MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.344Mar 06, 2023


And the girls have received "formal" and "correct" education from birth to the present, so of course they couldn't understand Zhao Yesui's words.

"As you understand it." Zhao Yeshou shrugged indifferently: "You ask, I will answer, that's all, it's up to you whether you can accept it or not."

When Zhao Yejia answered, he was also investigating the situation of the girl in front of him.

He didn't have the habit of staying at the murder scene, but this young girl who could keep him out of detection and who was able to appear in front of him in such a way did interest him.

Is there still such a person in Hezhou? Why is she here?

Otherwise, Zhao Yesui would not have the will to answer this kind of question.

The girl seemed a little unwilling, and then asked: "Then, what about the balance of good and evil you just said? If there is no absolute good and evil, then why can they balance..."

"Why counterbalance?"

Zhao Yesui interrupted her words and said lightly: "Or, how can it be offset? Richard killed someone, and I killed Richard, so it can be offset? Of course it's impossible."

"No matter how much compensation is given afterwards, there is no possibility that it will disappear."

"So, in my thinking, good and evil will never disappear, nor will they cancel each other out, they will only continue to accumulate, and what I want to do is not to cancel, but to judge."

"Just like doing a bad thing and then doing a good thing to pay for it, of course, the judgment will not balance the good and the evil, but it will bring about a sense of justice, so that the good and evil that accumulate on both ends of the scale will not be out of balance. "

"Neither good nor evil, that's what I'm going to do."

After Zhao Yesang said these words, the Heavenly Demon in his hand let out a soft cry, as if it had changed because of his view on "the balance between good and evil".

"Neither good nor evil..." the girl muttered to herself, and after a while she shook her head vigorously: "No, no, there must be an absolute kindness that is worth paying for everything... .."

Seeing her like this, Zhao Ye said casually, "Don't think too much, just start from your own standpoint. You are a human being, not a god, so why should you think so much?"

"Killing a heinous person also has to consider whether he is the backbone of the family, and to repel the enemy army also consider whether the enemy country will disintegrate after it cannot use war to transfer conflicts... This is too outrageous."

"Be a selfish person, at least only consider yourself and your loved ones."

Zhao Yesui just said a few words with pity for the ignorant girl who had fallen into a dead end, but the girl's reaction was much more violent than he imagined, and he subconsciously took a few steps back and changed his expression several times. , and finally bowed to Zhao Yeshou and said:

"Anyway, thank you, sir, for being willing to answer my questions and answer them for me."

"Although, your answer is too ridiculous..."

Seeing that the other party was ready to run away after thanking him, Zhao Yeshou quickly said, "So, who are you? Why are you here? Isn't this a good place? Besides, I probably didn't see you just now. …”

The girl hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered, "Sorry, I can't tell you..."

"However, it was just an accident that I met you, so please rest assured."

Don't you mean you didn't say...

The corner of Zhao Yesui's mouth twitched, then pointed to the place where Richard used to lie, and said, "What about him? How did you know?"

The girl asked him about Richard as soon as he came up. Obviously, he knew the whole story, otherwise he wouldn't have asked such a question. That's why Zhao Yesui told the girl patiently until now. .

Because he never sensed the existence of the girl from the beginning to the end, it would be a bit too outrageous if she had been watching everything around.

The girl was slightly ecstatic, and then said in an inexplicable tone: "That's another matter. I can see all the joys and sorrows that happen on this earth, but I can't change them... .."

When she said this, the girl consciously lost her words and said to Zhao Yesui: "Well, please don't worry, I only paid attention to this place because I happened to see someone die, and then because I heard your words, I couldn't bear it. Can't wait to ask you questions..."

"Anyway, thanks for your answer."

All sorrows and joys can be seen...

Zhao Yesui blinked, feeling that he smelled the hidden mission.

If the "this piece of land" the girl said was Hezhou, then her identity was absolutely extraordinary, a full-map radar, but anyone with a little IQ would not let her be scattered among the people.

Just as Zhao Yesang was thinking about how to open this quest chain, the girl hesitated for a while, and then took the initiative to hand out a small pure white sword.

"Can you please accept it?"

The girl hesitantly said: "Although, although your answer is not right at all, I still want to ask you some questions..."

At the same time, Zhao Yesui heard the prompt of the game of destiny.

[Player Ye Lin has triggered the hidden mission in the world: Flower of Flowers]

[Whether to accept? ]

World Hidden Quest?

Although I don't know what it is, but the tasks are at hand, and if you refuse at this time, then don't be a player, just pack up and go home to farm.

Zhao Yeshou took the small sword handed over by the girl, and the game of fate reminded again:

[Player Ye Rin has accepted the hidden mission of the world: Hezhihua]

[Player Ye Lin please treat this quest with caution, the progress of this quest will affect the progress of the entire main quest, and lead the main quest to different endings]

[For specific circumstances, please explore Ye Lin by yourself]


Zhao Yesui glanced at the task prompt and felt like he had won the jackpot.

What is the progress of this quest that will affect the progress of the entire main quest and lead the main quest to different endings?

The main quest hasn't started at all yet?

Also, that leads to a different ending, how does it feel like the unlocking of GALGAME's different CGs...

If you think about it this way, if you compare this mission to GALGAME, then the girl in front of me is the target of my attack this time?

I just came out for a walk and did a daily task. Why did I get this kind of task out of nowhere?

If it was his original appearance, Zhao Yesui could still understand it, but now he is wearing the plain passerby face of "Chen Yingxia", and it doesn't look like he can trigger a love line...

Or is it that what I just said just touched her?

Zhao Yejia vaguely guessed the answer.

"Sir? Sir?"

The girl called Zhao Yesui twice, and Zhao Yesui came back to her senses and said, "It's not impossible to answer the question, but, in exchange for the same price, you didn't answer my question just now, so let me It's hard to do."

The girl thought for a while, and said angrily, "I don't seem to have anything for you..."

"The most I can do is help you share the local customs of Hezhou without affecting others..."

"make a deal."

Zhao Yesui made a decisive decision.

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

P.S. Currently owed updates (9/14).

The debate in this chapter is related to the theme of this volume, but speaking of this chapter in the hospital is a bit too secondary...

No, it should be said that it is very secondary.

- Can you repeat that?

- My heart is the universe, and the universe is my heart!

Chapter 407 Miss Ji Gong, please marry me


The girl was stunned for a moment, completely not expecting such a big reaction from Zhao Yesui.

But she didn't know that Zhao Yesui knew how important it was to "share instant customs".

Intelligence is the most important strategic resource at all times.

This is equivalent to opening an all-weather picture hanging, which is much more useful than any purely material help.

Although there is still the limitation of "not affecting others", Zhao Yejia can help her moral bottom line become flexible.

" that settled?" The girl was still in disbelief, and said cautiously, "Then I'm leaving?"

"Let's go." Zhao Yexuan waved his hand and said, "Or it's not impossible for you to stay and answer my question."

After hearing this, the girl left without saying a word.

This time, Zhao Yesui saw clearly how she went.

It was as if something mysterious and mysterious was pulled out of the body of water, so the clear water that originally formed her body could no longer maintain a condensed state, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Is it just a split soul? No, I didn't sense the breath of the soul at all, but more like a pure will..."

Can mere will do this?

Zhao Yesui, who has seen the wider sky, thinks it's okay, but this shouldn't be something that should exist in this world.

The extraordinary system of this world is the sword puppet, and the swordsman plus the sword puppet is the complete combat power. Just like Richard was so surprised when he saw Zhao Yesui escape without the help of the sword puppet, a simple human should There is no way to do this.

Or, is it a special sword skill that uses a certain sword puppet?

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yesui didn't come to a conclusion, and finally he could only shake his head and look at the pure white sword in his hand.

This sword seems to be of Hezhou style. It is pale and looks like the backbone of a fish.

At this time, Zhao Yesui couldn't help but recall the mission prompt he just received.

"Player Ye Lin please treat this quest with caution, the progress of this quest will affect the progress of the entire main quest, and lead the main quest to different endings..."

"But, why are you telling me what to do to get to a good ending?"

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, feeling helpless at the fate game that he also started to play as a riddleman.

Indeed, the game of Destiny said that the progress of this hidden quest "Flower of Harmony" will affect the progress of the main quest and even the final ending, but it did not say how the progress can lead to a good ending in a broad sense.

Maybe it's just right halfway through, maybe it's a good ending after all of it is done, and it's the best choice to do nothing at all. This kind of task that doesn't prompt a word really makes Zhao Yesui very speechless.

"...Forget it, let's take one step at a time. Anyway, the hidden task is in front of you, so you can't just let it go, right?"

Zhao Yeshou sighed, put away the sword, and stood in the tunnel, lost in thought.

"Speaking of which, where is this?"

Just now, he used the Tianlao sword to escape directly, and he didn't see the way very much. Now that he turned off the full-image radar, Zhao Yesui realized a fact.

he's lost.

It has been said before that the drainage system of the imperial city is a magnificent building known as the "underground temple", and because many criminals have used this place to do some deeds, almost all monitoring and signs have been destroyed, causing Zhao Ye. There is no way to tell the location by looking at the road signs.

"Is it too much of a loss to use the Tiangang Thirty-six Swords again at this time..."

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yesui took out the small sword that he had just put away.

"Hello? Are you there?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Yesui finally returned to the ground under the guidance of the girl.

Although the girl was a little confused about Zhao Yesao who had just met and contacted him, she still followed their agreement to guide Zhao Yesao and send him to the ground.

After returning to the ground again, Zhao Yeshao let out a sigh of relief.

Staying underground for a long time will make people feel chest tightness and shortness of breath. Although Zhao Yesui is not like this, but when he thinks that he is trapped by the mere drainage system...

Shame, you quit the battlefield for me.JPG

"What should I do next..."

Standing on the street, Zhao Yeshou treated the smell on his body with embers of fire, looked at the passing vehicles and pedestrians, and thought for a moment.

It was indeed unexpected that a seemingly important task was involved just because of a dazzling daily task.

However, whether it is a surprise or a shock will have to wait until later to verify.

The world hidden quest that I just received is obviously a long-term type, and the main line hidden quest I received before has not moved.

Every minute and second of the player is precious, so Zhao Yesui has no idea of ​​going back to the hotel to sleep.

Soon, Zhao Yesui remembered Ji Gongling's previous invitation.

Since there is no clue in other places for the time being, let's push the progress of the main task.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yesui took out the amulet Ji Gongling gave him before, and tried to input energy into it.

Soon, Ji Gongling's voice entered Zhao Yesang's mind:

"Is it Mr. Yama? Are you ready?"

