the nine Darkest Swords."

? ? ? ? ? ?

Zhao Yesui couldn't help but lean back tactically, looking at Yu Asaka next to him.

Co-author, you are one of the elite monsters I imagined in YU? ? ? ? ? ?

How can someone be assigned a sword puppet of the darkest at the beginning, and I can only take two sword puppets like alms from Daxia Longque? ? ? ? ?

This is a little too outrageous...

Although Zhao Yejia had already guessed that the hostility of the world's will is not a simple thing, but such a direct distinction is really difficult for him.

- Of course, the actual situation is probably because Yu Asakami is too weak compared to other players, but for some reason, he was matched again, so in order to prevent him from having no game experience, the game of fate arranged for him this identity.

However, reinforcement is reinforcement, and it is impossible to supplement to the point where it can outperform other teammates, which does not conform to the aesthetics of the game of destiny.

In other words, even if Song Shigui has the bonus of the Darkest Sword Puppet, he is probably not Zhao Yesao's opponent.

But one size is one size, and as soon as Asaka Yu came in, she could wear a magical costume, which made Zhao Yesui feel very unpleasant.

He couldn't help but start thinking about the feasibility of hitting Yuichi Asakami and then taking his Darkest Sword Puppet to deliver the mission.

"The Darkest Sword Puppet?"

Yu Asakami's remarks immediately aroused the interest of Ji Gong Ling and others, and the puppet master looked at Yu Asakami curiously and said, "Do you actually have a sword puppet of the darkest in your hand? Have you used it? How's the effect?"

"It's not about being strong or not..."

Yu Asakami said ponderingly: "It's the kind of, very special, very special kind of fetish that makes people involuntarily immersed in the mighty power it brings..."

"With it, I think my strength has increased by at least 50%. This is still when this sword puppet has not really been completed, and I have not adapted to it."

Fifty percent is already a terrible number.

The puppet master blinked and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Asaka, did you share such an important matter with us? The Dark Sword Puppet... According to the information I have obtained so far, it is It is very likely to be the key to the main mission, are you not afraid that we will grab your sword puppet in order to gain the upper hand?"

"There's nothing to hide." Asaka Yu said indifferently: "My current identity, the Asaka Police Department, you can find out his roots and the darkest sword puppet he masters by just checking, and the sword puppet is also Not with me."

"You don't think that the Imperial City Guard will let me carry such an important thing with me? Of course, it is locked in the secret vault of the Imperial City Guard. Except for training and attendance, I usually have no chance to encounter it. , even if I use it under normal circumstances, I will be heavily monitored, and if there is any change, I will be killed together."

Asakami Yu's frankness surprised the puppet master. Her eyes flickered for a while before she continued: "So, that means, you have a way to reach other darkest sword puppets? Isn't that—"

"You plan to let me cooperate with you to grab the sword puppet?"

Instead of talking to Ji Gong Ling, Asaka Yu seemed very confident, sneered and said, "Don't worry, although there are not many swordsmen in the Imperial City Guard who can really drive the Dark Sword Puppet, but together There are also several kings, plus the original combat strength of the Imperial City Guard..."

"If you are the king, don't tell me."

This is a player who has never met before, and no one will take the initiative to tolerate anyone, so as long as there is a conflict of interest, it is the current situation.

Himemiya Aya can only say: "Since it is an accessory brought by Mr. Asakami's identity, it should naturally be under the control of Mr. Asakami."

"Moreover, the main mission has not yet made it clear what our ultimate goal is, and it may be the opposite of what we think. It is not a wise move to start peeping at the sword puppet at this time."

After being dissuaded by Ji Gongling, the puppet master was still smiling, as if there was nothing in this world that could make her angry: "I'm just asking, don't take it to heart, Mr. Asaka, the task is the most important, the task heavy."

Something is wrong with this guy...

Zhao Yeshou frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just sat quietly.

After a while, Ivanov said in a muffled voice: "My identity in this world is also called Ivanov, and I am an officer of the Northern Alliance. This time I came to the Imperial City to discuss with the representatives of Daxia about Hezhou. The ownership of the four northern islands."

"My mission is also completed."

No, co-authoring and your tasks have all been completed, am I the only one who hasn't started yet?

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, and he realized more and more what malice in the world was.

Everyone was at the finish line, and he was still lingering at the starting line, looking for a running aid...

I get it, you all have stunts.

Can't Daxia assign me a high-level identity to perform the infiltration mission? For example, the prince of Daxia, the concubine, etc.

But this seems to be completely opposite to the purpose of sending "Zhao Tu" here, and it is not related to the word "sneak".

Seeing that the four of them were all looking at him, Zhao Ye thought about it, and could only report his superficial identity: "Chen Yingxia, Xia and a mixed-race child, this time they came to the imperial city to learn from a teacher, it seems that they are with Daxia. There is a great relationship.”

"My mission has also been completed."

Zhao Yeshou didn't want to make his face fat, but he didn't want to reveal his true identity because of his specialness.

The other four all have a deep relationship with the Imperial City Guard, and only he is innocent and has nothing to do with it, so it's hard not to think about it.

Therefore, Zhao Yesui did a fake show and released some information about "Chen Yingxia" to create authenticity for his identity.

Because he really can't figure out how to hook up with Daxia Longque.

Zhao Yesui had faintly realized something was wrong.

This time, the main quest seems to conflict with his personal hidden quest. In this case, it has to be guarded against.

As Jigiya Aya said, everyone met by chance. If his personal interests conflicted with the interests of most people's team, then of course he would be sacrificed.

If the mission just fails, that's all. If you get stabbed in the back, it's not a good thing.

After hearing Zhao Yeshou's answer, the other three did not become suspicious, but nodded thoughtfully.

He is from Daxia, which is quite normal, because Hezhou is currently the chessboard between Daxia and the New Roman Empire. Since there are people from Hezhou, people from the New Roman Empire, and even people from Beilian, of course not There will be a lack of people in Daxia.

Except Himemiya Aya.

She glanced at Zhao Yeshou calmly, and then withdrew her gaze, as if nothing had happened.

"It looks like this mission is quite interesting."

Jigong Ling thought for a while and said, "We five players, representing different forces, all have to establish contact with the Imperial City Guard...Is it impossible, the main mission this time is actually to assist the The emperor of Hezhou?"

"That's weird..."

Zhao Yesui didn't expect the main quest to look like this.

A group of sword puppets that are several generations beyond today's civilization, according to the player's thinking, no matter how they think they are going to **** them, but they are actually here to protect them?

Is this reasonable?

After just pondering for a while, Ji Gongling came back to her senses and said to the four: "No matter what, let's follow the main quest first."

"Since the task is to let us improve our position as much as possible, it should have a deep meaning. Although I don't know how I should improve my status, let's give it a try."

"This time everyone has worked hard to come to the meeting. If possible, how about leaving their contact information?"

The reason why they left their contact information is because players generally do not accept props from unfamiliar players.

The ghost knows what is on it, and out of caution, players will only use their extraordinary power to leave things that can communicate information to each other.

What Zhao Yesui gave was a simple encrypted messenger formation, and Ji Gongling was a fox pattern. The puppet master wanted to distribute a small puppet to everyone, but they were all rejected, so he left a small spell in the end. .

Asakami Yu said that he didn't have such a thing, as for Ivanov, he just watched their movements silently the whole time.

Zhao Yesui had heard the rumors of the Northern Union Extraordinary, and understood that his silence at this time was not arrogant.

But he really didn't have one.

Zhao Yesui and Ivanov have only just met, so it's hard to say anything at this time.

After the end of the last link, this gathering with each other's hearts is over.

Ivanov left first, followed by the puppet master. Yu Asakami originally wanted to leave with Zhao Yesao, but when he turned around, he found that Ji Gongling had actually stopped Zhao Yesao.

"Mr. Yama, can you wait a moment?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

P.S. Currently owed (4/14).

I squatted in the toilet for four hours, but luckily no one woke up...

Chapter 401 Miss Ji Gong wants to hide Zhao in a golden house

Zhao Yesui originally planned to leave the venue in a low-key manner, but he was stopped again unexpectedly.

Moreover, the one who stopped him was the unfamiliar Himimiya Aya.

Asaka Yu took a look at the situation, and felt that as a wanted criminal, it was not suitable for him to stay, but he still gave Zhao Ye a wink.

It means do you need a brother to help you out?

Just like the phone that suddenly rang "your house gas leaked" during a blind date, or a colleague who happened to meet "the boss called you to work overtime" on a date, if you want to avoid it at this time, you need a "legitimate" reason.

Zhao Yesui shook his head slightly, signaling him to leave first.

He felt that he had nothing to be afraid of. It was the first time he met Ji Gongling. If that was the case, it would be better to hear what she wanted to say.

So, Zhao Yesui turned to face Ji Gongling and asked calmly:

"Miss Jigong, is there anything else?"

Ji Gong Ling did not answer immediately, but watched Yu Asakami leave, then took a step back and said, "Please come in for a while."

Zhao Yesui did not respond to her immediately, but narrowed his eyes slightly, and conducted a righteous examination of this young lady of Yingzhou.

As she said before, she came here in a hurry from the reception, and it can be seen that her well-dressed, already beautiful face and decent makeup look more attractive under the shimmering light from the lamp sign.

The long frosty blue hair was carefully taken care of, and fell down softly, behind the complicated kimono, those dark blue pupils were staring at Zhao Yeshou motionlessly at the moment, full of sincerity.

However, Zhao Yesui knew very well that the superiors were very good at mobilizing their emotions, so it was difficult to judge a person's thoughts by their superficial feelings.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yesui said: "Is there anything I must go in and say? Miss Ji Gong? I think the meeting just now has made it clear enough about what to do next."

"It's my personal problem." Ji Gong Ling said seriously: "What I just said is the main task of the team, and the tasks that we are personally involved in are obviously not included in this list."

This is also a matter of course.

Just like the reason why Zhao Yesui didn't want to waste any time before and went to the imperial city immediately after communicating with the people of Daxia Longque, the players may reach an agreement on the main task of the team, but the personal exploration Side quests, etc., will not be shared with other players.

For example, Yuu Asakami, he must have his own personal tasks in the Imperial City Guard, such as killing terrorists, collecting espionage intelligence, etc. These tasks are not necessarily informed even by Zhao Yesao, the puppet master and Ivan. Nove even more so.

And these tasks will touch on an important question.

That is whether these tasks conflict with each other.

You must know that the current imperial city can be described as the Balkan Peninsula of the world. It is a veritable powder keg that will explode at one point. I don’t know how many spies from countries and forces have sneaked into this city.

In this case, the players are from different forces, and they may come into contact with different forces. Therefore, this is also the reason why everyone did not elaborate except for the general identity introduction at the meeting just now.

The player has never been a self-sacrificing existence.

Ji Gong Ling is also very clear about the doorway, so he has a good grasp of the proportions, which not only let everyone breathe out, not to fall into infighting at the beginning, but also did not force everyone to cooperate together, it can be said to be temporary. It's the captain's duty.

So, does her personal mission have anything to do with me...

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Zhao Yesang's heart.

He calmly arranged a route for himself, which is a compulsory course for every player. When arriving at a new place, the first thing to do is to observe the environment and figure out how to escape.

The player who survives to the end is not necessarily the best to fight, but it must be the best to run.

But Ji Gongling's next sentence made Zhao Yesui dismiss the idea.

Ji Gongling seemed to see Zhao Yeshou's intention to go, and after hesitating for a while, she said softly, "Mr. Zhao Tu."

Zhao Tu?

Zhao Yesui squinted his eyes and showed a little doubt without any hindrance.

When Ji Gongling saw that Zhao Yesui didn't respond, she continued, "Don't worry, I just want to ask you one thing. After asking, you can leave by yourself."

Zhao Yesui tapped his forehead, frowning as if thinking, and then said, "If only for a while."

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

The two returned to the small restaurant and sat down one by one in front of the bar.

Zhao Yesui didn't waste any time and asked directly, "So, Miss Ji Gong, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's just the mission of the game of destiny."

Ji Gong Ling sighed lightly, and then seemed a little hard to say, he hesitated for a while before saying: "Mr. Yama, the identity you are playing now... and the identity I am currently playing... .is there something..."

"A more special relationship?"

A special relationship?

