MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.343Mar 06, 2023


Taking them to sacrifice swords is even more wasteful use.

But just when Zhao Yesui sorted out the mess and was about to leave the drainage system, a faint female voice came from the space in front of the column.

"Good and evil...?"

"Is this what you believe in?"

Zhao Yeshou's pupils shrank slightly and looked forward.

After exiting the narrow tunnel, the front is a column space composed of countless columns, supporting the entire drainage system.

However, what he can be sure of is that when he just observed through the Heavenly Sin Sword, as well as his own perception when he arrived here, there is no one right there.

So, has anyone escaped the insight of Geyuan, or even my perception?

Zhao Yeshou calmly held the Heavenly Sin Sword again, and answered at the same time, "Do good and evil balance out?"

"Of course not, because good and evil are not dualities of opposites, and the two cannot be reduced by the addition of the other, but will only continue to accumulate."

At the same time, his heart sank slightly.

There was indeed no one. He glanced at the column space in front of him again through the Heavenly Sin Sword, and only saw countless towering columns, not even a radio.

Inside and outside of Liuhe, ghosts and gods, the size of the shadows, are not obvious, that is to say, even if it is a ghost, Zhao Yeshou can see it.

But there really was no one, no matter how Zhao Yesui looked, he didn't see anything other than the pillars, only the sound of surging water echoed in the underground cavity.

"Can't match?"

The female voice said curiously: "Then, why did you kill this swordsman for that woman you didn't know?"

"He did commit a crime, but shouldn't it be up to the law to try him?"

"If good and evil cannot balance..."

"So, aren't you also committing another kind of 'evil' now?"

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P.S. Currently owed updates (8/14).

It will be over soon, as expected of me.

Chapter 406 The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe

Where the **** is this **** coming from?

Zhao Yesui's first reaction was this.

The question raised by the other party was a philosophical question that was very troublesome to discuss, but unfortunately, it happened to coincide with what Zhao Yesui had learned.

When he was in school, he had already discussed related issues to the point that he would vomit, so that now when he heard people raise related questions, Zhao Yesui's first reaction was to punch you.

Discuss your ** discussion, before co-authoring my hero and killing a sinner, you have to be majestic first, right?

This is not an ivory tower, nor is it a debate arena, and there are no politically correct answers.

Zhao Yesang had previously received the debate on "whether young people should choose to lie flat". Unfortunately, he drew lots of squares, so he simply chose to abstain.

In his opinion, this question is the same as the above debate. If it is put on the table for debate, in the end, only the answer that everyone understands can be obtained.

Although it is a bit cruel to say this, whether in this world or in this world, in fact, the law of the law of the jungle is followed, and the law has always fulfilled its role as always.

- The embodiment of the will of the ruling class, a system of behavioral norms aimed at identifying, protecting and developing social relations and social order that are beneficial to the ruling class.

In a world with supernatural powers, powerful supernatural beings are born rentiers, so the law naturally reflects their will.

It's not that the world has changed, it's just that the law has always been such a thing.

For example, Richard, who has no dust left in front of him, as a swordsman, he has many privileges. Every country in the world has its own special laws to maintain stability and appease swordsmen. This is a matter of course. The transcendent become "one's own person", thereby consolidating the rule of one's own body, it is just a simple trick.

And even if we don't discuss these metaphysical truths, it is an instinct engraved in the depths of human genes to fight tooth for tooth and blood for blood.

Homomorphic revenge doesn't solve fundamental social problems, but it's cool.

Zhao Yesui has always had a flexible moral bottom line, and he has never been a pedantic person. If he must follow the rules, he will only achieve nothing in the end.

However, there is no malice in the words of the mysterious person in front of him, just pure curiosity, and because he has not yet grasped her position, there is no way to rush over to give her a punch. said:

"If it had to be strictly legal, then I might have committed a crime."

"Swordsmen fight privately, and they are conceited about life and death. This is a stipulation that all countries in the world have agreed upon. However, what I just did is obviously not a private fight agreed in advance, but a purposeful pursuit."

"Although I am doing the right thing in name, because I do not have the identity of a law enforcement officer, it is not legal from a procedural point of view, and it is not in line with procedural justice."

"From this point of view, I did do 'evil'."

Of course, ordinary laws cannot be applied to extraordinary people, because when great power is attributed to themselves, the laws applicable to ordinary people are just empty words for them. It is not just words for a chivalrous person to ban offenders by force, let alone this "chivalrous person". "Also has the ability to make the world go crazy.

Therefore, the so-called special law for swordsmen countermeasures is actually a means of maintaining stability for this group of extraordinary people. Those who are obedient will be given privileges, so that they will become part of the rentier class. Suppression, so as to make his rule long and stable.

"Well...I can probably understand what you mean."

The female voice replied softly, and then said seriously: "So, my question is, if good and evil cannot be balanced, do the goodness of beheading this gentleman and the evil of your lynching coexist at the same time? Woolen cloth?"

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and quickly understood her true meaning.

If the "goodness" of killing Richard cannot be offset by the "evil" of killing without trial, is Zhao Yesui currently in a state of duality of good and evil?

In other words, he did one thing, both good and evil.

It sounds very contradictory, but it is actually very contradictory. People who are not twisted to a certain extent will not think to such a level.

When the female voice asked such a question, Zhao Yesui was not at a loss, but roughly realized what kind of person she was.

It follows the rules and has its own set of logic for the world, but it seems very "simple", which is reflected in the fact that it still has a pure view of good and evil.

If it weren't for this strange person, it would be difficult to separate the concepts of "good" and "evil" for analysis.

In other words, normal people don't think about this kind of thing at all.

When Zhao Yesui was in school before, he also encountered such a very serious person. He didn't go to the top of his head, but felt that all problems in the world have absolute truth, and there must be a right and wrong.

But when in this world does there exist absolute good and evil and right and wrong?

Zhao Yesui pondered for a while and then said, "Do you mean to separate from the superficial phenomenon and only focus on the simple 'right' and 'wrong'?"

When he said this, Zhao Yeshao chuckled and said, "With all due respect, this is impossible."

"Because this is essentially a matter of 'putting aside the facts', even the wisest sages dare not say that they can really come up with an answer that convinces everyone."

"Leave...the facts aside?"

The female voice became puzzled and asked in confusion, "What is that?"

"It's some kind of spell that makes you invincible and makes others obey you. As long as you say it, you will be invincible."

Zhao Yesui spoke nonsense in a serious manner, and then continued: "Go back to your question just now."

"You should mean that my killing of Richard should define what it is."

"And my answer is, there is no answer."

"Well?" The female voice became more and more confused.

Zhao Yesui said: "If you want to discuss, you might as well come out and talk about it. Why do you hide it? I don't think it's fair to see the other party's communication. At the same time, it's also impolite."

He wanted to give it a try to see if he could defraud this mysterious man.

If his intuition just now was correct, it should be possible...

Sure enough, the other party replied: "Okay, please wait a moment."

Afterwards, Zhao Yesui was acutely aware that there was some kind of aura condensed from the space in front of the column.

Then, it starts to flow.

Under Zhao Yeshou's gaze, the breath seemed to merge into the water around him, and then a clear body of water condensed out to form a human shape.

The body condensed, and her face gradually became clearer. She took a step forward and stood in front of Zhao Yesao beautifully.

"Sorry, I can't really communicate with you face to face..." She said apologetically, "I can only talk to you in this way, I'm really sorry."

In other words, her body is not here...

The woman in front of her, who is made of pure water—has secondary sexual characteristics and her voice is a girl's voice, so she is temporarily identified as a woman. She has a decent demeanor, and although her face is not real, she can tell that she is probably from the vague outline. beauty.

If it is a copy of Yanshi, I didn't say it.

Zhao Yeshi raised his eyebrows, temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​punching her, and said calmly, "It's alright, that's it."

"So, back to the question we just talked about."

"I said there is no answer, because there is no pure good and evil in this world."

"If we had to explain good and evil in the broadest sense, it would be based on the greatest common divisor of morality, but morality is another norm."

"Good and evil in the narrow sense are from an individual's point of view."

"Take what you just told me, I killed Richard, and from the perspective of the woman he killed, I avenged her, which is 'good' to her."

"And from Richard's family... yes, this scum has a family. From his family's point of view, I took the lives of their loved ones and it was 'evil' to them. "

"So, there is no pure good and evil in the world, or, in other words, good and evil that can be recognized by everyone. Therefore, what you just said has no basis for existence."

"There is no good and evil?"

The girl composed of Qingshui was stunned for a moment, and became more and more confused: "Then, isn't it meaningless to do anything? If there is no good and evil, then, doesn't everything become nothing?"

It's a real slut...  

Zhao Yeshou shook his head and said calmly: "Good and evil - it's just an objective evaluation system. As for how objective it is, it's a free mind."

"What I want to tell you is that there is no absolute good and evil in the world, because the world is prosperous, all come for profit, the world is bustling, all go for profit, everyone is a laity, and they all run for their own interests, as long as If you do one thing, you will inadvertently violate someone's interests."

"When you want to free the slaves, you touch the interests of the slave owners; when you want to buy goods, you achieve some indirect exploitation; when you fight to defend the motherland, you kill the invaders, and you violate the enemy's Benefit......"

"Sir, please wait."

The more the girl listened, the more confused she became. She couldn't help interrupting Zhao Yesui's words and said blankly: "Freeing slaves, of course, is right, but buying commodities and killing invaders, is it wrong?"

"It depends on whose position you stand."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "Didn't I say it all, there is no absolute good and evil, just like doing a question, you only need to grasp one fundamental point - that is whose interests you are defending, Whose interests are you violating?"

"Like now, what I am defending is the interests of a dead person, and my own interests - this is about my sword and my mood, and what you violate is the majesty of the law you said, And Richard's life, his family, the plans of the organization behind him."


Zhao Yejia sneered and said, "It doesn't matter."

His face gradually became serious, and he said calmly: "Evil laws are illegal. If the law, or the consensus of the society, cannot satisfy the simple feelings in people's hearts, then it is a stack of waste paper."

"Going back to the original question, this is actually a good answer."

"Because, I am happy."

"Why bother with those cumbersome provisions, and why look forward to the future, I say you are evil, that is evil, with my heart and my sword as testimony, this is my court."


The girl was completely stunned, because what Zhao Yesui said was a bold thing that subverted her three views.

What Zhao Yesui said was good and evil in his understanding.

As a wishing machine, he is not born with a view of good and evil, and everything is given by the day after tomorrow, so he can examine those illusory things from the perspective of a third party.

Finally came to a conclusion.

- It doesn't make sense at all.

Morality, law, everything is just an acquired concept.

In this case, why should I follow the rules and be restricted everywhere in the rules made by others?

When the road sees injustice, he strikes a sword. The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe. If one of me and the heavenly heart is wrong, then the correct person must be me.

There is no absolute good or evil, so my will is the rein of the limit.

Although Zhao Yejia has always felt that he is gentle and humble, the arrogance hidden in his bones cannot be changed.

If it weren't for Daya's wishes, it's hard to say whether he would have always followed universal values.

After a while, the girl murmured, "...Here is a heresy."

This is of course heresy, no matter where it is placed.

